Village of Homer Cemetery Board met June 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the
Those present: Cemetery board members, Joe Bear, Billy Mitchell, Larry Anders, Zach Wells, and secretary, Sharon Jeffers.
Finances for the Cemetery are still low. We need to run a tight budget, keep volunteers, and possible ways to save or to bring in more funds in the future.
Ground maintenance: There are several graves that need to be leveled and worked. Rain has hampered that this season. There are some trees and bushes that need to be trimmed and or removed, Village maintenance will not be able to dedicate a lot of time until fall arrives.
Grave maintenance needs to be priority. It would be helpful if people could mark areas that need attention while they are mowing. There is a possibility that we will receive a donation to repair Morrison graves.
Weed eating: Weed eaters are in need of repair or replaced. Need to look into purchasing a new handheld and possible push weed eater.
Need to repair falling headstones, there are several in need of repair.
Need to research the possibility of digging our own graves to help with finances.
When budget allows, we still need more rock on the roads.
Small garage is in need of maintenance.
Need to remove the pea gravel storage area.
Going to look into a volunteer work day. May look for a local company in search of volunteer work.
Next meeting Tuesday, July 23, 2019, 7am.