
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Village of New Lenox Plan Commission met Jan. 21

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Trustee Katie Christopherson | Village of New Lenox Website

Trustee Katie Christopherson | Village of New Lenox Website

Village of New Lenox Plan Commission met Jan. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


A regular meeting of the Village of New Lenox Plan Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mark Muehlnickel.

Mr. Muehlnickel led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Upon roll call, the following were present: Chairman Mark Muehlnickel, Commissioners, Matthew Blackburn, Theresa Berkey, Robert Moss, Rebecca Dalseth and Andrew Hawkins.

The following was absent: Jason Raidbard.

Chairman Muehlnickel announced there was a quorum present for this meeting.

Also in attendance were Senior Planner Jeff Smith, Planner Jenni Neubauer and Senior Administrative Secretary Lisa Martin.


A motion was made by Mr. Moss and seconded by Mr. Hawkins to approve the January 7, 2025 minutes as presented. Voice vote was taken. Motion carried.


New Lenox Gougar Solar 1 & 2

Ilangro Sripradha – Petitioner

Ms. Stephanie Sienkowski, a representative with Soltage commented that they were seeking a Special Use with two variances from Will County for two solar projects. She revealed that the they would be using approximately 75 acres on the southeast corner of Gougar Road and West

Haven Avenue, with the entrance being located across from Ellis Road. She explained that the solar project would consist of two 5-megawatt AC systems which would be ground mounted on single access trackers which rotate with the direction of the sun. The project would be setback at lease 50 feet from all property lines and approximately 1,400 feet from the closest residence. She went over the fencing and the vegetation and advised that if they started construction in the fall, they would most likely be finished towards the end of 2026. She said the variance would allow them to plant pollinators under and around the solar panels and allow them to grow a height higher than 12 inches so they can flower. She also commented that an Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreement had been signed with the Illinois Department of Agriculture which ensures that the land is reverted back to farmland after the solar project is decommissioned.

Ms. Neubauer displayed the subject site and explained that New Lenox Gougar 1 would be located on the south portion of the parcel and New Lenox Gougar 2 would be located on the north side. She stated that a 22-foot-wide crushed gravel access would be located off of Gougar Road.

She mentioned that if approved, Soltage would have to work with the County DOT for an access permit and may also be required to provide right-of-way for the County’s Gougar Road widening project.

The solar panels would be installed in the north and south directions and would be placed approximately 17 feet in-between each of the rows with a maximum of height of 11 feet when mounted on the trackers and at full tilt. Located within the fenced and gated areas will be 40 inverters and 4 transformers which would be divided between the 2 solar facilities. There will be 8 utility poles each along the south and north for a total of 16 poles.

She said the landscape plan proposed showed a 7-foot-tall solid vinyl fence with a 20-foot-wide landscape buffer area that would have large shade trees, evergreen trees, shrubs and ornamentals and added that the wetland area on the southern portion of the property would remain untouched. However, the petitioner recently proposed to amend the fence to a chain link fence with slats, which she mentioned is undesirable due to it not being aesthetically pleasing or creating adequate screening, while also posing more maintenance issues.

A glare analysis was conducted which revealed no glare expected in the New Lenox Gougar 2 on the north solar farm, however a glare is expected from the New Lenox Gougar 1 for approximately 13 minutes throughout the year in March and September between 3 and 4 p.m. Staff did have concerns with the minimal potential glare, due to the heavily traveled road that leads to areas such as the Village’s Public Works facility and Cherry Hill Business Park.

She commented that the Village’s Comprehensive Plan showed this area, as well as the 280 acres located to the east and south, to be residential. Staff was concerned that the approval of the Special Use would interfere with the Village’s ability to implement the Comprehensive Plan due to it not being compatible with the residential land uses. Other industrial requests for the parcels east of Gougar Road had been rejected. Staff commented that should this project be approved, it could justify surrounding industrial development which would not be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and could negatively impact the existing residences and create additional truck traffic on abutting roadways that is already heavily travelled by trucks.

Staff expressed concern with the variances as removing of the maximum height requirement of the pollinators and reducing the mowing to 1 time per year would create a nuisance and potential eyesore for the adjacent property owners.

Staff believed that the solar farm would be better suited elsewhere such as along the perimeters of the Village’s corporate limits and not along a major roadway or near existing and future residential uses. The use also did not represent the highest and best use for this large property located along a major roadway, and felt that the solar farm could alter the overall character, as well as negatively impact existing and future residential development. Based on Staff’s concerns mentioned and the project not conforming to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Staff recommended that the Village object to the County Special Use for the ground mounted solar facility at the subject site and requested a Plan Commission recommendation.

Mr. Muehlnickel asked what the panel lifespan would be.

Ms. Sienkowski replied that they are requesting to lease the land for 25 years with the possibility of extending it to 40 years which would be the maximum.

Mr. Muehlnickel mentioned that it was a great idea but would be better suited in another area that would not impact the future residential growth.

Mr. Hawkins also felt this was the wrong location for this type of use. He commented that pollen vegetation would be senseless to be planted if it were going to be mowed down. He also suggested monitoring wildlife mortality around the solar fields.

Ms. Berkey did not think that the location was perfect for this project and also felt that the pollinators would get too high for the 7-foot fence and become an eyesore.

Mr. Hawkins commented that the Class 4A seed mix would be a low-profile prairie mix and would only get about 3 feet tall.

Ms. Sienkowski agreed that the maximum height for the seed mix would be approximately 30 inches and also commented that the highest point for the solar panels would be 11 feet when completely vertical, but most of the time they would only shift a maximum of 8 or 9 feet.

Mr. Blackburn echoed that it was a great idea, but based on the Comprehensive Plan, was not the ideal location.

Mr. Muehlnickel commented that this has been considered future residential for decades.

Mr. Jeff Smith reminded the Plan Commission that in around 2006 there was a very large scaled mixed-use residential community that was proposed in that area, but because Nelson Road needed to be extended, and the developer could not construct it as desired by the Village, the plan was withdrawn. The Village was eventually able to utilize eminent domain to get the road built. He said a solar farm would really inhibit another developer to come in to do residential. He added that the Zoning Ordinance had just been updated to allow for a ground-mounted solar farm as a Special Use in the I-1 Limited Industrial District or Agricultural District.

Chairman Muehlnickel requested a motion recommending that the Village object to the County Special Use request for a ground mounted commercial solar energy facility to be located on the southern 75 acres of the 142-acre parcel located east of Gougar Road and south of Haven.

Motion made by Mr. Blackburn and seconded by Ms. Berkey. Voice vote taken. Motion carried.




Mr. Smith said the meeting of February 4th would likely be cancelled.


There being no further business to come before the Plan Commission, a motion was made by Mr. Hawkins and seconded by Ms. Dalseth to adjourn. Voice vote was taken. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
