
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crete Township Board of Trustees met August 14

Webp meeting 10

Crete Township Board of Trustees met Aug. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular scheduled meeting of the Crete Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Liccar at 7:00 PM.

Board members present were: Elton, Hodge, Piacentini, Grady, and Supervisor Liccar. Clerk Buiter was also present.

Pledge of Allegiance was given to the flag.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2019 Board of Trustees meeting was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were in favor, minutes stand approved as written.


Supervisor - Supervisor Liccar introduced Jeffrey Falck, Principal of the Illinois Lutheran Elementary School and he discussed ALICE program. The school would like to utilize our building in case of an emergency or active shooter situation as a safe location. He is working with the Sergeant Nick Garcia to pick a location. We do a have a limit of 72 people and we would like to get a hold harmless agreement so we would not be held held liable. Trustee Piacentini and Trustee Grady would like to get an endorsement on our policy so we would be covered. Trustee Elton suggested we check with our attorney to see if this can be done. Supervisor Liccar is contacting our attorney and insurance carrier to see if this can be done and he would be in touch with Jeff Falck and the board at the next board meeting

We received a letter from the Crete Pantry requesting reimbursement of $1000 for the insurance coverage for the 2019-2020 Year. A motion was made to reimburse the Food Pantry for their liability insurance of $1000 by Trustee Elton and seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were in favor. Roll call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Trustee Grady - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes.

We received a handout/brochure from Franciscan Health Olympia Field has a care link transportation service that will pick up patients and bring them over to their health center. Bus runs 8am-4pm and it is for the Olympia Field location. Pam Vazquez is going through our lists to see what residents go there and suggest that they utilize that service as much as they can. Could save a couple a thousand dollars a year. In addition, we are reaching out to Village Woods and St. James Manor to see if they have transportation services. Supervisor Liccar will keep us posted.


Clerk - Clerk Buiter read a letter thanking us for $500 donation for the Summer reading program. Our name was on display in the library lobby and on the web page. Kids had good time reading and was good exposure for the Township.

Trustee Grady - Financial Reports- See attached.

Highway Commissioner-See Attached written report of activity.

Tim Miller discussed the maintenance and branch pick up was done. Cold patching was done and ditchwork was completed on Harvest Lane. We took delivery of the 2019 GMC 1500 Pickup and a 2019 Ford Pickup Truck. They 15 bids total for the retired pickups. We received $5500 for the 2007 pickup and the 2011 Ford E250 sold for $15625.

Assessor --See Attached.

Plan Commission - John Rzymski discussed attended the Southland Economic Development quarterly meeting last week. Representative Deluca was in attendance and had a lot of information about the State of Illinois was going to spend the $162 million. The funding might be coming from the extra gas tax or special bond or private enterprise system. General discussion led to how much the airport was going to run. Next month we will have a planning meeting on about a resident who wants to subdivide her property.

Building and Grounds - Trustee Bob Hodge No Report

Senior Transportation - Trustee Bob Hodge Waiting to hear from the county for funding and to see if the foresaid item about Olympia Field transportation can work in our favor.

Youth - Trustee Piacentini stated there is a movie in the park on August 17, 2019. The park district has free WI- Fl bowling on August 21, 2019. They also have senior dominoes from 10 to noon.

Mosquito Abatement - Trustee Piacnentini stated the spraying continues and there were 5 cases of trapped mosquitoes had West Nile Virus. None in any people thankfully. The relationship with the new vendor has been very good and very reasonable.

Senior & Special Events - Trustee Elton stated the picnic was a success. Don Ho was the entertainer and was fabulous and all the participants thoroughly enjoyed his show. Unfortunately, he is retiring after this year. The food and ice cream were well received.


NEW BUSINESS - Supervisor Liccar mentioned he had one general assistance case that the Will County Center for Community Concern. They were a huge help and they are 501c nonprofit and worked really well with the citizen who needed help.


CORRESPONDENCE - Clerk Buiter read a request from Crete Creative Gallery and School. They would like a $250 donation and they are a nonprofit organization. A motion was made to be a sponsor for $250 to the Gallery and School by Trustee Elton and seconded by Trustee Grady. All were in favor. Roll call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini-yes, Trustee Grady - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes. Town Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.




Town Funds bills - Motion to approve the Town Fund bills for payment as presented was made by Trustee Piacentini seconded by Trustee Elton. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Trustee Grady - yes, Supervisor Licaar - yes. Town Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.

Road and Bridge Fund Bills - Motion to approve the Road and Bridge Fund bills for payments as submitted was made by Trustee Elkton, seconded by Trustee Hodge. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Hodge - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Trustee Grady- yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes. Road and Bridge Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.

Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Hodge. All were in favor, meeting stands adjourned at 7:35PM.,
