
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lockport Committee of the Whole met June 5

Webp meeting 05

Lockport Committee of the Whole met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

A. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG – Mayor, Steven Streit

B. INVOCATION – Ernest Jones, Police Chaplain


PRESENT: Mayor, Steven Streit

Alderman, Larry Schreiber

Alderwoman, Christina Bergbower

Alderman, JR Gillogly

Alderman, Mark R. Lobes

Alderman, Darren Deskin

Alderwoman, Joanne Bartelsen

Alderwoman, Catherine Perretta

ABSENT: Alderwoman, Renee Saban

ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator, Ben Benson

City Attorney, Sonni Choi Williams

Finance Director, Lisa Heglund

Chief of Police, Terry Lemming

Assistant to the City Administrator, Amanda Pazdan

Director of Public Works, Brent Cann


Brian Bierovic – LCTV

Jessie Malloy, Lockport Legend

D. PROCLAMATION: Mark Ferry was present to accept the Proclamation to the Class of 1969 that was presented by the Mayor. Mayor presented the Proclamation that celebrated the 50th anniversary of Lockport Central High School Class of 1969 that comprised of 405 students, some whom responded that their positive experiences and memories of the Lockport High School with their teachers and coaches left lasting impression and prepared them for the future and lasting friendships. Will County Board member Mark Ferry from Class of 1969 thanked the Mayor and said that although he now lives in Plainfield, he always considers Lockport as him hometown.

E. LIAISON REPORTS: Alderwoman Perretta reported the success of Lockport Love Candle Light Bowling and she presented an updated photo of the event. Mayor commended the work of Lockport Love and the work of Chief Lemming and Catherine Perretta on everything that the organization does.


CA-1. Consideration of a Strategic Planning Session Scheduled for July 10, 2019: City Administrator presented staff report on the background of the City Council’s prior Strategic Planning Session and the need for another one, so July 10th at 6:30 p.m. will be the City Council’s next Strategic Planning Session.

CA-2. Feasibility Study for a Makers Park at the Chevron Star Business Park:

The Mayor discussed the Star Maker Park with the background introduction that prior to being elected as the Mayor, he volunteered on the Community Advisory Group which was tasked with looking at the future of the closed down refinery site owned by Exelon, now known as Chevron. He spoke about how the “throw-away” culture that demands immediate gratification with purchasing items that are then thrown away once that gratification wears out and how we as a society needs to be relooked at buying things that are manufactured and brought imported and then thrown away. The Mayor went through the history of how entrepreneurs like Edward Worst who provided meaningful jobs for women. The Makers Park will allow collaboration, sharing ideas, and innovations. There are other makers’ park such as LTHS’s robotics club and JJC’s makers’ space with 3-D printers that emphasis innovators to make things with their own hands.

The Star Maker Park will be a 2-level structure with a common area for retail. Events could take place in the courtyard. The first level could be rented out to crafters to build things. The 2nd floor could be smaller units for jewelers and retailers. The Mayor has been working with JJC with eatery & kitchen. JJC has a magnificent culinary program and it have small cooking units and small kitchen areas that could be rented.

The following are what would make this location viable as a makers’ park: the City owned property, so the cost may be lower, the close proximity to Chicago, the City’s current relationship with learning institutes, it could be within the Enterprise Zone, and is located within the City’s TIF district.

Why built from ground up? The benefits that it could be built from ground up and designed for everyone’s proximity. In the Enterprise Zone and TIF, so cost savings and cost sharing. Why do we need to do feasibility study? Go out and look out what has worked and how it can be successful here.

CL Enterprises, JJC, Space Lab, City of Lockport, State of IL (Enterprise Zone): Star Maker’s Coalition could be potential users. The feasibility study proposal submitted by the Hitchcock Design Group for a cost of around $39,800. The Mayor and Administrator Ben Benson indicated that other stakeholders could assist in paying for this cost, but would request the City Council approve amount not to exceed $29,800.

Jay Margalus, a professor of JJC stated that he has been involved with makers’ spaces for several years. Generally, a makers’ space’s first function is education, especially teaching technology to students, teachers, the public. Workshops could include on how to use 3-D print or a laser cutter. Second, create new businesses.

Questions were posed regarding why isn’t this a private venture and whether JJC was committed, which was confirmed, and finding out how much the ultimate cost will be. City Administrator Benson talked about how other partners can make up the difference in the cost, but requested that the City Council approve the feasibility study and that the City would pay for the study not to exceed $29,800.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting. CA-3. Resolution No. 19-071: Maintenance Agreement with CCA for Sign Panel Replacement for Signs along the I&M Canal Trail.

City Administrator Benson presented the Agreement with CCA regarding updating the sign panels and signs along the I&M Canal trail. There will be no change to the sign frames and posts. The Canal Corridor Association (CCA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1981 to advocate for the creation of the Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Area. Today, CCA is designated by Congress as the coordinating entity for the I&M Canal National Heritage Area (the nation's first national heritage corridor) from LaSalle, IL to Lake Michigan.

Currently there are several signs within the City along the I&M Canal Trail or in near proximity to the Canal within the National Heritage Area which provide historical information, maps, and trail navigation. The CCA is aware that the property or land in which the signs are located is not controlled or owned by the City, but is requesting the City's permission to update this existing signage.

DIRECTION: Add to the CONSENT Agenda for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

FN-1. Presentation of 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Jim Sagio from Skitich presented the Audited Annual Financial Report. Mr. Sagio indicated that City staff was well-prepared and very cooperative. All the requests were met. Page 1 of the report and the rest of the report is the responsibility of the staff. Unmodified opinion is the highest recommendation. City adopted GASBE 75 policy which changed the accounting principles.

Alderman Derren Deskin indicated how he has compared the City’s financial reports to other communities and he has concluded that Lockport is always better and exceeds other communities and is encouraged by the audit. He commended Finance Director Lisa Heglund who has done a great job.


FN-2. 2020 Budget Calendar: Finance Director Heglund presented the 2020 Budget Calendar to inform the City Council and the public the schedule in the City’s budget process.


FN-3. Resolution No. 19-069: Purchase of New Avaya Phone System

Finance Director Heglund outlined Resolution No. 19-69 regarding the purchase of new Avaya phone system. There was a question regarding whether there is real savings versus. Cell phones, maybe there are 8 lines. There was a question regarding whether the new phone system will work on the current cable line and the representative.

FN-4. Ordinance No. 19-024: 2019 Bond Sale Draft Ordinance

Finance Director Heglund presented the DRAFT bond ordinance for the 2019 bond sale. The sale is scheduled to take place the morning of June 19, 2019 and once the actual figures are determined, a FINAL bond ordinance will be completed and issued upon the City Council approval at its meeting on June 19, 2019. The bond sale will be for $1,915,000.00 and will be repaid over a 3-year period. The bond proceeds will be used to fund a few of the capital improvement projects on roads and sidewalks throughout the City, as well as issuance costs.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

PZ-1. Resolution No. 19-053: Concept Plan-Building “A” in the Prologis Industrial/Business Park Expansion/Southwest Corner of 143rd Street & Prologis Parkway (PZC Case No. 2018-016)

City Administrator discussed how all the items PZ-1. Resolution No. 19-053 regarding the Concept Plan-Building “A” in the Prologis Industrial/Business Park Expansion/Southwest Corner of 143rd Street & Prologis Parkway (PZC Case No. 2018-016); PZ-2. Resolution No. 19-054: Concept Plan- Building "B" in the Prologis Industrial/Business Park Expansion/Southwest Corner of 143rd Street & Prologis Parkway (PZC Case No. 2018-017); AT-1. Resolution No. 19-065: First Amendment to the Development Agreement of Lockport Business Park (Prologis); CED-1. Ordinance No. 19-013: Rezoning from C3 Highway Commercial/O2 General Office to M1 Limited Manufacturing Southwest Corner of 143rd Street and Prologis Parkway (PZC Case No. 2019-005); CED-2. Ordinance No. 19-014: Rezoning of Lot 5 Exception located Southeast Corner of Archer Avenue and Prologis Parkway from M1 Limited Manufacturing Zoning District to C3 Highway Commercial Zoning District (PZC Case No. 2019-004); AT-2. Resolution 19-064: Amendment to the Annexation Agreement of the 9 Acre Pasquinelli Parcel, all relate to the addition of properties that will be acquired by Prologis and added to their business park.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

PZ-2. Resolution No. 19-054: Concept Plan-Building "B" in the Prologis Industrial/Business Park Expansion/Southwest Corner of 143rd Street & Prologis Parkway (PZC Case No. 2018-017)

City Administrator presented this item along with the Concept Plan for Building “A”, both that are located south of 143rd Street with Building “A” property located west of Prologis Parkway and Building “B” property located east of Prologis Parkway.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

AT-1. Resolution No. 19-065: First Amendment to the Development Agreement of Lockport Business Park (Prologis)

City Attorney Sonni Williams outlined how the First Amendment to the Development Agreement outlines how the properties located south of 143rd Street will be added to the Prologis’ business park along with the required zoning changes that would include Prologis’ agreement to downsize the zoning of part of its’ Lot 5 Parcel (Lot 5 Exception) to C-3 Highway Commercial to M-1 Limited Manufacturing.

The First Amendment to the Development Agreement along with the zoning ordinances and the amendment to the annexation agreement for the Pasquinelli 9-acre property (part of the Building A site) will not be effective until and unless Prologis closes on the purchase of the additional properties south of 143rd St. from Lockport Investment.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

CED-1. Ordinance No. 19-013: Rezoning from C3 Highway Commercial/O2 General Office to M1 Limited Manufacturing Southwest Corner of 143rd Street and Prologis Parkway (PZC Case

No. 2019-005)

As discussed along with the prior items regarding Prologis acquiring these properties.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

CED-2. Ordinance No. 19-014: Rezoning of Lot 5 Exception located Southeast Corner of Archer Avenue and Prologis Parkway from M1 Limited Manufacturing Zoning District to C3 Highway Commercial Zoning District (PZC Case No. 2019-004)

As discussed along with the prior items regarding Prologis acquiring these properties.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

AT-2. Resolution 19-064: Amendment to the Annexation Agreement of the 9 Acre Pasquinelli Parcel

As discussed along with the prior items regarding Prologis acquiring these properties.

DIRECTION: HOLD A PUBLIC hearing on the item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

PZ-3. Resolution No. 19-067: Annexation Agreement; Ordinance No. 19-023 Rezoning of the property located at 16237 W. 163rd St. Rezoning from A1 Agricultural Zoning District (Unincorporated Will County) to R1 Single Family Zoning District (City of Lockport) (PZC Case No. 2019-011)

City Attorney Williams presented the staff report on this annexation of the property located at 16237 W. 16rd Street in unincorporated Will County, Illinois and owned by Phillip and Carrie Varsek and located at 16237 W. 163rd St.

The Varseks filed a petition to annex their property into the City of Lockport and are seeking approval of the rezoning from A1 Agricultural (Will County) to R1 Single Family Residential (City of Lockport) concurrently with annexation agreement. The Varseks desire to have the property zoned R1 Single Family which is consistent with the surrounding properties. A public hearing on the rezoning for this property was held during the regular meeting of the Plan & Zoning Commission on May 14th. The applicant was not present, however, no objectors were present. By a vote of 5-0, the Plan and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning from A1 Agricultural (Will County) to R1 Single Family Residential (City of Lockport) for the property located at 16237 W. 163rd Street. The public hearing on the Annexation Agreement which includes the annexation of the Subject Property, will be held before the Committee of the Whole on June 19, 2019 (concurrently with this zoning request).

The Annexation Agreement for this property is simple and basic since the property will continue to be used for residential purposes. There is no provision for a right of way dedication since there was a 33 feet dedication through the I-355 Plat of Highways. The applicable fees related to the annexation and rezoning approval process have been waived and the Owners would be allowed to connect to the City's water/sewer system without having to pay for the connection costs for residential use.

DIRECTION: HOLD A PUBLIC hearing on the item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

PZ-4. Special Use Permit for a Unique Use to allow a Doggie Day Care Facility within the O2 General Office District and Final Development Plans for a New 8,051 Square Feet Commercial Building (J & D Doggie Day Care) in Prime Business Campus Lot 13 (PZC Case No. 2019-006)

Ed Lelo presented staff report on this subject property is a 5.33-acre parcel, zoned O2 General Office located on Prime Boulevard within the Prime Business Park. The applicant is proposing a Doggie Daycare Facility. Doggie Day Care is a specific classification that is identified (in the Use Classification Table of the City’s Zoning Ordinance) as a permitted use in the C3 Commercial District; a Special Use within the C2 District; and prohibited in all other districts. In this instance, the use is classified as a Special Use for a “Unique Use” within the O2 District.

A public hearing was held during the regular meeting of the Plan & Zoning Commission on May 14, 2019. Representatives were present to answer questions/comments, no one objected to the special use.

After the PZC meeting, it was learned that the applicant was operating a business that is more in line with a kennel since the business may house a household pet or “fur babies” overnight during a vacation; therefore a special use ordinance for an unique use for a kennel would be presented at the City Council meeting on June 19th. The City’s PZC recommended the approval of the Doggie Day Care.

DIRECTION: Add to the Agenda as an ACTION item for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.

CED-3. Resolution 19-072: 2019-FSA002 Fire Sprinkler & Fire Alarm System Installation Assistance Program 940-942 N. State Street

DIRECTION: Add to the CONSENT Agenda for the June 19, 2019 City Council meeting.


Mayor presented the proposal that the incubator, Space Lab from Mokena, that is looking for a new space and willing to pay rent, lease the available rooms in the City’s Central Square building. Jay from Space Lab in the two offices in the stage areas. Currently in 2400 sf in Mokena in the back garage. Received educational grants for K-12 students. They would love to be in a community space in the south suburbs, synergy.


Jason Bates who submitted his comment card to speak at the meeting was not present.

William Eply spoke about 18th & Madison St corner and his concerns that there is no stop sign in an area where familes are crossing the street and he has heard screeching of tires. Brent went through the evaluation based on the State’s guideline to determine whether the stop sign is warranted.

Samatha Eberly: Who presented the overnight parking on the street. She emphasized her position is now to increase the number of days to allow for overnight parking.

Roy Adock had questions on Ordinance 19-1019 authorizing the City Administrator to purchase property under $20,000 and whether there is a plan for ADA parking along 9th Street and State Street.








