
Will County Gazette

Friday, January 31, 2025

Will County Executive Committee met August 2

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Will County Executive Committee met Aug. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


Chair Jim Moustis called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM

Attendee Name




Jim Moustis



Charles E. Maher

Vice ChairAbsent

Darren Bennefield



Herbert Brooks Jr.



Mike Fricilone



Donald Gould



Suzanne Hart



Judy Ogalla



Annette Parker



Lauren Staley-Ferry



Ray Tuminello



Tom Weigel



Denise E. Winfrey



Also Present: R. Freitag and M. Johannsen. Present from State's Attorney's Office: K. Meyers.


Mr. Brooks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


1. WC Construction Management Interview Committee - Regular Meeting - Jun 25, 2018 9:00 AM

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Herbert Brooks Jr., Member SECONDER: Denise E. Winfrey, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone

2. WC Executive Committee - Board Agenda Setting Meeting - Jul 12, 2018 10:00 AM

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darren Bennefield, Member SECONDER: Tom Weigel, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone

3. Executive Committee - Executive Session Minutes July 12, 2018 (Minutes)

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Darren Bennefield, Member SECONDER: Tom Weigel, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone


1. Discussion Re: Burning Ordinance

(Discussion) Mr. Tim Anderson reviewed the e-mails from Will County fire districts. All the fire districts indicated they use the International Fire Code; which has a setback of 15 feet from all structures for portable burn units. There is an exception for one and two unit dwellings.

Mr. Moustis stated move the item to Public Health & Safety Committee to make amendments to the Ordinance to adopt the International Code. We will need to keep it very narrow, and not adopt the entire Code.

Mr. Weigel stated Section 307.2 of the fire code mentions they prohibit open burning if smoke or odor is offensive or objectionable. That should be included.

Mr. Anderson indicated it is too objective and would be difficult to enforce.

Mr. Moustis stated this is clear cut; 15 feet from any structure.

Mrs. Ogalla asked which fire departments were contacted?

Mr. Anderson replied Crete Fire Department, Tinley Park, Lemont, Naperville, Mokena, New Lenox, Bolingbrook, Village of Crete, Oswego, Troy Fire District and Plainfield Fire District.

Mr. Moustis pointed out they are all uniform with the 15 feet.

2. Update on New Records Management System - HPE Content Manager (Mike Thompson) Mr. Palmer stated Mr. Thompson is here to focus on the records management system and staffing. Additional discussions will be held at Capital on the space needs. As we deploy new technologies a certain amount of staffing is needed, whether it is adding or moving staff. The goal is to centralize and consolidate.

Mr. Thompson reviewed the attached handouts.

Mr. Moustis stated I would like to talk about the funding of records management. The Circuit Clerk has a lot of records stored and managed there. Does she contribute to the management of her records?

Mr. Thompson reviewed the Physical Records page of the handout, listing all departments he is responsible for handling. The page entitled Scanning is a list of the departments we currently scan documents for.

Mr. Moustis asked are there fees for these departments applied?

Mrs. Johannsen stated departments utilizing color printing services are charged, but it goes back into the corporate account.

Mr. Moustis stated the Circuit Clerk and County Clerk charge automation fees. Are these automation fees dedicated to records management?

Mr. Palmer stated the Circuit Clerk has her statutory responsibilities and has automation funds, collected through fees. We encouraged and they have put more of their staff into the fee. They use the fees for appropriate things and it gives relieve to the corporate fund. The Circuit Clerk has a section, at Nicholson Street, but Mr. Thompson has no jurisdiction, it is her operation and staff.

Mr. Moustis stated we have other resources. Animal Control has licensing fees accumulating and we are using some for capital; part of their budget could go to their records management. Do other department receive additional fees or grants that could be used? Could the Highway Department use MFT funds for records management? We have to put more resources into the department and those departments with special funds cannot hold the funds, they have to contribute to their recordkeeping. Does the Record of Deeds use part of their automation fees to contribute to recordkeeping?

Mr. Palmer stated instead of every department maintaining their records, Mr. Thompson has a vision to centralize the process and make it more efficient. It is better to have a centralized service with specialized people than having 20 departments doing it themselves. We need to have a conversation; can we get dollars from departments to assist with the effort.

Mr. Moustis stated the County Board has raised fees including automation, for recordkeeping that is what those fees are for.

Mr. Palmer clarified at the Record of Deeds a large part of the fee goes to GIS.

Mr. Moustis stated probably not this budget year, but looking at recordkeeping and record management if we have fees in other departments, away from real estate taxes that can be contributed, it would make a big difference.

Mrs. Ogalla reviewed the demonstrations for the case management system. We are moving away from paper to everything electronic. There will be a lot of scanning at the point of implementation.

Mr. Thompson stated in my presentation I focus on bulk scanning, anything over five pages as the target for sending it to us. An overview of the print shop was given. When printer and copiers are selected for the courthouse, we would like to use one system. Their IT is excited because they will be dealing with one brand. In the past we would print mailings, fold it and then send it back to the department for their staff to put into the envelopes by hand. We purchased a machine to stuff envelopes to cut down on department staff’s time. We are looking for a machine to laminate and cut documents. Twice this year we have been affected by tariffs on copy paper and continue to search out alternatives. A review of the types of scanning was given. In the future we would like to expand the assisted capture, if you scan a document the software will determine the data entry, which adds an extra level of security. A person can release it, but never have a seat at content manager. We do not have staff to do archival scanning. When it comes to the storage of documents we are not meeting the requirements for microfilm and microfiche; it would make sense to make us the central depository for microfilm/fiche. Space management is the integration of the physical records, representing them in content manager; barcoding boxes and getting them into a system. We have the barcode machine which will be set up soon. We need an expanded, climate controlled vault. An update on current projects was given. Most of the departments have been trained on core functions of content manager, the replacement for Viewwise. In the future, we will bring in HP and Microfocus to show other functions of the software.

Mr. Tuminello stated the Capital Committee is studying space needs and records management has been mentioned. How much space do you currently have and how much space will you need in the future?

Mr. Palmer replied the space needs analysis did give us an estimate. We can do improvements to the Nicholson Street facility. The questions become; do we put more money into the building? Do we look at a new location or build new? The current building has high ceilings to stack much higher. With an existing building, we may not be able to stack as high and have to increase the floor space. We also need the ability to have a lot of weight in one spot.

Mr. Tuminello asked how many full time employees are needed?

Mr. Thompson replied the records coordinator would move between duties. We need two people now and a third person by the end of next year. We run extremely lean. It is based upon what people will ask us to do in the future then a fourth person could be needed. The drawings I saw utilize Nicholson Street. That was based on my future projections. If you want a centralized management space and want us to run a true records management warehouse, it will take more space.

Mr. Tuminello stated a few years ago the Capital Committee put quite a bit of money into the implementation of a new system; how is that going?

Mr. Thompson answered everyone has been offered training. There are departments that need expanded services and training. I have received no complaints about the system.

Mr. Palmer stated this tool we bought has a lot of bells and whistles and we are not using all of them yet. It is going well and it will be the future of scanning.

Mr. Tuminello asked it has not been completely implemented, is it because there are not enough individuals or a byproduct of training?

Mr. Thompson answered it is moving slowly with training having only one person. That is why I need the records coordinator. I am the Director of records management, but in any given day I may be at a copier, running a forklift, taking care of copier and fax issues at any given department. It is not efficient.

Mr. Moustis added when you get new systems the implementation curve is slow.

Mr. Palmer stated when Mr. Thompson is doing all the day to day stuff, he does not have the time to look at the big pictures. Just adding a manager for the records component will allow him to focus on the big picture, budget issues and negotiating. Any technology improvements will require an increase in staffing. If not, the implementation takes longer.

Mr. Thompson added someone has to administer the system. I am the only person doing that.

Mr. Bennefield asked are you reaching out the departments and asking for input?

Mr. Thompson responded we reached out to them for training.

Mr. Bennefield asked will we see an increase in the personnel costs? It seems as you reduce the scanning costs from other department, can we transfer individuals?

Mr. Moustis stated the County does not have revenue to add employees. If anything we may be forced with a reductions. This is a good example of the County Board and the County Executive looking at the budget and reallocating resources. We have to look and see if we can take money from one department and put it in another. If departments have people in records management now, we need to look at ways to reallocate resources.

Mr. Bennefield stated as the amount of work is reduced, the number of employees should be reduced.

Mr. Palmer stated some of the work is currently not getting done. Mr. Thompson has pallets of files dumped at Nicholson Street. We have tried to implement policies that stuff cannot be brought unless it is ready to be scanned or archived. There may be money that could be utilized. In the long run, this could save money. When people move into the new courthouse or health department and say they need space to store records, we will tell them to take it to records management instead of giving them more space.

Mr. Moustis stated at the new courthouse, we looked at the technology for the building and making the operation more efficient. I hope our new facilities will help centralize documents storage.

Mr. Thompson stated I want to provide those type of services. We want to move beyond simple scanning. We want to become completely digital and we can help departments become digital. Our new system is complex enough it can be your interface to your entire day. This system will interact with the systems you are currently running. Your information is put in one way and pulled out one way and employees are taught one way.

Mr. Moustis stated at the new courthouse, everything we can implement is done.

Mr. Thompson stated Mr. Van Essen, IT and others have met to discuss the copiers, printers and scanners. We will be coming back for funds to provide this equipment.

Records Management Handout (Handout)



1. Bid Results for Consultants for Solar Photovoltaic Application on County Owned Land & Buildings (Discussion) Mr. Moustis stated we have approved a company to move forward with placing solar on the capped portion of the landfill and next to RVJC. Solid Waste will bring this to us, but there are a number of hoops to jump through.

Ms. Bluemer stated the Board allowed us to begin negotiating with Ameresco. We hope to bring the completed lease agreement for your review to the August County Board meeting and move forward with solar on the closed portion of the landfill for a price per acre lease. We are working through the details and will be prepared to speak about them next week. The RFQ for the solar assessment was received and we are working with Ms. Weiss on the next steps. We will have a recommendation for the County Board Capital Committee.

Mr. Moustis stated we have a lease with Waste Management and they have to go through the lease. They will get something back to us this week.

Ms. Bluemer stated we are also still waiting for our legal counsel recommendations.

Mr. Moustis indicated Mr. Helston should be part of the process.

Ms. Bluemer stated Waste Management is involved with the stakeholders to make sure we are not infringing with the integrity of their operation.

Mr. Moustis stated we have a closure plan for the landfill that does not include solar panels. It is set to go to the Forest Preserve for more of a recreational facility. I want to make sure this does not alter the original closure plan. We may have to decide what we want once the landfill is no longer operational. I don’t think the Board wants to go too far down the road until they decide if this is the only section that will be solar. We could give them a 20 year lease and have them remove the solar after 20 years. We need to bring back Mr. Helston to discuss this. It is a legal document we file with the regulators.

Ms. Bluemer stated post-closure care is addressed through the permitting process to install the solar array on the landfill. Mr. Helston has been involved through the entire process. We can ask him to provide options that would give flexibility in post-closure.

Mr. Moustis stated I am a supporter of solar; but I was a big supporter of the original closure plan; turning it over the Forest Preserve.

Ms. Bluemer stated the closure is now set for 2042. The current term on the solar lease is 20 years with five year extension options.

Mr. Moustis stated the leases should not go beyond 2040. Then the Board could decide to side with the original plan.

Mr. Tuminello asked has a site plan been developed?

Ms. Bluemer answered we will not have specific details until we have a signed lease agreement.

Mr. Tuminello asked Ms. Bluemer to bring the site plan to the Capital meeting.

Mr. Moustis clarified it is confined to the capped part of the landfill.

Mr. Bennefield asked how large is the capped part?

Ms. Bluemer replied approximately 60 acres; but after you take out area for the buffers, access points and gas wells it is down to 40 acres. The solar panels will occupy 16 to 20 acres, the incentive category we will go through, we not allow than that. If we were do a different incentive route and use the entire covered area, our incentives would be very low and not make sense. The incentives are very competitive and we would lose to someone putting in 300 acres of solar panels.

Mr. Bennefield stated NACo had a very informative workshop. They mentioned the cost to put solar on top of the landfill is more expensive than the ground because of the hardware cannot pierce the covering. Have we looked at the costs and do we have other land available that is not as expensive?

Mr. Moustis stated this is a lease, we are simply leasing the land, the costs are on them.

Mr. Bennefield asked are decommissioning bonds required in the contracts?

Ms. Bluemer replied Ameresco has agreed to post the surety. If we take it down we will have the means to do so.

Mr. Moustis clarified I am for sticking to the original closure of the landfill. We extended the time to 2042. In the interim I don’t mind leasing the property. I suggest some of the revenue be put into a special fund for other foreclosure initiatives so we have development money. That may be part of the original agreement as Waste Management is totally responsible for that. A Committee of the Whole was suggested for the entire Board to hear about this. I want to make them aware there is a plan in place for the landfill that was adopted, filed and accepted by the regulators.

Ms. Bluemer stated we will make it a part of the lease; if there is any way to generate revenue until the final closing procedures are completed. We will ensure a statement that once post closure care begins the lease is terminated.

Mr. Moustis stated the closure is a requirement by the IEPA and EPA and cannot be changed.

Ms. Bluemer stated we have to refile because we are going to have a portion solar panel.

Mr. Moustis stated I want the Board Members to have as much information on this as possible.

Mrs. Adams led a discussion on the bid results from the RFQ for consultants. This does not deal with the landfill; it is the RFQ for consultants to do solar on county owned land. Copies of the RFQs will be sent to all Executive Committee Members for discussion on September 6th.

2. Replacement Hire Pre-posting for Division of Transportation - Three (3) Road

Maintainer positions (Jeff Ronaldson)

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] TO: Will County Board MOVER: Ray Tuminello, Member SECONDER: Donald Gould, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone



A. Land Use & Development Committee

T. Weigel, Chair

1. Amending Sections 155-9.130 (3) and 155-10.10 (11) - (Accessory Uses) of the Will County Zoning Ordinance- Use of Cargo Containers (Colin Duesing)

B. Finance Committee

M. Fricilone, Chair

1. Audit Process and CAFR for Fiscal Year 11/30/2017 (Karen Hennessy)

2. Authorizing County Executive to Execute Necessary Documents for Delinquent Tax Program (Julie Shetina)

C. Public Works & Transportation Committee

D. Gould, Chair

1. Amending the Will County Code Relative to Wireless Telecommunication Facilities in County Rights-of-Way (Jeff Ronaldson)

2. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Right-of-Way Acquisition Services (Review Appraisals) with Jay M. Heap and Associates, LTD for Several Parcels of Property along Laraway Road (CH 74) from Cedar Road (CH 4) to Stonebridge Drive, County Board District #12 (Jeff Ronaldson)

3. Authorizing the Appropriation of MFT Funds ($80,000.00) for Right-of- Way Acquisition Services (Review Appraisals) by County Under the IL Highway Code for Several Parcels of Property along Laraway Road (CH 74) from Cedar Road (CH 4) to Stonebridge Drive, County Board District #12 (Jeff Ronaldson)

4. Authorizing Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering Services (Phase II) with Ciorba Group Inc. on 80th Avenue (CH 83) from the 191st Street (CH 84) North to 183rd Street, Section 06- 00122-16-FP, County Board District #2 and #12 (Jeff Ronaldson)

5. Authorizing Approval of Supplemental Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering Services (Phase II) with A. Epstein and Sons International Inc. on Bell Road (CH 16) at the Intersection of 143rd Street (CH 37) Section 12-00147-11-CH, County Board District #7 (Jeff Ronaldson)

D. Judicial Committee

D. Bennefield, Chair

1. Discussion of the Implications of HB4594 (Julie McCabe-Sterr)

E. Public Health & Safety Committee

J. Ogalla, Chair

1. Renewing Contract for Diabetic Supplies for Sunny Hill Nursing Home (Rita Weiss)

2. Discussion Re: Health Department Strategic Plan (Sue Olenek)

3. Discussion Re: Groundwater Shortage (Sue Olenek)

F. Legislative & Policy Committee

S. Hart, Chair

G. Capital Improvements Committee

R. Tuminello, Chair

1. Discussion Re: Solar Panels on Will County Courthouse (Tom Leonard, Gilbane)

2. Presentation by Jim Trizna, City of Joliet Public Works (Jim Trizna, City of Joliet)

H. Executive Committee

J. Moustis, Chair

1. Amending Chapter 110: Alcoholic Beverages of the Will County Code of Ordinances (Liquor Ordinance) Re Number of Liquor Licenses (Jim Harvey)

2. Updating Will County Business/Travel Reimbursement Regulations (Discussion)

3. Authorizing County Executive to Execute Lease Agreement for Pitney Bowes Mail Management System (Rita Weiss)

4. Authorizing the County Executive to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Homer Glen and the County of Will for a One-Day Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Event for Fall 2018 (Dave Hartke)



Mr. Moustis asked to add four additional assignments. Designating First Community Bank of Joliet as a County Depository to Finance and Authorizing County Executive to Execute Lease Agreement for Solar at Prairie View Facility, Authorizing HOME Program Consortium Agreement and Discussion Regarding Pace Environmental Program to Executive.

1. Motion to Add Four Additional Assignments

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Denise E. Winfrey, Member SECONDER: Ray Tuminello, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone

2. Motion to Accept Committee Assignment Requests as Amended

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Judy Ogalla, Member SECONDER: Darren Bennefield, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone


Mrs. Ogalla reviewed the Court Management System demos. The selection will be brought to the Committee. Next week is the HSO kickoff for the ERP system.



1. Motion to go into Executive Sesson at 11:28 AM for the Purpose of Labor Negotiations

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Tuminello, Member SECONDER: Denise E. Winfrey, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Hart, Ogalla, Parker, Staley-Ferry, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone

2. Motion to Come Out of Executive Sesson at 12:14 PM

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Tuminello, Member SECONDER: Darren Bennefield, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone LEFT MEETING: Hart, Staley-Ferry

3. Motion to Concur with the Recommendation of Legal Counsel

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Tuminello, Member SECONDER: Denise E. Winfrey, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone LEFT MEETING: Hart, Staley-Ferry


1. Motion to Adjourn at 12:14 PM

RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ray Tuminello, Member SECONDER: Annette Parker, Member AYES: Moustis, Bennefield, Brooks Jr., Gould, Ogalla, Parker, Tuminello, Weigel, Winfrey ABSENT: Maher, Fricilone LEFT MEETING: Hart, Staley-Ferry
