
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met May 23

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Village of Manhattan Officials | Facebook

Village of Manhattan Officials | Facebook

Village of Manhattan Board of Trustees met May 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Regular Meeting of the Village of Manhattan President and Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, May 23, 2024.


Mayor Adrieansen calls the Village of Manhattan Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.


Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Adrieansen aye (6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent). Also present are Lewis, Nelson, Wold, Tyk, Pintar, and Attorney Santschi.




Resident Rene Bennett states that she is disappointed in the fact that the Village Board meetings are not streamed live. She states that Kraus Cable used to tape the meetings live at Manhattan Junior High years ago and doesn’t understand why they can’t be streamed live now.

Bennett also expresses that the Village should not be in the business of being a landlord to Arrowhead Smoke Works.


Adamski Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda which consists of the May 7, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes; May 7, 2024, Executive Session Minutes (Not for Release); and Approval of May 23, 2024, Bills List. Dilling Second. Roll Call: Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.


Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the first item on the agenda is an Ordinance Amending Title 3 “Building Regulations” in the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. The Village currently utilizes the 2006 International Code Council (ICC) model codes with local amendments, along with mandated State of Illinois codes. The State of Illinois is requiring municipalities to adopt codes that are no older than 10 years old by January 1, 2025. The Village is adopting the 2021 building code.

Rich from B&F Construction Code Services gives an overview of the proposed codes to adopt with amendments.

2021 International Residential Code

2021 International Building Code

2021 International Mechanical Code

2021 International Fuel Gas Code

2021 International Property Maintenance Code

2021 International Fire Code

2021 International Existing Building Code

2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code

2023 National Electric Code

2014 Illinois Plumbing Code

2018 Illinois Accessibility Code

Illinois Energy Conservation Act adopts the International Energy Conservation Code.

Community Development Director Nelson informs the Village Board the biggest change that the builders have concern with is the Illinois Energy Conservation Code which the Village has no say over. The builders must follow that code per the State of Illinois. Nelson is proposing that the new update to the code be effective on January 1, 2025, to give builders an opportunity to revise plans and adjust to the new changes.

Neighbors asks how this will affect existing structures in the Village of Manhattan. Rich form B&F Construction states that it doesn’t.

Community Development Director Nelson clarifies that existing structures would only be affected if you are building something new in your house you would have to follow the code.

Attorney Santschi states that it would only be new structures that are subject to the new building code. Young asks Nelson to go over the few things that were taken out.

Community Development Director Nelson states that the major amendments are:

➢ Prohibition of PEX plastic water piping.

➢ Prohibition on the use of Romex electrical wire.

➢ Eliminate the requirement of residential sprinklers.

➢ All exterior walls shall be solidly sheathed with structural panels (plywood or listed OSB).

Neighbors Motion to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 3 “Building Regulations” in the Village of Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. Doyle Second. Roll Call: Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Approving and Ratifying the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Workforce Center of Will County and the Village of Manhattan. The Workforce Center of Will County reached out to the Village to host an employment kiosk in the lobby of the Village Hall. The kiosks are funded by a grant and there is no cost to the Village.

Neighbors asks if anyone can use it.

Mayor Adrieansen states that anyone can use it during Village hours.

Doyle Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving and Ratifying the Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Workforce Center of Will County and the Village of Manhattan.

Neighbors Second. Roll Call: Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Manhattan Township Road District for the Transfer of a Portion of Baker Road.

Young is concerned with the condition of the road and feels it’s a big financial obligation. The Village Board discusses the condition of the road and drainage issues.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk states that he will reach out to Road Commissioner, James Baltas, to ask about the culverts and discuss these other issues with him.

Mayor Adrieansen asks for a motion to table this agenda item for a future meeting.

Young Motion to Table a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Manhattan Township Road District for the Transfer of a Portion of Baker Road. Dilling Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Authorization to Hire a Part-Time Code Enforcement Officer. This item will be tabled as well because we need more clarification on certain items.

Dilling Motion to Table the Authorization to Hire a Part-Time Code Enforcement Officer. Adamski Second. Roll Call: Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Approving a Maintenance Agreement By and Between the Village of Manhattan and the Leighlinbridge Homeowners Association (Leighlinbridge Unit 3 Detention Pond). This item has to do with the Trask Street Drainage Project. The Village is looking to do some drainage work in the detention pond. The Homeowners Association agreed to let the Village perform this work and in return the Village agrees to cut the grass in the immediate area of the detention pond and maintain the concrete structures in the detention pond.

Neighbors asks how long the agreement is for.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk states it’s for five years.

Adamski Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving a Maintenance Agreement By and Between the Village of Manhattan and the Leighlinbridge Homeowners Association (Leighlinbridge Unit 3 Detention Pond). Doyle Second. Roll Call: Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is the 2024 Summer Help Roster.

Dilling Motion to Approve the Authorization to Hire Summer Help Employees: Aiden Good, John Ramos, Michaela Reinke, Richard Rainford, Ryan Hayden, and Trevor Johnson at a Rate of $17.00 Per Hour.

Adamski Second. Roll Call: Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is an Ordinance mending Title 8, Chapter 5, Article 1 (Mailboxes – Installation Standards: Damage and Replacement) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk informs the Village Board that this ordinance is being amended with more accurate wording to keep consistent with the United State Postal Service guidelines.

Doyle Motion to Approve an Ordinance mending Title 8, Chapter 5, Article 1 (Mailboxes – Installation Standards: Damage and Replacement) of the Manhattan Village Code of Ordinances. Young Second. Roll Call: Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Resolution Approving Bid for a 3-Bay Extension at Public Works. This will house the new vactor truck and two plow trucks. The new building will include a sprinkler system for both the new addition and the existing building.

Adamski Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving Bid from Unlimited Masonry & Construction for the Building and Garage Doors in the Amount of $118,100.00 and RAM Fire Protection for the Sprinkler System in the Amount of $49,700.00 for a 3-Bay Extension at Public Works. Young Second. Roll Call: Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Board of Trustees that the next item on the agenda is a Discussion on the Front Street Parking Design Concept. The Village will be replacing the water main from Route 52 to Sweedler Rd. During this project it was brought up to add approximately 90 parking stalls along Front Street. There are concerns about drainage in that area. Mayor Adrieansen would like to know the Village Board’s thoughts on the parking concept. There are two options. The first option would be to add gravel and grindings for a cost of $100,000.00. The second option would be to install drainage, curb & gutter, and blacktop for a cost of $350,000.00.

Adamski feels the parking is needed for future big events. Adamski would like to get engineering started.

Young supports the idea. That area is not attractive and would improve the look of the downtown area to add nice parking. It also will keep cars out of the businesses parking lots. Young would like to do it the right way. Young would like to budget for it and get it done.

Neighbors is in favor of it and would like to get the engineering started for it.

Dilling would rather use the funds to invest in Eastern Avenue instead.


Mayor Adrieansen states that the Touch-A-Truck was a great event. Thank you to Shelly Lewis for her hard work putting this event together. Thank you to Public Works for helping set up the event as well.

Mayor Adrieansen updates the Village Board on his trip to the International Shopping Center Convention in Las Vegas. He met with many retailers and restaurants.

Mayor Adrieansen informs the Village Board that the American Legion I-Honor Ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 26th at 1:00 P.M. at the corner of US Route 52 and Brookstone Drive. This will be a dedication ceremony for all the veteran banners that are hanging up on the poles on Route 52. If it ends up raining the ceremony will be moved to the Manhattan Township building.

Neighbors would like to acknowledge the Cop On a Rooftop. It was a great event and thank you to everyone that supported the Special Olympics.

Young thanks Village Clerk Lewis and Public Works Superintendent Tyk for all the work put into the Touch-A-Truck. It was a fantastic event.

Dilling thanks everyone involved in the Touch-A-Truck and the Cop on a Rooftop events. Dilling asks Community Development Director Nelson where the Village is at with marking handicapped parking at businesses.

Community Development Director Nelson states that they have drafted a letter on handicapped parking to the businesses but has not sent them out yet. Nelson will begin getting them out. It will be an informal letter alerting the businesses of the code and requirements of how many handicapped stalls should be marked.

Adamski wants to add that the American Legion will be holding a Memorial Day Ceremony at the First Bank of Manhattan on Monday, May 27th at 10:00 A.M.

Doyle acknowledges the success of the Touch-A-Truck and Cop on a Rooftop events. Village Clerk announcements:

➢ Touch-A-Truck was a huge success. This year’s event was by far the largest in attendance. We are estimating about 800+ people attended.

➢ Community Garage Sales are scheduled for Friday, June7th and Saturday, June 8th 8am-3pm. Last day to register your sale is Friday, May 31st. There are about 50 households registered so far.

➢ The first Cruise Night of the summer is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th at a new time from 4:30 pm-7:30pm.

➢ Congrats to all the graduates at Manhattan Junior High School and Lincoln-Way West. Have a great summer!

➢ Manhattan Community Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26th at 11:00am. The guest speaker is Assistant District Attorney, Katie Rabenda giving a presentation on Avoiding Victimization Awareness & Prevention.


Monthly Reports for April 2024 in the Board Packet are presented to the Village Board for Finance, Police, EMA, Public Works, Village Engineer, and Building and Development.

Community Development Director Nelson informs the Village Board that the Community Visioning Workshop for the Comprehensive Plan will be on June 5th from 6pm-7:30pm at Wilson Creek School. This is an opportunity for the public to come and listen to what the Village is proposing and give us their feedback and ideas.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk informs the Village Board that the lights on Route 52 are on. Dilling asks about the lights on Smith Road.

Public Works Superintendent Tyk states that they just need to connect the wires at the poles & then they can be turned on.

Police Chief Wold informs the Village Board that the Police Department participated in the Manhattan Junior High School Demon Dash Color Run. There were about 75 kids, 20 staff and 6 Police Officers that participated and a donation from the run in the amount of $500 was made to Special Olympics.

Police Chief Wold informs the Village Board that the Manhattan Police Department was given a Gold Award from Lexipol for completing all law enforcement policy training requirements.


Dilling Motion to Enter Executive Session for the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific: Employees, Appointed, or Elected Officials; and Collective Bargaining at 6:49 P.M. Young Second. Roll Call: Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye, Dilling aye, Beemsterboer aye, Adamski aye (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.

Adamski Motion to Reopen Regular Session at 8:11 P.M. Doyle Second. Roll Call: Dilling aye, Beemsterboer absent, Adamski aye, Doyle aye, Neighbors aye, Young aye, (5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 0 abstain) Motion Carried.




Adamski Motion to Adjourn. Young Second. All are in Favor. Motion Carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 P.M.




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