
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met Oct. 9

City of Crest Hill City Council met Oct. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The October 9, 2023 City Council work session was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 20600 City Center Blvd. Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The following Council members were present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderman Darrell Jefferson, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderperson Tina Oberlin, Alderman Mark Cipiti, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: Interim Management Consultant Steve Gulden, Police Chief Ed Clark (8:49p.m), Assistant Public Works Director Blaine Kline, City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, City Attorney Mike Stiff.

Absent were: Interim Planner Maura Rigoni, Finance Director Lisa Banovetz, Interim, Director of Community Development Ron Mentzer, Building Commissioner Don Seeman, Interim Employee Relations Manager Dave Strahl.

TOPIC: U.S. Route 30 Water Main Lining Project – Change Order # 2 City Engineer Ron Wiedeman requested a change order #2 for the U.S. Route 30 water main lining project. This change is due to different field conditions from what was known at the time of the design. He commented that during design it was thought, through investigations, that the existing water main was at a constant depth of five feet below the pavement elevation throughout the limits of the project but once they started doing some video it was found that the water main dipped underneath a utility crossing or storm line crossing which makes it impossible to do the lining in those sections. In order to check and make sure they are in good condition we had to physically open a pit and look at it and based on this, we will need:

- 22 additional pits which are $27,682.35 each for a total of $584,123.10.

- Due to additional 9 pits, additional costs of $13,610.00 for videoing, $34,635.40 for mobilization, and $15,910.64 for cleaning.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that the only other thing listed in there was due to the utility conflicts and traffic at six corners. He commented that as of now, we have lined the water main 150 feet or so short of six corners but the way the water main ties-in at Gaylord and Caton Farm will require work in the middle of the intersection. In order to do that we are proposing to do this work at night, when we can open, cut, and replace that piece and then reconfigure it so it will go through the right-hand turn lane to Caton Farm Road and abandon what is out in the middle of the intersection. This will avoid our guys having to go out and service this in the middle of the intersection.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that this change order is sizable but still able to go through the existing budget. We can pay for this with the money that is in the current budget under the water main replacement line item which shows $370,000.00 and we would use $98,938.54 from the water commission fund. He commented that this will raise the contract price to $3,167,938.54.

Dana West, with Robinson Engineering introduced herself and introduced John Bissel and David Barnas who have been working on the design of this project. She asked if anyone had any questions for the team.

Alderperson Oberlin asked if we do the rerouting as explained would we still need to do the twenty-two additional pits if we are just going to move it. Engineer Wiedeman explained that the twenty-two additional pits are not in the six corners intersection, they are east of six corners. It is twenty-two additional pits from Sycamore going east.

Alderperson Oberlin asked if you were to replace the existing, what would the cost be on that. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it was close to the same cost. The length of the pipe that is going in the right-hand turn is the exact same length that we would be replacing. Alderperson Oberlin asked if the valves would no longer be needed. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the valves would be left open but abandoned in place and a new valve will be placed just east of NuMark Credit Union entrance. This way we can shut down all three legs without having to go back into the middle of the intersection. Alderperson Oberlin commented that she thinks this is a wonderful idea.

Alderman Albert asked how this was all missed and thought we televised the lines up front. Engineer Wiedeman commented that we did not televise the lines up front because we would have to shut it down and we couldn't shut it down until we had a temporary line in place.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that as we move forward on these projects, we come up with new things to do which are make sure these valves work, pot hole locations to determine what the water main is doing at a specific crossing and the other thing is to add pay items to address things like this and if it is not needed than it is a savings to the contract.

Alderman Albert asked what the actual plans are since we will have twenty-two additional pits and all be in the middle of the road. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the $27,000 is for the complete restoration of the pits, which includes digging, inspecting, backfilling, and patching, then to resurface the areas as a requirement from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).

Alderperson Oberlin asked if these will be pitched or used again. Engineer Wiedeman commented that they will be filled back up with stone and pavement. Alderman Cipiti asked if there will be a manhole cover. Engineer Wiedeman commented that there will not be unless there was one already. Alderperson Oberlin commented that she hoped everything will be documented for the future. When they asked for the as-built plans with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) the plans did not show this.

John Beissel from the design team commented that the existing water main was in a parkway and when IDOT widened it went from rural to an urban section which is when it was moved into the center. He commented that nothing was reflected regarding the water main adjustments in the as-built plans, which should have been a red flag. Alderperson Oberlin asked when it was commented that it should have been a red flag, who should it have been a red flag for. John commented that it should have been a red flag for IDOT, and they should have recognized this and reflected it on the as-built plans. John commented that the city will be given as-built plans reflecting this and GSI files.

Alderman Jefferson asked what the difference is from what is there now and what is going to be there for the functioning of the pipes. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it is still the same size pipe and will do the exact thing it is doing today but by lining it we are providing a pipe that will structurally last outside of its original length of time which should be about 50-80 years before having to replace it.

Alderman Cipiti asked Engineer Wiedeman if he feels all the zigzags are a contributing factor for all the breaks since it is not a straight shot for the water to run. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it could be the pipe deteriorating itself or getting water hammered when fire hydrants are getting opened and closed which slams on the system and causes it to break. Assistant Director Blaine Kline commented that when you look at the water source change thirty was a significant factor in our water loss numbers that could be leaking for a few days without us noticing it and by lining it we are taking that out of the equation. He also commented that basically every time we are at a break we must close and open valves which makes the water start hitting and then we are back out there again. Alderman Jefferson asked if there was a blueprint of this. Engineer Wiedeman commented that is why we asked for the as-built plans since IDOT should have documented that. They touched our water main and made changes to it and we have no documentation that they did that. Alderman Cipiti asked if IDOT could be held liable for that. City Attorney Mike Stiff commented that it is the State, and they have the same immunities that local government would have and if you sue the State you will end up in the Court of Claims, which is where we are at with Statesville water.

Mayor Soliman asked if the dip of the perpendicular pipes that are going the other direction, will not be lined. Engineer Wiedeman commented that they put eyes on them, and they are in pristine brand-new condition and only about twenty years old. David Barnas with the design team commented that the lining is designed for structural stability and is smoother to give a little better waterflow.

Alderman Albert asked if the funds we are borrowing from the water main funds are already allocated for another project. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the $370,000.00 was supposed to go to Parkrose but that will not happen until next year.

Alderman Albert asked what the timeframe is with the additional work. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the time frame hasn't changed, and it will still be done at the end of November. As of right now, all the water mains have been lined and they are doing the final cleaning and reattaching services from Sweetbriar west up to six corners.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote.

AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal.

NAYES: None.


TOPIC: Sidewalk Pilot Program

Engineer Ron Wiedeman commented that in the packet is a brochure from Safe Step LLC. The City of Crest Hill has used this company in the past to shave the sidewalk. He commented that one service this company offers is to rate your sidewalks' condition and he has talked to other municipalities around the area who use the firm for that reason. We could then put this information in our GIS, and when a resident calls, we can let them know that area has been looked at. Engineer Wiedeman commented that this company would save staff time, provide transparency, and help increase sidewalk safety, which will reduce resident complaints.

Phillip Sitton, Project Manager, from Safe Step LLC, explained the pilot program and what it will do. He commented that they specialize in designing and implementing proactive, data driven, strategic approach to sidewalk management. He is proposing a three-mile stretch of sidewalk, which we know from historical data that soft cut ADA compliance repairs are $12,000.00 in soft cuts per mile. This would incorporate removing and replacing. We can see where you are at your current conditions and how to apply and budget for repairs in remediation moving forward.

He commented that wards two, three, and four were all built in the 1980's which would have a huge amount of sidewalk that is going to come to maturation. Phillip commented that to have the most cost-effective budget for this, we would need to take the data and apply the numbers and put in a plan that would be customized and best suited for the city based on the budget you would like to apply.

Alderwoman Gazal asked who would make the final decision. Phillip commented that Engineer Wiedeman would maintain control of that program. Safe Step LLC would create the program with the criteria and then we would have an exclusive online portal that he would manage the project through.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if there is a sidewalk that becomes dangerous would it be added as an emergency. Phillip commented that complaints are collected, and they will hit all the complaint locations first and then apply the rest of the budget to the strategic area, so that every year that liability will be cleaned up and the residents are happy. Alderwoman Gazal asked if this has been done in any local municipalities. Phillip commented that they have in Montgomery, Shorewood, Joliet, and Romeoville. He also stated they are a local affiliate and in all fifty states and a few other countries, as well.

Mayor Soliman commented that he has noticed that they have good reviews from a lot of places up north that have a lot colder climate than what we have here. Phillip stated that 81.5% of the cuts we make (88 compliant repairs) to sidewalks will move only less than a quarter of an inch in ten years.

Alderman Cipiti asked if ward one has been done since it wasn't mentioned. Engineer Wiedeman commented that none of the wards have been done. He commented that all the wards' parameters will be set in the program and be allowed to be adjusted then each year we can look at what needs done with the engineering money that is set aside each year. This would save the city money since right now we are just tearing out and replacing, which is the most expensive way of doing this. With this program we can modify and decide if it needs to be raised up or shaved instead of removing and replacing.

Alderwoman Gazal asked how we would track the work. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the work is still done through a contract. Phillip commented that they can track these three ways for the city. They can track it by the GIS files, also by a program called sidewalk central which will actively manage, and then there is an executive summary that is provided at the end of each year to the Mayor and the City Council.

Alderwoman Gazal asked how long before you start the work do you notify. Phillip commented that once the area is identified and put on the survey schedule, then Engineer Wiedeman would get a report from Sidewalk Central with all the defects uncovered and then Engineer Wiedeman can choose which ones he would like. Once he decides which ones then he would go on the production schedule. Phillip commented that in Illinois they can cut in through December then will restart the cutting in March.

Alderwoman Gazal asked who would notify the residents. Phillip stated that the city would notify the residents.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if the 50/50 program would apply to this. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the 50/50 would only work if you're making a replacement and adding new. Alderwoman Gazal commented that she feels we do not advertise the program enough and the residents do not know about it. Engineer Wiedeman commented that if we advertised it, we would need to review the budget for this since there isn't much in there. Alderwoman Gazal commented that we need to advertise this more and add to the budget.

Alderman Cipiti asked how it was determined to start with a certain section and if it was taken into consideration of what areas need it the most. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it was not since they are just trying to set the program up to get a baseline and once the baseline is set then we can look at another three-mile section.

Alderman Albert asked how is this different from how we did it in the past when we had a contractor who walked on the sidewalk, seen the defect, and fixed it. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it was Public Works or himself who would take the complaint and walk the city to determine location and then put them out for bidding. Alderman Albert commented that this is what this company would be doing instead of staff.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that she remembered when Alderpeople were told to walk their sidewalks and turn in the report.

Interim Management Consultant Steve Gulden commented that this is an overall program to help identify the sidewalk conditions and give Engineer Wiedeman and Assistant Director Kline the tools they need to decide what areas they need to look at and what budget they have. Steve stated that it is an evaluation program to give staff the tools to determine how to move forward. Engineer Wiedeman commented to add to that it does help on the liability side if we need to defend why we are or are not doing certain areas.

Phillip commented that in Montgomery there was two trip and fall lawsuits in the last year and one settled for $0.00 and the other settled for a small amount over $0.00 because of the data Safe Step LLC was able to present to show they were making a progressive effort to remediate their walkways.

Alderman Cipiti commented that will all the sidewalks in the city be evaluated then prioritized. Engineer Wiedeman commented that they will not all get evaluated since three miles is $36,000.00 but we must start somewhere, and every year keep adding miles. He commented that the first few years will be what the company is finding, residents are reporting and from working in the field. Alderman Cipiti commented that he thinks we need to start the program in the areas that are most needed, which would be the older areas.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she would like to discuss another time about private vs city sidewalks and the 50/50 program.

Alderman Vershay asked when this would start. Engineer Wiedeman commented that they are about four weeks out, which would put them at a time in November to start the evaluation.

Alderwoman Gazal asked how they would get paid. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it is paid for through the MFT Program. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the pilot program is not any replacement of sidewalks, it is just evaluation and setting up the program. He commented that a proposal will be brought to the Council before the work is even done.

Alderman Cipiti commented that he is for the program but is in favor of it starting in another location based on probable need.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote. The informal vote was split, the outcome was:

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Jefferson, Dyke, Kubal, Albert, Oberlin.

NAYES: Ald. Vershay, Cipiti.


Alderwoman Gazal asked Alderman Albert if he is going to walk his ward will he be the one to make the decision and identify the sidewalks. Alderman Albert commented that it doesn't matter the straw vote passed. Alderwoman Gazal commented that maybe she would change her mind and to not take this personal. Alderman Albert stated he is not taking it personal, and he feels $36,000 seems a little expensive to tell us we have a lift or crack in our sidewalk but still must pay to repair this sidewalk. Phillip commented that the $36,000.00 would include the soft cut repairs up to that amount.

Alderman Albert changed his vote to a yes once he heard the clarification that the $36,000.00 includes the soft cut repairs and the recording.

TOPIC: Future Well 14 Discussion

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman commented that this was discussed at the September 11th work session meeting where it was explained that the project was currently not included in the city existing 2024 budget and that outside funding sources planned to be used but have not been received and the timeframe is not known. The outside sources are American Rescue Funds and Will County and DCEO funds. The Will County funds have been secured.

He commented since we had the issue with project not being in the existing budget, they have worked with Strand to revisit the decision for Well #14 and what was driving and why we needed to do this. He also commented that with the city moving to Grand Prairie Water in 2030, they decided to look at it as a short time solution since the water coming from the water commission is including full development from the city.

He noted that this Well #14 discussion started back in 2013, on where the location of the new well would be and any additional development would need additional water supply. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the current schedule which includes drilling of the well, putting in raw water line to Oakland, and improvements at Well #10 are not scheduled to be completed until 2026. So even if we drill the well now, there are two more components needing to be completed. He stated that at this same time we are also building a new aboveground storage tank at the corner of Oakland and Caton Farm Road, a new receiving station, and work needs done at Well #10 to connect everything together. Assistant Director of Public Works and City Engineer Ron Wiedeman discussed how all they need to question is if we have enough water to get us from 2026 to 2030. He also stated that Well #14 and all the components are going to be about $5.1 million dollars.

Alderman Cipiti commented that he thought part of the reasoning for the additional well was in the event of an emergency when switching over to Lake Michigan we could revert to our wells with future development the capacity of the current well system would need that and that is the reason for Well #14. Engineer Wiedeman commented that he is correct, but the question is do we need to drill Well #14 today. He also commented that they do not believe we need to drill Well #14 now but they suggested to put in the raw water line and do not do the improvement to Well #10 but to include them improvements in the construction of the new receiving station going in on Oakland. This will save us about $1.5 million dollars and why not drill that well when it is needed.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that in the past she questioned why we needed to do this well if we didn't need it at that time. She asked if the scenario is possible with the onset of Lake Michigan water if we will ever need this well. Engineer Wiedeman commented that there is a possibility it will be needed, which would be an emergency and by EPA and Grand Prairie Water Commission we must have two days' worth of storage in our tanks, which we will have that. That would be for a short shut down and the wells would not kick in until after those two days. Engineer Wiedeman commented that they are confident they could handle this if it was a week's worth of time but what if it is six months or a year then we will need this well, but we are not going to be the only ones in this situation.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that yes at some point when the 75 acres develops or Statesville develops, we will need it, but we should put it in at that point and apply the money saved to the raw water line.

Steve commented that what we look at is if we need it now, which we don't need it today and we won't know in the future if we will need it or if we will ever need it. Steve suggested that we look at a per acre fee which is a development fee when anyone develops and the acreage that they develop contributary to the water system will pay an acre fee that is put in an escrow account to pay for the well if we need it. This way development helps pay for it and if there is no development then we don't need it.

Treasurer Glen Conklin commented that he thinks that is a great plan to help fund it.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that we need to be proactive.

City Attorney Mike Stiff commented that he sees there are some temporary construction easements and asked Engineer Wiedeman if that has already been done. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it is in the process, and they still need to get right-of-way from Will County and the State of Illinois.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for the installation of the raw water line. The informal vote was split, the outcome was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.

PASS: Ald. Vershay.


Alderman Vershay commented that he would like to know where we are going to get all this money from before he votes. Alderwoman Gazal commented that we are saving money on this project. Alderman Vershay commented that we are spending millions on several projects and what happens if a larger business closes, then where will we get tax money coming in from. He also commented that he doesn't see where all this money the city spends would be coming back into the city.

Steve asked Attorney Stiff if we need to formally reject the bids that the city bid out for the drilling of Well #14 and now are not doing Well #14. Attorney Stiff asked if the bids have been opened but not accepted and approved. Engineer Wiedeman commented that was correct. Attorney Stiff commented that we should have a formal rejection stating that the project is not moving forward.

TOPIC: Wilcox Storm Sewer Update

City Engineer Wiedeman commented that the staff and the City Attorney have investigated past engineering work performed in the area of Wilcox, Ludwig, Stern and Oakland area to address stormwater issues. It was determined that there is a very old stormwater structure located on private property or private alleys. The section of Wilcox which is our current focus is Oakland (east) and Kelly (west) and Ludwig (north) and Stern (south).

He commented that Public Works had requested design plans from Christopher Burke to eliminate the existing storm sewer pipe located in the private alleys. The plans only required one easement from a property owner. They had discussions with the property owner for the easement which led them to believe they were able to get an easement for that location but there was never documentation found showing they executed any easements for that location.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that in order to work in the alley we must talk to every single resident that owns that alley.

Engineer Wiedeman suggested that instead of going across the alley, he thought we could just approach the property owner at 1701 Oakland and see if they are willing to grant the city and easement along their west property line adjacent to the alley and make connection from the existing storm sewer pipe to the new rerouted storm sewer pipe installed in Stern

Avenue. He commented that he would like to make the connection on the east side of the alley instead of the west side of the alley and reduce the number of residents we need to contract.

Alderman Albert asked if the old pipe running through people's yards is assumed to go with the lay of the land and water pitches and going down Stern would be gravity fed. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it is all gravity fed.

Engineer Wiedeman suggested we put in the 2024 budget the storm sewer work to eliminate the section from Stern to Ludwig and he will go out and get the appropriate easements in place and build that next year. This will eliminate 90% of the storm water running in private alleys or underneath homes, garages, properties, etc. The second part would be any resident that has the existing pipe under a garage or located within 5-10 feet of their home would need to be reached out to and get them to sign off that they do not want the existing pipe filled in or we fill in the existing pipe (so it will not cave in the future). The third part would be to get the five signatures and engineer the work.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that there are three approaches, the one we discussed or the other two, which are:

- Approach the owner at 1716 Kelly and line the pipe, get an agreement and leave it where it is at.

- Try and fit it in between the two property owners but there will be fences and utilities that have to be worked around which can be pricey.

Alderman Dyke commented that by cutting off storm water that would have been going across Wilcox to the alley between Kelly and Wilcox and by cutting off that amount of water it should help with the flooding problem as well.

Alderman Vershay asked where all the storm water is coming from since he heard the state highway is hooked into that sewer. Engineer Wiedeman commented that the water along Stern and Oakland is going in to there and that there is no connection from a state highway.

Alderperson Oberlin asked if a resident declines the offer to fill in the existing pipe will we have a signed document stating that for liability reasons. Attorney Stiff commented that from a liability perspective would be to get them abandoned in place and we offer to fill them in if they decline then they will sign off.

Steve commented that at any time in the future we come across a pipe going under private garages, houses, property that we do everything we can do to abandon pipes.

Alderman Jefferson asked what if a resident doesn't allow us and refuses to sign off. Attorney Stiff commented that we can't make them sign off, but we can show we did everything we can, and it would be documented. Attorney Stiff commented that Mr. Rojas' attorney stated Mr. Rojas does agree this will benefit him and alleviate flooding.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote.

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


TOPIC: RFP for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment – Old City Hall City Engineer Ron Wiedeman commented that the city, through the Building Department, has advertised for qualified firms to provide professional environmental services for the old City Hall. It is a Phase I environmental study, which will provide the city with any environmental issues on that property and what the building might have. The study will provide information on any underground storage tanks, asbestos, lead, or the materials in the building that once removed will need to be handled as hazardous waste. This assessment will provide the city, staff, and any potential buyers of the property with information on the type of materials that will need special processing when removed from the property. He also commented that this is just Phase I which will give us preliminary information and depending on what we find we would then come back to the Council and see if we want to do a Phase II.

Engineer Wiedeman commented that they received three RFQs, they were:

- ESC Midwest, LLC $10,900.00

- Seeco Environmental $12,730.00

- GSG Consultants, Inc. $13,200.00

Since receiving these we did a face-to-face interview with each company on August 30, 2023. These were scored by Building Commissioner Don Seeman, Interim Employee Relations Manager Dave Strahl, and Engineer Ron Wiedeman and it was agreed by scoring that they suggest moving forward with ESC Midwest, LLC for $10,900.00.

Alderperson Oberlin asked City Attorney Mike Stiff if the city is under any obligation with the EPA to remediate things if we are made aware of their existence. Attorney Stiff commented that he does not believe so. Engineer Wiedeman commented that typically we are not required by EPA, and they cannot come in and tell us to remove these materials. It is more when there is a building demo, and the materials are being released into the air. The contractor doing the work would be responsible for setting the appropriate protocol but the city would have to provide this information from the assessment to the contractor so he can knock the building down. Interim Management Consultant Steve Gulden commented that it is for the future demo of the building. Attorney Stiff commented that you must provide this information to the future developer, buyer, contractor and not pretend it doesn't exist.

Steve commented that at the last meeting he did give the status of the development and lack of interest in the property.

Alderman Cipiti asked if we do this assessment do you think it will increase the marketability of the property. Engineer Wiedeman commented that it would not and that it is more information for a potential buyer or us if we decide to knock down the building.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for ESC Midwest, LLC for not to exceed amount of $10,900.00 for an environmental assessment, Phase I.

AYES: Ald. Kubal, Albert, Cipiti, Oberlin, Gazal, Jefferson, Vershay, Dyke.

NAYES: None.


TOPIC: Public Works Gate Operator Discussion Assistant Director Blaine Kline commented that there are a few outstanding items that were not completed during construction of the Public Works facility. One of the items was on the staff gate entering the back of the property. There was supposed to be an automatic gate operator installed which would give staff access via a remote but that was not done. Assistant Director Kline is requesting to install the same gate operator that exists at the City Center now. He commented that this will give staff access and police access and help keep track of who comes and goes even after hours.

Assistant Director Kline commented that this was not budgeted, and we would need to do a line-item transfer.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she thinks it is very important to know who goes in and out with the expensive equipment.

Alderman Cipiti asked if there is a gate there now. Assistant Director Kline commented that it is just a manual gate with a chain that is manually opened each day.

Alderperson Oberlin asked if this was supposed to be installed and was not done. Assistant Director Kline commented he believes so. Alderperson Oberlin commented that she sees the need for this gate.

Alderman Cipiti asked if there are any other outstanding issues that we will be made aware of. Assistant Director Kline commented that there are and in a couple of weeks he will bring to the Council more information regarding a security camera system.

Assistant Director Kline commented that this is for an amount of $10,058.42.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote.

AYES: Ald. Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal, Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal.

NAYES: None.


TOPIC: Winterfest Discussion

Assistant Director Blaine Kline commented that staff has quickly been working on bringing back the Winterfest event. He commented that there is $10,000.00 budgeted for the lighting of the City Center building and the proposals are in the packet. He stated that the proposals are customizable. He also commented that one concern Steve had was we do not have a Christmas Tree. Interim Management Consultant Steve Gulden commented that he would suggest removing the lit packages from the proposal and tone down the lights and have a Christmas Tree.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that it seems like an awful lot of money to hang lights. Steve commented that this amount is typical but totally up to the Council. Alderwoman Gazal asked if we could put colored flood lights.

Assistant Director Kline commented that there are two proposals, one for $8,752.97 and the other for $11,334.00 for white lights on the gutters and wreath at the entry points.

Alderman Albert commented that we need to light up the building if we are going to have a Winter Fest and maybe tone it down and do the roof line and the three-foot wreaths.

Assistant Director Kline suggested raising some sponsorship dollars to offset the costs. Steve commented that we send out letters asking for sponsorships from our vendors for our Winter Fest. Alderperson Oberlin asked if the sponsorships would be for next year or this year. Steve commented that it would be for this year. Alderperson Oberlin feels we do not need to spend all this money leasing Christmas decorations.

Assistant Director Kline stated that he would start seeking sponsorships from our vendors and get a revised proposal.

Alderman Kubal commented that it doesn't seem outlandish to spend $20,000.00 to put Christmas spirit on the building. He also commented that his HOA is spending $14,000.00 on their Christmas lights.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she understands but with all that is going on she doesn't feel we can spend that right now. Alderman Kubal asked what is going on. Alderwoman Gazal commented that we have the open house/ribbon cutting and every year we should add to it slowly. She also commented that how we would justify this to the residents.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for the roof line and wreaths.

AYES: Ald. Gazal, Jefferson, Vershay, Dyke, Kubal, Albert, Cipiti, Oberlin.

NAYES: None.


Assistant Director Kline commented that he looked at the previous notes and mentioned that there are event items to discuss such as live music, hayrides, reindeer petting zoo, ice sculptures, kids crafts table, pictures with Santa, hot chocolate, and cookies, etc.

Alderman Albert commented that he would suggest holding off on the hayrack rides because of the wind.

Alderwoman Gazal commented that she feels the Council should have control over the hot chocolate and cookies to engage with the community.

Assistant Director Kline asked what the thought would be for using the community room and in the past did you allow people to come inside. Alderperson Oberlin commented that they came in for Santa, but we did not have the facility we have now, and the community room would be a great place for the hot chocolate and cookies.

Steve suggested to have the park district there to do some Christmas face painting and have the library, and the fire protection district.

Discussion was had regarding live music. Steve commented we could have a big speaker and play Christmas music because it might be too cold to sit and listen to live music.

Alderwoman Gazal asked if we were still doing a parade. Assistant Director Kline commented that it was discussed to have a condensed version of the previous parade and lead that to the event here.

Alderman Albert asked Assistant Director Kline about the ComEd grant. Assistant Director Kline commented that ComEd has a $2,500.00 grant for community events like this, but it will not be announced until the end of October, and we did apply for this grant to go towards this community event.


There were no public comments.


There were no mayor updates.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON UPDATES: There were no committee updates tonight.


Interim Management Consultant Steve Gulden commented that he received an email from Midwest Industrial Funds asking to have a professional groundbreaking with shovels on November 2, 2023. He commented that these are typically late morning events, and he thinks it is great to promote this.

Mayor Raymond Soliman asked to deviate from the regular agenda for an executive session on 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

(#1) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Jefferson, to go into an executive session on 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Executive Session 9:15 p.m.

(#2) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin seconded by Alderman Jefferson to reconvene from the executive session on 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Reconvened 9:29 p.m.

There being no further business before the Council, and no action needed from the executive session, the work session from October 9, 2023 is adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30p.m.
