
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

City of Joliet Committee on Citizens with Disabilities met Nov. 19

Webp 3

Larry E Hug - City Council Member - District 1 | City of Joliet

Larry E Hug - City Council Member - District 1 | City of Joliet

City of Joliet Committee on Citizens with Disabilities met Nov. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Immediately following Roll Call, Committee Member Riley Spreadbury joined the Committee meeting

Present Pam Heavens, Kim Hudgens, John Jamontas, Gary Jones, Veronica Pollard, Riley Spreadbury and Chairperson Anthony Arellano

Absent Billy Jo Adams, Sherry Voight and Steven Voight


Minutes - October 15, 2024

A motion was made by Kim Hudgens, seconded by Veronica Pollard, to approve COUNCIL MEMO #TMP-7916: Minutes - October 15, 2024. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Heavens, Hudgens, Jamontas, Jones, Pollard, Spreadburry and Chairperson Arellano

Absent: Adams, Voight and Voight


This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Committee members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.



Discussion: Winter Fire Safety/Prevention. Safety advice from the Joliet Fire Department

Joliet Fire Department Battalion Chief Tim Chaplin leads the discussion on Winter Safety and Fire Prevention - giving the community tips on how to stay safe throughout the winter season. Recommendations included keeping fireplaces/chimneys cleaned and using precaution with space heaters (or avoid using if possible). Avoid burning wet, chemically treated, or painted wood - or wood not meant for a fireplace. Replace heating elements on water heater and furnace as needed to avoid flash fire. Use precaution and examine Holiday lights before using - and avoid plugging in too many lights to one outlet. Avoid leaving burning candles unattended, or around children. Always keep fire extinguishers on hand. Special recommendations were made to Residents with disabilities - such as keeping a list of their medications and personal identification information posted somewhere the fire or police departments can easily see if they are hearing/vision disabled or unable to communicate details during an emergency. Keep a cell phone near you/on your person if you are prone to falls. Committee member Veronica Pollard offers additional ways of communication with an individual with hearing or sight impairments, including using a cell phone or pen and paper to ask/share information during a medical crisis. Chief Chaplin also lists the many community events and training held with the public throughout the year to raise awareness - including CPR/first aid training, hydrant testing, business inspections, school drills, fire safety drills, block parties etc.

Discussion: Outreach to Local Service Agencies on Barriers faced by the Disabled Community

Chairman Arellano discusses reaching out to local agencies (such as Rotary Club, Spanish Community Center) to discuss this Committee and the barriers faced by the disabled community. This outreach will hopefully continue to connect resources to those in need of the aims and services of the Committee itself as well as the different service agencies the Committee members work at.

Additional discussion is also had about the follow up on the drafted bylaws, and the Committee meeting dates during the winter months, and confirming there is no meeting scheduled for either December or January. The next meeting will be held in February unless an additional meeting is called for January.

Discussion (Old Business): Follow up on October meeting with Will County Health Departments - Disability Awareness Curriculum

Chairman Arellano discusses what efforts medical schools are doing to teach their students how to equitably care for people with disabilities. Universities such as State of IL and Northwestern have acknowledged the disparities of health within their curriculum - Chairman Arellano suggests to petition this be done at all State colleges and to address this on a State level. He addresses the request to have people write letters or email in to have more equitable curriculum is addressed.

Change of Committee Meeting Time

A discussion is had around the available time slots if a change is made to the Committee meeting time - as well as the availability of the Committee members themselves. It was decided to table this vote until the next Committee meeting.

A motion was made by Riley Spreadbury, seconded by John Jamontas, to table COUNCIL MEMO #TMP-7914: Change of Committee Meeting Time. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Heavens, Hudgens, Jamontas, Jones, Pollard, Spreadburry and Chairperson Arellano

Absent: Adams, Voight and Voight


This section is for anyone wanting to speak regarding non-agenda items and are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. It is not a question and answer period and staff, and the Committee members do not generally respond to public comments. The City Clerk has a copy of the public speaking procedures; please note, speakers who engage in conduct injurious to the harmony of the meeting shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer and may forfeit the opportunity to speak.



A motion was made by Riley Spreadbury, seconded by Veronica Pollard, to approve COUNCIL MEMO #[FILE_NR]: [FILE_TITLE]. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Heavens, Hudgens, Jamontas, Jones, Pollard, Spreadburry and Chairperson Arellano

Absent: Adams, Voight and Voight
