
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Braidwood City Council met Oct. 22

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Braidwood City Hall | City of Braidwood

Braidwood City Hall | City of Braidwood

City of Braidwood City Council met Oct. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Braidwood City Council on October 22, 2024 was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Hart in the Council Chambers of the Braidwood City Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Hart requested all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered "Here" or "Present";

Elected Officials;

Present: Commissioner Earling, Commissioner Wietting, Commissioner Wilczak and Mayor Hart

Absent: Commissioner Walsh

Appointed Officials:

Present: City Clerk Weaver, City Administrator Altiery, Chief Goodwin, and City Attorney Wellner

Absent: City Engineer Sean Kelly

Quorum: There being sufficient members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.

Public Comment: Chris Earling; 180 N. Mitchell: Spoke about the new Jewel in Diamond and what it cost them to get Jewel to build and is in favor of the grocery tax because that money is for the town.

Sue Cholek; 176 Harbor Landing: Responded to the grocery tax and that only 13 states charge a grocery tax and in 2026 there will only be 6 states that will still have the grocery tax.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting, to approve meeting minutes from the October 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried with 4 ayes: 0 nays; 0 Abstain (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart)

Mayor's Report: Hart: Requested a motion to re-appoint George Kocek as a member to the City of Braidwood Plan Commission Board. Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting to re-appoint George Kocek as a member to the City of Braidwood Plan Commission Board. Motion carried with 4 ayes; 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart). George Kocek was sworn in by Mayor Hart in front of council.

Requested a motion to re-appoint Raymond Doogan as a member to the City of Braidwood Plan Commission Board. Commissioner Wietting made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilczak to re- appoint Raymond Doogan as a member to the City of Braidwood Plan Commission Board. Motion carried with 4 ayes; 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart). Ray was not present to be sworn in.

Administrator Report: Altiery: We are extending our cut off date for the scarecrow contest for those who would still like to enter.

City Clerk Report: Weaver: FOIA report for last two weeks of Oct. 8-21 the office received 4 FOIA's.

The Drug Takeback Program that will be hosted by the Braidwood Area Healthy Community Coalition will take place at City Hall on Saturday October 26, 2024 from 10am-2pm.

LRS, our garbage company will be doing another clean up on your regular scheduled garbage day either Monday, November 4 or Tuesday, November 5. The last week of November is the last time yard waste pick up is available. Starting December, the yard waste bin can used as an addition garbage can until April 1,2025.

Engineer Report: Absent

City Attorney Report: Wellner: Explained to council they can still appoint Raymond Doogan to the Plan Commission Board even though he is absent.

Also, gave the explanation of how someone who does not live in the city limits can still be part of the Plan Commission Board as long as they live in the planning of the jurisdiction.

Accounts & Finance Report: Commissioner Earling made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting, to approve the Payment of Bills, in the amount of $544,389.05 as identified in the Accounts Payable General Ledger dated October 22, 2024. Motion carried with 4 ayes: 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart)

Commissioner Earling then made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilczak, to Approve Payroll Expenses, in the amount of $94,032.56 as identified in the Payroll General Ledger dated October 11, 2024. Motion carried with 4 ayes; 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart).

Streets & Public Improvement Report: Absent

Public Property Report: Wietting: Wanted to thank Commissioner Kim Earling on how she has jumped into her new position and is working on figuring out the numbers. She has done a great job.

Public Health & Safety Report: Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Wietting to Approve Ordinance 24-43 Authorizing the Mayor of Braidwood to enter into and Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Braidwood and Reed-Custer Community Unit School District No. 255U regarding a Police Resource Officer. Motion carried with 4 ayes; 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart).

Braidwood Police Department Press Release: Total number of calls for service 244, case reports 20, total subjects arrested 8, total arrest charges 10, total number of traffic stops 69, citations 12, written warnings 44, semi-truck violations 3, total number of P-tickets 5.

The new Jewel is now open and was present for the ribbon cutting and soft opening in Diamond.

Josh Bolatto came forward and gave a report on the first year of the Everbridge System Use. There are 425 direct registrations and in the total Braidwood municipal boundary contacts imported are 8,251 and a total of 33 notifications have been sent.

Fire Department had an open house.

Planning & Zoning Report: Next meeting is Monday, November 4, 2024 at 7pm.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Adjournment: Commissioner Wilczak made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Earling, to adjourn the October 22, 2024 regular meeting of the Braidwood City Council. Motion carried with 4 ayes: 0 nays. (Earling, Wietting, Wilczak and Hart) The next regular meeting of the Council will be held Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 7:00pm
