
Will County Gazette

Monday, October 7, 2024

City of Crest Hill City Council met July 1

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Mayor Ray Soliman | City of Crest Hill

Mayor Ray Soliman | City of Crest Hill

City of Crest Hill City Council met July 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City of Crest Hill was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 20600 City Center Boulevard, Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison.

Roll call indicated the following present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin, Alderman Darrell Jefferson, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderperson Tina Oberlin, Alderman Mark Cipiti, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: Interim City Administrator Tony Graff, Police Chief Ed Clark, Interim Director of Finance Carron Johnson, City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz, Interim Director of Community Development Ron Mentzer, City Attorney Mike Stiff, Deputy Clerk Karen Kozerka.

Absent were: Interim City Planner Maura Rigoni, Building Commissioner Don Seeman, Interim Human Resource Manager Dave Strahl.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on June 17, 2024, for Council approval per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that there is a mistake on page 143, and it will need corrected since they were not affirmative votes. Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall commented that it will be looked into and corrected.

(#1) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal seconded by Alderman Jefferson, to Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting Held on June 17, 2024, with the correction, per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being seven (7) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman presented the minutes from the Work Session Meeting held on June 24, 2024, for Council approval per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

Alderwoman Gazal would like item number two corrected to state the city would not pay for an HBO charge. Treasurer Glen Conklin commented that it was not for HBO or any in- room services. Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall commented that we will review the tape and make any necessary changes.

(#2) Motion by Alderman Jefferson seconded by Alderwoman Gazal, to Approve the Minutes from the Work Session Meeting Held on June 24, 2024, per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Dyke, Jefferson, Gazal.

NAYES: None.

ABSTAIN: Ald. Kubal.


There being six (6) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

MAYOR: Mayor Raymond Soliman requested the Appointment and Approval by City Council of Ward I Vacancy – Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin per the memo dated July 1, 2024. Mayor Soliman commented that she is a twenty-year resident of Crest Hill and a nurse in administration. She attended the meeting with her husband who serves on the Chaney-Monge School Board, and her three children.

Jennifer Methvin approached the podium and reminded everyone that her true intent is to bring extra oversight to the city and allow for beautification projects and she is very invested and looks forward to serves the City of Crest Hill.

Alderwoman Gazal asked Jennifer Methvin why she had never come to any meetings in the past. Jennifer commented that being a mom of three and maintaining an administrative role in nursing did not allow her to attend the meetings, but she does watch them online.

(#3) Motion by Alderman Albert seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to Approve the Appointment and Approval by City Council of Ward I Vacancy - Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin per the memo dated July 1, 2024. Her term will run until May 5, 2025. On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.


There being seven (7) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Soliman requested Jennifer Methvin to be sworn-in by the City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall. Clerk Vershay-Hall administered the Oath of Office to Alderperson Jennifer Methvin. Alderperson Methvin then took her seat at the dais.

Alderwoman Methvin thanked everyone for allowing her this opportunity.

Mayor Soliman extended his deepest condolences to Joel Thuringer, who was a police officer in the City of Crest Hill for over thirty years and his wife Candy Thuringer, who was an alderperson for four years, on the passing of their mother and mother-in-law, Jean Thuringer, who was 104 years old when she passed on June 22, 2024.

Mayor Soliman informed the Council that Don White, the owner of White Smoke & Ash, was voted 2024 Business of the Year in Will County. We are proud to have their business in the City of Crest Hill.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that Jean Thuringer was a bright, funny, caring, and unique individual with a great heart.

CITY ATTORNEY: City Attorney Mike Stiff had no agenda items but was happy to answer any questions. There were no questions.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR: Interim City Administrator Tony Graff gave a quick overview of his report that was emailed. He stated that Grand Prairie Water Commission is now official, and the first meeting is scheduled for July 2, 2024.

He gave a brief description of the job openings.

The Building Inspector will be reposted.

Public Works Director - Will bring a work proposal from GovHR on July 8, 2024.

Human Resource Manager

Will be reposting this position and working with the treasurer for this position.

He then commented that there will be a presentation about the Phase II Environmental Study for the Old City Hall on July 8, 2024.

Mosquito spraying started on Sunday, June 20, 2024, and will be completed by July 4, 2024.

He then stated that the monument sign company is finishing and delivering the sign shortly. Engineer Wiedeman commented that in the next couple of days they all should be installed and then they will come in and finish the lighting and restoration and then in the fall complete the landscaping.

Interim Administrator Graff commented that July 8, 2024, we will have our wall sign on the pillar temporarily to see the one location at entrance B that was suggested.

The water meter replacement is now under a hundred homes that still need replacing.

He then stated that the sanitary sewer plant is running on schedule and that there is nothing new to report and they are still looking at completion in 2026.

Lockport Township Park District approved the intergovernmental agreement, and we will put this on the July 15, 2024, meeting to approve the agreement on our end. There were no changes recommended by Lockport Township Park District.

The Crime Lab is still pending and working through some issues with the rebuilding of Stateville and we should see some progress within the next thirty days.

Interim Administrator Graff commented that our Community Development Director Ron Mentzer met with Lockport Township Fire Protection District for their training and vehicle facility, and they will have to go through the Planning Commission process and the City Council for their Special Use permit. There is still discussion on the range and more work needs to be done with the architects.

Interim Administrator Graff commented that the audit process is moving forward, and he then asked Interim Finance Director Carron Johnson if we are still on target with the July 4, 2024, date. Interim Finance Director Carron Johnson commented that we are hopefully still on target, but they are requesting items that are not on the checklist, but they are providing the requested items to them.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if there was a reason we did not post that there will be mosquito spraying on social media, since the weather was nice, and people had their windows open and that is spreading poison in people's homes. Interim Administrator Graff commented that he will look into why it was not posted.

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz requested the Approval of Pay Request #17 from Vissering Construction Inc. with Direction to Send it to the IEPA for Approval and Disbursement for a Total Amount of $1,045,502.37 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

(#4) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderwoman Gazal, to Approve the Pay Request #17 from Vissering Construction Inc. with Direction to Send it to the IEPA for Approval and Disbursement for a Total Amount of $1,045,502.37 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Alderman Dyke thanked Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz and the Public Works employees for cleaning up the creek by the Old City Hall.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that we have handicap parking spots that are not handicap accessible which is dangerous and would like to figure out how we can fix this issue. Interim Director Eulitz commented that it is the elevation change and he would look into this.

CITY ENGINEER: City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested to Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for 2024 Sidewalk Cutting Program-Construction by and between the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois and Safe Step, LLC. For a Total Amount of $96,698.65 per the memo dated July 1, 2024. Engineer Wiedeman commented that this year's survey was completed on 12.51 miles of sidewalk and 1,756 total defects were identified and 75% of the defects can be corrected by the saw cutting process.

(#5) Motion by Alderman Albert seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for 2024 Sidewalk Cutting Program-Construction by and between the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois and Safe Step, LLC. For a Total Amount of $96,698.65 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution #1241

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested to Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation Program by and between the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois, and Gallagher Asphalt Corporation for an Amount of $1,119,951.39 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

(#6) Motion by Alderman Albert seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, to Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation Program by and between the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois, and Gallagher Asphalt Corporation for an Amount of $1,119,951.39 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution #1242

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested to Approve a Resolution Approving an Agreement for 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation Program and Road Reconstruction by and between the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois and Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. For an Amount of $8,000.00 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

(#7) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Albert, to Approve Resolution Approving an Agreement for 2024 Roadway Rehabilitation Program and Road Reconstruction by and between the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois and Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. For an Amount of $8,000.00 per the memo dated July 1, 2024. On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution #1243

Alderwoman Gazal asked if Engineer Wiedeman could explain the letter to the residents. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the letter is a letter we hand out prior to the start of every construction project, and it has pertinent information giving the resident an idea of what and when it is starting. The latest letter that went out was for the Circle and Green Water Main replacement projects.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Interim Community Development Director Ron Mentzer commented that he has no agenda items but is happy to answer any questions.

Mayor Soliman asked for an update for all the residents regarding Silver Cross Hospital.

Interim Director Mentzer commented that Silver Cross Hospital has entered into a lease of the former fitness facility that was on the eastside of Weber Road that is six thousand square feet. This will be a new quick/urgent care facility and should be open by the beginning of next year.

Alderperson Oberlin asked if there will be outpatient surgery offered at this location. Interim Director Mentzer commented that there are plans to expand services overtime, but he is not sure about surgery.

POLICE DEPARTMENT: Police Chief Ed Clark requested to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois per the memo dated July 1, 2024. This would be in reference to a 2022 Ford Explorer.

(#8) Motion by Alderman Albert seconded by Alderwoman Gazal, to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the City of Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance #1989

Police Chief Ed Clark requested Approval to Purchase a New Hybrid Police Squad Car which is a Replacement for the Damage Squad Car #944 per the memo dated July 1, 2024. Due to a backlog on hybrid vehicles, he would like to move forward with this purchase now. He commented that he is also working with the Interim Finance Director Carron Johnson since we will have to do a budget amendment for this.

(#9) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Albert, for Approval to Purchase a New Hybrid Police Squad Car which is a Replacement for the Damage Squad Car #944 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Methvin.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Chief Clark commented that there will be extra patrol due to the fireworks. He also reminded the public that fireworks are illegal and will be enforced. He wished everyone a Safe and Happy Fourth of July and asked the public not to drink and drive.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if the speed monitor could be moved to Borio further towards Renwick, and Chief Clark said they could do that.

Alderwoman Gazal reminded Chief Clark that he is to be working on the 'Children at Play' sign on Palm Street. She then thanked the Police Department and Public Works Department for attending and helping with the Meet at the Park Event. They all did an amazing job.

She then commented that the City Engineer Ron Wiedeman had a table for the Grand Prairie Water Commission, and she was shocked how many people were not aware of Lake Michigan Water.

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman commented that he handed out approximately forty flyers explaining what the city is doing, their part of it, and the water commission formation. There were serious conversations with many residents, and he informed them to go on the Grand Prairie Water website and get some information emailed to them.

CITY CLERK: City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall wished everyone a safe and happy Independence Day. She also reminded the public that all offices will be closed Thursday, July 4, 2024, and will reopen on Friday, July 5, 2024, at 8:00 a.m.

CITY TREASURER: City Treasurer Glen Conklin requested to Approve the list of bills issued through July 2, 2024, in the Amount of $3,373,950.35 per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

(#10) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin, seconded by Alderman Kubal, to Approve the list of bills issued through July 2, 2024, in the amount of $3,373,950.35 for Council approval per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

City Treasurer Glen Conklin requested to Approve the 111th IML Annual Conference Registration per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

(#11) Motion by Alderwoman Gazal seconded by Alderperson Oberlin, for Approval of the 111th IML Annual Conference Registration for elected officials and city administrator per the memo dated July 1, 2024.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

City Treasurer Glen Conklin presented the regular and overtime payroll from June 3, 2024, through June 16, 2024, in the amount of $270,762.61 per the memo dated July 1, 2024. Alderwoman Gazal asked the Finance Department about the email that was sent to Alderman Jefferson about the City Center costs and she wanted clarity about the $547,000 for Will County (negative) and she wondered if they paid us, or we paid them. She would like this on an agenda for discussion since some of these numbers have changed from what we had in the past.

Treasurer Conklin commented that he would be happy to have a work session discussion/education regarding this. He commented that there were added initially onto the building expenses that were not part of the contract for the build and discussed what expenses were add-ons. Alderwoman Gazal then asked for a spreadsheet for anything that we are working on now where the warranty is expired. Treasurer Conklin explained that anything that is out of warranty that you expend is an improvement or a maintenance item, anything that is a change order is also an additional expense. He then explained that anything like signage or exterior stuff is not attributable to the cost of the construction of the building.

Alderwoman Gazal then asked how you explain where the cost will go for having to do the handicap sidewalk since it was done wrong in the beginning and was part of the building costs in the beginning.

Treasurer Conklin commented that if your drawing shows what is supposed to be done and the vendor does as describe and inspected, that expense is then paid out and closed. He then commented on anything done after that it then becomes an improvement.

Treasurer Conklin commented that the construction of the City Center is done and has been done for quite some time.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON_REPORTS: Alderman Dyke played the links the Heritage Corridor sent him for the Route 66 promotion.

COUNCIL COMMENTS: Alderman Albert welcomed Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin. He also announced that the Crest Hill Lions Club is having their Annual Luau on Sunday, September 1, 2024, at St. Joes Park in Joliet. The Luau will be from 12:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. There is a car show, vendor fair, bingo, food, drinks, and entertainment.

Alderman Cipiti welcomed Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin.

Alderperson Oberlin welcomed Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin and stated she looks forward to working with her. She also wished everyone a Safe and Happy Fourth of July.

Alderwoman Gazal welcomed Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin. She also thanked all the residents, Public Works Department, Police Department, City Engineer, Lockport Township Fire Department, Sam Chellino, and First Student for helping at the Meet at the Park Event. The next Meet at the Park Event will be July 13, 2024, at Zausa Park.

Alderman Jefferson welcomed Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin and wished everyone a Safe and Happy Fourth of July.

Alderwoman Methvin thanked everyone for the warm welcome and wished everyone a Safe and Happy Fourth of July.

Alderman Dyke welcome Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin and wished all a Happy Fourth of July.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Aaron Gyrion approached the podium and introduced himself. He stated that he is the Local 150 Business Representative for Crest Hill's Public Works, Clerical, Police, Building and Finance Departments. He then congratulated the newest Alderwoman Jennifer Methvin and commented that he is looking forward to working with her.

Aaron stated that unfortunately he is in attendance because of the unprofessional behavior displayed by some City Council members.

On June 17, 2024, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal complained that during the Lidice Ceremony, the Public Works Employees were being paid overtime to 'do nothing' in her words. The guys showed up early, did a great job setting up the event, and followed orders to wait at the Public Works garage. There was a Public Works employee who even gave out his cell phone number to a City Council member in case anything was needed. He then commented that the guys were ready and willing to do whatever duties necessary. The fact that they were not called to come adjust a table is not their fault and if alerted he is certain they would have gone back to the ceremony and made proper changes.

He then commented that it is hypocritical that the same alderwoman who criticized the members for following the direct order was the one who complained about having to move a table in high heels during the ceremony but at the June 23, 2024 meeting the same alderwoman complained about the public works guys during the Memorial Day Event when the City Council members were able and willing to help.

Certain City Council alderpersons fail to realize all the sacrifices the men and woman make contributing to these events. When they show up on a Sunday morning, weekend plans get changed, people miss church, childcare arrangements need to be made, and Saturday nights turn into a weeknight because they must wake up early for work, which makes less leisure time for their loved ones.

Most of their jobs are done outdoors, summers are increasingly draining on the workers, and they all understand this and realize overtime is a necessary component of the job and they are proud to serve but to have a Council member lie and say workers were paid to do nothing is unacceptable.

He then commented that the issues with Alderwoman Gazal are not just overtime because if it were just overtime, why host a truck event in her Ward that would cause overtime not only for Public Works workers but for Police and Fire. He then questioned if overtime is only acceptable for Ward II events.

The men and woman represented by Local 150 have gone above and beyond in the day-to- day operations of this town. They are the faces residents see when they call for help.

Aaron then commented that two months ago an outraged driver attacked a public works employee. The resident swerved his car towards the employee and started attacking him, but this went unnoticed.

The men and women of the bargaining unit have continually picked up the slack by having multiple temporary and interim managers in various departments throughout the city. Particularly Public Works has had their leadership go from two directors down to one part- time director. Additionally, Local 150 members continue to step-up and sign off on EPA required monthly licenses. The men and women of the bargaining unit sacrifice their weekends to come in and check water samples to make sure the city residents have access to clean drinking water.

Aaron commented that he would like to remind everyone to make sure and show the necessary appreciation to Public Works workers and not just when they work your event and if you can't show appreciation to them, then he suggested to remain silent instead of slandering them and complaining about overtime.

He also commented that not one of the members that he has the honor of representing has complained about the additional time commitments to help make this community as great as it is. They are always happy to help make the events a success.

Aaron reminded the Council that Local 150 will not tolerate lies about them doing nothing and getting paid.

He then thanked the mayor for complementing the workers on the fine job they did to make the event a success.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she has never complained about Public Works or the overtime. She then stated that her complaint was that the mayor does not acknowledge the Council in asking them to help him. She then commented that her job and duty as an elected official is to oversee the city expenses and paying overtime when it is not needed is unnecessary.

She then commented that her one complaint to the Interim Administrator was that there was one staff member that decided to send people to the garage during the event. Interim Administrator Graff commented that he was reviewing what had happened at the event and the Interim Public Works Director Mike Eulitz informed Alderwoman Gazal that he looked into the situation and informed her that it would not happen again, and it should not have happened.

Alderwoman Gazal then stated that she never complained about people working overtime, and never has. She commented that she always respected the Public Works workers and if that is how they want to look at it then she cannot change their minds or change how people twist her words.

She then commented that we have a $7 million deficit, and her duty is to oversee the finances of the city. She then told the mayor that once again he never backs her up and twisted her words that she was against those two events.

Linda Dyke, a resident, approached the podium and showed a picture on her phone of what the grass looked like at the front of the City Center building. She then commented if you stop by to take a picture at the Route 66 monument you will get grass clippings in the picture.

She then commented that her husband, her grandchild, and herself pulled into the parking lot to mail a letter and the city workers were cutting grass and she noticed that they were taking grass clipping that were in the mulch and mixed them in to hide it, which will become weeds. She then commented that her husband, Scott, got out of the car and talked to the city workers, which her granddaughter overheard and was upset the way the worker talked to her grandfather. Linda then said that at tonight's meeting she overheard the worker comment that Scott is the jerk who complained about the grass. Linda commented that Scott is not a jerk, and he cares about this city.

Alderman Jefferson commented that he is not a fan of organized chaos and what he just witnessed was organized and chaotic. He also commented that people need to understand that this side of the city we need to maintain and govern and if there is some abuse, which he knows there is history of wiping it under the rug when it is friends of yours, but that history must have an end as well and this is what this Council is stepping up to do, which is to address everyone at the same level.

Alderman Jefferson then commented that he drives up and down the city streets and sees workers standing around and maybe he should take pictures but if he brings them pictures back to the city, nothing will happen, and nothing has happened, and they are dealing with situations in other departments where nothing has happened. It is embarrassing and a disgrace and if the Indians are running the camp, then what are the Chiefs doing. He then commented that he does not come from that type of administration and his character means a lot to him and he stands on principle and if you lack principle then do not be around him.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that maybe Alderman Jefferson should teach the mayor on how to act.

Alderman Jefferson commented that this city has a long way to go and a short time to get there, and he would suggest that you stop playing politics and start playing principals in every department.

Alderman Jefferson also commented that he does not see any diversity in Public Works, and he has a problem with that, but the gentleman did not want to stay to hear that. He also commented that he knows that union, and there is not a lot of diversity there either.

Mayor Soliman commented that there are sixty-nine full-time employees in the city, along with seasonal and part-time employees and he commented that he thinks all these individuals do a fantastic job for the City of Crest Hill. He also commented that it is difficult to work outside at times and it is difficult to work inside at times, but everyone gives the best of their ability. Mayor Soliman thanked every employee of the city for the job they do and wished them all a long time of employment at the City of Crest Hill.

Glen Conklin, a resident at Rock Run Drive, commented towards the mayor that he takes exception to what he was saying and complimented Alderman Darrell Jefferson with what he spoke. He also commented that our staff does not look like our population and that is a problem and should be addressed. Glen then commented that regarding the demonstration by Public Works, the comments that were made by Alderwoman Gazal was regarding to being overstaffed and that the staff was being paid to be some place other than where the event was. He then commented that the mayor started gaslighting Alderwoman Gazal. It was only about the people that were supposed to be there and being overstaffed at an event and that the workers were supposed to be there since they were being paid for that event, but the mayor made it out that Alderwoman Gazal did not believe in Memorial Day, God, and Country.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she always has advocated for the staff and stood up for the staff but if people want to judge her for questioning overtime, so be it, that is her job. She then commented that the mayor never stands up for the Council.

Mayor Soliman commented for the record, that if anybody thinks he orchestrated the comment by the union, they are totally uninformed. He also commented that he had no idea this was going to happen tonight. He stated that he has never met that man, Aaron, until tonight when he approached the podium. Mayor Soliman also commented that Aaron had a right to go to the podium just like anybody else does.

Alderwoman Gazal then commented that when she was first elected, and Alderman Dyke told her that the inmates run the assignments and that is what she needs to learn since there is no leadership in the city. If there was leadership the staff would not act like that and that is why the employees do whatever they want to do.

Stuart Soifer, a resident, commented that that was the wrong forum for that speech, and it should have gone through human resources.

There being no further business before the Council, and no action needed from the executive session, a motion for adjournment was in order.

(#12) Motion by Alderman Dyke seconded by Alderman Albert, to adjourn the July 1, 2024, Council meeting.

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Dyke, Methvin, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.




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