
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Braidwood City Council approves payroll expenses

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Braidwood City Council met Tuesday, Oct. 25.

The board of trustees provides oversight, guidance and governance for the city of Braidwood.

Here are the minutes as provided by Braidwood:


City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Call to Order

Mayor Vehrs called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Vehrs asked Officer Peterson to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Elected Officials present: Commissioner Hibler, Commissioner Hutton, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Tessler and Mayor Vehrs were present.

Appointed officials present: City Attorney Bryan Kopman, City Clerk Sue Grygiel, Chief Nick Ficarello, City Administrator Don Labriola and City Engineer Todd Gereaux were present.

Public Comment

Angie Hutton, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce. Angie wanted to let the council know that the Xmas Lighted Parade flyers are out. The Parade is on December 3rd at 5:00pm. The Tree Lighting will be at City Hall and the Parade will follow from Main & Mitchell Street and end at the City Park. The Fossil Ridge Library are letting us use their decorations this year and will let her know by the end of this week if they have extra trees we can use down at the park. The flyer to decorate the shrubbery in front of city hall will be out.

Debbie Jo Erickson, Chairman for the Illinois Route 66 Red Carpet Corridor. Wanted to bring to councils attention that in 2011there was a study produced in collaboration with the Park Service, the Rte. 66 Corridor Preservation Program and the World Monument Fund. In that study it was estimated that along Rte. 66 solely, $38 million dollars is generated of travel, whether it be domestic or international. We are celebrating the 90th anniversary for Rte. 66and the 10th Anniversary of the Red Carpet Corridor. Debbie thanked the city for their participation. Each year at Red Carpet we have a commemorative give away. We have found that during this event people rush from town to town to get that commemorative gift so this year they’re making a change. They’re starting a new program and it will be kicked off during Red Carpet, where they’ll have a passport type that they will take to each community and will be stamped from different businesses in that community. Once that passport is filled and they will have not just that weekend of Red Carpet but have the entire summer to get into those communities and get those stamps. Sometime at the end of summer, not sure of date, but the passports will be turned back in to a drawing for individuals to win other items and they have to come pick them up to whatever community it is, they won’t be mailed.

Public Comment Closed at 7:07pm.

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Comm. Smith, seconded by Comm. Tessler to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2016 as printed. Motion approved 5 ayes, 0 nays (Smith, Tessler, Hibler, Hutton & Mayor Vehrs).



Mayor Vehrs said that today is a special day for someone, 80 yrs. old, Elena Hibler. Elena has served this community many years. The mayor worked with her at the Knights of Columbus and some other organizations, at the Catholic Church fundraisers and for all your service you have done throughout this town, for that the Mayor thanked her for her participation. The Mayor told her she is an outstanding lady and handed her a Birthday Card that signed by everyone, then gave her a big birthday hug. The Mayor told everyone that during the meeting or after please enjoy a cupcake in honor of Elena’s Birthday.

The Mayor talked about our 4th Annual Scarecrow Fest last week which was a great time after the rain in the morning we were still able to get it kicked off.


Don said that recently the city council approved a contract for an appraisal on Townes of Braidwood and we expect to get that appraisal back in the next couple of weeks for review. Work continues to bring a Hotel to Braidwood. Our next step is to review proposals that we received to perform a Market Study targeted toward the Hotel industry which will also be reviewed in the next couple of weeks. We are continuing to visit local businesses as part of the Mayor’s outreach initiative. We are getting good feedback, the businesses and the Chamber of Commerce are working together. The revenue from Video Gaming continues to be strong. We now have five establishments in town that have video gaming with a total of 20 playing positions.

City Clerk

The city clerk addressed the Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week that she put in everyone’s boxes. It didn’t get on the Agenda but told Pam DelAquilla that I would bring it up and we could vote on at the next council meeting. The clerk then advised everyone that she was contacted by Will County Land Use advising me that they extra funds to work with and Braidwood was on the top of their list. They spoke with the school district and it was approved at the school board meeting. On November 12th there will be a Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Drop-Off Event from 8:00am to 3:00pm at the Reed Custer High School, the North Parking Lot. The clerk explained that her office has received many calls in regards to getting rid of electronics and they were unable to advise them where to take these items. This is open to Will County Residents only with the exception of Residents of Coal City, Diamond, and Braceville may attend. The clerk also advised everyone that the city is having a Flag Dedication of Flag Pole that was done by Scout Brandon Schulte, his project for earning Eagle Scout. The Flag Dedication will be on Veterans Day, November 11th at 4:00pm at the Route 66 Pavilion on Rte. 53.


Nothing to Report.

City Attorney

Nothing to Report.


Accounts & Finances

Comm. Hibler made a motion that we pay the total bills due on our Check Register in the amount of $93,715.00, seconded by Comm. Hutton. Mayor asked for discussion. Motion approved with 5ayes, 0 nays (Hibler, Hutton, Smith, Tessler & Mayor Vehrs).

Comm. Hibler then addressed a payment that the Police Department has going out of their Federal Seizure account. This is for (3) Automated External Defibulators from the Accurate CPR Company.

Comm. Hibler made a motion to approve that payment in the amount of $5175.00, seconded by Comm. Hutton. Mayor asked for discussion. Motion approved 5 ayes, 0 nays (Hibler, Hutton, Tessler, Smith, & Mayor Vehrs).

Comm. Hibler made a motion to pay the Payroll Expenses due in the amount of $88,930.90 seconded by Comm. Smith. Mayor asked for discussion. Motion approved 5 ayes, 0 nays (Hibler, Hutton, Tessler, Smith, & Mayor Vehrs).

Streets & Public Improvements

Comm. Smith commented he really didn’t have too much. Every time he tries to get in some place to get some of this water out it just keeps coming, he’s never seen anything like it. He may have to wait until the ground freezes to get equipment in, with all this rain it’s so saturated you can’t do anything. We aren’t giving up we’re just going to keep trying.

Public Buildings & Property

Comm. Hutton said the first thing he has is Ken’s Pond Service, who takes care of the pond on Mitchell St. The contract with them for next year went up $25 and we will sign that contract and keep paying that, helps keep algae down for the year. He gave the Plant Crew report first, then the Outside Crew Report.

They vac’d Shadow Lakes Lift Station yesterday and today, gave them the report what they found inside them. Also took camera to a couple of Shadow Lakes Lift Stations.

Public Health & Safety

Comm. Tessler said he would do the Agenda item first. Comm. Tessler made a motion to hire Jeffrey Peterson, Full-Time Police Officer, seconded by Comm. Hutton.

Comm. Tessler then gave a little background history of Jeffrey Peterson, and advised that he was a Certified Lateral that was approved by the Fire & Police Board.

Mayor asked for any further discussion. Motion approved 5 ayes, 0 nays (Tessler, Hutton, Hibler, Smith & Mayor Vehrs). At this time the city clerk swore Officer Jeffrey Peterson in.

Comm. Tessler then gave the Chief’s stats from 10/11/16-10/24/16; there were total calls for service of 196. The Police Department also purchased (3) AED, Automated External Defibrillators for use on Patrol and at the station. The Braidwood Fire Department is going to help train on them. On October 22nd the Police Department did a Drug Take Back Day, partnering with the Braidwood Area Healthy Coalition. This was the National Drug Take Back Day and the Chief said we filled the Bankers Box of pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs.

Planning & Zoning Board Report

No Zoning Board Report.

Executive Session

No motion to go into Executive Session.

Old Business

Comm. Tessler asked where we were with the Erie Street? Engineer Todd Gereaux said we are doing the delineation, we did the topo, we have the preliminary plan to go tomorrow, so we are in good shape. Question is whether we are going to get the Lateral Permit or not, hopefully know tomorrow. Todd said especially since we shortened the project for the first phase, and all we can do is try.

New Business

Nothing to Report.


Comm. Tessler made motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:22pm, seconded by Comm. Smith. Motion approved with 5 ayes, 0 nays (Tessler, Smith, Hutton, Hibler & Mayor Vehrs).