
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Elwood Village Board met October 2

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Village of Elwood Village Board met Oct. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Regular Meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Village of Elwood, October 2, 2019, at 7:00 PM, was called to order by Village President Doug Jenco.

Present: Village Board President Doug Jenco, Village Board Trustees: Darryl Lab, Jodie Bertucci, Michael Varman, and Ron Schmidt

Also, Present: Village Administrator/Village Clerk Julie Friebele, Police Chief Fred Hayes, Director of Public Works Larry Lohmar, and Attorney Jordan Kielian

Not Present: Trustee Maas and Trustee Berscheid

The Meeting Opened with the Pledge to the Flag Led By Cub Scout Pack 156

Presentations and Public Hearings

A Proclamation was made by Village President Doug Jenco on behalf of the Village Board of Trustees, and on behalf of all the residents of Elwood that October 2, 2019, is Mayors’ Monarch Pledge Day. The Village of Elwood will play a leadership role to help save the monarch butterflies.

Public Comments – Pertaining to Agenda Items

Members of the audience did not have public comments pertaining to the agenda items.

Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Schmidt to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

• Presentation of Minutes – September 4, 2019

• Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report August 24, 2019 through September 3, 2019, in the amount of $240,196.00.

• Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report September 5, 2019 through September 23, 2019, in the amount of $432,575.40.

• Presentation of Bills – Unpaid Invoice Report in the amount of $221,553.17.

Trustee Bertucci seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee Varman – yes, Trustee Bertucci – yes, Trustee Schmidt – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.


Administration – Village Administrator Julie Friebele

August 2019 Financial Report

The August 2019 Financial Report prepared by Finance Director Robbie Day was presented. The report represents the Village of Elwood’s year to date revenues, expenses, and end of the month fund cash balances.

Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Elwood and the City of Joliet

It is mutually desirable to construct and operate a controlled emergency water system interconnection of the Elwood system and the Joliet system to allow Joliet to provide potable water to JPower as needed in emergency situations.

The agenda item is pending.

Police Department – Chief Fred Hayes

During the month of August 2019, the Elwood Police Department responded to 694 calls for service.

To see additional details about the types of calls, residents can visit the Village of Elwood website.

Police officers issued a total of 372 citations for the month of August 2019:

• Local Citations (O.V.) 20

• State Citations 352

• Overweight Violations (16)

Arrest Report Summary for the month of August 2019:

• Traffic Arrests 31

• Warrant Arrests 7

• Criminal 2

Request Authorization to Purchase Public Safety Vehicles

The purchase of two (2) police vehicles with the Safety Accessory Package in the total amount of $114,556.72 was budgeted for in the 2019-20 Capital Budget. There currently exists a joint purchasing bid for Public Safety Vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) Program sponsored by the Northwest Municipal Conference, DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference, South Suburban Mayors & Managers Conference and Will County Governmental League. The SPC Program satisfies the purchasing requirements for the Village of Elwood. A motion was made by Trustee Bertucci to approve the purchase and payment of two (2) 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Patrol Package Vehicles for $77,31.72, two (2) Panasonic Toughbooks for $12,200, two (2) in car video cameras and evidence storage systems for $10,425.00, and two (2) public safety vehicle assessor packages for $14,300, for a total not to exceed $114,556.72 for the two (2) equipped public safety vehicles. Trustee Varman seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee Varman – yes, Trustee Bertucci – yes, Trustee Schmidt – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Retirement of K9 Sam

K9 Sam served as the Village of Elwood’s first Police K9. Due to a medical condition he has to be retired from service. K9 Sam was partnered with Officer Ed Wright and they formed a close bond. Officer Wright will now bring Sam home and keep him as a family pet.

Introduction and Oath of Office for new K9 Tib

Police canine “Tib” is a three (3) year old Malinois breed. K9 Tib is partnered with his handler Officer Ed

Wright. The police K-9 unit is a vital part of law enforcement efforts. When handlers and dogs train together, the handler learns how to train and work with the dog, and the dog learns, among other things, what to do when given certain commands from the handler.

K9 Tib is trained to detect illegal drugs but cannot detect cannabis. He has not been trained to react to the smell of the drug which benefits the Village because cannabis is soon to be deemed legal for recreational use.

Village Clerk Julie Friebele administered the “Oath of Office” to police K9 Tib.

Public Works – Director of Public Works Larry Lohmar

Storm Sewers:

Public Works is vigilant in keeping the storm sewers clear from debris. We ask that residents also participate in this effort. If a resident sees one in need of debris removal they are requested to either remove the debris or notify public works.

Pavement Striping:

We are continuing to stripe the streets and stop bars in the village. The process will continue until about mid-October at which time the weather will no longer permit us to perform this work.

Sealing of Blacktop:

We have completed seal coating and striping all parking lots and walk paths throughout the village.

Water Buffalo Boxes:

Crews are going throughout the village locating and marking curbs and valve boxes to help to locate them when the need arises in the middle of winter.

Winter Maintenance:

The winter maintenance of equipment has begun. The maintenance includes servicing, washing, and making any repairs necessary along with covering them to protect them from the weather.


During the week of October 14th through the 18th public works will be shutting off the water and blowing out water lines at all park restrooms and closing them for the winter.

Water MTU’s:

Now that our programmer was updated, we are changing out the non-working water MTU’s and re- programming them throughout the village.

Village Clerk – Julie Friebele

2019 Illinois Public Risk Fund

As a member of the Illinois Public Risk Fund, the Village applies for an annual safety grant. This program provides governmental entities and public agencies with funding for safety inspired products that will assist in reducing injuries and/or illness. I am happy to announce the Village has once again received grant funds for the 2019 calendar year in the amount of $7,261.00. The police department and public works department alternates annually who will apply for the grant program. This year grant funds will be used to purchase items for the Public Works Department.

Halloween Trick or Treat Hours

Annually the Village Board sets the Halloween Trick or Treat Hours. Last year the Village Board decided to extend the hours an additional hour in consideration of parents, children, and busy schedules so that more families would be able to participate. Last year the hours were set between 4:00 – 7:00 pm. A motion was made by Trustee Varman to set the Halloween Trick or Treat hours on October 31st between 4:00 – 7:00 pm within the Village of Elwood. Trustee Bertucci seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee Varman – yes, Trustee Bertucci – yes, Trustee Schmidt – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Village of Elwood Upcoming Events

Elwood Fire Department Hydrant Flushing

➢ Monday, September 30th – October 6th

Elwood School Community Blood Drive – Sponsored by the Elwood Builders Club ➢ Elwood School Cafeteria

➢ Wednesday, October 9th ➢ 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Halloween Fun at the Village Hall

➢ October 31, 2019 - 4:00 – 7:00 pm

➢ Hot Dogs, Hot Cocoa, Treats, and Crafts ➢ Trams 4:00 – 6:30 pm

➢ Trick or Treat Hours 4:00 – 7:00 pm

Manhattan-Elwood Public Library at the Elwood Community Center

➢ A Senior Series

➢ October 15th, November 19th, and December 17th

➢ 1:00 pm

➢ Registration is Recommended – www.mpld.ord or call 815-478-3987

Village President – Doug Jenco

• On September 27th a thunderstorm brought torrential rain to Illinois and Elwood received an estimated 7.5” of rain. President Jenco thanked the Elwood Police Department, Public Works Department, and the Elwood Fire Protection District for the fantastic procedures they have in place to handle this type of event.

• We are still working on extending the boundary line agreement with the City of Joliet. We have not given up.

Appointment of Stephanie Lopez as a Member of the Park and Recreation Committee

On July 24, 2019, Carin Matichak resigned from the Parks and Recreation Committee. To replace the vacancy seat on the Park Committee, Mayor Jenco made the appointment of Stephanie Lopez to serve as a Committee Member of the Park and Recreation Committee for a three (3) year term. A motion was made by Trustee Bertucci to approve and confirm the appointment of Stephanie Lopez as a Committee Member of the Park and Recreation Committee for a three (3) year term. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee Varman – yes, Trustee Bertucci – yes, Trustee Schmidt – yes, Trustee Lab – yes. The motion carried.

Village Clerk Julie Friebele will administer the Oath of Office to Stephanie Lopez at the next Park and Recreation Committee meeting.

Other Business

No other business was discussed.

Public Comments

Members of the audience discussed the following topics:

• Thank you to Mayor Jenco for his efforts to extend the boundary line agreement with Joliet.

• Patricia Blatti is newly appointed to the Manhattan/Elwood Library Board and introduced herself to the Village Board.

• Thank you to Larry Lohmar and the Public Works department on the way they handled the storm.

• Thank you to Chief Hayes for the child car seat check event.

Closed Session

No Closed Session.

Actions To Be Taken Following The Closed Session Meeting

No closed session, no actions were taken.


A motion was made by Trustee Bertucci to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. All the Village Board Trustees present voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
