
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Romeoville Village Board met March 1

Village of Romeoville Village Board met March 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Regular Meeting


Roll Call

Present 7 - Trustee Jose Chavez, Trustee Linda Palmiter, Trustee Ken Griffin, Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Brian A. Clancy Sr., Mayor John Noak, and Trustee Lourdes Aguirre



Resident Dave Wilkes expressed his concern regarding trucks on High Road. He requests the PD do a drive by every couple of days which in the past had made trucks stay of the road for a while. If the Village is purchasing red light or speed cameras, he is requesting to add them to High Road.

He also expressed concerns regarding the agreement with Citgo, Lemont, and Romeoville about the trucking terminal proposed on 135th Street and the two truck terminals proposed for High Road. He is asking for help to stop these requests.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Chavez, to do a consent agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Aguirre, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

MIN23-0926 Approval of Minutes- Workshop Meeting February 15, 2023

This Minutes Workshop was Approved.

MIN23-0927 Approval of Minutes- Regular Meeting February 15, 2023

This Minutes Regular was Approved.

23-3109 Approval of Bills- Schedule A

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

23-3110 Approval of Bills- Schedule B

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

23-3111 Approval of Bills- Schedule C

This Approval Of Bills was Approved.

RES23-3532 A Resolution Approving a Final Plat of Subdivision for 765 Independence Boulevard

This Resolution was Approved.

RES23-3545 A Resolution to Approve Two Proposals from Artistic Holiday Designs; One Field Service Proposal for a 3-Year Contract (2023,

2024 And 2025), and Another Proposal for Two New Refurbished Pieces.

This Resolution was Approved.

RES23-3547 A Resolution to Waive the Bid for The Purchase of One (1) Marine Sonic Technology Sea Scan Arc Explorer Mkii Side Scan Sonar

This Resolution was Approved.

RES23-3549 A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of a Matrix Surveillance System

This Resolution was Approved.

RES23-3550 A Resolution to Waive the Bid Process and Accept the Price Quote from VSA Chicago for the Audio-Visual Equipment to be Installed at the Romeoville Emergency Operations Center

This Resolution was Approved.


The Village has done a few ribbon cuttings for new businesses recently, both women owned; S2 Breakthrough and The Corned Beef Hideout.

Congratulations to them. The Comptroller Mendoza held a press conference in our board room last week for a piece of legislation to ensure support for fallen first responders and military. Michael's Pizza will be celebrating their 40th anniversary on Monday. The VVEEF Dinner is on Friday, March 10th, the Knights of Columbus is hosting their St. Pat's fundraiser dinner on the 11th.

Romeoville is now the home of Pizzeria Uno's pizza production thanks to Great Kitchens located in Romeoville.

23-3112 A Proclamation Declaring March 2023 as American Red Cross Month in the Village of Romeoville Brian McDaniels, the Executive Director for the American Red Cross of the Illinois River Valley thanked the Mayor and Board for their support for Red Cross Month. He thanked the Village for their partnership and for their continuous help with blood donation events.

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Clancy, that this Proclamation be Accepted. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.

23-3108 A Motion to accept the Village of Romeoville's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2022.

A motion was made by Trustee Chavez, seconded by Trustee Richards, that this Motion be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak


Community Service Council has the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 8th.VVEEF has their dinner coming up. The funds from the dinner and golf outing go toward Valley View schools for teacher scholarships.



Chris Ulm did a great job summarizing many years of work that has already gone into the Lake Michigan water allocation project. A water main project will begin on 135th street next week and the street will go down to one lane in each direction from Macon Ave to the Post Office. Regarding the public comments made tonight, we have been in contact with the residents in that area and are scheduling meetings.


Trustee Richards made a motion to do consent agenda on new business with a modification to ORD23-1823 to allow for their sign to be up to 20 feet pending Village Manager review.

A motion was made by Trustee Richards, seconded by Trustee Griffin, to do a consent agenda on New Business. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

Approval of the Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin, seconded by Trustee Palmiter, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 6 - Trustee Chavez, Trustee Palmiter, Trustee Griffin, Trustee Richards, Trustee Clancy, and Trustee Aguirre

Non-voting: 1 - Mayor Noak

ORD23-1823 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development - Final Development Plan for Towneplace Suites at 1280 Windham Parkway

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD23-1824 An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development - Final Development Plan for Burger King at 431 S. Weber Road

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD23-1828 An Ordinance Authorizing a Loan Agreement (Water Pollution Control Loan Program -Village of Romeoville)

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD23-1829 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 112.33A(B)—Class A. B. C License Off Premises Sale Endorsement

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD23-1831 An Ordinance Establishing a Temporary Moratorium on the Review of Certain Development Applications for Properties within the PB Zoning District

This Ordinance was Approved.

ORD23-1832 An Ordinance Amending Section 81.10 of the Village Code of Ordinances—Towing Fees

This Ordinance was Approved.

RES23-3551 A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Preliminary Agreement Regarding Formation of a Regional Water Commission

This Resolution was Approved.

RES23-3552 A Resolution Regarding the Lake Michigan Water Allocation Application

This Resolution was Approved.


Trustee Chavez- The Romeoville A&E has a career expo hosted by the Will County Workforce Center and will be holding the Romeoville Home Show again this year. The Corned Beef Hideout looks delicious. March 9th the Village will launch the new payment portal online. It will be easier for residents.

Trustee Palmiter- The next Special Events Commission meeting will be Tuesday, April 18th and the next Finance Committee meeting will be Wednesday, March 8th. Welcome to the new Towneplace Suites.

Welcome to Burger King. It is amazing how much work the Lake Michigan project has been and thank you to everyone who has been a part of that.

Trustee Griffin- The next Veterans Commission meeting is April 18th. Join us on Memorial Day for the ceremony on Monday, May 29th at the Veterans Memorial. All the gift baskets are donated for the VVEEF Dinner by local organizations and businesses. Thank you to all of them for their support.

Trustee Clancy- The next Keep Romeoville Beautiful meeting is tomorrow.

Hop over to the Rec Center to register for the Bunny Hop. Join us for the outdoor egg hunt. The 19th annual Springtide Craft show will be on March 25th. Thank you to everyone who has put in the work for the Water application. Thank you to the Red Cross.

Trustee Richards- No update from REMA. Planning and Zoning had a meeting last night. Their next meeting is March 14th. Congratulations to Brian McDaniels from the American Red Cross. Welcome to Towneplace Suites and Burger King. Congratulations to Michael's Pizza.

Trustee Aguirre- The next Police and Fire Commission meeting is March 14th. Thank you to the American Red Cross for everything you do for our community. Thank you to Chris Drey, Chris Ulm, and Dawn for all the work you've put in for the future water source. Congratulations to Michael's Pizza.

Visit the RHS website for tickets to their upcoming play. Thank you to Chief Adams for the great experience at the Fire Academy.

11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Personnel- 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and Pending/ Threaten Litigation- 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

No Executive Session was held at this meeting.

