Alderperson Kevin Kirwin | City of Wilmington
Alderperson Kevin Kirwin | City of Wilmington
City of Wilmington Finance Adiministration & Land Aquisition met Committee Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members in Attendance
Co-Chair, Kevin Kirwin
Co-Chair, Ryan Jeffries
Dennis Vice
Thomas Smith
Leslie Allred
Ryan Knight
Jonathan Mietzner
Committee Member(s) Absent
Todd Holmes
Other City Officials in Attendance
Mayor Ben Dietz, City Administrator Jeannine Smith, Finance Director Nancy Gross, Public Works Director James Gretencord, Chief of Police Adam Zink, and Deputy City Clerk Joie Ziller
The Finance, Administration & Land Acquisition Committee meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Alderperson Kirwin.
Public Comment
No public comment was made.
Approve Previous Meeting Minutes
Alderperson Knight made a motion, and Alderperson Jeffries seconded it, to approve the December 17, 2024, meeting minutes as written and have them placed on file.
Upon roll call, the vote was:
AYES: 7 Knight, Jeffries, Vice, Smith, Kirwin, Allred, Mietzner
ABSENT: 1 Holmes
The motion carried.
Review and Consideration to Approve the Accounting Reports
Alderperson Knight made a motion and Alderperson Jeffries seconded to approve the accounting reports and place the reports on the January 21, 2025, City Council consent agenda for full approval
Upon roll call, the vote was:
AYES: 7 Knight, Jeffries, Mietzner, Vice, Smith, Kirwin, Allred
ABSENT: 1 Holmes
The motion carried.
Consideration to Approve the Proposal from Concentric Integration to Create and Install a Scada System for our Water Treatment Plant and Distribution System not to exceed $90,250
Director Gretencord discussed the proposal to integrate a SCADA system for the Water Treatment Plan and its distribution system. This will be cloud-based and can be accessed remotely.
Alderperson Mietzner made a motion and Alderperson Jeffries seconded to approve the proposal as presented in the agenda packet and place it on the January 21, 2025, City Council consent agenda for full approval
Upon roll call, the vote was:
AYES: 7 Knight, Jeffries, Mietzner, Vice, Smith, Kirwin, Allred
ABSENT: 1 Holmes
The motion carried.
Consideration to Approve Flock Camera Invoice Number INV-54460 not to exceed $12,000
Chief Zink explained the history of the cameras, which were donated with the agreement that the City would pay for the maintenance. Now that the cameras are all installed this is the first installment of the annual bill, which is already included in the budget.
Alderperson Smith made a motion and Alderperson Knight seconded to approve the invoice as presented in the agenda packet and place it on the January 21, 2025, City Council consent agenda for full approval
Upon roll call, the vote was:
AYES: 7 Smith, Knight, Jeffries, Mietzner, Vice, Kirwin, Allred
ABSENT: 1 Holmes
The motion carried.
Other Pertinent Information
Director Gross informed us that ESDA received an inheritance from a former member who has passed away. ESDA would like to set up a scholarship fund to be granted to a graduating student going into an ESDA-related field.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Alderperson Knight and seconded by Alderperson Jeffries. Upon voice vote, all yes, and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 P.M.