
Will County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U Board of Education met June 8

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Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U Board of Education met June 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U met in regular session on Monday, June 8th, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. in the Wilmington School District Boardroom. President Cragg called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Anderson, Dziuban, Kunz, Moran, Southall, Stickel and Cragg.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall at 6:00 P.M. to discuss in closed session and to take action in open session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees/coaches; the Semi-Annual review of all closed minutes; and Collective negotiating matters between the Board of Education and its employees or their representatives. Anderson-aye, Dziuban- aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to leave closed session at 6:11 P.M. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

Pledge to the Flag 6:30 P.M. 1 guest was present.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson to approve the agenda and consent agenda for the Monday, June 8th, 2020 meeting of the W ilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education as presented. All Aye. Motion carried.

Opportunity for Public Input:


Administrator Reports:

Ms. Ellen Wandless, Business Manager reported:

State of Illinois owes the District $237,145.11. Last year at this time, they owed $369,873.24. I had my exit interview with the Auditor on 6/3/20, and they will conduct the FY20 audit on August 7th. As of 6/4/20, we have received $3,386,099.87 in tax revenue (31.87%). As of 6/13/19, we had received $4,524,646.54 (43.36%). The next distribution of taxes will be received on 6/18/2020. The payment deadlines for County Taxes have been adjusted: 50% of 1st Installment due 6/3/2020, 50% of 1st Installment due 8/3/2020, 50% of 2nd Installment due 9/3/2020, 50% of 2nd Installment due 11/3/2020. Interest will not accrue until after the second due date for each installment. Because of Tax Collections and Interest rates are lower than in the past, we may not receive enough funding to pay the two bond payments due July 1st. If we don’t receive enough taxes to cover the total amount due for each bill, the Board will need to call a Special meeting prior to June 30th in order to make a permanent transfer from Working Cash to each of the two bond funds.

Mr. Feeney, Curriculum Director Reported:

Mr. Feeney discussed Phase III changes. Behind the Wheel and Sport conditioning allowed to start back. Planning for the fall and the impact of COVID.

Dr. Matt Swick, Superintendent Reported:

Dr. Swick talked about future planning for Phases 3 and 4. There will be committee meetings on Wednesdays. The district is changing Athletic Training Services due to a large increase in the renewal. The district is now going with Illinois Bone & Joint Institute. Dr. Swick thanked Brieser Construction for all their hard work on the fields and building trade project.

Recommended approval for the following consent agenda items as presented: Regular meeting of May 11, 2020; Closed meeting of May 11, 2020; Semi-Annual review of Closed Minutes; Approve the Business Manager’s Report, the Curriculum Director’s Report and Superintendent’s Report; Approve Treasurer’s Reports for May; Ratify May 31st payroll remittances and June bills in the amount of $349,691.47; Ratify payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $280,969.34 for the May 15, 2020 payroll; Ratify payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $290,225.49 for the May 29th, 2020 payroll; Authorize the June 30, July 15 and July 31, 2020 payrolls to be ratified at the August meeting; Authorize payments for grants and June bills to close the fiscal year and July bills to be ratified at the August Board meeting; Approve the Imprest Fund Report for the month of June reimbursed in the amount of $1,464.00; Approve the Monthly Financial Report for May; Approve the Student Activity Fund Reports for May and authorize the continuance of investments of unencumbered funds; Approve additions to the Support Staff Substitute List for the 2019-2020 School Year – None; Approve the following fundraisers:

1. SIS: Library, Bookfair, Nov. 6-16, 2020

2. SIS: Library, Bookfair, Feb. 22-26, 2021

3. SIS: Library, Bookfair, May 10-14, 2021

4. WMS: 8th Grade, Cookie Dough, Sept. 8-23, 2020

5. WMS: Athletics, Fannie May Sales, Oct. 30- Dec. 1, 2020

6. WHS: Inteact Club, Flags, Home football games, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and 4th of July.

Approve the following Building Use forms:

1. WHS: Music Dept., Band Camp, Aug 3-7, 2020, 7 AM- 9AM

2. WHS: Music Dept., Spring Musical, Jan 5, 2021, Shows March 11, 12, 13, &14,2021, 3 PM – 9 PM

3. WHS: Music Dept., Spring Concert, May 6, 2021, 4 PM – 9:30 PM

4. WHS: Music Dept., Winter Concert, Dec. 2, 2020, 4 PM – 9:30 PM

5. WMS: Music Dept., Winter Program, Dec. 8, 2020, 3:30 PM- 8 PM

6. WMS: Music Dept., Holiday Concert, Dec. 15, 2020, 3:30 PM – 9 PM

7. WMS: Music Dept., Spring Concert, May 10, 2020, 3:30 PM – 9

Accept the following donations: None

Approve the sale or disposal of property no longer needed for school purposes: 

 Microorganisms, Fungi and Plants

o ISBN 0-03-049932-1

o 2007

 Human Body Systems and Health

oISBN 0-03-049968-2

o 2007 

 Animals

oISBN 0-03-049957-7

o 2007

 Cells, Heredity and Classification

oISBN 0-03-049958-5

o 2007

 Sound and Light

oISBN 0-03-050132-6

o 2007

 Forces, Motion and Energy

o ISBN 978-0-030-50112-8

o 2007

 Introduction to Matter

o ISBN 0-03-050092-3

o 2007

 Earth’s Changing Surface

o ISBN 0-03-050062-1

o 2007

 Water to Earth

o ISBN 0-03-050072-9

o 2007

 Astronomy

o ISBN 0-03-050082-6

o 2007

 Inside the Restless Earth

o ISBN 978-0-03-050052-7

o 2007

Adopt Resolution 6-20: Designate Interest Received as Interest for FY 2020; Adopt Resolution 7-20: Permanent Transfer of Working Cash Fund Interest to Education Fund; Approve the 2020-2021 student accident insurance through ESIC/Gerber Life Insurance Company; Approve the after school art program, Young Rembrandts, at SIS and Bruning for the 2020-2021 school year; Approve Superintendent’s Membership to IASA, ASCDA and IASBO for the 2020-2021 School Term; Approve FY 2021 Truants Alternative and Optional Education Program Service Plan; Approve Crisis Plan Updates;

Approve First Reading of Board Policies as Amended and Presented

1. 2:125-E1 – Exhibit: Board Member Expense Reimbursement Form

2. 2:125-E2 – Exhibit: Board Member Estimated Expense Reimbursement Form

3. 5:60-E1- Exhibit: Employee Expense Reimbursement Form

4. 5:60-E2- Exhibit: Employee Estimated Expense Approval Form

Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Board Policies as Amended and Presented

1. 2:125 – Board Member Compensation; Expenses

2. 2:160 – Board Attorney

3. 5:150- Personnel Records

4. 5:280- Duties and Qualifications

5. 5:60- Expenses

6. 6:135 - Accelerated Placement Program

7. 6:280 - Grading and Promotion

8. 7:70- Attendance and Truancy

9. 7:90 - Release During School Hours

10. 8:10 - Connection with the Community

11. 8:110- Public Suggestions and Concerns

12. 8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve the Consent agenda items as presented for the Monday, June 8, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve Mr. Spicer’s recommendation for Wilmington Middle School Baseball and Softball Coaches for the 2020-2021 school year. Stipends are set by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork, and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines, pending further notification regarding COVID-19 Order: Nick Dziuban– 8th Grade Baseball Coach, Curt Hansen – 7th Grade Baseball Coach, Tim Hooker – Baseball Volunteer Assistant Coach, Kaitlin Larson – 8th Grade Softball Coach, Jack Skole 7th Grade Softball Coach, Floyd Combes – Softball Volunteer Assistant Coach, Michelle Combes – Softball Volunteer Assistant Coach and Lexi Southall – Softball Volunteer Assistant Coach. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-abstain, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-abstain, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to approve Mr. Spicer’s recommendation for Wilmington Middle School Cheer Coaches Claire Springer and Kassidy Andrews for the 2020-2021 school year, splitting the Step 1 Stipend. Stipends are set by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, and employment is contingent on completion of all paperwork and meeting all local, state and federal guidelines, pending further notification regarding COVID-19 Order. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-abstain, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to approve Mrs. Norman’s recommendation to hire Mary Hatfield as a 3/8 Time Music Teacher at Bruning Elementary School, for the 2020-2021 school year, at BA Step 1 in the salary schedule. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Stickel to approve Mrs. Dennis’s recommendation to hire Anthony Engleman as a Fifth Grade Teacher at Steven’s Intermediate School, for the 2020-2021 school year at a BA Step 1 in the salary schedule. Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg- aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation to employ Larry Macari on an hourly basis as District Office Consultant, during the 2020-2021 school year for up to 360 hours or the equivalent of 45 full days. His services will be only as requested by the superintendent, Asst. Superintendent and/or Finance Director. Hourly pay rate will remain the same as 2019-2020. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to approve Dr. Swick’s recommendation to employ Krista Hansen as a School District Nurse, during the 2020-2021 school year, at a prorated annual salary of $45,000 ($35,764.35 for October 1, 2020- June

30, 2021). Employment is pending the compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to approve Mr. Habing’s recommendation to employ Lori Knight as an 8-hour/day, 10-month, Custodian during the 2020-2021 school year, pending compliance with all federal, state, and local guidelines. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg- aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve the salaries for the following Certified Administrators with a 3.00% increase (the same as the Teachers’ Union) and a one-time salary increase of 6.00% for the Assistant Superintendent:

 Elementary School Principals

 High School Principal

 High School Athletic Director/ Assistant Middle School Principal

 High School Assistant Principal

 Assistant Superintendent (6%)

 Technology Support/Integration Technician

Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg- aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to approve the salaries for the following Non-Certified Administrators with a 3.25% increase (the same as the union support staff), and a one-time salary increase of 6.00% for the Accounts Receivable Clerk:

 Maintenance Employee

 Accounts Receivable Clerk (6%)

 Food Services Director

 Technology Coordinator

 Assistant Maintenance Manager

 Assistant Director of Facilities

 Director of Facilities

 District Office Secretary

Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-abstain, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Moran to approve the salaries for the following Non-Certified / Non-Union employees with a 3.25% increase (the same as the union support staff):

 Hourly pay rates for substitutes (cafeteria, secretary, custodial, library aide, teacher, nurse, teacher aide)

 Part-time non-union secretary

 Pre-K parent coordinator

 New Hires (cafeteria, teacher aide)

 Lunchroom supervisor

 Teacher aides.

Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg- aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to approve Resolution 10-20: Adopt the Amended Budget for the 2020-2021 school term. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-Aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Kunz and seconded by Stickel to confirm Lisa Hipes as the Treasurer of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-Aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to adopt the current policies, handbooks and depositories, as presented and amended through June 8, 2020:

The current depositories are:

Illinois Investors Trust

Checking - used to make direct transfer credits to save wire charges Money Market

Max Account

Certificates of Deposits

U.S. Treasury Bills

U.S. Treasury Notes

U.S. Treasury Bonds

U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Commercial Paper

Any other investment, which the school district may legally purchase under the statutes of the State of Illinois 

Certificates of Deposits, Money Market and Max Account for Professional Benefits Administration Account

Grundy County National Bank

Checking Account - used to pay bills

Payroll Checking Account - used for payroll

Money Market

Certificates of Deposit

Imprest Fund Account

Checking and Savings Accounts for School Activity Funds

Employee Benefit Fund Money Market

Employee Dental Plan

Administrative Dental Plan

Employee Benefit Plan - Claims Checking

Illinois Liquid Asset Fund/PMA Financial Network/Securities/Harris Bank

Money Market

Certificates of Deposits

U.S. Treasury Bills

U.S. Treasury Notes

U.S. Treasury Bonds

U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities

Commercial Paper

Any other investment, which the school district may legally purchase under the revised statutes of the State of Illinois

Certificates of Deposits, Money Market and Max Account for Professional Benefits

Administration Account

First Midwest Bank of Joliet (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit

U.S. Treasury Bills

U.S. Treasury Notes

U.S. Treasury Bonds

U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Harris Bank, Joliet (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit

U.S. Treasury Bills

U.S. Treasury Notes

U.S. Treasury Bonds

U.S. Government Agencies and Instrumentalities Edward Jones (no current activity) Certificates of Deposit

Standard Bank (no current activity)

Certificates of Deposit

Charter One Bank (no current activity)

Certificates of Deposits

Raymond James (no current activity)

Certificate of Deposits

Anderson-aye, Dziuban-Aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg- aye. Motion carried

A motion was made by Moran and seconded by Dziuban to approve Brieser Construction to replace a section of concrete sidewalk at Wilmington Middle School for a total cost of $13,284.00, with work to be completed and payment processed after July 1, 2020. Anderson-abstain, Dziuban-Aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall to approve ratifying the recommendation to compensate Brieser Construction a total of $15,000 to help cover material and incidental costs for facility upgrade projects at the baseball and softball fields. Anderson-abstain, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Southall to approve Mr. Maupin's recommendation to terminate the athletic training services agreement that Wilmington High School has with ATI Holdings, LLC, dated December 18, 2017. The termination will be effective July 3, 2020. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall- aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson to approve Mr. Maupin’s recommendation to use Illinois Bone & Joint Institute as the athletic training vendor at Wilmington High School from August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Southall and seconded by Anderson to ratify an amended retirement contract covering July 1, 2018 through November 15, 2022 for Nancy Burnes (non-union District Office Accounts Payable Clerk) as per Document 6-4-20. Anderson- aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-aye. Motion carried.

Discussion Items - President’s Prerogative

Board Policy – Stephanie Southall and C.J. Dziuban: Second reading tonight.

Facilities Update/Construction Committee – Terry Anderson and Ben Stickel: Breiser work being completed.

Foundation for Excellence – Tim Cragg: No report

Handbook Committee – Ben Stickel and Erin Moran: No report

IASB Delegate/Legislative Liaison – Peggy Kunz: November

Negotiations Committee – Terry Anderson and Peggy Kunz: No report

TAB/Leadership Committee – Tim Cragg: Insurance

Three Rivers Governing Board – Terry Anderson: Planning next meeting. Could we possibly host? Yes.

WILCO Board of Control – Peggy Kunz: None. Correspondence:

1. None at this time.

A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Southall at 7:15 P.M. to adjourn until the regular meeting on August 10, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Closed Session will be at 6:00 PM. The Budget Hearing will be at 5:30 p.m. All aye. Motion carried.
