
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met Nov. 6

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Village of Frankfort Mayor and Board of Trustees | Village of Frankfort

Village of Frankfort Mayor and Board of Trustees | Village of Frankfort

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met Nov. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Keith Ogle called the regular meeting of the Frankfort Village Board to order on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 7:00 P.M., at the Village Administration Building, 432 W. Nebraska Street, Frankfort, Illinois.

Village Clerk Katie Schubert called the roll. In attendance were Mayor Keith Ogle, Clerk Katie Schubert, Trustees Adam Borrelli, Michael Leddin, Jessica Petrow, Maura Rigoni, Dan Rossi, and Gene Savaria. Also in attendance were Attorney George Mahoney, Attorney Hannah Lamore, Village Administrator Rob Piscia, Assistant Administrator John Burica, and Police Chief Leanne Chelepis.


Mayor Ogle led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


Mayor Ogle administered the Oath of Office to Mark Misek as Sergeant for the Village of Frankfort Police Department and congratulated him on his new position. Sergeant Misek thanked the Village Board, his family, friends, and colleagues for their support.


All items on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and are enacted in one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a board member makes a request, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

Trustee Rigoni requested item D.1 Roma Sports Club be removed from the Consent Agenda.

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Regular Meeting (October 16, 2023)

B. Approval of Bills - $1,658,375.15

C. Committee of the Whole Report

1. 2024 Meeting and Holiday Calendar - Approval

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and approve the 2024 Village of Frankfort Meeting and Holiday Calendar as presented.

D. Plan Commission Report Summary

1. Roma Sports Club: 9115 Roma Court - Removed from Consent Agenda

2. Prestwick Country Club Golf Cart Barn Replacement Multiple Zoning Variances: 601 Prestwick Drive- Ordinance (Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3422) GRANTING MULTIPLE ZONING VARIANCES TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (PRESTWICK COUNTRY CLUB - 601 PRESTWICK DRIVE), for the construction of a new golf cart barn: an accessory structure size variance from 144 square feet to 4,320 square feet; an accessory structure height variance from 15 feet to 21 feet; a variance to pennit an accessory structure within a front yard; and a variance to permit an accessory structure in front of the primary structure; all in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, conditioned on final engineering approval, and subject to the following conditions: 1) The existing stumps and wood pallets shall be cleared during construction of the proposed building; 2) A Landscape Plan for the area around the golf cart barn shall be submitted for staff review and approval and required plantings shall be installed within one year of Village Board approval; and 3) The building elevations shall be revised to reflect a charcoal color stone veneer wainscot on all four sides.


Trustee Petrow moved, seconded by Trustee Savaria, to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda.

Following a motion to approve, Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, and Rossi presented a brief overview of the consent agenda docket items under consideration for approval.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: None. The motion carried.


Trustee Savaria reported the applicant Steve Rotondi proposes to construct a 20,800 square foot addition onto the existing Roma Sports Club building to provide more indoor recreation space. The applicant also proposes a parking lot expansion ( adding 117 spaces) and consolidating Lot 1 of the Roma Resubdivision with Lots 16-18 of the East Point Park Subdivision. To accommodate the proposed improvements, the applicant requests the granting of the following:

• Special Use Permit for Indoor Recreation

• Special Use Permit for Outdoor Recreation Over 1 Acre

• Three Points of Vehicular Access Variance

• Landscaped Front Yard Setback Variance from 20' to 15.2'

• Final Plat Approval

At the October 12, 2023 public hearing on the project, the Plan Commission forwarded five unanimous (7-0) recommendations to the Village Board to grant the requests.

Special Use Permits for Indoor Recreation and Outdoor Recreation- Ordinance (Waive t5t and 2nd Readings)

Trustee Savaria moved, seconded by Trustee Borrelli, to accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3423) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR INDOOR RECREATION FOR A HEALTH/FITNESS FACILITY AND A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION OVER 1 ACRE FOR TWO OUTDOOR SOCCER FIELDS TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (ROMA SPORTS CLUB - 9115 ROMA COURT), to accommodate the operation of Roma Sports Club on Lot 1 of the Roma 2 Resubdivision, 9115 Roma Court, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, and conditioned upon final engineering approval.

Three Points of Vehicular Access Variance and Landscaped Front Yard Setback Variance - Ordinance (Waive ist and 2nd Readings)

Trustee Savaria moved, seconded by Trustee Borrelli, to accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3424) GRANTING A VARIANCE TO PERMIT THREE POINTS OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO ROMA COURT FOR A LOT WITH MORE THAN 200 FEET OF ROAD FRONTAGE AND A VARIAN CE OF THE LANDSCAPED FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT FROM 20 FEET TO 15 FEET, 2 INCHES TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (ROMA SPORTS CLUB - 9115 ROMA COURT), to accommodate construction of a 20,800 square foot building addition and parking lot expansion for Roma Sports Club on Lot 1 of Roma 2 Resubdivision, 9115 Roma Court, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, and conditioned upon final engineering approval.

Roma 2 Resubdivision - Final Plat Approval

Trustee Savaria moved, seconded by Trustee Borrelli, to accept the Plan Commission recommendation and approve the final plat of Roma 2 Resubdivision, consolidating Lot 1 of Roma Resubdivision with Lots 16-18 of East Point Park Subdivision to create a single Lot 1 of Roma 2 Resubdivision, prepared by Associated Surveying Group, LLC, dated 09.01 .23, in accordance with the reviewed plans and subject to staff approval of any necessary technical revisions prior to recording.

Mayor Ogle invited trustee and audience comment on the agenda items prior to a vote.

Trustee Rigoni stated her only exception for the proposed project related to the outdoor recreation component, citing safety and access concerns as well as the overall appropriateness of outdoor recreational use in the industrial district. She referred to Roma Sports Club's Special Use request for outdoor recreation in 2018/2019 which was not approved and questioned whether the fields were currently being utilized without a permit.

Trustee Borrelli felt the outdoor soccer fields were a better use than an industrial building and voiced his support of the project.

Trustee Petrow noted Roma's request in 2018/2019 centered around baseball fields but the original proposal included construction of outdoor soccer fields which she felt was a better use. She voiced her support for the project.

Trustee Rossi voiced support for the project.

Trustee Savaria also commented on Roma's previous request, noting the main concerns expressed at that time involved parking and public safety. He voiced his support for the project.

Trustee Leddin voiced his support for the project.

Mayor Ogle called for a vote.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: Trustee Rigoni. The motion carried.


• Mayor Ogle announced the Hickory Creek Middle School will host its annual Veterans Day concert on Thursday, November 9, at 6:00 P.M.

• Mayor Ogle reported in observance of the Veterans Day holiday, Village of Frankfort offices will be closed on Friday, November 10.

• Mayor Ogle announced the Frankfort Police Department is now hiring. Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2023, at 4:00 P.M.

• Mayor Ogle reported the Village's leaf collection program is underway and runs through November 27. He noted one final branch collection is scheduled for the week of November 27.

• Mayor Ogle invited the public to attend the Village's annual "Lighting of the Green" on Thursday, November 30, at 6:30 P.M. on Breidert Green in downtown Frankfort.

• Mayor Ogle congratulated Sergeant Misek on his new position and he wished Officer Bill Boersma a long and happy retirement.


Clerk Schubert reported a Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, at 5:30 P.M., and the next Village Board meeting will be held on Monday, November 20, at 7:00 P.M.

Trustee Leddin wished Officer Boersma a happy retirement and congratulated Officer Misek on his position as sergeant. He commented on the Village's Roadway Maintenance Program which included 45 street segments making it the largest program to date. He expressed condolences on the passing of a family member, Joan Parker.

Trustee Savaria extended congratulations to Sergeant Misek, and he recognized fellow veterans in honor of Veterans Day.

Trustee Rigoni thanked all the veterans for their service, and she thanked the Police Department for another fantastic Trunk or Treat event.

Trustee Petrow thanked Officer Misek for his many years of service and congratulated him on his promotion to sergeant. She wished Officer Boersma many years in retirement and boating ahead of him. She thanked Trustee Savaria, her grandfather, and all veterans for their service.

Trustee Borrelli wished a happy retirement to Officer Boersma and congratulated Sergeant Misek. He commented on being out of the country during the last Village Board meeting and the recognition of the Hickory Creek Middle School Girls Softball Team for their state championship.

Trustee Rossi also extended congratulations to Sergeant Misek on his promotion, and to Officer Boersma on his retirement and 26 years of dedicated service with the Village.


There were no other items of business.


Resident T.J. Marczali, Jr., President of Blue Danube Properties, and developer of Candle Creek Subdivision, spoke before the Village Board relating to subdivision development requirements and recapture agreement with the Village.

Resident Sam Giordano, Jr. extended congratulations to Officer Misek on his promotion and expressed his condolences on the passing of fellow Kiwanis Club member Bill Bum. He shared his opinions regarding public safety and a recent incident at a private residence in Frankfort.

Resident Dave Wilbur also stated his thoughts relating to public safety and requested the Village to develop a public safety plan.


Hearing no further business, Trustee Borrelli moved, seconded by Trustee Rossi, to adjourn the regular board meeting of Monday, November 6, 2023. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7 :49 P .M.
