
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Crete Board of Trustees met July 24

Village of Crete Board of Trustees met July 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the 


Re: Appropriations for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of May 2023 and ending on the 30th day of April 2024: Recapitulation by Funds

President Einhorn opened the Public Hearing at 6:45 p.m. and led those assembled in the Municipal Building in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

On Roll Call by Clerk Bachert the following were present in the municipal building: Trustees Steve Bruns, Holly Milburn, John Phelan, Katrina Seifert and President Michael Einhorn. Trustees Stephen Johnson and Mark Wiater were absent. A quorum was present. Also in attendance: Administrator Michael Smith.

President Einhorn announced the purpose of the hearing and called for public comment. He read the Recapitulation of Funds. It was noted the total expense amount was listed as $ 21,171,150.00.

There were no public comments made regarding the ordinance.

A motion was made to close the hearing at 6:50 pm.

Motion: Trustee Katrina Seifert 

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns 


Ayes (5) Trustees Bruns, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert and President Einhorn

Nays (0) none 

Absent (2) Trustees Johnson and Wiater 

Abstain (0) none 

Motion declared carried.

President Michael Einhorn called to order the regular board meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete on Monday, July 24, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. and led those assembled in the Village of Crete Municipal Building, 524 W. Exchange St, Crete, Illinois in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

On a roll call by Village Clerk Deborah Bachert the following were present in the municipal building: Trustees Steve Bruns, Holly Milburn, John Phelan, Katrina Seifert and President Michael Einhorn. Trustees Johnson and Wiater were absent. A quorum was present.

Also in attendance: Administrator Michael Smith, Fire Administrator JP Muirhead, Supt of Public Works Justin Pancrazio, Planning and Zoning Chairperson Karen Tellef and Media Consultant Nick Borrell.


Visitors are always welcome to all public meetings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Crete. Interested parties wishing to speak should identify their intent to speak, they then may give their name and where they reside if they so choose and then make their comment. Persons may also provide their address privately to the Village Clerk if they so choose; persons are advised that addresses are considered private information under the Freedom of Information Act and thus are exempt from disclosure pursuant to any Freedom of Information Act request. However, to give proper consideration to all items on the agenda, the President has the authority to limit participants in debates and will close repetitive or abusive remarks. In addition, public comment rules are posted in the board room.

1. Sam Wortel spoke in support of chickens.

2. Ariana, Regional Manager of Wisconsin Management Company, addressed the board concerning St. James Senior Living Center on Eagle Nest Drive. She stated problems are in the process of being resolved.


Special orders

Unanimous Consent Agenda

All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. 

• Approval of Minutes : Regular Board Meeting – July 10, 2023

• Approval of Bills July 10, 2023 thru July 21, 2023

• Ratification of Payroll - Bi-weekly payroll ending July 12, 2023

Trustee Milburn approved the bills of Trustee Wiater for Finance, License & Ordinance.

A motion was made to move to the Consent Agenda Old Business Item # 1: Ordinance No. 2023- 07: An Ordinance making the appropriation for the corporate purpose of the Village of Crete, Illinois for the fiscal year commencing on the First day of May 2023 and ending on the thirtieth day of April 2024. And Old Business Item #2: Resolution No. 2023-718: A Resolution authorizing a master services agreement by and between Flock Group, Inc. and the Village of Crete, Illinois. 

Motion: Trustee Katrina Seifert 

Second: Trustee Stephen Johnson 

Ayes (4) Trustees Bruns, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert

Nays (0) none 

Absent (2) Trustees Johnson and Wiater 

Abstain (0) none 

Motion declared carried.

In accordance with an opinion from the Illinois Attorney General’s Office, President Einhorn read aloud the items as listed for approval prior to action being taken on the Consent Agenda with brief explanations.

Motion and Vote for the Unanimous Consent Agenda:

A motion was made to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda as listed above. 

Motion: Trustee John Phelan 

Second: Trustee Steve Bruns


Ayes (5) Trustees Bruns, Johnson, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert, Wiater and President Einhorn 

Nays (0) none 

Absent (2) Trustees Johnson and Wiater 

Abstain (0) none 

Motion declared carried.


Public Health – Trustee Katrina Seifert

1. An Electronics Recycle Event will be held at Walt’s parking lot on July 29th from 9 – 11 am.

2. Reported the meeting on Friday July 21st with the marketing group yielded positive results.

Water Department – Trustee Stephen Johnson – absent; no report

Road and Bridge – Trustee Steve Bruns – no report

Building and Grounds – Trustee John Phelan

1. Working to acquire tree replacements for trees removed by ComEd last fall. 

Finance, License and Ordinance – Trustee Mark 

Wiater – absent; no report

Public Safety – Trustee Holly Milburn – no report

President Michael Einhorn –

1. Water main extension on Benton Street does not exist as is shown on the village map. This will add unexpected additional cost of approximately $135,000 for water main extension.

2. Plans to discuss TIF issues with the school district.


Village Administrator – Michael Smith

1. The two new vehicles (trucks) have arrived and will be sent out for detailing.

2. Storm sewers are being installed on Crete Road.

3. Work is continuing on the corner of Main and Exchange Streets.

Police Department – Chief of Police Scott Pieritz – absent; report submitted.

1. The department is busy training new officers and busy with calls for service.

2. It is hoped the FLOCK camera contract will be approved by the Village Board as this is an amazing tool for the police department.

3. Chief Pieritz has been meeting with Crete-Monee High School Administrators over the last couple of months, attempting to get an SRO placed back in the school.

4. The police department is participating in as many community events as we can, given the low workforce issues.

5. The Department will be participating in National Night Out Event again at Monee Reservoir on Tuesday August 1, from 5pm to 7:30pm. Great, FREE, Family event. Big thanks to Barb Dorman who donated supplies for the event.

6. The CPD is hosting another BINGO event at Smokey Jo’s on August 15th from 6pm to 8pm and raffles from 8pm to 9pm. There will also be a silent auction. This fundraiser will support Special Olympics and our other community policing programs. Tickets can be purchased now at Crete PD or Smokey Jo’s

7. Big Thanks to Trustee Milburn who is doing work behind the scenes to get our website going.

8. BIG Thanks to the Crete Police Commission who continue to work very hard to get us new police officer candidates.

Fire Department – Chief James Muirhead –

1. Thanks to the Village for purchasing the new truck for the fire department.

2. Received confirmation of the $50,000 to be used specifically for communications equipment.

3. Numbers are slightly and slowly increasing for fire department members.

Superintendent of Public Works – Justin Pancrazio – Report submitted

Building Department – Building Inspector Mike Smith – Report submitted

Code Enforcement – Code Enforcement Supervisor Marty Braccio- absent; no report

Fire & Police Commission – Jim McPhee – absent; no report

EMA – Marty Braccio – absent; no report

Animal Control/Code Enforcement Officer – Ryan Allison – absent; no report

Planning Commission – Karen Tellef – no report

Heritage & Architecture Commission – Phyllis Monks

Media Consultant – Nick Borrell

1. Attended the 5-0 car race last Saturday at Grundy County. Video forthcoming.

2. Will attend and film the event at Monee Reservoir – National Night Out.


1. Announcing the second annual South Suburban PAWS & PUTTS golf outing on September 28, 2023. It will be held at Odyssey Country Club, 19110 Ridgeland Avenue, Tinley Park beginning at noon. See the website for further information southsuburbanhumane.org/golf outing.

2. National Night Out, Tuesday, August 1, 5-7:30 pm at Monee Reservoir, 27341 Ridgeland Avenue, Monee.

3. Job availability at CM201U. Call Christina Griffin at 708.367.8332 or email at griffin@cm201u.org for details.

4. Will County Land Use Department has scheduled a Public Hearing at the Will County Office Building, 302 North Chicago Street, 2nd floor board room, Joliet, Illinois on August 15, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. concerning an application for Special Use Permit for rural events and Special Use permit for ancillary liquor service in conjunction with an approved agritourism use. Owners of the 45 acres (vacant) on the Southwest Corner of East Munz Road and South Cottage Grove Avenue are Abel Vences and Custodio Cruz Puebla.

Karen Tellef commented Crete Township plans on sending a letter of objection to this project.

5. Will County Land Use Department has scheduled a Public Hearing at the Will County Office Building, 302 North Chicago Street, 2nd floor board room, Joliet Illinois on August 15, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. concerning an application for a Special use permit for commercial solar energy facility (67.27 acres), Special use permit for battery energy storage facility (0.45 acres), and Variance for minimum lot frontage from 300 feet to 66 feet (Old Monee Rd). Location is 1,000 feet east of intersection of W. Old Monee Road and S. Sangamon St., Crete, IL. It is desired to construct a community solar energy facility with battery storage on the site. Owner is Ufkes and Ramsey Properties, LLC (Ted Ufkes & Kip Ramsey). Primary contact is Hamilton Carrier of Falconhead Solar, LLC.

Purpose: To construct a community solar energy facility with battery storage on the site.


Items # 1 & 2 were moved to the consent agenda.

1. Ordinance No. 2023-07: An Ordinance making the appropriation for the corporate purpose of the Village of Crete, Illinois for the fiscal year commencing on the First day of May 2023 and ending on the thirtieth day of April 2024. Board action is anticipated.

2. Resolution No. 2023-718: A Resolution authorizing a master services agreement by and between Flock Group, Inc. and the Village of Crete, Illinois. Board action may be taken.

3. Recommendation from sub-committee about residents being allowed to raise chickens. This request must be sent to Planning and Zoning Commission. Board action may be taken.

This request was remanded to Planning and Zoning for their recommendation.


No new business was discussed.



As there was no further business to come before the board, a motion was made to declare the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Motion: Trustee Holly Milburn Second: Trustee Katrina Seifert

Ayes (4) Trustees Bruns, Milburn, Phelan, Seifert,

Nays (0) none Absent (2) Trustees Johnson and Seifert

Abstain (0) none

Motion declared carried.
