City of Joliet Mayor Terry D'Arcy | City of Joliet
City of Joliet Mayor Terry D'Arcy | City of Joliet
City of Joliet Public Service Committee met July 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Present Councilman Larry E. Hug and Councilwoman Sherri Reardon
Absent Councilman Pat Mudron
Greg Ruddy - Public Works Director, Allison Swisher - Public Utilities Director, Anthony Anczer - Deputy Director Engineering, Owen Dean - Public Utilities Engineer
A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by Councilman Larry E. Hug, to approve the June 17, 2024 Public Service Minutes. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug and Councilwoman Reardon
Absent: Councilman Mudron
Public Service Minutes 06/17/2024
No one at this time.
Award of Contract for Chicago Street Streetscape (Jefferson - Cass) City Square and Watermain Improvements to Austin Tyler Construction Inc. in an amount not to exceed $20,107,270.88
Greg Ruddy, Public Works Director, discussed the Chicago Street Streetscape (Jefferson - Cass) City Square and Watermain Improvements, in an amount not to exceed of $20,107,270.88, to Austin Tyler Construction Inc. A motion was made by Councilman Larry E. Hug, seconded by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, to forward without recommendation ID-1746-20 by full Council. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug and Councilwoman Reardon
Award of Professional Services Agreement for Professional Engineering Support Services to Baxter & Woodman, Inc. in the amount of $150,000.00
Anthony Anczer, Deputy Director Engineering, discussed the Professional Services Agreement for Professional Engineering Support Services, in the amount of $150,000.00, to Baxter & Woodman Inc.
Award of Professional Services Agreement for Development Review and Planning Assistance for the Compass Business Park to Strand Assoc. Inc. in the amount of $205,000.00
Anthony Anczer discussed the Professional Services Agreement for Development Review and Planning Assistance for the Compass Business Park, in the amount of $205,000.00, to Strand Assoc. Inc.
Award of Professional Services Agreement for the Water Loss Control Technical Assistance Program to Cavanaugh & Associates PA in the amount of $248,412.00
Anthony Anczer discussed the Professional Services Agreement for the Water Loss Control Technical Assistance Program, in the amount of $248,412.00, Cavanaugh & Associates PA.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by
Councilman Larry E. Hug, to recommend ID-1747-20, 1748-20, and 1749-20 for approval by full Council. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug and Councilwoman Reardon
Absent: Councilman Mudron
Approve Change Order No. 2 for the Olympic Boulevard Improvements to D Construction Inc. reducing the amount by ($409,100.82) - Section No. 21-00544-00-PV
Greg Ruddy discussed Change Order No. 2 for the Olympic Boulevard Improvements, in the amount of ($409,100.82), to D Construction Inc. - Section No. 21-00544-00-PV to remove an item belonging on a different contract.
Approve Change Order No. 1 for the Olympic Boulevard / Houbolt Road Improvements to PT Ferro Construction Co. in the amount of $347,850.97 - Section No. 21-00544-00-PV
Greg Ruddy discussed Change Order No. 1 for the Olympic Boulevard / Houbolt Road Improvements, in the amount of $347,850.97, to PT Ferro Construction Co. - Section No. 21-00544-00-PV. This is for the addition from Contract A to Contract B.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by Councilman Larry E. Hug, to recommend ID-1750-20, and 1751-20 for approval by full Council. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug and Councilwoman Reardon
Absent: Councilman Mudron
Resolution Appropriating REBUILD ILLINOIS Bond Funds for the Chicago Street Streetscape (Jefferson - Cass) City Square and Watermain Improvements Project - Section No. 21-00545-00-PV in the amount of $2,501,760.00
Greg Ruddy discussed this item.
Resolution Authorizing Task Order 4 to the Professional Fee Agreement for Water and Sanitary Sewer Engineering Services Associated with the Compass Business Park
Anthony Anczer discussed the Resolution authorizing Task Order No. 4.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by
Councilman Larry E. Hug, to recommend ID-1752-20, and 1753-20 for approval by full Council. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug and Councilwoman Reardon
Absent: Councilman Mudron
No one at this time.
Essington Road sunken manholes between Dealerships and Caton Farm Road going north. Owen Dean will check on them.
424 E Washington / 1 S Cagwin update:
Owen Dean provided an update. The low quote is $59,100.00 to complete this work. Current owner purchased home in 2020 and inherited this problem. He is not willing to do the work for this cost and will be getting a lawyer. Public Service advised doing the work and then lien the property if necessary.
150 Ruby St - Collapsed Service in stairwell:
Owen Dean provided an update. City of Joliet plumber was able to camera past where the line was supposed to be collapsed. Owen suggested he rod the line.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, seconded by Councilman Larry E. Hug, to adjourn.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: Councilman Hug and Councilwoman Reardon
Absent: Councilman Mudron