
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met June 5.

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Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met June 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call To Order, Pledge, Roll Call:

Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge.

Roll Call: Commissioners Green, Minnis, Seggebruch, Renzi, Womack, and Chairman Kiefer were present. Commissioner Heinen was absent. Plainfield Fire Protection District was present. Plainfield Township Park District, Plainfield Public Library District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

Others Present: Jonathan Proulx, Director of Planning; Kendra Kuehlem, Associate Planner; Yuchen Ding, Associate Planner; and Tracey Erickson, Recording Secretary.

Approval Of Minutes:

The Plan Commission minutes dated May 15, 2018, were approved as amended.

Approval Of Annual Report:

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to approve the Plan Commission Annual Report for 2017-2018.

Second by Commissioner Green. Vote by roll call: Renzi, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Green, yes; Minnis, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0

Public Comments:

No Comment.

Development Report:

Mr. Proulx provided an update on cases from the Village Board meeting on June 4, 2018, which included the following cases: Northpointe, Colonial Parkway Fence Variance, Colonial Parkway Driveway Variance, and Small Cell Wireless Antenna Siting.

Old Business:

Case No. 1791-042718.CP NEC of 127th St. & Heggs Rd. (Ballard Farm) Camus Development

Chairman Kiefer stated the applicant has requested a continuation to the June 19, 2018 Plan Commission Meeting.

Commissioner Green made a motion to continue this case to the next scheduled meeting of the Plan Commission on June 19, 2018.

Second by Commissioner Seggebruch. Vote by roll call: Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes; Womack, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Green, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0

New Business:

Case No. 1792-052418.CP 24950 W. 127th Street AP Homes, LLC

Mr. Ding stated the applicant submitted a concept plan to the Plan Commission for a residential development on an approximately 11 acres of vacant land in the west of Plainfield Creative World School and south of Canterbury Woods residential subdivision. The proposed 70-unit development will consist of 28 townhome units and 42 courted townhome units. The gross density of the development is approximately 6.36 du/ac.

Mr. Ding reviewed the adjacent land uses and the staff report dated June 1, 2018. Mr. Ding stated in conclusion, staff and the applicant are looking for input from the Plan Commission on whether they support this townhome development plan at the subject location. With the potential issues discussed in the staff report, staff invites the Plan Commission to provide input and direction. Mr. Proulx provided a history of the property and explained the elevations of the homes in the packet are to illustrate the difference between the townhomes and court townhomes.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Anthony Pasquinelli, President and owner of AP Homes, LLC. Mr. Pasquilnelli reviewed the work they have done in the Village of Plainfield. Mr. Pasquilnelli stated based on the size of the property and location the town home community would be the best option. Mr. Pasquilnelli explained how they came to propose this site plan and provided details on the site plan.

Chairman Kiefer asked for public comments. There was no response.

Commissioner Green questioned the ability to extend the northeast access drive. Mr. Proulx explained the current use/ownership of the property on the corner of 127th Street and 248th Avenue. Mr. Proulx stated staff’s proposal is to work with the owners to get a public right-of-way dedication or blanket public ingress/egress easement. Commissioner Green asked if this has already been discussed with the owners. Mr. Proulx stated that engineering has reviewed the street to ensure that the road can function as a public street.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Leslie Wiseman, Grace Point Church Member and listing agent. Ms. Wiseman stated Grace Point Church has no object to the street becoming a public road.

Commissioner Green asked for clarification on the public park proposed in the concept plan. Mr. Proulx stated it is intended to function as an amenity for the development, not to satisfy the public park donation requirements. Mr. Proulx indicated the majority of the park obligation would be paid in cash in lieu at the time of building permit issuance.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the zoning for the church was R-1 with a special use. Mr. Proulx stated that is correct. Commissioner Seggebruch asked Ms. Wiseman if the church intends to keep the lot on the corner of 127th Street and 248th Avenue for commercial use. Ms. Wiseman stated yes. Commissioner Seggebruch indicated that there is a severe traffic problem in this area. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested the entrance on 127th Street be a right in and right out, and explained why. Commissioner Seggebruch indicated that he would like to see the site rezoned because of the density.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked the applicant if he has received any feedback from the Canterbury Woods subdivision. Mr. Pasquinellie stated no. Mr. Pasquinellie stated there is an existing landscape buffer along north and west property lines.

Commissioner Renzi agreed with Commissioner Seggebruch with rezoning the property. Commissioner Renzi indicated he likes the overall design but indicated it might be better with a few less town homes. Commissioner Renzi suggested having a bike path or sidewalk around the detention area which would be a nice amenity. Commissioner Renzi explained his issue with the road by the proposed park area and would prefer more green space then roadway. Mr. Pasquinellie indicated it may be designated for parking area or a boulevard style. Commissioner Renzi agreed with Commissioner Seggebruch with the right in and out on 127th Street. Commissioner Renzi suggested to add some softening on the cluster of town homes in the middle of the development, like 2 less units so there can be pocket parks or give depth to the elevations.

Commissioner Womack indicated he felt it would add traffic to the area and asked staff about improvements of 248th Avenue. Mr. Proulx stated a traffic study has not been conducted, but Village staff has reviewed and a full entrance is viable. Mr. Proulx stated there could be fewer cars with a town home development verse a single-family development. Commissioner Womack indicated he likes the concept because it can offer some diversity. Commissioner Womack suggested a façade that could provide some distinction between the units, so it won’t be so continuous.

Commissioner Minnis stated he agrees with the comments made by his fellow commissioners. Commissioner Minnis pointed out there will be a lot of traffic with the daycare and the residential development. Commissioner Minnis indicated he likes the plan but voiced concerns about the safety of crossing the street to go to the park area. Commissioner Minnis stated the driveway in C6 near 127th Street could be troublesome since is it close to the entrance of the development.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked the applicant if there is a difference is the market place between the traditional townhome and the court townhome. Mr. Pasquinellie stated he has not built townhomes in a while and he was trying to create some diversity. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the court townhomes would be larger unit. Mr. Pasquinellie stated correct. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested changing the C4 court townhomes with a 6-unit townhome and explained why. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested building the court townhomes where the townhomes in T4 closest to 127th Street. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the developer will be installing a sidewalk on the north side of 127th Street. Mr. Proulx stated correct.

Commissioner Renzi made a motion to support the concept plan with the following recommendations:

1. Rezone parcel to R-3 zoning designation and

2. Request the applicant continues to work with staff for final plat

Second by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Green, yes; Minnis, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0

Case No. 1790-042718.FP.SPR Lansdowne McHale Enterprises Inc.

Ms. Kuehlem stated the applicant is seeking approval of a final plat for phase 1 of the Lansdowne subdivision, formerly known as Brummel. The property was annexed in December 2017, and the preliminary plat was approved in November 2017. The applicant is also seeking site plan review approval for the single-family attached townhome aspect of the Lansdowne subdivision.

Ms. Kuehlem described the adjacent uses and reviewed the site plan in the staff report dated May 31, 2018. Ms. Kuehlem stated staff finds that the proposed Final Plat for phase 1 of the Lansdowne subdivision is consistent with the preliminary plat, annexation agreement, concept plan, and Village requirements. Staff also finds that the site plan review for the townhomes meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance and is mostly consistent with the preliminary plat.

Chairman Kiefer swore in John Luczynski, president of J. Edward Land LLC. Mr. Luczynski clarified that the on-street parking will be parallel parking.

Chairman Kiefer asked for public comments. There was no response.

Commissioner Green asked if this property had any previous owners, that would be responsible for the recapture. Mr. Proulx stated the applicant has agreed to pay the recapture per dwelling unit at the time of building permit issuance. Mr. Proulx explained how the recapture cost will be used for road improvements on 127th Street and stormwater culverts. Commissioner Green asked if the number of units has changed from the site plan review meeting in November of 2017. Mr. Proulx stated no. Commissioner Green asked if the outlots are green space. Mr. Luczynski explained how the green space will be used through stormwater detention and pocket parks. Commissioner Green indicated he does not like small lots and explained why the smaller lots work for this development. Mr. Luczynski stated along the north and east sides of the development is owned by the park district. Commissioner Green complimented the design of the development.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked for the builder to answer questions regarding the elevations of the town homes.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Matt Pagoria, M/I Homes.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if this product has been built in other communities. Mr. Pagoria stated the townhomes have been built in Aurora, will be built in Lockport and there will be another community in Aurora. Commissioner Seggebruch asked what material will the shake siding be. Mr. Pagoria stated it will be vinyl and explained why. Commissioner Seggebruch asked Mr. Pagoria to explain the rear elevation. Mr. Pagoria explained the rear elevation. Mr. Pagroria explained there will 4 floor plans and explained how the floor plans will vary.

Commissioner Minnis indicated he agrees with Commissioner Green compliments on the development and he appreciates the parallel parking.

Commissioner Womack asked the timing on Phase 1 and Phase 2. Mr. Luczynski stated the plans for the entire development and 127th Street improvements have been submitted and provided the timeline.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked what landscaping will be between the driveways. Mr. Pagoria stated grass has been used and bushes maybe used closer to the garage. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if this development will have snow removal. Mr. Luczynski stated yes.

Commissioner Renzi asked for clarification on the parallel parking. Mr. Luczynski showed the commissioners where the parallel spaces are located. Commissioner Renzi asked about the bike path connection with the park district property to the west. Mr. Luczynski reviewed the location of the bike path. Commissioner Renzi asked if the bike path is shown on the plans. Mr. Luczynski stated it is on the engineering plans and landscape plans. Commissioner Renzi asked how pedestrians will be crossing the street safely to the adjacent development. Mr. Proulx stated he does not believe there will be traffic control. Chairman Kiefer suggested adding a control device for cyclist and pedestrians. Commissioner Renzi agreed with Chairman Kiefer’s suggestion and suggested the same for the development to the south.

Commissioner Minnis suggested additional landscape improvements to rear elevation on unit 95. Mr. Lucznski stated the town home unit 95 has a wall of evergreens.

Commissioner Green made a motion to recommend approval of the Final Plat for Phase 1 of the Lansdowne subdivision, subject to the following stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Second by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Renzi, yes; Minnis, yes; Green, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0

Commissioner Seggebruch made a motion to approve the site plan review for the townhomes in the Lansdowne subdivision, subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Second by Commissioner Renzi. Vote by roll call: Green, yes; Minnis, yes; Womack, yes; Renzi, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0


Commissioner Renzi suggested spelling corrections to the staff report for the Lansdowne Development.

Mr. Pasquinellie stated the May 15, 2018 meeting minutes has AP Homes listed for the Ballard Farm development, which is not correct. Commissioners agreed to the change.

Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
