
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Romeoville Village Board met Sept. 4

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Village Mayor John D. Noak | Village of Romeoville Website

Village Mayor John D. Noak | Village of Romeoville Website

Village of Romeoville Village Board met Sept. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Roll Call

Present 7 - Trustee Jose Chavez, Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, Trustee Lourdes Aguirre, Trustee Linda Palmiter, and Trustee Ken Griffin



No Public Comment


ORD24-1915 An Ordinance Approving the Annexation of Territory for Edward Rose & Sons Senior Living and Apartment Community (Monarch Grove)

Josh Potter, Community Development Director, discussed ORD24-1915, ORD24-1916, and ORD24-1917 all together regarding the Edward Rose Development. Mr. Potter explained that Edward Rose has closed on the 69 acre property at the corner of Weber Road and Romeo Road. This property will be zoned R-7, mixed residential. Mr. Potter discussed the development details of the senior living and apartment complex. They plan on a Spring construction start.

Trustee Richards commented that we've talked about this project many times and it will be a great addition to the community. The investment from Edward Rose and the buying power it provides will bring even more investment in the community.

Trustee Chavez commented that he thoroughly read through the economic impact and its great what it will bring to town.

ORD24-1916 An Ordinance Approving the Zoning of Territory for Edward Rose & Sons Senior Living and Apartment Community (Monarch Grove)

ORD24-1917 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development- General Development Plan for Edward Rose & Sons Senior Living and Apartment Community (Monarch Grove)

RES24-3888 A Resolution Awarding the Contract for the 135th Street Decorative Lighting Project from Weber Road to Independence Boulevard to Utility Dynamics Corporation

Chris Drey, Public Works Director, explained that we will be replacing all the street lights on 135th Street with the new decorative poles. This will start in spring.

Mayor Noak commented that Mr. Drey does a great job of taking the existing poles and using them for future projects.

RES24-3889 A Resolution Approving the Professional Service Task Order from Robinson Engineering, Ltd. to Provide Engineering Design Services for the Village Hall Parking Lot Expansion Project

Mr. Drey explained that the plan is to look at the existing space that is available on the Village Hall property and, with the approval of this resolution, the engineers would start the design of the new parking lot expansion and help bring this project out to bid. Both the north and south parking lots would be expanded with the potential to add as many as over

170 additional parking spots.

Mayor Noak commented that this was always the plan for the site as our events continue to grow.

Trustee Palmiter commented that this is much needed.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Palmiter, to do a consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, Trustee Palmiter, and Trustee Griffin

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Chavez, seconded by Trustee Griffin, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, Trustee Palmiter, and Trustee Griffin

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

MIN24-0985 Approval of Minutes- Regular Meeting August 21, 2024

This Minutes Regular was Approved.

24-3347 Approval of Bills- Schedule A

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

24-3348 Approval of Bills- Schedule B

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

24-3349 Approval of Bills- Schedule C

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

24-3350 Approval of Bills- Schedule D

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

ORD24-1928 An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Des Plaines River Valley Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement (Rock Run Crossings Expansion Request)

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD24-1929 An Ordinance Amending the Designating Ordinance of the Village of Romeoville in Connection with the Des Plaines River Valley Enterprise Zone

This Ordinance was Approved.

RES24-3865 A Resolution Authorizing an Increase to the I&M Canal Multi-Use Path Project

This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3883 A Resolution Establishing a Development Security for the development of Lot 8 in the Carillon Court Retail Subdivision


This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3884 A Resolution Establishing a Development Security for the Addition of a Concrete Storage Pad Along the Rear of 1350 Enterprise Drive in the Marquette Industrial Park (PZC#24-003).

This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3885 A Resolution Authorizing an Appointment to the Southwest Agency for Risk Management

This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3886 A Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement (Banc One Building Corporation, an Illinois corporation)

This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3887 A Resolution to Waive the Bidding Requirement and Purchase a Mako Air Module Compressor from Air One Equipment, Inc.

This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3890 A Resolution to Authorize a Settlement Agreement (Jon Ibrahim) This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3891 A Resolution to Approve a Mutual Aid Agreement Between the Villages of Romeoville, Bolingbrook, and Plainfield for Police Protection During a Special Event

This Resolution was Approved.


Mayor Noak discussed the past events and programs he was a part of the last two weeks such as being a guest on the Will Works Podcast, hosting a Ride Around Town with Story Point residents, being inducted as an honorary member of the Golden Agers Club, and attending the last Rockin the Ville concert of the year. Mayor Noak also discussed upcoming events such as the 18th Annual Disabled Veterans Golf Outing, FOP Golf Outing, shred event, and the Founder's Day parade.

24-3353 A Proclamation Declaring September 15- October 15, 2024

Hispanic Heritage Month in the Village of Romeoville

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Proclamation be Accepted. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.


Clerk Holloway explained that the first meeting of the Valley View Educational Enrichment Foundation for the 24/25 school year is on September 19th at Bolingbrook Village Hall.

Mayor Noak also commented that the information is out regarding the Property Tax Rebate Program. Condolences to the Hassert family on the passing of Brent.


Village Manager, Dawn Caldwell, commented that the Route 7 at Renwick and Route 53 construction will start September 16th and continue through 2025. Naperville Drive is closed through September. While the concerts are concluded, our special events are not over yet. A huge thank you to Kelly and the Recreation staff and the Police Department for all their work on the events. Officer Paniagua is being deployed for military service for the next year. We appreciate all that he has done and wish him the best.


A motion was made by Trustee Chavez, seconded by Trustee Clancy, to do a consent agenda on New Business. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, Trustee Palmiter, and Trustee Griffin

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Aguirre, seconded by Trustee Clancy, to approve the Consent Agenda on New Business. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, Trustee Aguirre, Trustee Palmiter, and Trustee Griffin

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

ORD24-1915 An Ordinance Approving the Annexation of Territory for Edward Rose & Sons Senior Living and Apartment Community (Monarch Grove)

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD24-1916 An Ordinance Approving the Zoning of Territory for Edward Rose & Sons Senior Living and Apartment Community (Monarch Grove)

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD24-1917 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development- General Development Plan for Edward Rose & Sons Senior Living and Apartment Community (Monarch Grove)

This Ordinance was Approved.

RES24-3888 A Resolution Awarding the Contract for the 135th Street Decorative Lighting Project from Weber Road to Independence Boulevard to Utility Dynamics Corporation

This Resolution was Approved.

RES24-3889 A Resolution Approving the Professional Service Task Order from Robinson Engineering, Ltd. to Provide Engineering Design Services for the Village Hall Parking Lot Expansion Project

This Resolution was Approved.

10. BOARD COMMENTS (including Commission, Committee, Liaison Reports)

Trustee Chavez- Condolences to the entire Hassert family on the passing of Brent. Many thanks to Kelly and her team and thank you to everyone who was involved in the events. I'm glad to see the Edward Rose development come to fruition. Go Bears!

Trustee Palmiter- Condolences to the family of Brent Hassert. Thanks to our staff for their hard work this summer. The next Special Events Commission meeting is October 15th.

Trustee Griffin- The Romeoville Veterans Commission is hosting the Veterans Day breakfast again this year on November 11th at the Rec Center.

Trustee Clancy- Condolences to the family of Brent Hassert. Kelly and her team has done a tremendous job this summer. Fall clean up week is September 9th- 13th. The Community Garage Sale is September 7th. The Shred event is September 14th. Founder's Day Parade is September 15th.

Trustee Richards- The next Planning and Zoning meeting is Tuesday, September 10th. Condolences to the family of Brent Hassert. He wished his wife a happy birthday.

Trustee Aguirre- The next Fire and Police Commission meeting is September 10th. The next Conservation and Sustainability Committee meeting is September 11th. Condolences to Brent Hassert. Thank you to the Edward Rose team; that corner will be beautiful. Thanks to all our departments for the summer fun and safety you provided.


No executive session was held at this meeting.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, that this Meeting be Adjourned at 6:39 PM. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.
