
Will County Gazette

Monday, March 3, 2025

Village of Peotone Village Board met Jan. 27

Webp 4

Peter March, Peotone Village President | Village of Peotone

Peter March, Peotone Village President | Village of Peotone

Village of Peotone Village Board met Jan. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor March at 6:00 pm.

II. Roll call

Village Clerk, Stacey Hartwell, conducted the roll call and following persons were present: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis and Trustee Strba. Also present was Village Administrator Palmer and Village Attorney Marrs.

III. Public Comments: None

IV. Approval of Consent Agenda:

A. Approve Minutes of the January 13, 2025, Regular Village Board meeting

B. Approve Payroll/Accounts Payable

C. Approve Raffle License, Tractors for A Cure, 2/4 Raffles per Calendar Year

Moved by Trustee Sluis, Seconded by Trustee Marevka

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

V. Staff Committee Reports:

A. Public Works – Bob reported that he has received positive feedback on the downtown snow removal. Staff is trimming trees along the plow routes and is working on a team building project. Equipment has been washed. The Conrad Street storm sewer project is waiting on Aqua.

B. Engineering – Troy reported that the Conrad Street storm sewer project schedule is looking like it will be held off until summer after talking with the school but want to get it out to bid early. It should be going out to bid soon with a bid opening in February. Aqua has a contract to the lowering work and they have a pre-construction meeting with Wren Construction and anticipate starting the work in February. It will be coordinated with Troy and Public Works to figure out what is best.

C. Police – Chief reported that there has been an arrest made in conjunction with New Lenox for the burglary at the Peotone Travel Center. Secret Service is working on another arrest in the case.

D. Admin – Nick reported that 528 Schroeder is ongoing and the attorneys have been in court and are working towards a final agreement and resolution. He has met with the School on the Conrad Street Project and also with the Mayor and a potential vendor for software and he will write up a memo and outline with information for future consideration..

E. Aqua – The Mayor wanted to address the public comment from the last meeting in regard to Aqua. He stated the Village did involve Aqua early and often in regard to the downtown streetscape project and did due diligence and encouraged them to look at all the service lines. He stated the Village was proactive and it was Aqua’s decision what would need to be done, and it is their responsibility. Angie and Tracy from Aqua were present. Tracy explained that Aqua has a scoring criteria and that there hadn’t been any breaks and they did not know the break history. She stated Aqua moved forward with identifying 33 lead service lines and 13 needed to be replaced. Angie reiterated that it is Aqua’s responsibility and they will be doing further restoration when the weather allows.

VI. Mayor’s Comments – The Mayor wanted to address the School sports field project; the Village wants to work with the School but there is a process that has to be followed and he has asked the School to do their due diligence to make sure everything is done properly. The Village wants to protect its residents and the flood plain. Troy stated that it is a sensitive area and in a flood plain and they want to make sure everything is in accordance with the Village Code and safe. The Administrator asked Troy for a schedule and was contacted by the school, he was ultimately told the Village would receive payment. The Mayor stated the Village has been trying to work with the school and it is unfortunate that untrue statements were made by the school board.

VII. Old Business: None

VIII. New Business:

A. FY 2026 Capital Improvement “Workshop”

Financial Consultant, Annmarie Mampe, reported that this is the beginning of the budget project and an overview of the proposed Capital Budget “wish list” and needs. She gave an overview of each fund and was looking for any concerns or thoughts from the Village Board. Bob wanted to switch the plow truck in this years draft with and the pick up truck in a future years budget. Trustee Sandberg stated he feels the Village could really use some sidewalks near South Street and Ahlborn Street, the Mayor said it he will have it looked at and will get an estimate. Consensus was to move forward.

B. Approve Video Gaming License for Peotone Corner Café, 102 N. Second St.

This item was tabled at the last meeting. The owner stated that there will be an open menu during business hours, and they plan on being open until 11pm.

Moved by Trustee Marevka, Seconded by Trustee Sluis

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

C. Approve Special Event, Farmer’s Market, 5/6, 5/20, 6/3, 6/17, 7/1, 7/15, 8/5, 8/19, 9/2, 9/16 2025, 2pm-9pm, Road closure on Main St. from First St. to Second St.

The Administration spoke with a couple of the business owners in the area that would be closed. There are no anticipated concerns.

Moved by Trustee Hudson, Seconded by Trustee Sluis

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

D. Approve Ordinance Amending Title VII (Traffic Code) of the Code of Peotone to Eliminate the Village’s Motor Vehicle Licensing Program

There was discussion at the last meeting in December about this. The Administrator stated this has been previously discussed and concerns about revenue and expenses were discussed. He feels with increased revenue, the reduction in the Community Development department and streamlining the process the Village would be able to utilize staff better and allow staff to focus on more important duties. Trustee Sandberg wants to wait another year and revisit next year. Trustee Strba agreed and does not feel it should be eliminated, and that it could be revisited in July. The Administrator said he had talked to staff and feels they would be able to focus on other things and it would help streamline operations, he feels the Village would operate better. Trustee Sluis feels that eliminating it will help give residents a break. Trustee Richards also agrees with eliminating it and improving Village processes. Trustee Hudson stated he feels the Village needs to look at the bigger picture on ways to grow revenue and agrees with eliminating the stickers. Trustee Marevka feels it would be a wash and eventually the revenue from the Truck Stop will replace sticker revenue.

Moved by Trustee Richards, Seconded by Trustee Sluis

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sluis

Nays: Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Strba

Absent: None

Motion passed

E. Approve Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Collection Services Agreement with Municipal Collections of America, Inc.

This Collection Company will help the Village collect unpaid debt with no out of pocket cost for the Village.

Moved by Trustee Sluis, Seconded by Trustee Hudson

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

IX. Close Regular Session

F. Close Regular Session to go into Executive Session for:

a. Discussion of Minutes of Meeting lawfully closed under OMA, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 (5 ILCS 120/(C)(21)

b. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body (5 ILCS 120/(2(C)(1))

Moved by Trustee Marevka, Seconded by Trustee Sluis

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

G. Open Regular Session

Moved by Trustee Strba, Seconded by Trustee Sluis

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

X. Possible Release of Executive Session Minutes

Release of Executive Session minutes from 11/18/24, 10/14/24 #1, 6/10/24, 3/27/23 #1, 8/8/22 #1, 8/8/22 #2

Moved by Trustee Marevka, Seconded by Trustee Sluis

Roll Call Vote: Trustee Hudson, Trustee Marevka, Trustee Richards, Trustee Sandberg, Trustee Sluis, Trustee Strba

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion passed

XI. Questions of the Press: None

XII. Correspondence/Communications/Petitions: It was stated that that stickers and tags will still be required for golf carts/ATV’s and dogs.

XIII. Adjournment:

Motion by Trustee Sluis, Seconded by Trustee Marevka

All said AYE

Nays: None

Absent: None

Adjournment at 7:07pm
