
Will County Gazette

Friday, March 14, 2025

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met Nov. 18

Webp 8

Keith Ogle, Village of Frankfort Mayor | Village of Frankfort

Keith Ogle, Village of Frankfort Mayor | Village of Frankfort

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Keith Ogle called the regular meeting of the Frankfort Village Board to order on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 7:05 P.M., at the Village Administration Building, 432 W. Nebraska Street, Frankfort, Illinois.

Village Clerk Katie Schubert called the roll. In attendance were Mayor Keith Ogle, Clerk Katie Schubert, Trustees Adam Borrelli, Jessica Petrow, Maura Rigoni, Dan Rossi, and Gene Savaria. Also in attendance were Attorney Hannah Lamore, Village Administrator Rob Piscia, Assistant Administrator John Buri ca, and Police Chief Leanne Chelepis. Trustee Michael Leddin was absent.


Mayor Ogle led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


All items on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and are enacted in one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a board member makes a request, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Public Hearing (November 4, 2024)

2. Regular Meeting (November 4, 2024)

B. Approval of Bills - $1,298,155.73

C. Committee of the Whole Report

1. Village of Frankfort Code of Ordinances Amendments: Chapters 32 and 158 (Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3477) AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 32: DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, AND COMMISSIONS AND CHAPTER 158: LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS, to delegate authority over public trees and provide clear guidance for protecting, planting, and maintaining, and/or removing public trees.

2. Engineering Services Agreement: 2025 Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Planning Report Update - Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 24-28) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT AND BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC., for the 2025 Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Planning Report Update, with a total cost not to exceed $120,000.00.

3. Utilities Department Replacement Pickup Trucks: Bid Approval-Resolution 

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 24-29) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT AND PHILLIPS CHEVROLET, for the purchase of two 2025 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 pickup trucks, with a total cost not to exceed $85,094.00.

4. Replacement Vehicle Purchase Approval - Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 24-30 ) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT AND CURRIE MOTORS OF FRANKFORT, for the purchase of a 2025 Ford Explorer, with a total cost not to exceed $45,800.00.

5. 2025 Meeting and Holiday Calendar - Approval

Accept the Committee of the Whole recommendation and approve the Village of Frankfort 2025 Meeting and Holiday Calendar.

D. Plan Commission Report Summary

1. Major Change to a Planned Unit Development and Approval of an Amended Final Development Plan-10850 W. Laraway Road (Waive pt and 2nd Readings) 

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3478) APPROVING A MAJOR CHANGE TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDED FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PA TRI OT CENTER, INC. - 10850 LARAWAY ROAD), to permit the construction of a new parking lot, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, and conditioned on final engineering approval, a revised landscape plan submitted for staff review within 30 days of Village Board approval of the Major Change to the Planned Unit Development, said Landscape Plan shall comply with all Village Landscape Ordinance requirements, and the balance oflandscaping that would be needed to achieve compliance shall be planted no later than one year from the date of Village Board approval, and a Plat of Subdivision to establish a lot-of-record shall be submitted within one year of Village Board approval of the Major Change to the Planned Unit Development.

Trustee Savaria moved, seconded by Trustee Petrow, to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda.

Following a motion to approve, Trustees Borrelli, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria presented a brief overview of the consent agenda docket items under consideration for approval.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: None. Absent: Trustee Leddin. The motion carried.


• Mayor Ogle entertained a motion from the floor to promote "Small Business Saturday" in the Village of Frankfort on the Saturday after Thanksgiving as a day to shop small and shop locally for the upcoming holiday season.

Trustee Petrow moved, seconded by Trustee Rossi, to proclaim Saturday, November 30, 2024, as "Small Business Saturday" in the Village of Frankfort. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. The motion carried.

• Mayor Ogle invited the public to attend the Village's annual "Lighting of the Green" on Thursday, December 5, at 6:30 P.M. on Breidert Green in downtown Frankfort.

• Mayor Ogle reported the 2024 Candlelight House Walk, sponsored by the Frankfort Area Historical Society, will be held on Friday, December 6, between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M.

• Mayor Ogle announced the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce will host its annual Midnight Madness event on Friday, December 13, from 6:00 P.M. to Midnight.

• Mayor Ogle encouraged residents to attend "Christkindl Weekend" on Saturday, December 14 and Sunday, December 15, from Noon to 6:00 P.M. in downtown Frankfort.

• Mayor Ogle gave a shout-out to the Lincoln-Way East Griffins football team and wished them the best ofluck in the state semifinals against Loyola Academy on Saturday, November 23.


Clerk Schubert announced the next regular Village Board meeting will take place on Monday, December 2, at 7:00 P.M.

Board members extended their support and best wishes to the Lincoln-Way East Griffins football team as they prepare to face Loyola Academy in the state semifinals.

Residents were reminded that the Village's Leaf Collection Program is ongoing and will continue through November 25. Please ensure leaves are piled on the parkway rather than the street to keep storm drains clear and help prevent flooding. A courtesy branch pickup is scheduled for December 2.

Residents were reminded to make the #9PM routine a daily habit, and to avoid leaving valuable items in their vehicles.

Residents were encouraged to join the upcoming holiday festivities in downtown Frankfort, with special recognition to Event Planner Sue Lynchey for her efforts in organizing the events.

The Major Change to the Planned Unit Development for the Patriot Center's new parking lot was highlighted, outlining several key improvements and conditions of approval.

Nichie Schaeffer was recognized for her dedication and service on the Plan Commission.

Appreciation was extended to the residents who generously donated their extra Halloween candy at the Village Hall. These treats were delivered to the Crisis Center for South Suburbia, the Veterans' Home at Manteno, and the Will County Children's Advocacy Center.

Warm Thanksgiving wishes were extended to everyone.


There were no other items of business.


No public comments were addressed to the Village Board.


Hearing no further business, Mayor Ogle called for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Borrelli moved, seconded by Trustee Rigoni, to adjourn the regular board meeting of Monday, November 18, 2024. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7 :24 P.M.
