
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees met Nov. 25

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Mayor Tim Baldermann | Village of New Lenox Website

Mayor Tim Baldermann | Village of New Lenox Website

Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees met Nov. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Regular Meeting of the New Lenox Village Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by Mayor Baldermann in the Council Chambers of the New Lenox Village Hall.



Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”:

Trustees Wilson, Christopherson, Madsen, Reiser and Mayor Baldermann Absent – Trustees Scalise & Gugliuzza


There being a sufficient number of members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.


Also, in attendance were, the Village Administrator Kurt Carroll, Village Clerk Laura Zilinskas, Community Development Director/Assistant Village Administrator Robin Ellis, Finance Director Kim Auchstetter, Civil Engineer Will Nash and Attorney Chris Spesia

PUBLIC HEARING – Annexation Agreement – Teerling Lakes Mayor Baldermann opened the public hearing at 7:01p.m. Village Clerk Zilinskas, provided proof of notice.

The Village Clerk swore in any speakers.

Ms. Ellis reported this Annexation Agreement presentation will also cover the annexation, preliminary P.U.D and the Final P.U.D. plat for Phase I of Teerling Lakes. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on the annexation and Preliminary P.U.D. Plat last week and ultimately recommended approval of the request but did have some comments that are summarized in the Staff report.

The Teerling property is about 220-acres with frontage on Cedar Road, Blodgett Road/Meader Road, Route 6 and Chicago-Bloomington Trail and is contiguous to the Village of New Lenox. The site plan proposes 490-residential units with (3) different product types – over 200 of the units are called “The Landings” lots and are reserved for 55-years and older, “The Meadows” and then the “Estate Homes’. “The Landings” lots are going to be typical of and R-3 District lot, “The Meadows” lots are similar to our R-2 District lots and the “Estate Homes” are comparable to the R-1 District lots. They do have a variety of models – for “The Landings ” they are requesting these lots to have slab on grade construction. They are geared toward the 55-year and older and not wanting to have a lot of stairs. They are also requesting to have vinyl siding with an option for brick and/or cultured stone. For “The Meadows” they are requesting a waiver from the first-floor brick requirement, which would be offered as an option. The homes would have fiber cement HardiBoard siding. The larger “Estate Homes” would have the same waiver of the first-floor brick and will have a basement or crawlspace as would “The Meadows” homes. There are also a variety of elevation options within each of the models. They are requesting a slight modification from the Village’s ani-monotony code, but we still feel with what they are proposing and the mix of model types and options monotony can be avoided along the street frontage. The developer has been working with the New Lenox Community Park District (NLCPD) on a 6-acre park site that would be centrally located and would be available for use by all of the residents within the subdivision. They are proposing pickleball courts, gazebo, playground area and the intent would be that the developer would fully improve the park. There is also a naturalized area along the northwest part of the property where there are existing trees and wetland which will be enhanced with a pond. They are working with the NLCPD to add a trail and fishing pier. So, the intent is that this park site will donated to the NLCPD. For that age restricted area there would be an amenity center which they are still working on the details so we don’t have a site plan. Some of the deviations for this center would be a reduced setback for the parking lot and reduced parking space size. Staff’s recommendation is that the site plan be presented for Village Board approval before the building permit is issued. The Annexation Agreement discusses some utility extensions that are required. Right now, the WWTP is on the west side of the property and the water/sewer extend about a quarter mile east along Summerfield Drive so the developer will have to extend it from that point all the way to Cedar Road then up to their entrance with a 12-inch water main and a deep sanitary sewer. They will also be required to extend water main from the Food N Fuel at the corner of Cedar Road and Route 6. There is an easement on the west side of Cedar Road so they would be extending a 16-inch water main there and ultimately with their second or third phase our water model is dictating that there needs to be another main up Blodgett Road and then through the subdivision. For the off-site utilities they are requesting a credit for our tap-on fees. Staff had a brief discussion with the developer to see if it is possible to do a recapture agreement and then have them assign the recapture to us so that if and when the property on the west side of Cedar Road develops the Village can recoup some of those recapture fees. If you recall from previous discussion with Pulte there is a maximum amount of impact fees for both the age restricted and the traditional single-family which is represented in the Annexation Agreement. They are also proposing a Preliminary P.U.D. Plat for the entire development. They anticipate developing the site in three phases. There will be a landscape buffer along Cedar Road as well as landscape buffer along Blodgett/ Meader Road which will help screen the development from the perimeter roadways. They are proposing three permanent monument sign locations - one at the main entrance on Cedar Road, one of the entrance off of Blodgett and one on the corner of Cedar Road and Chicago-Bloomington Trail. They will also have temporary marketing signs that would be throughout the development. One thing they are requesting is a reduction in our engineering review and inspections fees. Typically, those are based on 4% of the public improvements so with a development this large that is a very big number. They are requesting that we go to 2% which would more than cover the Village’s cost. Also, there is a provision that if the Village has to use a third party for inspections, they would reimburse us for those fees. The developer is requesting to have model homes and to be able to have up to 20 foundation only permits to be issued while they are putting in the public improvements. No vertical construction would take place until it met our requirement for model homes. Cedar Road is a Will County Road at this location so they have been working with the Will County Division of Transportation on the main entrance off of Cedar Road as to what would be required. They were able to demonstrate to the counties satisfaction that there is enough space between the existing Summerfield Road and what will be called Teerling Way so that both intersections could be developed with left turn movements. It’s anticipated that for their subdivision they would construct a left turn lane in as well as a northbound right turn lane. There was a lot of discussion at the Plan Commission meeting about drainage. In addition to all of the existing drainage patterns they are adding a significant amount of storm water detention so the release rates will be much less than they are now with peak flows. Even though the water is still ultimately going out to the same areas it will be released at a much slower rate. The developer has also submitted a final plat for Phase I of the project which includes a mix of all three product types as well as the main central park that will be dedicated to the NLCPD, and it does include the amenities center as well. One of the main deviations that they are requesting is a 1,600 square-foot minimum living area for “The Landings” rather than 1,800 which is the requirement in the R-1 District. Ms. Ellis concluded some of the main concerns staff had is the reduced street centerline radius and reduced cul-de-sac bulbs. The developer is working on trying to address those comments. Staff suggested to eliminate two cul-de-sacs by connecting them with a street and some of the longer cul-de-sac would have the larger bulbs which would meet our subdivision code requirement. They would widen Blodgett/Meader Road to 24-feet of pavement with a ribbon curb up to the first entrance into the subdivision. There is a proposed secondary emergency access that Staff has requested to be to the north of the subdivision to provide a second access to “The Landings” area. The developer is also making this change.

The petitioner had nothing to add at this time.

There were no Village Board comments at this time.

Mayor Baldermann closed the public hearing at 7:14p.m.


Motion to approve the 5 items of the #24-31 Consent Agenda was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Wilson

A - Surety Reduction – Heather Glen Unit 6

B - Raffle License for 2025 – Lincoln Way Special Recreation Association

C - Raffle License for 2025 – Lincoln Way High School Foundation

D - Raffle License for 2025 – St. Jude Church & School

E - Raffle License for 2024 – New Lenox Community Park District Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Wilson, Reiser, Madsen Christopherson, and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise & Gugliuzza

The motion carried.


Consideration of an Ordinance Creating a Class D1 Liquor License -Aji Sushi – 1st Read

Mayor Baldermann reported this Class D1 Liquor License (restaurant -full liquor) for the former MOD Pizza located at 651 E. Lincoln Highway. Ms. Chen went through a thorough background check which has shown no reason to prevent the license being issued.

No comments from the Village Board.

This ordinance will come back for second read.

Consideration for Approval of a Request for County Special Use - 14151 Chicago-Bloomington Trail

Ms. Ellis reported Mr. Paleothodoros, property owner, is requesting Village review of a County Special Use to permit private special events on their residential property located at 14151 Chicago-Bloomington Trail in unincorporated Homer Glen. The Plan Commission and Staff have a number of concerns with the overall concept of hosting special events on the subject property, as well the proposed layout.

Mr. Paleothodoros addressed the Village Board regarding his concept.

The Village Board agreed with Plan Commission to file an objection to the request.

Motion to file an objection to Will County for the Special Use was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Reiser

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Wilson, Reiser, Madsen Christopherson, and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise & Gugliuzza

The motion carried.

Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of an Annexation Agreement, Annexing Certain Property, Granting a Special Use for a Preliminary P.U.D. Plat & Special Use for a Final P.U.D. Plat for Phase I – Teerling Lakes – 1st Read

Ms. Ellis reported these ordinances will come back for second read upon resolution of Staff’s comments.

Mayor Baldermann asked anyone from the audience if they would like to speak. He noted that the Village Board has seen all of the comments from the Plan Commission meeting.

A resident of Summerfield Drive addressed the Village Board saying she is not against this development and that she is happy that there will be homes instead of an industrial building. She expressed her concerns the deviations from the building codes.

A second resident of Summerfield Drive addressed the Village Board saying she would like to maintain some of the country principles that they are used to. She expressed her concerns with the setbacks. She also discussed the traffic on Cedar Road.

Mayor Baldermann asked for Board comments.

Trustee Reiser stated he is excited about this development on the north side of town. He went on to say he understands the requested deviations but questioned the framing of the 24-inch on center instead of the standard 16-inch on center wall. He said he would like to see that changed back but if not, he believes the wall should be insulated with R-11 insulation to address the sound concerns. Trustee Reiser questioned the roof framing and if there would be architectural shingles. He commented on the plumbing pipes and that he would like to see PEX piping because CPVC is noisy. Trustee Reiser commented on the multi-use path and the amount of asphalt that is being proposed. He believes we should not deviate from the code. Trustee Reiser stated that he understands the request for the first-floor brick deviation but personally likes our brick requirement because the homes require less maintenance and brick projects quality. He went on to say if we deviate from the brick requirement, we could be setting a precedent for other developers.

No other comments from the Village Board.

Mayor Baldermann noted there are many beautiful homes that have been in New Lenox for decades that do not have brick. He went on to say that he is not concerned about the precedent because this is a P.U.D. and is a unique situation. Mayor Baldermann stated that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but Pulte Homes have an outstanding reputation and we are excited that they are interested in developing in New Lenox. There have been many requests for a 55-year and older development. He went on to say all along I-355 are warehouse and trucking, we are making an over $100 million dollar investment in that area because we don’t want to see the industrial buildings. Every proposal we received for that area was for warehouses. This is a residential area and rooftops are very important. The 223- acres are divided as far as school districts go but if you are in a deeded 55-year and older it won’t be such a big deal. Mayor Baldermann stated New Lenox has grown very responsibly, people like what we are doing and want to live here. Whether it’s our residential development, the children’s museum, sports complex or the commercial that we were able to bring and the fact that we have kept industrial to one location so it does not impact the residents or the businesses in the community. This Board has been very deliberate in working with Staff to ensure that this community will thrive for decades to come. We are spending over $100 million dollars to build a new Waste Water Treatment Plant, we are spending millions of dollars to add a redundant Lake Michigan Water line, we have spent millions on replacing water main on Route 30 and on Cedar Road. These are not pretty or exciting things to talk about but what they do is they ensure the quality of life for decades to come. To the Summerfield Road residents, he understands that they have larger lots but in an unincorporated area there are different rules then there are in the incorporated area. We have approved a number of developments that abut up to unincorporated areas and we do listen to our neighbors that are unincorporated and do our best to try and accommodated as many of the needs as we can. The reality is this is an incredibly expensive piece of property but that cost is minimal compared to what the developer has to do in infrastructure improvements to that area. The likelihood of finding a quality developer that can develop 223- acres and build a 55-year and older section and other quality homes is next to impossible. We are grateful for them to be here. When it comes to the number of variances, when we are talking about a parcel this large and what it adds to our community, we won’t cheapen our community. Our inspectors do a great job making sure that the homes are built correctly and will bring on additional support staff because the number of permits. We will make sure they are building quality homes. Mayor Baldermann concluded quality comes from the builder and he believes that Pulte Homes will build a quality home.

Mayor Baldermann asked the developer to try and accommodate the requests of the Summerfield residents.

Rob Getz, Vice-President of land acquisition for Pulte Homes, addressed the Village Board saying they are very excited for this project. He commented that there will be architectural shingles on the homes. Mr. Getz addressed the brick requirement saying the first floor brick wrap will be an option that is offered for the two-story homes. He said they are building in Lemont and the homes are selling from $700,00 to $900,00 with many of the homeowners chosing not have the brick wrap.

Trustee Reiser stated that he has not doubt that Pulte Homes will build a quality home but it’s more about the durablitiy that comes with the brick wrap on a home.

No other comments at this time.

Mayor Baldermann asked the developer to continue to work with Staff. He went on to tell the residents from Summerfield Road that were in attendance to check our website for when the ordinances will come back to the Village Board for a vote.

Consideration for Approval of a Proposal – Plow Truck Buildouts Mr. Carroll reported Public Works is scheduled to purchase three 2 ½ ton plow trucks in FY 2025-2026. The upfitting of these vehicles is currently fourteen months. Because of the long lead times Staff is seeking Village Board approval to start that process now.

Motion to approve the proposal was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Reiser

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Wilson, Reiser, Madsen Christopherson, and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise & Gugliuzza

The motion carried.

Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 78 of the Municipal Code – Fair Market Value and Other Fees – 1st Read

Ms. Ellis reported after speaking with the Mayor, the recommendation is that the Village will continue the 30% reduction in fees charged for new residential development for an additional year.

This will come back for second read along with the annual open space resolution. No comments or questions at this time.


Mayor Baldermann commented on Christmas in the Commons and the construction in the Commons.


Nothing to report.


Mr. Carroll wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Mr. Carroll commented on our new website, he thanked Beth Alderson and Don Winnie for all the work they did.


Trustee Madsen made the motion to approve our bi-monthly disbursements in the amount of $17,039,885. In addition to these disbursements, approval is needed for a payroll in the amount of $424,332.33 paid on November 15, 2024.

Trustee Reiser seconded the motion.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Wilson, Reiser, Madsen Christopherson, and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise & Gugliuzza

The motion carried.


Mayor Baldermann thanked our Civil Engineer, Will Nash, for the great job that he does. He added all the departments do a great job.


Trustee Reiser

Trustee Reiser commented on the Christmas in the Commons. Trustee Reiser wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Trustee Madsen

Trustee Madsen commented on the Christmas in the Commons. Trustee Madsen wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Trustee Christopherson

Trustee Christopherson wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Trustee Gugliuzza


Trustee Wilson

Trustee Wilson wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Trustee Scalise



A motion was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Christopherson to adjourn to executive session at 8:08pm for matters of probable litigation and matter of land acquisition.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

AYES: 5 Trustees Wilson, Reiser, Madsen Christopherson, and Mayor Baldermann



ABSENT: 2 Trustees Scalise & Gugliuzza

10 November 25, 2024

The motion carried.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Madsen and seconded by Trustee Christopherson. Upon voice vote, the motion carried. The Regular Meeting of the Village of New Lenox Board of Trustees held on November 25, 2024 adjourned at 8:40pm.




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