
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met June 20

Village of Frankfort Board of Trustees met June 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor Keith Ogle called the regular meeting of the Frankfort Village Board to order on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 7:00 P.M.


Village Clerk Katie Schubert called the roll. In attendance were Mayor Keith Ogle, Clerk Katie Schubert, Trustees Adam Borrelli, Michael Leddin, Jessica Petrow, Maura Rigoni, Daniel Rossi, and Gene Savaria. Also in attendance were Attorney George Mahoney, Village Administrator Rob Piscia, Assistant Administrator John Burica, and Police Chief Leanne Chelepis.


All items on the Omnibus Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and are enacted in one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a board member makes a request, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Regular Meeting (June 20, 2023)

B. Approval of Bills - $497,852.50

C. Committee of the Whole Report

1. Declaration of Trust Approval - Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 23-11) APPROVING THE DECLARATION OF TRUST OF THE ILLINOIS TRUST (formerly known as the Illinois Institutional Investors Trust).

2. First Amendments to Asset Purchase Agreement and Wastewater Treatment Agreement Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 23-12) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE WAS TEW ATER TREATMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT AND AQUA ILLINOIS, INC., in regard to certain assets, properties and rights of the Village owned and used in connection with the water and wastewater systems serving an area commonly known as Timber Ridge Estates located in Cook County, Illinois.

3. 2023 Roadway Maintenance Program: Contract Award-Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 23-13) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH P.T. FERRO CONSTRUCTION CO., for the 2023 Roadway Maintenance Program, in an amount not to exceed $7,100,000.00.

4. 2023 Roadway Maintenance Program: Engineering Services Agreement - Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 23-14) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT AND ROBINSON ENGINEERING, LTD., for engineering services associated with the Village's 2023 Roadway Maintenance Program.

5. Replacement Brush Chipper Purchase and Disposal Approval - Ordinance (Waive pt and 2nd Readings)

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3404) AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2023 MORBARK EEGER BEEVER 1821 BRUSH CHIPPER FROM ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT OF LISLE, ILLINOIS AND THE DISPOSAL OF A 2011 VERMEER WOOD CHIPPER OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as a trade-in, for a total cost not-to-exceed $64,530.00.

6. Mini Excavator Purchase Approval - Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 23-15) AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A 2023 JOHN DEERE 600 COMP ACT (MINI) EXCAVATOR FROM WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES CO., for a total cost not-to-exceed $103,245.69.

7. Disposal of Surplus Squad Vehicles - Ordinance

(Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3405) AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN SURPLUS PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, disposing of three surplus squad vehicles via Martin Auction Services, Clinton, Illinois.

7. Axon Services and Purchase Agreement Approval - Resolution

Accept the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and adopt A RESOLUTION (NO. 23-16) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SERVICES AND PURCHASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT AND AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. FOR A TERM OF FIVE (5) YEARS AND A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $428,620.80 ($85,724.16 ANNUALLY), for the purchase and servicing of body-worn cameras, in-car cameras, interview room cameras, and an integrated digital evidence management system.

D. Plan Commission Report Summary

1. 86 Degrees Auto Group, LLC Special Use Permit for Automobile Sales: 9232 Gulfstream Road, Unit C - Ordinance

(Waive 1st and 2nd Readings)

Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3406) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR AUTOMOBILE SALES TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (86 DEGREES AUTO GROUP, LLC - 9232 GULFSTREAM ROAD, UNIT C), to permit the operation of 86 Degrees Auto Group, LLC, for automobile sales, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, conditioned upon there shall be no sales inventory vehicles displayed or/or stored in the existing exterior striped parking spaces, and the applicant and/or the property owner shall install mesh screening on the existing chain-link fence that encloses the outdoor storage area prior to occupancy of Unit C.

Trustee Savaria made a motion, seconded by Trustee Petrow, to approve the Unanimous Consent Agenda.

Following a motion to approve, Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria presented a brief overview of the consent agenda docket items under consideration for approval.

Prior to the vote, Trustee Rigoni made the following statement "As many know, I am employed part-time by Robinson Engineering, Ltd. For the record, I am not an owner, officer or registered agent and I do not have any financial interest in Robinson Engineering Ltd. beyond my part-time employment. However, I will be abstaining from line item C-4 on the Consent Agenda. My vote will apply to all other line items."

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: None. The motion carried.


A. Sparks Coffee Co: Hickory Creek Market Place, Outlot lE

1. Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Change - Ordinance

2. Special Use Permits for Carry-Out Restaurant, Drive-Up Service Windows, Outdoor Seating, and Extended Hours of Operation - Ordinance

Trustee Savaria presented a brief overview of the Sparks Coffee Co. development. He reported applicant Aliana Winkle requests Village Board approval of a Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Change and four special uses for the construction of Sparks Coffee Co., a drive-thru coffee shop, on the final undeveloped outlot in the Hickory Creek Market Place shopping center. The Special Use requests are for a carry-out restaurant, drive-up service windows, outdoor seating, and extended hours of operation to permit a 5:30 A.M. opening. Customers would have the option of using the drive-through windows and taking coffee to-go or parking at the site and ordering from the walk-up window.

At the June 8, 2023 Public Hearing on the project, the Plan Commission discussed the site, architectural, landscape, photometric, and signage plans for the proposed project. The Commissioners forwarded a split (6-1) recommendation to approve the Major PUD Change and four unanimous (7-0) recommendations to the Village Board to grant the special use requests subject to several conditions. The dissenting vote was based on the proposed architecture and the building materials not reflecting a unified design of the architecture of the existing outlots of the original Hickory Creek Market Place PUD.

Trustee Savaria made a motion, seconded by Trustee Leddin, to accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass an Ordinance approving a Major PUD Change to Hickory Creek Market Place, for the construction of Sparks Coffee Co., a drive through coffee shop, on Outlot 1 E, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, conditioned upon final engineering approval; building exterior shall reflect standard brick instead of thin brick veneer; landscaping be added around the trash enclosure as illustrated on Sheet A305; a brick sample shall be submitted for staff review to confirm that the proposed brick and stone colors will match the existing brick and stone colors; and light fixture and pole details for the proposed parking lot lights shall be submitted for staff review to confirm color consistency with the existing parking lot lights.

Trustee Savaria made a motion to accept the Plan Commission recommendations, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass an Ordinance granting Special Use Permits for a carry-out restaurant, outdoor seating, drive-up service windows, and extended hours of operation of 5:30 A.M. Monday through Saturday, and 6:00 A.M. opening on Sundays, to permit the operation of Sparks Coffee Co., proposed for Outlot lE of the Hickory Creek Market Place, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, conditioned on final engineering approval.

Mayor Ogle stated the motions will be considered separately and opened the floor for discussion regarding the Major PUD Change request.

Administrator Piscia provided samples of the brick and stone materials proposed for the construction of the building. Members reviewed the samples and questioned if the brick was consistent with the existing brick in the Hickory Creek Market Place shopping center. The size and color of the brick looked similar but were not confirmed to match the existing materials in the shopping center.

Mayor Ogle noted the project architect for Sparks Coffee Co. provided an updated Building Elevations and Color Renderings, along with Sheet Al00 (Floor+ Roof Plan) to show that the previously proposed exterior roof access ladder has been relocated to the interior of the building which was emailed to the Village Board earlier today.

Mayor Ogle invited trustee and audience comment on the Major PUD Change prior to a vote.

Trustee Rigoni voiced concerns with the architecture of the proposed building, commenting on the stark panel with the red banding on the front of the building in comparison to arches on the other outlots. She felt it was important for the last outlot in the center to look cohesive with the other outlots in the Hickory Creek Market Place and meet Village standards.

Trustee Savaria echoed Trustee Rigoni' s comments, citing the red stripe accent feature on the north fac;ade and the parapet height of the north fac;ade as his main concerns. He preferred to see the brick lowered to match the elevation of the rest of the proposed building. Trustee Savaria asked for clarification regarding the voting procedure.

Attorney Mahoney stated that if the motion is denied, the applicant would have to wait one year for reapplication. He further stated that the Village Board has the authority to send the item back to the Plan Commission or postpone to a certain time.

Trustee Petrow also echoed some of the sentiments expressed and felt it was important for the size of the brick to match the rest of the development.

Trustee Borrelli echoed the concerns expressed with the red stripe and the height of the fac;ade on the north elevation of the building.

Trustee Rossi voiced concern with the red vertical stripe.

Trustee Leddin agreed with the comments of the Trustees and felt it was important for the architecture to be unified with the rest of the shopping center.

Mayor Ogle invited Ms. Winkle to the podium, and he further explained the voting options for the Village Board. Ms. Winkle voiced her preference for the item to return to the Plan Commission.

Trustees Savaria and Leddin requested permission to withdraw the second and the motion on the table related to Sparks Coffee Co. The trustees unanimously consented.

Trustee Savaria made a motion, seconded by Trustee Leddin, to refer the proposed Sparks Coffee Co. back to the Plan Commission for further consideration.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: None. The motion carried.

Mayor Ogle stated the Village Board remanded Sparks Coffee Co. back to the Plan Commission.

B. Grounded Coffee Bar Special Use Permit for Outdoor Seating: 19 Ash Street- Ordinance (Waive pt and 2nd Readings)

Trustee Rigoni presented a brief overview of the Grounded Coffee Bar special use request. She reported that applicant Stephen Giannone proposes to install a temporary, outdoor seating area along the north fac;ade of the Olde Frankfort Mall building, adjacent to the existing Grounded Coffee Bar, located at 19 Ash Street. The outdoor seating area would measure approximately 735 square feet and would be enclosed by the existing split rail fence adjacent to the public sidewalk along Kansas Street. The applicant requests approval of a special use permit for outdoor seating associated with a permitted restaurant.

At its June 8, 2023 Public Hearing on the project, the Plan Commission forwarded a unanimous (7-0) recommendation to the Village Board to approve the Special Use request.

Trustee Rigoni made a motion, seconded by Trustee Savaria, to accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass an Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit for outdoor seating to the property located at 15 Ash Street to permit the installation of an outdoor seating area along the north fa9ade of the Olde Frankfort Mall building, adjacent to the existing coffee shop, to accommodate the operation of Grounded Coffee Bar, 19 Ash Street, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, with the condition that if the outdoor seating area is replaced with a building addition, this Special Use Permit will become null and void.

Mayor Ogle asked if there was anyone in the audience from Grounded Coffee. No one stepped forward.

Mayor Ogle stated that this outdoor seating is already in place temporarily and felt it was important for the fencing to match the existing fencing of the restaurants on Kansas Street. He suggested to approve the special use request as a temporary use and allow the existing split-rail fencing. He further suggested to consider an end date of October 31, similar to the seasonal outdoor cafe seating for Trail's Edge, Fat Rosie's, and Francesca's.

The Village Board briefly discussed the matter and were in consensus to approve the special use permit on a temporary basis.

Attorney Mahoney suggested to amend the motion to be in conformance with the discussion of the Village Board.

The Village Board voiced consensus to amend the motion to include an end date for the outdoor seating.

Trustee Rigoni moved to amend the motion by adding "and/or before October 31, 2023, whichever occurs first," after the word "addition" to the motion on the floor. Trustee Savaria seconded the amendment.

Motion: Accept the Plan Commission recommendation, waive the First and Second Readings, and pass AN ORDINANCE (NO. 3407) GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR SEATING TO CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF FRANKFORT, WILL AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (GROUNDED COFFEE BAR - 19 ASH STREET) to permit the installation of an outdoor seating area at 15 Ash Street along the north fa9ade of the Olde Frankfort Mall building, adjacent to the existing coffee shop, to accommodate the operation of Grounded Coffee Bar, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Findings of Fact, with the condition that if the outdoor seating area is replaced with a building addition and/or before October 31, 2023 whichever occurs first, this Special Use Permit will become null and void.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustees Borrelli, Leddin, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. Nays: None. The motion carried.

C. Snapp-Maida Residence Fence Height Variance: 8563 Stone Creek- Ordinance

Trustee Leddin provided a brief overview of the fence height variance request for the Snapp-Maida residence. He reported the homeowner Jordan Snapp-Maida proposes to construct a new 5' tall faux wrought iron fence along the secondary frontage of the property located at 8563 Stone Creek Boulevard. The house is a comer lot with frontage on both Stone Creek Boulevard and Blue Stone Court. The applicant seeks approval of a variation from the Zoning Ordinance to permit installation of a 5' tall decorative fence.

The request for a fence height variance was first heard at the May 11, 2023 Public Hearing on the project and continued to the June 8, 2023 meeting. The Plan Commission forwarded a split (6-1) recommendation to the Village Board to deny the fence height variance request. The majority of the Commissioners felt there was no hardship.

It was noted that the following motion did not receive a favorable recommendation from the Plan Commission and will require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the trustees.

Trustee Leddin made a motion, seconded by Trustee Borrelli, to waive the First and Second Readings, and pass an Ordinance granting a fence height variance from the four-foot front yard height requirement to five feet, for the property located at 8563 Stone Creek Blvd, in accordance with the reviewed plans, public testimony, and Standards for Variations.

Mayor Ogle invited trustee and audience comment on the item prior to a vote.

Applicant Jordan Snapp-Maida approached the podium and stated she is requesting the fence height variance for her comer lot due to the aggressive dog that lives in the house behind her. She noted letters of support from the HOA and her neighbors on the cul-de-sac were submitted as part of the Plan Commission process.

There was general discussion regarding the fence height variance request and whether there was a particular hardship prohibiting the use of the land.

Following discussion, Mayor Ogle called for a vote.

Clerk Schubert called the roll. Ayes: Trustee Leddin. Nays: Trustees Borrelli, Petrow, Rigoni, Rossi, and Savaria. The motion failed.


• Mayor Ogle reported the annual "Get Hooked on Frankfort" fishing derby will take place on Saturday, June 24, at Prairie Park.

• Mayor Ogle announced the following schedule of upcoming events: Cruisin' Frankfort (Mondays, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM); Frankfort Country Market (Sundays, 9:00 AM to 1 :00 PM); Concerts on the Green featuring "Sushi Roll" (Sunday, June 25, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM); Fridays on the Green featuring "The Fun Balloon Show Guy" (Friday, June 30, 10:00 AM to 11 :00 AM); summer beautification award nominations ( due by June 30); July 4th Fireworks at Main Park (Tuesday, July 4); and the annual "Bluegrass on the Green" festival (Saturday, July 8 and Sunday, July 9).

• Mayor Ogle wished a belated happy Father's Day to all of the fathers and grandfathers.


Clerk Schubert gave a shout out to the Public Works/Utilities Departments for their great job with a water main break in downtown Frankfort and addressing a neighbor's property damage. Clerk Schubert reported the Village Board meetings in July will be held on July 10 and July 24.

Trustee Leddin wished everyone a happy Father's Day and congratulated Chief Chelepis on her completion ofNorthwestem's School of Police Staff and Command (SPSC).

Trustee Savaria stated that he looked forward to the Fourth of July Fireworks and the Bluegrass Festival, and he wished everyone a belated happy Father's Day.

Trustee Rigoni voiced her appreciation to Chief Chelepis and the Frankfort Police Department for hosting the well-attended "Cone with a Cop" and K-9 demonstration event held last week.

Trustee Petrow commented on the numerous events held in the summer in downtown Frankfort, including the Movies on the Green, Short Run on the Long Day 5K Run/Walk, and the weekly car show. She gave a shout out to the Public Works Department for their efforts "beautifying" the barriers for the Kansas Street closure.

Trustee Borrelli acknowledged Event Coordinator Sue Lynchey and Ken Potocki for their amazing job with "60423 Day." He congratulated Chief Chelepis on her graduation from the SPSC program.

Trustee Rossi also extended congratulations to SPSC graduate Chief Chelepis and he wished his wife a happy birthday.


Administrator Piscia reported video highlights of "60423 Day" and the drone light show are available on the Village Facebook page and FCTV-6, acknowledging staff member Kevin Del Grosso for a great job editing the event. He wished everyone a safe 4th of July and cautioned residents to leave the fireworks to the professionals.


Chief Chelepis encouraged residents and community members to report all suspicious persons, incidences, and vehicles immediately by calling 911 or the non-emergency number of (815) 485- 2500. She reminded residents to stay vigilant by locking their vehicles, closing overhead garage doors, and removing keys/key fobs from vehicles.


Village Attorney George Mahoney had no report.


The Village Board had a brief follow-up discussion from the Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 14 regarding the conceptual proposal submitted by Raffy's Candy Store for the purchase of the property located at 11 & 19 N. White Street (Mech House). It was the consensus of the Village Board not to pursue the proposal and move forward with planning for an improved parking lot for the Village-owned site.


No public comments were addressed to the Village Board.


Hearing no further business, Trustee Savaria made a motion, seconded by Trustee Borrelli, to adjourn the regular board meeting of Tuesday, June 20, 2023. A voice vote was taken. All were in favor. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
