
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of New Lenox Safe Communities America, Substance Use Prevention Task Group met May 8

Village of New Lenox Safe Communities America, Substance Use Prevention Task Group met May 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the group:


This meeting was held via Zoom videoconference. Dan Martin called the meeting to order at 1:33pm.


The Substance Use Prevention Task Group Members in attendance were Dan Martin / Village of New Lenox, Jen Hahs / Rosecrance Health Network, Kathleen Burke / Will County Health Department, Jan Dombrowski / HERO, Marie Kress / Kennedy Center, Sheree Stilwell / Faith-based and family support groups, Dominica Dybas / Greater Chicago Area DEA, Dan Guillen / DEA Chicago Office, Ausra Tauginaite / Joliet Junior College, Gloria Bloodsaw / Gateway, Jen Vujosevic / Lincoln-Way School District 210, Jessica Contreras / Student Wellness Advocate JJC, Kim Reyes / Linden Oaks, Amy Maher / New Lenox Community Park District, and Marta Keane / Will County Green.


The Minutes from the March 13, 2023 Task Group Meeting, which had been disseminated via email to Task Group members, were discussed. Jan Dombrowski made a motion to approve the minutes, and it was seconded by Gloria Bloodsaw. After no further discussion, the motion carried, and the minutes were approved.


HERO “Hidden in Plain Sight” Trailer Update

Jan shared there will be a relaunch of the trailer and they currently have 50 events scheduled this year. Also of note, there will be a “Dine and Donate” fundraising event on June 15, 2023 from 11:00am to 9:00pm at the Chicago Dough New Lenox location where you can dine in and 20% of your total will be donated to HERO’s mission.

Narcan Training

Dr. Burke provided Narcan Training on Monday, May 1, 2023 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm via Zoom. There were approximately 60 in attendance. Distribution of the Nasal Spray Kits was held on Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at the New Lenox Village Hall. For those that could not attend, the nasal spray kits will be available at the New Lenox Village Hall.


2023 Your Light Still Shines

Dan announced that the tentative date of YLSS will be Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at Parkview Christian Church in New Lenox (in support of International Overdose Awareness Day, which is Thursday, August 31, 2023). The Planning Committee met on Thursday, April 13th and the next Planning

Committee Meeting will be Thursday, May 25th. The group is planning an event similar in structure to previous years. This will include the HERO “Hidden in Plain Sight” trailer, Unwanted Medication Disposal, Informational Tables, Memorial Tables and Narcan Training. This year’s event may feature a short film on Substance Use Disorder with a formal discussion immediately following the showing. Parkview Christian Church, New Lenox, has offered to ask their Student Ministry Leaders to be involved and Pastor Ricci would like to raise up the Student Ministry to help promote this event. Parkview has also graciously offered to serve coffee at the event and will handle the A/V needs as well.

Narcan Training

Dan reported that the next scheduled Narcan Training will be held at “Your Light Still Shines” (August 23, 2023).

Educational Offerings in Substance Use Prevention

Dan encouraged the group to consider what else we can offer in the area of substance use prevention in addition to our signature event “Your Light Still Shines,” and other ongoing programs. This could be something offered in-person or virtually. The Greater Chicago Area DEA may be able to offer some upcoming presentations regarding recent trends (more details to come at a later date).


Dr. Burke announced that National Fentanyl Awareness Day is May 9, 2023 and suggested that this group hold an event next year in support of this awareness day. Dr. Burke also shared there will be a Drug Use/Misuse/Dependence panel discussion held at Plainfield South High School on May 11th at 6:00pm.

Jessica Contreras shared that she is looking to bring more substance use education to JJC and would be willing to partner with other task group members with anything that would be relevant to college students. She suggested scheduling something during the welcome week in the fall.

Dan Guillen announced that the Unwanted Medication Take Back Event in the Chicagoland area was a huge success. Marta Keane reminded that group that there is year-round take back available as well at the New Lenox Police Department (program started through the NLSCC).


The next meeting of the Substance Use Prevention Task Group will be Monday, July 10, 2023 / 1:30pm via Zoom videoconference.

The next New Lenox Safe Communities Coalition Meeting will be held on May 31, 2023 at 10:30am via Zoom videoconference.


The meeting adjourned at 2:12pm.

Substance Use Prevention Task Group

“To reduce injuries and deaths associated with substance use, through the establishment of collaborative partnerships and the implementation of educational programs, strategies and initiatives.”
