
Will County Gazette

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met April 4.


Village of Elwood Board of Trustees met April 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees, Village of Elwood, April 4, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., was called to order by Village President Doug Jenco.

Present: Village President, Doug Jenco, Village Board Trustees: Don LaPaglia, Jasen Melahn, Mary Matichak, Dean Lowrance and Darry Lab

Also, present: Village Administrator Marian T. Gibson, Attorney Jordan Kielian, Police Chief Fred Hayes, Public Works Supervisor Larry Lohmar, Finance Director Roberta Day, Attorney Ken Carlson and Engineer Steve Amann.

Not present: Village Clerk Julie Friebele

The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Presentations And Public Hearing:

Central States Tower Presentation: Stu Chapman from Municipal Services Associates, an advisor for wireless agreements explained the lease being proposed between the Village and Central States Tower, discussed location, tower size, lease terms and monthly rental fee of $2,175 for the first year with a 3% increase annually. Gaga Ball Presentation and Park Committee Recommendation: Park Committee Chair Lori Jenco discussed the Gaga Ball Pit presentation given to the park committee by the Boy Scout/Cub Scout pack, the proposed location and benefits to village residents. Committee Chair Lori Jenco recommends the Village work in conjunction with the Scouts to place a Gaga Ball Pit at Lloyd Erickson Park.

Disc Golf Presentation and Park Committee Recommendation: Park Committee Chair Lori Jenco presented a 9-hole Disc Golf course to be located at Archer Park. Ms. Jenco is recommending Village staff work together with the Village Engineer to calculate the costs associated with installation of a Disc Golf Course. Village Administrator Marian Gibson stated funds are available in the budget, recommendations are needed to insure course is not within a flood plan.

Public Comments-Pertaining To Agenda Items:

Members of the audience discussed the following topics:

• Gaga Ball Pit

Consent Agenda:

A motion was made by Trustee LaPaglia to approve the consent agenda as follows:

▪ Presentation of Minutes – March 7, 2018

▪ Presentation of Bills – Paid Invoice Report March 8, 2018 through April 4, 2018 in the amount of $66,699.13.

▪ Presentation of Bills – Unpaid Invoice Report in the amount of $273,059.30.

Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Reports & Communications From Village Officials:

Administration – Village Administrator Marian Gibson

Monthly Administrative Report – Village Administrator Marian Gibson-

The Administration Report listed significant projects completed by staff for the month of March 2018

February 2018 Financial Report-

The February 2018 Financial Report prepared by Finance Director Robbie Day was presented and reviewed. The report represents the Village of Elwood’s year to date revenues, expenses and end of month fund cash balances.

An Ordinance Authorizing the Ceding of Private Activity Bonding Authority-

Village Administrator Marina Gibson discussed the bonding authority given to home rule municipalities annually, their population multiplied by $105 for 2018. No plans to use it, however may be combined with other funds for a larger project. Recommends ceding to Will Kankakee Regional Development Authority.

A motion was made by Trustee Matichak to forego the final reading and to adopt the Ordinance Authorizing the Ceding of Private Activity Bond Authority to the Will Kankakee Regional Development Authority. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

An Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Option and Lease Agreement by and Between the Village of Elwood and Central States Tower III, LLC-

Village Administrator Marian Gibson state no action is needed tonight, item will be placed on the May 2018 agenda where staff will seek approval.

A Resolution Adopting a Fund Balance Policy-

Village Administration Marian Gibson explained the Village has been complying with the aspects of a Fund Balance policy but need an official board action to adopt the policy as suggested by the auditors. Trustee Melahn made a motion to approve A Resolution Adopting a Fund Balance Policy, Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab- yes. The motion carried.

Baxter & Woodman Staff Engineering Services Contract Renewal-

Village Administrator Marian Gibson explained the contract would be a renewal of current services provided by Baxter & Woodman for 16 hours of in office staffing with an expiration date of 4-30-2019. Trustee LaPaglia made a motion to approve the Baxter & Woodman Staff Engineering Services Contract Renewal, Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Plan and Implement Gaga Ball at Lloyd Erickson Park-

Trustee LaPaglia made a motion to approve the Planning and Implementation of a Gaga Ball Pit at Lloyd Erickson Park, Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Proceed with the Planning Process of Disc Golf-

Trustee LaPaglia made a motion to approve the Planning Process of Disc Golf at Archer Park, Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Police Department – Chief Fred Hayes:

During the month of February 2018, the Elwood Police Department responded to 518 calls for service. To see additional details about the types of calls residents can visit the Village of Elwood website.

Police officers issued a total of 247 citations for the month of February 2018:

• Local Citations (OV) 29

• State 214

• Overweight Violations 4

Arrest report for February 2018:

• Traffic 13

• Warrants 2

• Criminal 4

Training Hours in the month of February 2018:

Lightfoot – 8 hours, Jaburek – 8 hours, Kickert – 8 hours, Wright – 8 hours, Anderson – 8 hours and Hartley – 8 hours

Authorization to Hire One Full Time Police Officer-

Chief Fred Hayes asks board to approved hiring of Ethan Anderson on May 23, 2018. Trustee Melahn made a motion in Accordance with Village of Elwood Ordinance 952 to Authorize the Appointment of Ethan Anderson to the Elwood Police Department, Trustee Matichak seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried

Public Works – Superintendent Larry Lohmar

During the month of February 2018, the Public Works Department completed multiple projects including but not limited to:

• Street Light Bulb replacement throughout Village

• Playgrounds at parks have been cleaned and ready for use

• Performed Road and Street Sign Maintenance throughout Village

Training hours for the month of February 2018:

Both Scott Starkey and Brandon Doden completed 4 hours of training.

Authorization to Purchase a Dump/Plow Truck-

Public Works Superintendent Larry Lohmar stated its necessary to order the truck now, it takes several months to build the equipment and to have it ready for the 2018-19 plow season. Payment of $1,000 deposit will be needed on 5-1-2018 with final payment due on delivery. Trustee Matichak made a motion to Authorize the Purchase of a Dump/Plow Truck at A Cost Not to Exceed $165,924. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried

A Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways-

Village Engineer Steve Amann discussed the resolution needed to expend funds from the Motor Fuel Tax for the purchase of Salt and Calcium Chloride. Trustee Melahn made a motion to Authorize the Village Clerk to Certify the Resolution for the Motor Fuel Tax for 2018 in the amount of $36,000. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

St. Louis Street Water Main Contract:

Village Engineer Steve Amann discussed the Village received 7 bids for the St. Louis Street Water Main Project, Austin Tyler Construction out of Elwood was the lowest bidder at $144,875.00. Trustee Matichak made a motion to Award a Contract to Austin Tyler Construction for the St. Louis Street Water Main Project at a cost not to exceed $144,875. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Construction Observation Agreement for St. Louis Street Water Main Project with Baxter and Woodman:

Village Administrator Marian Gibson discussed the need for a construction observation agreement, recommended Baxter & Woodman. Trustee LaPaglia made a motion to Approve a Work Order for the St. Louis Street Water Main Project Construction Engineering to Baxter & Woodman in the amount not to exceed $23,800. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried

Competitive Freight Grant:

Village Administrator Marian Gibson polled the Village Board for permission to move forward with filling out the grant paperwork for an 80/20 with Federal Highway Administration through IDOT. Grant funds would be requested to upgrade Elwood Industrial Port to 5 lanes, includes signals at Walter Strawn and Mississippi. Would seek financial assistance for the 20% share from local businesses, i.e. BNSF, CenterPoint etc.

Village Clerk – Julie Friebele was absent from tonight’s meeting, Robbie Day assumed her duties.

The Easter Egg Hunt was a success even though the cold and wind forced a change in location. The kids did not mind, Park and Events Coordinator Marie Rodgers did a fantastic job on organizing the event. Community Garden Plots are still available for $25.00 per plot.

Call One Contract Renewal:

This item was table until May, 2018

2018 Easter Food Basket Donation:

Village Clerk Julie Friebele was approached by Jackson Township to share in the cost of Easter Food Basket Donations. Trustee Melahn made a motion to approve the 2018 Easter Food Basket Donation in the amount not to exceed $500. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Upcoming Events:

Family Fun Night at the Village Hall – April 13, 6:30-8 p.m.

Children’s Garden Spring Clean Up Day – April 7, 1-2:30 p.m.

Children’s Garden Planting Day – May 19, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., rain date May 26, same time

Red Carpet Corridor Festival – May 5

Village President – Doug Jenco:

Village President Doug Jenco thanked the Public Works Department, Police Department and Administration Department for their good work.

Other Business:

No other business was discussed.

Public Comments That May or May Not Pertain to Agenda Items:

Members of the Audience discussed the following items:

• Bathroom in basement

• Progress of Elwood

• Debt Issues

• Proposed Development


• Trustee Vacancies

• Litigation

• Warehouses

• Board Packets

• Food Basket Donation

• Discussion of items not on the agenda

• Park Programs

Trustee Melahn made a motion to approve the move to closed session to consider Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal Of Specific Employee(s), Appointment of Village Official and The Probable Or Imminent or Pending Litigation. Trustee LaPaglia seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Trustee LaPaglia made a motion to reconvene the open session. Trustee Melahn seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – yes, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance- yes, Trustee Lab-yes. The motion carried.

Trustee LaPaglia made a motion to Approve the Compensation Adjustment for the Executive Administrative Assistant in the amount of $5,000. Trustee Lowrance seconded the motion. A vote was called: Trustee LaPaglia – yes, Trustee Melahn – no, Trustee Matichak -yes, Trustee Lowrance-yes, Trustee Lab-Abstain. The motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. by signaling aye or nay, 6 ayes, 0 nays.
