Rockdale School District 84 Board met July 18.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Board President Ms. Angela Stadler called the meeting to order at 3:00P.
Members Present: Ms. Stadler, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Sontag-Amezcua, Mrs. Medina
and Mr. Chamblee
Members Absent: Ms. Nino and Mr. Jimenez
Others Present: Dr. Lori Gehrke, Superintendent
Ms. Tammy Hafner, Principal
Motion to go into closed session at 3:03P was made and all were in favor.
Voting Aye: Ms. Stadler, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Sontag-Amezcua, Mrs. Medina
and Mr. Chamblee
Motion Carried: 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Motion to return from closed session was made at 4:25P by Mrs. Medina and seconded
Mrs. Sontag-Amezcua and all were in favor.
Voting Aye: Ms. Stadler, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Sontag-Amezcua, Mrs. Medina
and Mr. Chamblee
Motion Carried: 5 Ayes, 0 Nays
Board President Ms. Stadler called the open session meeting to order at 4:30P.
President Stadler reported on the Closed Session which included:
● Collective negotiating matters between the public body and it's employees SILCS 120/2(c)(2).
Pledge of Allegiance: Ms. Stadler asked all present to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Members Present: Ms. Stadler, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina
and Mr. Chamblee
Members Absent: Ms. Nino, Mrs. Sontag-Amezcua, and Mr. Jimenez
Others Present: Dr. Lori Gehrke, Superintendent
Ms. Tammy Hafner, Principal
A motion to Adopt the Agenda was made by Mrs. Medina and seconded by Mr. Chamblee.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Receive and Welcome Visitors (Regular Board Meeting):
Staff: None
Students: None
Parents: None
Guests: None
Public Comments: None
Recognitions: Not Applicable
Action Item: Consent Agenda
Upon recommendation of the superintendent, Dr. Gehrke, Mrs. Medina moved that the Board of
Education approve the consent agenda as follows:
● Approval of Minutes-Regular Meeting of Wednesday, June 21, 2017 and the destruction of
closed session audio recording of 1/11/16.
● Approval of Financial Report: Treasurer's Report, Monthly Cumulative, List of Bills, Check
Registry by Type, Funds Balance, lmprest Account and Activity Account for Month and by
● Approve the resignation of PE/AD teacher Kevin Peterson.
Following a second motion made by Mr. Chamblee, the consent agenda was approved.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action Item: Communications/Delegation or Reports:
Dr. Gehrke shared with the board the draft of the District’s FY18 Tentative Budget. She also shared with them
the FY18 Budget Hearing Date of September 20, 2017, the Intergovernmental Agreement between Union SD
81 and Rockdale SD 84-Food Preparation and the Intergovernmental Agreement between Joliet SD 86 and
Rockdale SD 84-Transportation. Please note that although the agenda showed the Intergovernmental
Agreement was between Joliet SD 86 and Rockdale 84 It should have reflected the Intergovernmental
Agreement was between Joliet SD 204 and Rockdale District 84.
A motion to Approve the Communications Report with the understanding that the transportation
intergovernmental agreement is between SD 204 not SD 86 was made by Mrs. Medina and seconded by
Mrs. Stadler.
Voting Aye: Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action Item: Principal’s Report:
Ms. Hafner updated the board on the school calendar, upcoming events, professional development,
curriculum, various general items.
A motion to Approve the Principal’s Report was was made by Mrs. Medina and seconded by
Mrs. Wyke.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action Item: Superintendent’s Report:
Superintendent Gehrke shared the status of the state level news, she gave them a building maintenance update, she
dusicussed the cameras and the shared cost proposal along with the salary increase for Mr. Carlos Nunez. This
increase should reflect a $1000.00 increase for the completion of his Master’s Degree and an additional 2%.
Public Comments: None
A motion to Approve the Superintendent's Report was made by Mrs. Medina and seconded by
Mr. Chamblee.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Board/Action Items:
Action item: A motion to Enter into Executive Session (Only if necessary, Action May be Taken on
Matters discussed in Closed Session Upon Returning to Open Session) was made at ________
by __________ and seconded by______________. Not Applicable
Action item: A motion to Return from Executive Session (Only if necessary, Action May be Taken on
Matters discussed in Closed Session Upon Returning to Open Session) was made at ________ by
____________ and seconded by_______________. Not Applicable
Action item: A motion to to Approve the FY 18 Budget hearing Date - September 20, 2017 was made
by Mrs. Medina and seconded by Mrs. Stadler.
Voting Aye: Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action item: A motion to Approve the cameras for the school and the police department was made by
Mrs. Medina and seconded by M.Chamblee.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action item: A motion to Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Union SD 81 and
Rockdale SD 84 Food Preparation was made by Mr. Chamblee and seconded by Mrs. Wyke.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action item: A motion to Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Joliet SD 204 and
Rockdale SD 84 Transportation was made by Mrs. Wyke and seconded by Mr. Chamblee.
Voting Aye: Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action item: A motion to Approve the salary increase of $1000 for the completion of his Master’s
Degree and plus a 2% increase was made by Mrs. Medina and seconded by Mrs. Stadler.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Wyke, Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays
Action item: A motion to Adjourn at 5:20P was made and all were in favor.
Voting Aye: Mrs. Medina, Mr. Chamblee, Mrs. Wyke and Ms. Stadler
Motion Carried: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays