
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Will County Executive Committee met January 9

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Will County Executive Committee met Jan. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Chair Denise E. Winfrey called the meeting to order at 10:35 AM

Attendee Name




Denise E. Winfrey



Mark Ferry

Vice Chair


Herbert Brooks Jr.



Mike Fricilone



Donald Gould



Kenneth E. Harris



Tyler Marcum



Jim Moustis



Judy Ogalla



Jacqueline Traynere



Joe VanDuyne



Also Present: M. Dunn and M. Johannsen. Present from State's Attorney's Office: M. Tatroe and K. Meyers.


Mrs. Traynere led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


1. WC Executive Committee - Assignment Meeting - Dec 5, 2019 10:00 AM


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

2. WC Executive Committee - Board Agenda Setting Meeting - Dec 12, 2019 10:00 AM


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

3. Executive Committee - EXEC Session Minutes December 12, 2019


MOVER: Kenneth E. Harris, Member 

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

4. WC Judicial Committee - Regular Meeting - Aug 6, 2019 9:00 AM


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis


1. Repealing Ordinance #10-30, Amending Condition #15 of Siting Ordinance #99- 72 for the Prairie View Recycling and Disposal Facility to Approve a Proposal submitted by Waste Management of Illinois Inc., with Certain Conditions Pertaining to Condition #15 of Siting Ordinance #99-72 - Tabled at Jan. 9, 2020 Executive Comm (Mary Tatroe)

Motion to Remove Item 19-346 from the Table


MOVER: Donald Gould, Judy Ogalla 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

Motion to Table Item 19-346 Mrs. Tatroe asked to have this item tabled. Mr. Helston has recommended waiting one more month.


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

SECONDER: Kenneth E. Harris, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

2. Discussion Re: Former Silver Cross Hospital Property (Dave Tkac) Ms. Winfrey indicated this item would be discussed during executive session.

Motion to Move This Item to the End of the Agenda in Executive Session.


MOVER: Donald Gould, Member 

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis



1. Authorizing County Executive to Execute Necessary Documents for Delinquent Tax Program (Jen Alberico/Julie Shetina)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Donald Gould, Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

2. PUBLIC HEARING Re:Intent to Request Quick Take Powers for Acquisition of Highway Right of Way along 80th Ave from South of 191st St. Extending to North of 183rd St.

Motion to Open Public Hearing for Quick Take Powers on 80th Avenue at 10:40 AM


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Kenneth E. Harris, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

ABSENT: Moustis

Mr. Moustis arrived at this juncture.

Mr. Don O’Donnell asked for an explanation of how quick take and negotiations work.

Mr. Ronaldson gave a detailed explanation. We will be approaching all property owners within the next few months to negotiate prices. Everyone will have an opportunity for a conversation. The negotiator will provide a letter detailing the area, they will provide a plat, the legal and a drawing to show how much property is involved. The appraisals are being completed and negotiations will take place within the next few months.

Mr. O’Donnell asked is there is a construction schedule?

Mr. Ronaldson replied we are scheduling construction on this project in 2021. We are pursuing quick take to make sure we can hit the 2021 construction season.

Mr. Christopher Seps stated I live on 80th Avenue in Cook County. What authority or jurisdiction is there for Will County to condemn property in Cook County?

Mr. Ronaldson responded Tinley Park, Cook and Will Counties are all actively involved. North of 183rd is Cook County roadway, but we are coordinating with Cook County and doing the improvement together. Cook County also has to pass a Resolution for quick take authority. In the past we have worked on roads with multi-jurisdictional authority and have worked together to the get the ROW necessary for the roadway improvement.

Mr. Seps asked has Cook County passed a Resolution?

Mr. Ronaldson answered I believe they will pass it in February.

Mr. Seps stated my understanding is the roadway will be widened between 183rd and 191st from two lanes to four.

Mr. Ronaldson replied it will go from two lanes to four with a center median; in essence it will be five lanes.

Mr. Seps stated in my area the roadway is already four lanes. My understanding is the only effects on us will be the sound barrier put in place.

Mr. Ronaldson stated there are turn lane improvements at the intersection. There is a noise wall proposed in the area. Those are the proposed improvements, mostly consisting of the widening and turn lanes.

Mr. Seps asked can you talk about what the discussions have been with regards to the necessity of a sound wall? We have lived here for ten years and it has been a four lane road with a 45 mph speed limit. Trucks go by and there is a public works building and police station. There is plenty of noise, why the sudden need for the sound barrier?

Mr. Ronaldson stated this public hearing is not related to those issues. The purpose and need was addressed in the Phase 1 process a few years ago. Mr. Ronaldson suggested a conversation at his office to address the questions.

Mr. Moustis stated the improvements are necessary, especially on the bridge. From 191st Street to 183rd Street, I am not aware of any residents on the Will County portion. The land is mostly open or commercial, industrial.

Mr. Ronaldson stated there is one vacant house at the 185th Court intersection.

Mr. Moustis stated I understand Cook County wants to make the intersection improvement and will have to address with the Cook County residents. I wanted to make clear, in our area, there are no residents involved. There is a huge volume of water that comes through the area and it will be addressed. The stormwater project is very important to this project and it will make a vast improvement on how that area will drain. The stormwater issues are another reason the project is necessary.

Mrs. Ogalla asked how would the residents find out why there is going to be a sound wall? Who makes the decision for a sound wall? What is our involvement be with the sound wall?

Mr. Ronaldson replied anyone can contact our office regarding this project. The sound wall was discussed during the public meeting process for Phase 1. Letters go out to the homeowners inviting them to a public meeting and to comment on the proposed project. During the process, those affected property owners are given a vote as to whether they want a noise wall. Those studies have been completed. We are now at the construction phase. It is not a point of conversation at this point.

Mrs. Ogalla stated it is a point of conversation for me because the resident has an issue and we are here to represent the residents. Everyone impacted by the sound wall would have received a letter from who?

Mr. Ronaldson answered during the Phase 1 process they would have received a letter from our department and we have the letters on file. They were sent to the homeowner at the time of the Phase 1.

Mrs. Ogalla asked when was Phase 1? He said he has been there for ten years.

Mr. Ronaldson stated this project began in 2006, but I assume the noise wall conversations started within the last five years.

Mrs. Ogalla stated if this project began more than ten years ago, this person may not have been notified and known of this until now. I think that is something we need to address. Just because the Highway Department has been working on something since 2006, does not mean this Board is aware of it. There is a timeframe when people who recently purchased property may not be aware of it. Who makes the determination the sound wall is needed?

Mr. Ronaldson stated the property owners at that time made the decision on the noise wall. We don’t go back and resurvey the homeowners. The noise study was done to determine if there is a need and then the property owners were contacted to see if they want it. A majority of the property owners must vote they want it.

Mrs. Traynere asked does the mayor have the right to abolish the sound wall before it is built? On 95th Street in Bolingbrook, a majority of the owners wanted the sound wall. They mayor said no and no wall was built.

Mr. Ronaldson clarified at the time that was the case. They have since changed the regulations and that is no longer the case; the Village does not have the authority to make the decision any longer.

Mr. Brian Lynch stated I represent the property owners affected by the project. What is the timing of quick take and when will you be proposing legislation in Springfield? When do you expect it to be passed? When you will begin implementing the process?

Mr. Ronaldson replied we have been in contract with our lobbyist for a number of months, preparing it to go through the spring session. With is Resolution, passed by Will County this month and Cook County in February, it should go through the spring session. It will then depend on when the governor signs the bill. We would not use quick take authority until the negotiation process was completed.

Motion to Close Public Hearing at 10:51 AM


MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

3. Requesting Quick Take Powers for the Acquisition of Highway Right-of-Way for 80th Avenue from South of 191st Street Extending to North of 183rd Street (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

4. Confirming Award of Contract to Austin Tyler Construction Inc. ($1,737,601.27), Let on December 18, 2019, Francis Road (CH 64) and Parker Road, County Board District #12 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Donald Gould, Member 

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

5. Improvement by County under the IL Highway Code for Francis Road (CH 64) and Parker Road using Motor Fuel Tax Funds ($2,000,000.00), County Board District #12 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Donald Gould, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

6. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services (Appraisals) with Polach Appraisal Group Inc., for Several Parcels of Property along 135th Street (CH 35) from New Avenue to Archer Avenue, County Board District #7 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

7. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services (Negotiations) with Santacruz Land Acquisition for Several Parcels of Property along 135th Street (CH 35) from New Avenue to Archer Avenue, County Board District #7

(Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

8. Authorizing Approval of an IDOT - County Joint Agreement Extension for Improvements on Cedar Road (CH 4) over Spring Creek, County Board District #7 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

9. Authorizing Approval of Supplemental Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering (Phase II) with Willett, Hofmann and Associates Inc. for Jackson Township Road District, County Board Districts #2 and #6 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Donald Gould, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

10. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Supplemental Agreement for Engineering Services for Weber Road (CH 88) from Airport Road to 135th Street, County Board Districts #3 and #13 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair 

SECONDER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

11. Authorizing Approval of an IDOT - County Agreement of Understanding for Maintenance and Construction (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

12. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Services for the 2020 Will County Bridge Inspections with Willett, Hofmann & Associates, County Board Districts #1 through #13 (Jeff Ronaldson)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member 

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

13. Renewing Contract for Pharmaceutical & Consulting Services at Sunny Hill Nursing Home (Maggie McDowell)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

14. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute Intergovernmental Sponsorship Participation Agreement with Green Garden Township for participation in the Will County Mobility Management Project (Wendie Garlich)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

SECONDER: Jim Moustis, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

15. New Hire for Records Management Department - Document Imaging Technician (Bruce Tidwell)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Judy Ogalla, Member 

SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

16. Replacement Hires for Sunny Hill Nursing Home (Bruce Tidwell)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Judy Ogalla, Member 

SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

17. Proclamation(s)

Mr. Fricilone reviewed the Proclamations.

18. Appointment(s) by the County Executive

1. January 2020 Appointments to Boards and Commissions (County Executive)


TO: Will County Board 

MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

SECONDER: Judy Ogalla, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne




1. Land Use & Development

Mr. Marcum reviewed the zoning cases and Resolutions on the Land Use agenda for next week and made a motion to save space on the County Board agenda.

Mr. Moustis stated regarding the case on LaGrange Road, the Village of Frankfort contacted me yesterday. They say this is no long compatible with their newly completed 2020 Comprehensive Land Plan. The report shows it was compatible with their 2010 Plan, but in the most recent it is not compatible. Their request to me was to have the case tabled. Ms. Koch and I spoke today and we are not supportive of the change; going from A-1 to I-1 is a big difference, especially when there is no other I-1 out there. I don’t know your thoughts on asking the Committee to table this. My concern is, it is on the County Board agenda, but has not gone through the Committee as of yet. There will be a tabling request by the Village of Frankfort since the property is within their 1.5 mile jurisdiction. I spoke with Ms. Koch earlier and she is not supporting this. Neither of us have an issue with it moving forward and voting no.

Discussion took place regarding how to handle this zoning case since it is on the County Board agenda prior to the Committee meeting.

Motion to Save Space on County Board Agenda for Three Zoning Cases and Three Resolutions


MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne 

NAYS: Moustis

2. Finance

Mr. Harris stated at the February 4th meeting there will be a discussion regarding the data collection to bring forth information on the distribution of the tax money collected from the sale of cannabis. We would like department heads to come and talk about the impacts. This will not replace the budget process. It will give us the opportunity to get information on what the County will be going through because of the cannabis sales and the revenue.

3. Public Works & Transportation

Mr. Van Duyne stated Mr. Ronaldson and his staff will be working on a list of priority county highways and bridges, according to their deterioration and to move forward with those projects with the additional revenue. It will be provided to the Committee in the near future.

4. Judicial

5. Public Health & Safety

6. Legislative & Policy

Mrs. Traynere stated we continue to look at the State and Federal agendas. We will have comments from the Health Department regarding Animal Control and a discussion on the CCDD.

Mr. Moustis stated ISACO had their priority list. Could we have a discussion on those? I went through the list and think we can be supportive of most of them. Are there issues in the ISACO action plan we would like to incorporate in our legislative action?

Mrs. Traynere agreed to look at the issues.

7. Capital Improvements

Motion to Save Space on County Board Agenda for 22 Resolutions


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

8. Executive

Mrs. Tatroe stated last month Resolution #19-377 was tabled. We got our changes to HRE LLC on November 18 and they did not reply until Sunday night. I have a conference call this afternoon and hopefully we will work through it. I would not be surprised if we will need to table this again. We can have the discussion whether it should be tabled or removed from the agenda until the deal is complete.


Mr. Jacob Been addressed the Committee requesting the County look at possible uses for the current courthouse property versus demotion.

Mrs. Traynere indicated she did not like the idea of demolishing the current courthouse. We had a presentation in Ad-Hoc Modern Housing Committee and asked the ASA what the viability was to do something with the building if it was not used as a courthouse. I have never been in favor of tearing down a perfectly good building. The Board has voted to demo the building, but the vote could be brought up again.

Mr. Been continued I am hopeful another vote will happen. There are many people who like the current courthouse and others hate it. The worst thing that could happen is to tear down the uniqueness and have an empty lot with a hole in the ground or another parking lot. The building can be a catalyst for additional growth in the area. We would like to find developers interested in doing a project inside the current building.

Mr. David Veenstra spoke in favor of turning the current courthouse into condos, giving residents the opportunity to take trains into Chicago.

Ms. Ventura stated Ms. Koch and I have been approached by multiple people about the courthouse. Ms. Koch talked to Mr. Brooks and asked to add this presentation to the Capital Improvement Committee agenda. We are formally asking to have this added to the Capital agenda for February.

Mr. Brooks indicated the item will be added for discussion.

Mrs. Traynere stated I have a letter asking the County Board to sign on in support of 100 workers in our community. They work at Cresco Labs and are in the process of organizing a union. My past experience has been that the Board is overwhelmingly pro labor. This is an opportunity to show the workers organizing that we stand behind them and we support them. I would like to see the Board approve the signing of a letter to that effect. The organization asked for it last week and they would like to have it today. I think it behooves us to support the residents in our community trying to earn a decent wage and be treated fairly by their employer.

Mr. Moustis stated I am a supporter of labor and the right of people to organize; organized labor, not just labor. I don’t know if it is appropriate for a County Board to actually take a position. I believe is a gray area. I will personally sign the letter, my concern is about the Board taking an official position on such a thing.

Mrs. Traynere stated I was told it had to be official action in order for the Speaker to sign the letter. In my opinion, she should be able to sign any letter she wants with her title.

Mr. Fricilone state I agree, I don’t think this is County Board action. The County Board has been supportive of labor with our building projects. This is a decision made pro or against and is not our decision; it is their decision. This has nothing to do with what we are building right now. If you look at the people who have signed, State Senators, they did not put the House from the State of Illinois they put their individual name and title. They did not put it as the body.

Mrs. Traynere stated in the past I was told the Speaker could not sign with her title.

Mrs. Tatroe stated as long as the letter is clear it is from individuals. The particular letter you are talking about made it sound like it was coming from the government body. If there is a letter Speaker Winfrey wishes to write that is clearly her position, she can sign it as Speaker, as long as it is clear it is not action of the County Board and she is not representing the County Board.

Ms. Winfrey stated if there is a letter from someone else making it clear people are signing as individuals, I am happy to sign.

Mrs. Traynere stated the issue is when you add 26 signatures you add several more pages.

Mrs. Tatroe stated you cannot take action on behalf of the County Board without a County Board vote. If you want something today; that cannot happen. You could issue a letter from the Executive Committee of the County Board if the Executive Committee is in support. I will have to do research to see if it is appropriate for a government entity take a vote on this issue. I am not sure that it is.

Ms. Winfrey clarified anyone of us, individually, can sign on and say we support it. As a body we should be very careful and wait until we have some legal definition before we take the action. If the letter is clear it is us individually, you can sign with your title.

Mrs. Ogalla stated back to the quick take; we have not had anything like this come up in quite a while. In this case, the Phase 1 was done in 2006 and now they are coming forward. I am assuming the residents were notified via letter that we were having a public hearing today for those residents impacted.

Mr. Ronaldson replied that is correct.

Mrs. Ogalla continued moving forward, I would like to have an update on the project and some background. Most of us were not here in 2006 when Phase 1 took place. It does not have to be detailed, just how we got to today. It would also be helpful to the current homeowners who may not have owned the property when the public hearings were held in 2006. Then everyone would know where we are with the conversation.

Mr. Brooks stated during the public comments today a person mentioned having the public hearings at night. We have also talked about that for a number of years.

Mrs. Tatroe stated the Land Use public hearings are at night. This is a decision for the County Board. We have talked about this off and on for a number of years.

Ms. Winfrey stated the public hearings from the DOT are in the evenings.

Mrs. Tatroe added those are held in the community as well.

Mr. Van Duyne stated there are three reports each month on the Public Works agenda, provided by Mr. Ronaldson. The information with the stages of all projects is included. Many of the questions may be answered by those reports.

Ms. Ventura stated January 1st was the launch of legalized marijuana in the State. During the first week they brought in $11 million. I sent some language to Mrs. Tatroe of what Los Angeles is doing with their marijuana money and how social equity can be used from that money. I have asked Mrs. Tatroe to look at it and how it can be applied here. The State also has an R3 program specific to the State and we could try to model it from that. I would encourage people to come and discuss this at our next Finance Committee meeting. If you have ideas between now and then, I would love to hear them. You can contact either Mrs. Tatroe or me and then we can have a draft of information to present or other things we can do besides education and the Health Department. I believe the money should be used to help people affected by it.



Motion to go into Executive Session for Property Acquisition at 11:35 AM


MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne

Motion to Close Executive Session at 12:02 PM


MOVER: Jim Moustis, Member 

SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member 

AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Ogalla, Traynere, VanDuyne


1. Approval of County Board Agenda (Discussion)


1. Motion to Adjourn at 12:04 PM
