Will County Executive Committee met Feb. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Chair Denise E. Winfrey called the meeting to order at 10:12 AM
Attendee Name | Title | Status | Arrived |
Denise E. Winfrey | Chair | Present | |
Mark Ferry | Vice Chair | Present | |
Herbert Brooks Jr. | Member | Present | |
Mike Fricilone | Member | Present | |
Donald Gould | Member | Present | |
Kenneth E. Harris | Member | Present | |
Tyler Marcum | Member | Present | |
Jim Moustis | Member | Present | |
Judy Ogalla | Member | Absent | |
Jacqueline Traynere | Member | Present | |
Joe VanDuyne | Member | Present |
Present from State's Attorney's M. Tatroe and K. Meyers.
Mr. Brooks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. WC Miscellaneous Meetings - Interview - Jan 31, 2020 9:00 AM
MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
1. Repealing Ordinance #10-30, Amending Condition #15 of Siting Ordinance #99-72 for the Prairie View Recycling and Disposal Facility to Approve a Proposal submitted by Waste Management of Illinois Inc., with Certain Conditions Pertaining to Condition #15 of Siting Ordinance #99-72 - Tabled at Feb 13, 2020 Executive Comm
(Mary Tatroe)
Mrs. Tatroe asked to have this item removed from the agenda.
Motion to Remove from Agenda
MOVER: Kenneth E. Harris, Member
SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
1. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with EcoEngineers for Phases 3 and 4 of the Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Facility Development at Prairie View Landfill
(Brad Pleima, EcoEngineers; Dean Olson)
This item was discussed as item #2.
Mr. Olson stated EcoEngineers have been working on this project since last May. We are in Phase 2, having received RFPs for the Prairie View RNG plant. Mr. Brad Klima and his group helped us with this process. They know all the players and the market, which is critical. This project will bring $12 million to $20 million annual profits to the county.
Mr. Klima stated we received 7 responses the RFP. Those were analyzed and we are here to answer questions as you select someone to move into the construction phase. Phase 3 is the implementation phase. We will not break ground in April or May, but will do the design, working with the selected firm. We will finalize the Pipeline Interconnection Agreement and Off Take Agreement. The goal with the Off Take Agreement is to at least have the term sheet or a binding MOU for you to know the revenues are going to be there. After the construction phase you will know you are putting gas in the pipelines and you have the contracts on the revenue side. Our proposal for Phase 3 and Phase 4 is for implementation and construction. It covers a two year window; the rest of 2020 and into Q4 of 2021 with build starting in early 2021. Our goal is to have this on- line and producing gas, by late 2021 or early 2022 and the revenue generation will start. Our proposal is to continue assisting and working with the County to finalize those agreements. The proposal is hourly plus expenses, the same as we have been doing for the last year. If you want us to do less tasks or less of the coordination, the fee will come down accordingly. It is a conservative estimates as we did with the first contract.
Mr. Moustis asked is this extending the contract you currently have or will this be a new contract? Generally, our contracts are never open ended. There is always a not to exceed number. I think there needs to be some work on this contract.
Mr. Olson stated I have been working with ASA Guzman on this. A Master Services Agreement was negotiated last summer and is still in place. Phase 2 ended and we need to amend this agreement to include Phases 3 and 4. It is the same agreement in terms, but it will be a different budget because it is a different budget year.
Mr. Moustis stated I understand that, but there is a monetary part of the contract. All our contracts have a cap. Even hourly contracts have to say the top limit. Who approves the bill?
Mr. Olson replied I approve it and it goes through the normal finance process.
Mr. Moustis continued if you are the only one approving this, I don’t see it as a check and balance.
Mr. Olson stated it goes through the same process as any other bills I approve.
Mr. Moustis asked Mrs. Tatroe it this should be tighter? Who verifies the hours?
Mrs. Tatroe replied I don’t think the process is different than what we do with many of our other contracts. When we use outside council, Mr. Olson and I work together to review the invoices and make sure the work was done. Then it goes through the Finance Department and Auditor’s Office who makes sure there is authority through the agreement. If you feel more comfortable I could be part of the review process.
Mr. Palmer stated we could develop a reporting process just to give you an update periodically. If there is a spike in the number of hours we could keep you or Leadership abreast.
Ms. Winfrey stated if there is any unusual amounts or if the costs are escalating, we should know that early on.
Mr. Van Duyne asked when this project was first presented we were putting it on a fast track because we were burning off $44,000 worth of gas per day. Are we still on that track?
Mr. Olson replied yes, very much so.
Mr. Klima indicated few projects go this fast. We have worked with several larger municipalities and it has taken between four and six years to do these projects.
Getting this accomplished within three years is a fast track. The equipment alone has a 10 to 12 month lead time. The County has done a good job of keeping this process moving. Our proposal does have a not to exceed clause for both phases. We provide an invoice for each staff member with a breakdown of hours and what they did each month to Mr. Olson, because he has requested that level of detail. We are happy to follow whatever process the Board would like to see from us.
Mr. Fricilone stated it would be helpful to have routine reports. Not every month, but every few months to keep abreast since we are doing the fast track. I have been in most of the meetings with EcoEngineers and I am very impressed with their company. We would not be where we are right now without them. They have helped us get on this track and because of them we will be able to accomplish this faster than anyone else has. There is a big win and the end, because the money starts coming in and it will pay for the whole project.
Ms. Dunn stated Mr. Olson could pass along any reports and we could pass them along.
A brief discussion took place regarding the interviews to take place on Friday.
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Jim Moustis, Member
SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
2. Request by FAIRCOM for Special Dues Assessment for Exelon Braidwood Station
(Moira Dunn)
This item was moved to the first item under New Business.
Ms. Dunn introduced Mr. Mark Mitchell, Superintendent of Reed Custer School District.
Mr. Mark Mitchell reviewed the attached Faircom Legislative Priorities, Spring 2020. Faircom is a group of 32 members, mostly taxing bodies with energy generating facilities, in our case, the Braidwood Station. There is a lot of upcoming legislation regarding energy. Senator Rezin and Representative Walsh sponsored bills which will cost quite a bit of money for additional legal fees and lobbying efforts from Faircom. The bullet points show the initiatives Faircom is taking. Most importantly is the continued operation of nuclear facilities in Illinois, based on preservation of our communities. These facilities provide amazing things for the local and neighboring communities. The second effort is protection in case the facilities ever close. The third effort is the continued fair assessment of the nuclear facilities. Ms. Novak, a member of Faircom, has been a part of that for the past several years. We were confused whether it is the county or the SOA. Your annual fees for Faircom would be $1,698.90 per year, which the SOA has participated in, along with Grundy, Ogle and other counties where these facilities exist. We are asking for a special assessment amount this spring of $15,000 per nuclear facility to help with these issues. That number was decided up based on discussion with legal and lobbyist in regard to what they think the effort is going to take to make sure we preserve our communities and have a seat at the table when these discussions take place. The spreadsheet I handed out shows the taxing bodies of the Braidwood Nuclear Station. I represent this group as a whole, because the Reed Custer School District is the largest entity. Our Board has approved the special assessment of $9,696.72. Everyone else has agreed to the special assessment. We are asking the County for their fair share of $1,698.89. The number was calculated by looking at the existing assessment agreement the Braidwood Station and the taxing bodies by a percentage.
Mr. Moustis asked will this impact our taxation agreement, or relationship?
Mrs. Tatroe asked for an opportunity to delve into this more deeply. You could save a space on the County Board agenda, but I would like to review it before I comment.
Mr. Moustis stated I would take this slowly and make sure it is fully vetted before we move on. There is a real possibility that at some point they will close the plant. I would like to know how this interacts with and impacts our current agreement.
Mr. Gould stated I don’t think it is unreasonable since Grundy County has approved this. Exelon is a very important taxpayer in terms of revenue for Will County. It is not a question of the negotiated assessments, it is an issue of what will happen with the legislation coming from Springfield. Is this so time sensitive you need it this month or could it wait one more month?
Mr. Mitchell replied it could wait for your approval next month. We have a majority of it that will be covered. It would be more or less to safeguard us for the upcoming period. You definitely have time to discuss this. Our assessment agreement ends with levy year 2020, which will be December. Our goal is to continue with the positive relationship with Exelon and get another agreement. I believe that is the goal of all the taxing bodies.
Ms. Winfrey asked if we were to have further discussions with the State’s Attorney’s Office and SOA’s Office if we put this on the March agenda would that meet your needs?
Mr. Mitchell replied in the affirmative.
RESULT: TABLED [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/5/2020 10:00 AM
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
3. Authorizing the Abatement of Taxes for Property on the East Side of I-55 between U.S. Route 6 and the IDI Gazeley Property, County Board District #6 (Nick Palmer,)
Mr. Palmer stated in 2017 we approved a tax abatement, which was unique. Instead of giving money back, the developer invested in the roads surrounding the development.
Mr. Durkin stated this is related to an IGA entered into by all taxing bodies back in early 2017 regarding financing of public infrastructure improvements. It was for roads and water main extension to serve the property. The idea was the public improvements, would be installed as buildings were constructions in the Cross Roads I-55 Business Park. Then the property taxes generated by those buildings would be used to fund the public infrastructure improvements to serve the building. If no buildings are built, no improvements are put in and no abatement is necessary. The first building is at its full assessment year and this abatement ordinance is a housekeeping issue related to that agreement. The other taxing bodies have passed and filed their abatement ordinances. The last piece of this puzzle is the County.
Mr. Gould stated it is anticipated this will expire in 2034. Will they reach 100% by that time?
Mr. Durkin replied it is related to the assessment on each particular building. I don’t recall the date in this one; there was a different IGA done on a previous project where the Village issued some bonds and the taxing bodies did the same concept in that case.
Mr. Moustis stated I thought by statute our abatements were limited to 10 years. Mr. Durkin replied it is limited by statute.
Mr. Gould asked did they have a different deal with the school districts?
Mr. Durkin replied each building has a different time lime and dollar amount by state statute. If time runs out and the abatement is not fulfilled then then the abatement goes away. I believe the one Mr. Gould is referring to is a project to the south which was a previous IGA that had a time cap in there with a date certain.
Mrs. Traynere asked are we currently getting property taxes on this property?
Mr. Durkin responded the way the agreement was approved by all the taxing bodies the first full year of assessment is when the abatement begins. All the taxing bodies received last years’ property taxes, based on a partial year assessment.
Mrs. Tatroe stated this is new property so you would not have received assessments in the past because the building did not exist.
Mr. Durkin stated this is structured differently because it contemplates a 100% tax abatement on each building until the dollar amount associated with the improvements is realized. We keep track of the costs expended, we approve them, share them with the taxing bodies and show the dollars going to those improvements. The abatements takes that off the top.
Mr. Palmer stated there are some upper limits on the costs. Beyond those, the developer will pay the costs. There was a limit on what the taxing bodies were exposed to.
Mr. Van Duyne asked what type of buildings are we talking about?
Mr. Durkin replied these are industrial developments. The area is south of Route 6, east of I-55 and north of Bluff Road. The Cross Roads Business Park is approximately 300 acres of property which contemplate the construction of 4.5 million square feet of industrial space. There are additional buildings in that area that are not subject to any tax abatement built subsequent to this project. There is a project along Route 6 that was constructed of 440,000 square foot building, not subject to any type of abatement.
Mr. Van Duyne stated what exactly will be done out of these buildings?
Mr. Durkin answered currently a 1 million square foot warehouse distribution building has been constructed, which is the first full year assessment on the building. A second building under construction will house Amazon. There is room for one or two other buildings of about 1 million square foot total. Then the property would be fully developed.
Mr. Palmers stated this development and improvements were made to accommodate this.
Mr. Durkin stated there were no public improvements on this side of the development. There were existing township and state frontage roads which were not built to handle this type of development. They were not wide enough nor at the proper depth. There were no utilities. That is what this abatement does, fund those improvements that make all of this possible in this area.
Mr. Palmer stated this developer is making these improvements proactively as the development is going in. Channahon, to their credit has started to spell out where they will allow developments. This ties into some of our longer term goals of more planned, proactive development. Route 6 between I-55 and the Houbolt Road Bridge has future improvements which are needed. It is State, but we are pushing for the development since this is where all these projects merge together.
Mr. Durkin stated the taxpayers will actually be going into these properties. We are not taking existing property tax dollars from other areas in the community to fund these improvements. These are coming solely from the buildings being constructed. If the buildings are not constructed there is no abatement, because the public improvements are not being put in. We were very careful to delineate what public improvements were going to be required and the intent of all the taxing bodies was to fund those. It is not funding the construction of a building, only the necessary public improvements to handle the traffic needs of those facilities. The Amazon project is projected to employee between 500 and 1,000 employees depending on the time of year. There will be a significant amount of employment coming to the county.
Ms. Winfrey stated the infrastructure improvements accommodate everyone, not just the people going in there. This is the same area they are proposing the double diamond interchange. That will also be part of the whole complex. It will allow the entire area to be uplifted. Just north of there is the Cullen property that will be restaurants, housing, movie theaters and other retail.
Mr. Durkin gave a brief update the proposed improvements along Bluff Road, outside of this project.
Mr. Durkin continued another improvement under construction is a traffic signal at U.S. Route 6 and the eastern Frontage Road. The cost is approximately $1.5 million and that is being paid by the developments within that area, with a portion from this abatement. That project was not on the State’s radar, but we convinced them there were a lot of improvements coming to this area and we got the State to approve the construction. We have taken a conscientious approach to where these facilities and developments will happen along the I-55 corridor. We have probably said no more than we have said yes to this type of developments because they do not go along with our long range goals and plans for the area.
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
4. Adoption Of Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County Of Will, Will County Board Of Health and AFSCME 1028 for the Will County Health Department December 1, 2016 – November 30, 2021
(Susan Olenek)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
5. Authorizing County Executive to Negotiate and Execute a Professional Services Agreement for 2020-2024 HUD Consolidated Plan and 2020 Action Plan.
(Martha Sojka)
TO: Will County Executive Committee
MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
6. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Joliet to Perform Water Meter Replacements for Properties in the Fairmont Subdivision
(Kathy Pecora)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member
SECONDER: Kenneth E. Harris, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
7. Authorizing Contribution to United Way
(Melissa Johannsen)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis,
Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
8. Awarding Bid for Farm Lease for Agricultural Purposes on Approximately 49.78 Acres of County Landfill Property
(Dean Olson)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
9. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Homer Glen and the County of Will for a One-Day Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Event for 2020
(Dave Hartke)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
10. Awarding Bid for Electronics Recycling
(Marta Keane)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Jim Moustis, Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
11. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Wilmington and the County of Will, Illinois for Electronics Recycling
(Marta Keane)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Joe VanDuyne, Member
SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis,
Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
12. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between Manhattan Township and the County of Will, Illinois for Electronics Recycling
(Marta Keane)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Jim Moustis, Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
13. Replacement Hire for the ICT Department - Programmer
(Bruce Tidwell)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member
SECONDER: Tyler Marcum, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
14. Replacement Hire for ICT Department - Infrastructure Tech
(Bruce Tidwell)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
15. Replacement Hire for Sunny Hill Nursing Home
(Bruce Tidwell)
TO: Will County Board
MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member
SECONDER: Mark Ferry, Vice Chair
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
16. Proclamation(s)
Mrs. Adams reviewed the Proclamations.
17. Appointment(s) by the County Executive
1. February 2020 Appointments to Boards and Commissions
(County Executive)
Mr. Fricilone asked to table the County Executive Appointment. We are still in discussions about the best person for that position.
RESULT: TABLED [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/12/2020 10:00 AM
TO: Will County Executive Committee
MOVER: Mike Fricilone, Member
SECONDER: Donald Gould, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
1. Land Use & Development
2. Finance
Mr. Harris announced there will be no Finance Committee meeting in March, due to the NACo Conference. All finance matters will be heard at the Executive
Committee. The next meeting will be April 7th.
3. Public Works & Transportation
4. Judicial
Mr. Marcum gave details on the 2020 Expungement Fair.
Mr. Moustis stated Ms. Koch mentioned in Public Health she would like to have a presentation on crime statistics.
Mr. Gould stated Ms. Koch did ask at Public Health to have someone from the Sheriff’s Office come to the Committee, but the Sheriff’s Office falls under the Judicial Committee.
Mr. Moustis stated she wanted some statistics on incidents in the area. I think that is because numbers do get exaggerated. For the most part, we have a very safe county. However, things get distorted and people get the wrong impression of how safe ab area is. Could you put that on the agenda for next month?
Mr. Marcum stated we are not having a meeting in March, but I will talk to Ms. Koch and add it to the April agenda.
Mr. Gould stated Ms. Koch brought up the occurrences in the Frankfort area and that is how the discussion started.
Mr. Moustis stated our district has the largest unincorporated population in the County. Frankfort Square is almost as big as Mokena and Frankfort combined. It is patrolled strictly by Sheriff’s Deputies. Like many communities, we are having a rash of people leaving their car doors unlocked, then people then go through their cars and take stuff. I believe it is over exaggerated by the blogging community. We have a meeting tonight with the Sheriff’s Department and State’s Attorney’s Office. It will be an open forum for the Frankfort Square community. The Sheriff’s Department does a good job and I believe our communities are pretty safe. Our violent crime is low and that is the reason to report this, so people get the real statistics.
5. Public Health & Safety
6. Legislative & Policy
Mrs. Traynere stated we will be bringing the State Legislative Agenda forward this month. Please take a look. We will continue to take on issues and the year goes on.
7. Capital Improvements
8. Executive
Ms. Winfrey stated we will have a memorial service at the County Board meeting for Ms. Margie Woods. Her husband, Floyd and other family members will be here.
1. Approval of County Board Agenda (DRAFT)
MOVER: Tyler Marcum, Member
SECONDER: Jacqueline Traynere, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla
1. Motion to Adjourn at 11:05 AM
MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member
SECONDER: Mike Fricilone, Member
AYES: Winfrey, Ferry, Brooks Jr., Fricilone, Gould, Harris, Marcum, Moustis, Traynere, VanDuyne
ABSENT: Ogalla