
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of New Lenox Zoning Board of Appeals met April 2

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Trustee Amy Gugliuzza | Village of New Lenox Website

Trustee Amy Gugliuzza | Village of New Lenox Website

Village of New Lenox Zoning Board of Appeals met April 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A regular meeting of the Village of New Lenox Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:13 p.m. by Chairman Muehlnickel.

At this time Chairman Muehlnickel noted that all members from the Plan Commission meeting were present for the Zoning Board of Appeals.


A motion was made by Mr. Moss and seconded by Mr. Hawkins to approve the January 16, 2024 minutes as presented. Voice vote was taken. Motion carried.


Prairie Ridge Estates

80.48-acre parcel located at the corner of Gougar Road and Prairie Ridge Drive Brian Wille / Brian Wille Construction, Inc. - Petitioner

Mr. Wille said he is looking for an extension for the advertising sign for Prairie Ridge. He said he has approximately 10 lots left.

Ms. Neubauer explained that a permit was issued in 2014 for the subdivision advertising sign, and was then granted an extension by the Village Board in 2019. That extension expires on April 8, 2024. She said the sign is located on the southeast corner of Gougar Road and Prairie Ridge Way, and is proposed to stay on site until the last building permit is issued, or another five years from the date of approval.

She confirmed that the existing sign was 12 feet wide and 8 feet tall with the overall structure being 10 feet in height and that it met the maximum requirement for the Zoning Ordinance. She stated that the sign was still in good condition, but a cash bond was being held in case there were any maintenance issues. As the sign conforms to the Sign Code as well as assisting to sell the remaining lots, Staff recommends approval of the temporary use request until the earlier to occur; 1) the issuance of a building permit for the last lot in the subdivision or 2) five years from the date of Village Board approval. Staff is looking for a recommendation.

Mr. Muehlnickel requested a motion which recommended approval of the request for the temporary use for the Prairie Ridge real estate subdivision advertising sign, until the earlier to occur. 1) The issuance of a building permit for the last lot in the subdivision, or 2) 5 years from the date of the temporary use in granted by the Village Board.

Motion was made by Ms. Dalseth and seconded by Mr. Raidbard. Voice vote was taken. Motion carried.


Approximate 3.00-acre parcel located at 1259 North Cedar Road Bradley Bothwell / Bothwell Farms – Petitioner

Mr. Bothwell said they are seeking a Temporary Use for their farm stand. He explained that everything will remain the same as the previous year.

Ms. Neubauer explained that Bothwell Farms had been invited back by the property owner to have their hoop house in the same location as last couple of years. The hoop house would occupy 2 parking spaces and would be 30 feet long by 21 feet wide with a small display area that would be 16 feet long by 21 feet wide.

She said that an agreement was made last year between Mr. Bothwell, the property owner, and the owner of Tiny Treasures to have the four parking spaces striped and clearly marked with signage. Those signs are still in place and in good condition. Staff has also requested that Mr. Bothwell post a sign at the entrance of his greenhouse stating that all patrons be parked within a striped parking stall in order to help with the traffic flow, as well as the safety of the parents bringing the children in and out of Tiny Treasures.

She commented that the application showed that the greenhouse / hoop house hours of operation would be from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 7 days per week.

She then displayed a picture of the site and explained that Will County Department of Transportation currently had plans to improve the intersection of Cedar Road and Francis Road, which would ultimately affect this property. Construction is anticipated to start once the temporary easements and right-of-way are acquired.

As parking would be affected, Staff worked with the property owner for a new parking layout. She explained that the proposed changes would eliminate the north entrance into the site from Cedar Road, and southern entrance from Cedar Road would be shifted north approximately 20 to 30 feet. There would be a row of parking added in front of Ranch Frostie along with bollards to help protect the building from cars, and will allow the customer line to form to the west which will move patrons out of the parking lot. There would also be an area with tables for customers to congregate. It is the understanding that construction would begin this year with the hopes of completion by next season.

It is Staff’s opinion that the requested temporary use would not negatively effect any of the businesses within the shopping center, and is recommending approval for the temporary use request for the farm stand to be on site from May 1st to October 31st subject to the conditions listed in Staff’s Report.

Mr. Muehlnickel asked if the location for Bothwell Farms would be affected next year by the construction.

Ms. Neubauer replied that they are hopeful that it will not, but the temporary easements have not been obtained as of yet. She said they started utility work in the area, but it is all up to Will County’s timing.

Mr. Smith commented that they will still have to come back next year for the temporary use, even if it is in a new location.

Mr. Muehlnickel requested a motion to recommend approval of the temporary use request for the greenhouse / hoop house as depicted on the submitted site plan subject to the eight conditions mentioned in Staff’s Report.

A motion was made by Mr. Raidbard and seconded by Ms. Berkey. Voice vote was taken. Motion carried.






There being no further business to come before the Zoning Board of Appeals at this time, a motion was made by Ms. Berkey and seconded by Mr. Blackburn to adjourn. Voice vote was taken. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
