Patricia Perinar, Trustee - Finance/Human Resources; Public Safety/Emergency Support | Village of Channahon
Patricia Perinar, Trustee - Finance/Human Resources; Public Safety/Emergency Support | Village of Channahon
Village of Channahon Board of Trustees met Dec. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
VP Moorman Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6: 15 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken with Trustees Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum present.
Also present were Village Administrator Thomas Durkin, Assistant Village Administrator Mike Petrick, Director of Community Development and Information Systems Scott McMaster, Finance Director Heather Wagonblott, Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal, Chief of Police Adam Bogart, Village Attorney David Silverman and Village Clerk Kristin Hall.
VP Moorman Schumacher informed everyone present that anyone who speaks at the meeting shall be deemed to have given his/her consent to the recording of their likeness and speech. This meeting is being recorded.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated on a sad note, Jerry Helms ,who retired from our Public Works Department, passed away. His services are going to be at Dames Funeral Home in Morris this Friday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. She asked that everyone join her in a moment of silence.
A. Consider Approval - Minutes - Committee - November 18, 2024
B. Consider Approval- Minutes - Board -November 18, 2024
C. Approve Payment of the Bills List of December 2, 2024 for $747,439.43
D. Approve Payment of Manual Checks of December 2, 2024 for $17,548.65 E. Approve Payment of Net Payroll Expenses for the period ending November 24, 2024 for $168,'Z29.81
Trustee Perinar made a motion to approve the consent agenda as read. Seconded by Trustee Host.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated the GED is hosting a Brokers Breakfast on December 17th at Ditka's in Oakbrook. We are participating as a sponsor for that. The WCGL Christmas party is on December 12th and if anyone has not signed up and wants to go, please let Leti know. Last week, the Citizens Police Academy had their 11th graduation. It was very nice to see the support from family and friends and the room was full of people. It was a nice graduation and she thanked them all for their interest and participation in our community. That truly is what makes it the place that it is. Last week, she and Durkin met with Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, who is not from this area but came because Will County is the fastest growing and biggest producer of jobs in the State. He talked with us about our concerns and our needs and even though he is not our Congressman, it was nice to have somebody talk to and listen to us. At the CED Board meeting last Friday, Exxon Mobil did a presentation about their future plans. Channaholidays had great weather and it was packed. A thank you to all of our partners. CED Breakfast and Will County by the Numbers is this Friday. Grundy County Heroes and Helpers is this weekend. TIF Meetings are a week from Wednesday. Our Arts and Culture Commission is part of the Channahon District 17 Bus Barn ribbon cutting on Monday, December 16th at 3:30 p.m.
Consider Approval- Hiring of Two (2) Public Works Laborer Positions
Trustee Scaggs made a motion to approve the Hiring of Two (2) Public Works Laborer Positions, Nicholas Ochs and Kody Waxweiler, contingent on physical, drug screen and background check. Seconded by Trustee Host.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
Durkin stated that on November 22nd we received two submittals on the State Planning Research Grant. Petrick along with the City of Morris, Village of Minooka, Grundy County and our consultant, Ann Schneider will be reviewing and scoring those responses. They will be coming forward with a recommendation soon.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that is for our Regional Traffic Grant.
Petrick stated he has two updates for the Board. Two of our new welcome signs have been installed; one on Ford Road and one on Ridge Road. Fricke is working with ComEd to get power to the signs.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that they look very nice and the letters are very reflective.
Petrick stated that we have also applied for the permit for the two on Route 6 with !DOT right now, so that hopefully we will have them by summer when we are ready to install them. We are updating our BS&A software, so starting next week on Thursday and Friday we will be unable to accept payment here at the building. Payments will still be able to be made online. It should be up and running on Monday of the following week.
McMaster stated that the PZC meeting is next Monday, December 9th at 6 p.m. On the agenda is QuiktTrip's approval for rezoning and site plan and the Minooka High School South Field House site plan amendment.
Consider Approval - An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Village of Channahon, Will and Grundy County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024 and Ending April 30, 2025 - 2nd Read
Consider Approval - An Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Levy for the Village of Channahon, Will and Grundy County, Illinois for 2024 (General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016) - 2nd Read
Consider Approval - An Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Levy for the Village of Channahon, Will and Grundy County, Illinois for 2024 (Refunding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021B) - 2nd Read
Wagonblott stated that no changes have been made since the November 18th meeting. The estimated 2024 EA V, for both Will and Grundy Counties, is $610,659,042. The proposed levy for the village is $3,354,000. That is made up of $574,000 in the General Corporate, $380,000 for Police Protection, $320,000 for IMRF, $300,000 for Social Security, $1,450,000 for the Police Pension Fund, $30,000 for Municipal Auditing and $300,000 for Insurance. That makes the proposed tax rate .5492. The current tax rate for the village for 2023 was .5861. It is an estimated reduction in the village tax levy rate. The dollar amount for the levy was under the 5%, at a 4.9% increase. As mentioned in November, pretty much 100% of the increase is going to Police Pension Fund. If everything is approved tonight, she will submit everything to the two counties.
Trustee Perinar made a motion to approve An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Village of Channahon, Will and Grundy County, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024 and Ending April 30, 2025, An Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Levy for the Village of Channahon, Will and Grundy County, Illinois for 2024 (General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016) and An Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Levy for the Village of Channahon, Will and Grundy County, Illinois for 2024 (Refunding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021B). Seconded by Trustee Greco.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
Consider Approval - Hiring of Community Service Officer
Trustee Perinar made a motion to approve the Hiring of Community Service Officer, Chloe Bosewell. Seconded by Trustee Scaggs.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
Bogart stated that this morning he received a letter from the Illinois State Police Troop 3 Commander commending a couple of our officers and he wanted to read it into the record. On November 8, 2024 at approximately 11 :30 a.m., Illinois State Police Troop 3 was involved in a pursuit of a tow truck wanted for homicide through the Chicago Police Department. The pursuit persisted for approximately 50 minutes, traversing through numerous municipalities and onto the interstate. The wanted tow truck struck a Darien police department squad car and two other vehicles before becoming disabled on I-55 south near mile marker 243, in Will County. The incident then evolved into a barricade situation in which the occupants refused to exit the vehicle. Numerous local and county police departments responded to assist the ISP. After a nearly 30- minute standoff the occupants exited the vehicle and were subsequently taken into custody without incident. Please accept the ISP's gratitude for Channahon's department's willingness to assist the ISP during this incident. Officers from the department were instrumental in the safe resolution and could not have been accomplished without their assistance. The officers on that call were Vancura, Cerovac, DiStefano, Kasher, Lazarri, Detective Anderson, Sergeants Blough and Carlson, and Deputy Chiefs Brooks and Gunty. It is important to note that Sergeant Carlson put himself in harms way, as he was the one who spiked the vehicle. Several of the other officers assisted in the barricade situation that led to the best possible outcome. This will be added to their personnel files for future considerations.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that she has spoken to several of them but please express the board's gratitude and congratulations to them.
Consider Approval-Award Well #7 Rehabilitation Construction Contract
Trustee Host made a motion to approve the Award Well #7 Rehabilitation Construction Contract. Seconded by Trustee Scaggs.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
Consider Approval-An Ordinance Authorizing the Village of Channahon to Vacate the Right-of-Way of an Alley-1st Read
This item was tabled.
Village Attorney David Silverman stated he had no report.
Trustee Sam Greco and Trustee Patricia Perinar - Finance/Human Resources Trustee Perinar reminded the Board to respond to Wagonblott's invite to the Budget Workshop. It will be March 29th at 9 a.m.
Trustee Scott Slocum and Trustee Scott McMillin - Community Development Trustee Mark Scaggs and Trustee Chantal Host-Public Works and Facility Trustee Host stated that she took a different perspective coming to our Channaholidays. She sent pictures to her family, who could not be here for the event. Both commented on how cool it looked and they both said how proud they are of our town. Even her husband said that it looks like we live in a Hallmark town. She was really impressed with how many of our staff came and out and enjoyed it too.
VP Moorman Schumacher stated that she heard two comments on our lighting.
Durkin stated the Village sign at Bradley and Route 6 that some of the lights were out have been repaired. The owner of the property is putting an outlet on the back of the sign, at our request, so we can light that in the future. Attorney Silverman is working on a license agreement.
Trustee McMillin asked if we can power wash the rock.
Durkin said the license agreement will include the ability for us to maintain the sign, if needed.
Trustee Sam Greco and Trustee Mark Scaggs - Community & Legislative Affairs Trustee Chantal Host and Trustee Patricia Perinar - Public Safety/Emergency Support Trustee Scott McMillin and Trustee Scott Slocum - Natural Resources and Open Spaces
• Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon
• Probable or Imminent Litigation and Pending Litigation
Trustee Perinar made a motion to open Executive Session at 6:38 p.m. for Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon and Probable or Imminent Litigation and Pending Litigation. Seconded by Trustee Host.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
Trustee Perinar made a motion to close Executive Session at 6:56 p.m. for Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon and Probable or Imminent Litigation and Pending Litigation. Seconded by Trustee Greco.--.
ROLL CALL AYES: Greco, Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.
Submitted by w
Trustee Perinar made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Greco.