
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Lockport City Council met August 15.

Webp meeting 10

City of Lockport City Council met August 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

a.Pledge Of Allegiance:

B.Roll Call:


D.Agenda Participation:

(Any person who wishes to speak on a topic that is on the Agenda of the Meeting shall fill out a Speaker Card before the start of the Meeting, either at the City Clerk’s Office, or may give to the City Clerk before the start of the Meeting itself, stating name, and topic on the Agenda to be discussed. Speaker Cards are required for each of the items the Speaker wishes to address. The purpose of the Cards is to obtain the spelling of name of the Speaker, contact information, and provide for efficient meeting administration. All Speakers shall comply with these rules, which shall be posted at the Speaker Sign-In desk and rulings of the City Clerk. Speakers shall be called by name to approach the podium by the City Clerk. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be imposed on each Speaker.)

Illinois Municipalities may adopt a group of assorted Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, and Orders by a single Roll Call Vote called an Omnibus Vote or approval by Consent Agenda. The Omnibus Vote/Consent Agenda Vote shall be taken following the unanimous consent by the City Council as to the items to be included in the vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the Omnibus Vote/Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

e.Consent Agenda:

e.1August 1, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the August 1, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.

CC - e.1 August 1, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Paperclip icon

e.2August 1, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the August 1, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes as presented.

CC - e.2 August 1, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Paperclip icon

e.3Payroll Period ending: Motion to approve the Payroll Period ending July 29, 2018 as presented.

e.4Various Bills: Motion to approve the Various Bills as presented.Various Bills Paperclip icon

e.5B. Benson, P. Hirth Memo 8/15/18 - Professional Service Agreement with Greenberg Farrow for revising the 2003 Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan: Motion to enter into a Contract with Greenberg Farrow for updating and expanding the Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan, with a cost not-to-exceed $48,255. ($43,255 if the Illinois Realtors Group is applied) and no more than $2,500 in reimbursable expenses.

CC - e.5 Revising the 2003 Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan/Greenberg Farrow Professional Service Agreement Paperclip icon

e.6B. Cann, J. Findlay Memo 7/25/18 - 2018 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 Pick-Up Truck for the Street Dept: Motion to authorize City Administrator and Staff to purchase a 2018 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 Pick-Up Truck from Currie Motors through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative in the total not-to-exceed $34,935.

CC - e.6 2018 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 Pick-Up Truck for Street Dept. Paperclip icon

e.7R. Huff Memo 7/24/18 - Vehicle Purchase: Motion to authorize the purchase of four Ford Police Interceptors for a cost not-to-exceed $120,000.00.

CC - e.7 Vehicle Purchase Police Dept. Paperclip icon

f.Approval Of Meeting Minutes: (If not approved as a Consent Agenda Item)

g.Approval Of Payroll: (If not approved as a Consent Agenda Item)

h.Regular Business Action Items:

1.Public Hearing: 812 S. Farrell Road Annexation

2.City Attorney:

1.AT-1 B. Benson, S. Williams Memo 8/10/18 - Public Hearing on Resolution No. 18-036 Approving the Proposed Annexation Agreement; Ordinance No. 18-037 Annexation of Property at 812 S. Farrell Rd.; and Ordinance No. 18-036 Rezoning the Property from R-2 Single Family Residential (Unincorporated Will County) to R-1 Single-Family Residential (City of Lockport).

Action: Motion to approve Resolution No. 18-036/A Resolution approving an Annexation Agreement of a property located at 812 S. Farrell Rd., Lockport, IL. Motion to approve Ordinance No. 18-037/An Ordinance annexing the property located at 812 S. Farrell Rd., Lockport, IL; and Ordinance No. 18-036/An Ordinance approving the Rezoning of the Property located at 812 S. Farrell Rd. from R-2 Single Family Residential (Unincorporated Will County) to R-1 Single-Family Residential (City of Lockport)(Blickhan & Prueter).

CC - AT-1 Resolution No. 18-036, Ordinance No. 18-037, Ordinance No. 18-036 Paperclip icon

3.Community & Economic Development Director:

1. CED-1 P. Hirth Memo 8/8/18 - Reimbursement - Fire Sprinkler & Fire Alarm System Installation Assistance Program 201 E. 9th Street (Rajcan Building)

Action: Motion to authorize reimbursement of $2,172.50 to Elizabeth Rajcan for installation of a Fire Alarm System for the property located at 201 E. 9th Street, as performed under the City's Fire Sprinkler & Fire Alarm Installation Assistance Program.

CC - CED-1 Reimbursement 201 E. 9th Street (Rajcan Building) Paperclip icon

4.Director Of Public Works:

1.PW-1 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - 9th Street Streetscape Project (Railroad Crossing to State Street)

Action: Motion to approve the bid in the amount of $591,178.35 to D Construction.

CC - PW-1 9th Street Streetscape Project (RR Crossing to State St.) Paperclip icon

2.PW-2 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - 2018 Crack Filling Award

Action: Motion to award the project in the amount of $123,600.00 to Patriot Pavement Maintenance Co.

CC - PW-2 2018 Crack Filling Award Paperclip icon

3.PW-3 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - 2018 Stormwater Project Award

Action: Motion to award the project in the amount of $95,134.70 to D Construction.

CC - PW-3 2018 Stormwater Project Award Paperclip icon

4.PW-4 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - Well 15 Sanitary Sewer Award

Action: Motion to approve the bid in the amount of $153,605.25 to Lake County Grading Company, LLC.

CC - PW-4 Well 15 Sanitary Sewer Award Paperclip icon

i.Open Floor For Comments

(Comments will be heard on items that do not appear on the Agenda. The Public Comment portion of the Agenda shall be subject to a twenty (20) minutes limitation. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be imposed on each Speaker.

The purpose of having Public Comments as an Agenda Item is to allow any person to make his/her views known to the City Council upon any subject of general or public interest.

Each person wishing to speak during the Public Comment portion of the Agenda must fill out a Public Comment Speaker Card stating name, and the topic about which he/she wishes to speak as well as a sign-in sheet, and give to the City Clerk at the Meeting itself.

The purpose of the Cards is to obtain the spelling of the name of the Speaker, contact information, and provide for efficient meeting administration.

The order of speaking shall be based upon the order of sign-in with first person signing-in speaking first and so forth. If the twenty (20) minutes has elapsed before all Speakers who have signed up are allowed to speak, the City Council may elect to continue the time period.

However, if the City Council elects not to extend the time period those Speakers who signed up but did not speak may if they so choose to be placed on the next Agenda under the Public Comments Section and shall be placed at the top of the Sign-In Sheet in the same order they were in from the previous Sign-In Sheet.

All Speakers shall comply with these rules which shall be posted at the Speaker Sign-In desk and rulings of the City Clerk. )

j.Executive Session: Open Meetings Exemptions

2(c)(1)Appointments, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of specific Employees.

2(c)(2)Collective Bargaining Matters.

2(c)(3)Selection of a person to fill a Public Office, including a vacancy in a Public Office.

2(c)(5)Purchase or Lease of real property, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.

2(c)(6)The setting of a price for Sale or Lease of property owned by the public body.

2(c)(11)Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting

2(c)(21)Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.


a.Pledge Of Allegiance:

B.Roll Call:


D.Agenda Participation:

(Any person who wishes to speak on a topic that is on the Agenda of the Meeting shall fill out a Speaker Card before the start of the Meeting, either at the City Clerk’s Office, or may give to the City Clerk before the start of the Meeting itself, stating name, and topic on the Agenda to be discussed. Speaker Cards are required for each of the items the Speaker wishes to address. The purpose of the Cards is to obtain the spelling of name of the Speaker, contact information, and provide for efficient meeting administration. All Speakers shall comply with these rules, which shall be posted at the Speaker Sign-In desk and rulings of the City Clerk. Speakers shall be called by name to approach the podium by the City Clerk. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be imposed on each Speaker.)

Illinois Municipalities may adopt a group of assorted Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions, and Orders by a single Roll Call Vote called an Omnibus Vote or approval by Consent Agenda. The Omnibus Vote/Consent Agenda Vote shall be taken following the unanimous consent by the City Council as to the items to be included in the vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council Member or Citizen so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the Omnibus Vote/Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

e.Consent Agenda:

e.1August 1, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the August 1, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.

CC - e.1 August 1, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Paperclip icon

e.2August 1, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the August 1, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes as presented.

CC - e.2 August 1, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Paperclip icon

e.3Payroll Period ending: Motion to approve the Payroll Period ending July 29, 2018 as presented.

e.4Various Bills: Motion to approve the Various Bills as presented.Various Bills Paperclip icon

e.5B. Benson, P. Hirth Memo 8/15/18 - Professional Service Agreement with Greenberg Farrow for revising the 2003 Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan: Motion to enter into a Contract with Greenberg Farrow for updating and expanding the Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan, with a cost not-to-exceed $48,255. ($43,255 if the Illinois Realtors Group is applied) and no more than $2,500 in reimbursable expenses.

CC - e.5 Revising the 2003 Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan/Greenberg Farrow Professional Service Agreement Paperclip icon

e.6B. Cann, J. Findlay Memo 7/25/18 - 2018 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 Pick-Up Truck for the Street Dept: Motion to authorize City Administrator and Staff to purchase a 2018 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 Pick-Up Truck from Currie Motors through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative in the total not-to-exceed $34,935.

CC - e.6 2018 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 Pick-Up Truck for Street Dept. Paperclip icon

e.7R. Huff Memo 7/24/18 - Vehicle Purchase: Motion to authorize the purchase of four Ford Police Interceptors for a cost not-to-exceed $120,000.00.

CC - e.7 Vehicle Purchase Police Dept. Paperclip icon

f.Approval Of Meeting Minutes: (If not approved as a Consent Agenda Item)

g.Approval Of Payroll: (If not approved as a Consent Agenda Item)

h.Regular Business Action Items:

1.Public Hearing: 812 S. Farrell Road Annexation

2.City Attorney:

1.AT-1 B. Benson, S. Williams Memo 8/10/18 - Public Hearing on Resolution No. 18-036 Approving the Proposed Annexation Agreement; Ordinance No. 18-037 Annexation of Property at 812 S. Farrell Rd.; and Ordinance No. 18-036 Rezoning the Property from R-2 Single Family Residential (Unincorporated Will County) to R-1 Single-Family Residential (City of Lockport).

Action: Motion to approve Resolution No. 18-036/A Resolution approving an Annexation Agreement of a property located at 812 S. Farrell Rd., Lockport, IL. Motion to approve Ordinance No. 18-037/An Ordinance annexing the property located at 812 S. Farrell Rd., Lockport, IL; and Ordinance No. 18-036/An Ordinance approving the Rezoning of the Property located at 812 S. Farrell Rd. from R-2 Single Family Residential (Unincorporated Will County) to R-1 Single-Family Residential (City of Lockport)(Blickhan & Prueter).

CC - AT-1 Resolution No. 18-036, Ordinance No. 18-037, Ordinance No. 18-036 Paperclip icon

3.Community & Economic Development Director:

1. CED-1 P. Hirth Memo 8/8/18 - Reimbursement - Fire Sprinkler & Fire Alarm System Installation Assistance Program 201 E. 9th Street (Rajcan Building)

Action: Motion to authorize reimbursement of $2,172.50 to Elizabeth Rajcan for installation of a Fire Alarm System for the property located at 201 E. 9th Street, as performed under the City's Fire Sprinkler & Fire Alarm Installation Assistance Program.

CC - CED-1 Reimbursement 201 E. 9th Street (Rajcan Building) Paperclip icon

4.Director Of Public Works:

1.PW-1 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - 9th Street Streetscape Project (Railroad Crossing to State Street)

Action: Motion to approve the bid in the amount of $591,178.35 to D Construction.

CC - PW-1 9th Street Streetscape Project (RR Crossing to State St.) Paperclip icon

2.PW-2 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - 2018 Crack Filling Award

Action: Motion to award the project in the amount of $123,600.00 to Patriot Pavement Maintenance Co.

CC - PW-2 2018 Crack Filling Award Paperclip icon

3.PW-3 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - 2018 Stormwater Project Award

Action: Motion to award the project in the amount of $95,134.70 to D Construction.

CC - PW-3 2018 Stormwater Project Award Paperclip icon

4.PW-4 B. Cann Memo 8/15/18 - Well 15 Sanitary Sewer Award

Action: Motion to approve the bid in the amount of $153,605.25 to Lake County Grading Company, LLC.

CC - PW-4 Well 15 Sanitary Sewer Award Paperclip icon

i.Open Floor For Comments

(Comments will be heard on items that do not appear on the Agenda. The Public Comment portion of the Agenda shall be subject to a twenty (20) minutes limitation. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be imposed on each Speaker.

The purpose of having Public Comments as an Agenda Item is to allow any person to make his/her views known to the City Council upon any subject of general or public interest.

Each person wishing to speak during the Public Comment portion of the Agenda must fill out a Public Comment Speaker Card stating name, and the topic about which he/she wishes to speak as well as a sign-in sheet, and give to the City Clerk at the Meeting itself.

The purpose of the Cards is to obtain the spelling of the name of the Speaker, contact information, and provide for efficient meeting administration.

The order of speaking shall be based upon the order of sign-in with first person signing-in speaking first and so forth. If the twenty (20) minutes has elapsed before all Speakers who have signed up are allowed to speak, the City Council may elect to continue the time period.

However, if the City Council elects not to extend the time period those Speakers who signed up but did not speak may if they so choose to be placed on the next Agenda under the Public Comments Section and shall be placed at the top of the Sign-In Sheet in the same order they were in from the previous Sign-In Sheet.

All Speakers shall comply with these rules which shall be posted at the Speaker Sign-In desk and rulings of the City Clerk. )

j.Executive Session: Open Meetings Exemptions

2(c)(1)Appointments, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of specific Employees.

2(c)(2)Collective Bargaining Matters.

2(c)(3)Selection of a person to fill a Public Office, including a vacancy in a Public Office.

2(c)(5)Purchase or Lease of real property, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.

2(c)(6)The setting of a price for Sale or Lease of property owned by the public body.

2(c)(11)Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting

2(c)(21)Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.





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