Christina Neitzke-Troike, Village of Homer Glen Mayor | Village of Homer Glen
Christina Neitzke-Troike, Village of Homer Glen Mayor | Village of Homer Glen
Village of Homer Glen Parks & Recreation Committee met Jan. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
• Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairperson Rose Reynders.
• Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
• Roll Call.
Present at 9:30 a.m. were Chair-Trustee Reynders, Members: Bob Kman, Dale Janssen, Dan Kenney, Matt Hosteny, and Amy Blank
Absent: Committee Member Russell Knaack and Committee Member Martin Pavlik
Also Present: Parks Director Jennifer Vittori, Village Engineer Brett Westcott, Engineer Thomas Summers, Village Manager Joe Baber, HR Green Brian Willham and HR Green Akram Chaudhry
Approval of Minutes-
• November 18, 2024
Member Amy Blank Motioned to approve the minutes for November 18, 2024 at Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting, Seconded by Committee Member Dan Kenney.
The motion passed.
• Public Comment- none.
• Reports from Chairs- none.
• New Business-
HR Green Brian Willham and Akram Chaudhry came to the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to give a presentation on a transportation plan for the Village of Homer Glen. Willham said they have gone through and have been collecting data and essentially this will be an update to the master plan which was done in 2007-2008. Willham let the Parks Committee know that what they want to do today is to go though some of the information that they have found so far. Willham also said basically what they would like to do is get all the input from the Parks Committee and get the plan for future trails and what takes priority. Willham pulled up some maps. Willham said these maps are on the website today and would like to start here. Willham also mentioned that they use a public engagement tool called social pin point which will then allow you to take a map that is on the Village website and the public can go and look at the website and put their comments or points of interest.
Committee Member Dan Kenney thinks that the overall goal is that the Hero's trail ends up being extended will have full connectivity throughout the Village and particularly to all the Village parks.
Engineer Brett Westcott let the Parks Committee know that they are in the process of designing 151st Street. Westcott talked about the other little connector North of Heritage Park and let the Parks Committee know that the design is complete and will hopefully be going into construction this year. Committee Member Dan Kenney asked if this will come into the neighborhood North of Heritage. Engineer Brett Westcott said yes.
Trustee Rose Reynders asked Engineer Brett Westcott about the path going to Culver Park. Reynders asked what will happen with the people on the East side of the street? Reynders said this seems to be a big concern with the residents over there. Westcott said ultimately what we would like to do there is a balance of cost effectiveness. Westcott said there is an expense with trying to connect the East side of the road going North to the path because of existing utilities, high tension wires, a creek, and existing detention areas. Westcott talked about the path going through Culver Park and tie in. Westcott then said with the discussion of the Parks and Recreation Committee meetings and the Committee said they really did not want to do that and that they wanted to keep the connection on the West side of Parker Road. Westcott then said you would cross Parker Road at Culver Lane from Amberfield and go North and tie into the path. Westcott let the committee know that this is the most cost effective. Westcott then talked about the interactive website and that this will allow everyone to take their time to use the interactive website and also make notes or draw lines in.
Trustee Rose Reynders asked about the turn around time for when the interactive website would be up. HR Green said the site would probably be up next week.
Committee Member Dan Kenney asked a question on the Hero's trail map if there was going to be an expansion South of 159th along the Com Ed easement so that the Hero's trail can have access to Messenger Marsh and Messenger Woods. Engineer Brett Westcott said there are logistics that go into these connections and by putting this transportation plan together better situates us for grant funding.
Committee Member Dan Kenney talked about if there were a proposed extension you would have to cross 159th Street and then in another slide there was a crossing. Kenney thinks you cannot have that kind of crossing at that point of 159th Street. Kenney said you would almost need a pedestrian bridge. Committee Member Amy Blank talked about only one connection from 159th Street North on Bell Road. Blank would also like it on Cedar too. Blank said this would allow some way to get up to Heritage Park without having to go all the way to Bell Road and then back.
Committee Member Bob Kman asked about the planned forest preserve trails. Committee Member Dan Kenney said there is also one in Messenger Marsh and Messenger Woods. Engineer Brett Westcott said this was shown at some point in time when the sewer line was put in. Westcott said the path to the sewer line is from Gougar Road to Cedar Road. Westcott believes that the forest preserve was planning on installing a path there at some point in time that did not happen. Westcott does not know if they still have plans to do the path. Westcott does know that all the other extensions the forest preserves does have planned to some degree.
Committee Member Dan Kenney talked about eventually developing Lamer's Park to be a more assessible park. Engineer Brett Westcott said this would be an easy connection because it is right off the easement. Westcott did say there are pipelines that run through there and may be a little tricky.
Committee Member Dale Janssen asked what kind of sidewalks or paths are planned for Bell Road and for 143rd Street? Engineer Brett Westcott said Bell Road will have a sidewalk along the West side of the road which will run all the way up to Woodland Drive. Westcott said he knows that they are adding at Bell Road a sidewalk to the West side of the road along Meadowview subdivision and then will be a gap to 151st Street. Westcott talked about North of 151st Street the Village has paid for added sidewalk along the West side of the road. Westcott said this will be from 151st Street all the way up to 143rd Street and then where the existing trails are along that area. Westcott talked about 143rd Street there is sidewalks in the populated areas and around the intersection of 143rd Street and Bell Road. Westcott talked about this project being on the fence right now.
HR Green Brian Willham asked the Parks Committee if they had feedback on road/ red segments. Willham asked if anyone has ever used it. Committee Member Amy Blank said she thinks it's not clear.
Committee Member Dan Kenney talked about between 151st Street and 143rd Street where you see the Hero's trail do a hard jog West to the red connector, Kenney asked if there was a reason why the Hero's trail just does not continue North? Engineer Brett Westcott said that is where Com Ed has their substation.
Committee Member Dale Janssen asked if there are any plans to put a bike lane on Parker Road. Engineer Brett Westcott said this would be a question for Public Works.
• Old Business-
Parks Director Jennifer Vittori let the Parks Committee know that we have the final numbers for the Villas of Old Oak Park. Engineer Brett Westcott let the Parks Committee know that the Village applied for a grant for Heritage park for just under $147,000. Westcott said this grant started off as a splash pad, then it moved to changing the latrine style toilets, then to regular bathrooms, then to specialized bathrooms. Westcott then let the Parks Committee know that these funds need to be expended by 2026. Westcott also said that they were not going to be done with everything they needed to build the bathrooms and have that money allocated for that project. Westcott then said Gia Cassin (Assistant to Village Manager) and himself reached out to the grant company and said they did not want to lose this money and is there anything else we can do with it. Westcott said as long as it stays in parks you can spend it on something else. Westcott then said they received good news and are able to allocate the $147,000 and put towards the Villas of Old Oak playground. Parks Director Jennifer Vittori said if the committee likes it then we can take this to A&F on January 15, 2025 and then it will go to the next board meeting.
Trustee Rose Reynders- Yes
Committee Member Bob Kman- Yes
Committee Member Dale Janssen- Yes
Committee Member Dan Kenney- Yes Committee Member Matt Hosteny- Yes Committee Member Amy Blank-Yes
• Discussion-
Trustee Rose Reynders talked about connecting Amberfield and sidewalks up to 143rd Street along the Western side of Parker. Reynders said this was covered with HR Green.
Trustee Rose Reynders would like to talk about the park upgrades at the next parks meeting on Monday, January 20, 2025.
• Reports and Communications from Staff-
Engineer Brett Westcott let the Parks Committee know that he received a proposal back from Lakota Group for design services for the design of the entirety of the updated master plan for Heritage Park. Westcott gave the Parks Committee background information. Westcott reached out to Lakota and asked them if they can talk to Tria and see if they can work with them to save the Village money by utilizing the existing plans with what is proposed out in Heritage Park. Westcott then said Kevin Clarke from Lakota Group, reached out to Tria and the discussion did not go well. Westcott asked the Parks Committee what their priorities are moving forward. Westcott let the Parks Committee know the cost which is seven hundred and eighty-three thousand and four hundred dollars.
Committee Member Matt Hosteny asked what the cost would be if we left the amphitheater. Wescott said he was not sure and it would be probably be around two to two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Trustee Rose Reynders asked Engineer Brett Westcott if he can get a breakdown of everything for Heritage Park.
Committee Member Dan Kenney asked Engineer Brett Westcott if the cost was for architectural drawings. Engineer Brett Westcott said yes, architectural drawings and design. Kenney then asked if the total price tag for this area is seven something. Westcott said just under seven hundred and eighty-four thousand dollars. Westcott then said it's not just architectural and that it is also engineering. Westcott then gave the breakdown to the Parks Committee which would be an architect, structural engineer, civil engineering (HR Green), electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, audio engineering, visual engineering, theatrical engineering.
Committee Member Amy Blank talked about the estimate for design services and asked what the options are now. Blank said we can just take that and bring it to the Board and ask them to approve it- seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars for design. Blank then said what do we have in the budget. Joe Baber Village Manager said something similar for design. Committee Member Amy Blank asked for clarification from Village Manager Joe Baber if the Village has seven hundred eighty thousand period or just for design. Engineer Brett Westcott said this was not specified for design or construction, it is just allocated money for Heritage Park. Blank asked what are our other options. Blank said this is what she is seeing for the options which would be to wait to go to the Board and get some more clarification on the estimate, break it down so the board can see exactly how much we are spending per project, or we can decide right now to take something out of it to lower the price.
Trustee Rose Reynders asked the Parks Committee if they would like to bring everything for Heritage Park to the Board.
Trustee Rose Reynders- Yes
Committee Member Bob Kman- Yes
Committee Member Matt Hosteny- Yes
Committee Member Dan Kenney- Yes Committee Member Dale Janssen- Yes
Committee Member Amy Blank- Yes
• Committee Member Updates-
Committee Member Dan Kenney gave the Parks Committee a quick update to let them know that he went on a Lamer's Park walk with Director Jennifer Vittori, Josh Lund-Resident, Debbie Stevens Public Works Secretary. Kenney said there is a lot of potential at Lamer's Park and that it is a good big piece of land. Kenney also said there is space there where we can eventually put playground equipment. Kenney said Lamer's Park would be a great disc golf course location. Kenney also said it is much more interesting than what is out in Heritage Park.
• Adjournment. 10:48 a.m.
• Member Bob Kman Motioned to Adjourn. Seconded by Committee Member Amy Blank.