
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Crest Hill City Council met Feb. 27

City of Crest Hill City Council met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The February 27, 2023 City Council work session was called to order by Mayor Raymond R. Soliman at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1610 Plainfield Road Crest Hill, Will County, Illinois.

The following Council members were present: Mayor Raymond Soliman, City Clerk Christine Vershay-Hall, City Treasurer Glen Conklin, Alderman Scott Dyke, Alderman John Vershay, Alderman Darrell Jefferson, Alderwoman Claudia Gazal, Alderperson Tina Oberlin, Alderman Mark Cipiti, Alderman Nate Albert, Alderman Joe Kubal.

Also present were: Administrator Jim Marino, City Engineer Ron Wiedeman, Police Chief Ed Clark, Building Commissioner Don Seeman.

Absent were: Director of Public Works Mark Siefert, Interim Planner Maura Rigoni, Finance Director Lisa Banovetz, City Attorney Mike Stiff.

TOPIC: Relocate Audio-Visual Equipment

City Administrator Jim Marino explained this is for information purposes only. Shawn Thompson from Harbour would like to start relocating the audio-visual equipment, that cable uses to broadcast the meetings, to the new City Center. Administrator Marino stated it would take three weeks to get all the equipment moved and then Ron Romero and his staff will need to be trained. Administrator stated they would like to start moving the equipment March 6th which means the meeting would be recorded with a stationary camera and then uploaded to YouTube until we are moved. Mayor Soliman confirmed that the meetings would not be televised live.

Mayor Soliman asked if there were any questions or discussions from the Council. There were no discussions or questions asked.

TOPIC: Stone Sign Police Department Discussion

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman was asked to get information for the stone sign similar to the sign located at Public Works. Engineer Wiedeman informed Council the estimated cost would be around $10,000.00 - $12,000.00. This estimate would include:

1. Purchase of a stone similar in size of stone at Public Works.

2. Engraving of the City logo and names of officers or name of Police Department.

3. Landscaping.

4. Solar Lighting.

5. Installation of the sign on a concrete footing.

Engineer Wiedeman stated the estimate is similar to the estimate we received for the City welcome signs.

Engineer Wiedeman stated if Council approves this; there are options available as follows:

1. Reach out to a supplier and get a cost to purchase and engrave and have installed by Public Works.

2. Add the work to the City Center driveway entrance contract. If this option is chosen there would be additional engineering fees estimated between $2,000.00 and $3,000.00.

3. Approach the contractor that is awarded the City Center driveway signs contract and include this as a change order.

4. Table this for now and decide at a later date.

Alderperson Oberlin commented that we just do not do this which was already discussed, and most Council members were not in agreement. Alderperson Oberlin also stated this is an unnecessary expense and we already have a beautiful memorial to those police officers.

Mayor Soliman stated he still thinks the stone would be a tremendous tribute to the officers and their families of what they have sacrificed for the City of Crest Hill.

Alderman Jefferson asked if we have other fallen officers would their name be added to this stone? Engineer Wiedeman explained we would have to have the company come out and engrave the stone at that time and this stone would need to be large enough to add additional names.

Mayor Soliman stated this idea came from the past Police Chief Dwayne Wilkerson.

Alderman Albert commented that we are talking about two different things, the stone, and the renaming of the Police Department after the slain officers.

Mayor Soliman asked what Alderman Albert what his choice would be naming the Police Department? Alderman Albert stated his vote would be Crest Hill Police Department.

Alderman Dyke asked if we would have another stone saying City Hall? Mayor Soliman stated there would be signage for both the Police Department and City Hall as you enter the grounds.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on renaming the Police Department with a memorial stone. All members present were in agreement not to rename the Police Department with a memorial stone.

TOPIC: City Welcome Signage

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman informed Council that the plan for the City welcome signs have been completed by Hitchcock Design Group and are ready to go out to bid.

Engineer Wiedeman stated the plans call for the fabrication and installation of stone signs at three primary locations and four secondary locations. He also stated it is anticipated the locations where signs will be installed will have in place easements or IGA's required for installation by this summer.

Primary Locations:

Sign #1 Renwick & Gaylord Sign #2 Weber Road

Sign #3 Broadway (Route 53)

Secondary locations:

Sign #1 Division at Gaylord

Sign #2 Division at the City's Eastern corporate limits

Sign #3 Gaylord South of six (6) corners and Route 30 intersection

Sign #4 Caton Crest Drive

Engineer Wiedeman also stated all sign locations would have landscaping and lighting system to luminate the sign from the ground. The primary locations would have ComEd service drops which will be lit at all times and the secondary locations will have solar panels. Engineer Wiedeman informed Council they are currently coordinating with ComEd for the service drops and will be coming to Council at a later date with a proposal in the amount of $3,700.00 to coordinate the service drops.

Further discussion regarding signage placement on Route 53.

Alderwoman Gazal asked what is the estimated completion date? Engineer Wiedeman stated an estimation of completion would be October 25th of 2023. Alderman Cipiti asked if the digital signs will be the same completion date? Engineer Wiedeman stated they are still working on the easements for the digital signs, and this should hopefully be completed by the end of 2023.

Alderman Albert asked why we are not focusing on changing the Welcome sign at our current location (1610 Plainfield Road) location on Theodore Street and Plainfield Road? Engineer Wiedeman stated because we cannot get the right-of-way from the State of Illinois. He also stated this will be left to negotiate with the sale of the building since we don't know what the redevelopment is of this site. Alderman Albert stated since there is no timeline of redevelopment at this current property, he feels the welcome sign should be included now for the sign to match our other signage. Further discussion regarding welcome sign at our current location.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote, on directing staff to move forward with the bidding project and bring back a recommendation of award for Council to consider. All members present were in agreement of moving forward with the bidding project for a recommendation of award.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote, to execute a professional service agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering to perform service coordination for an amount not to exceed $3,700.00. All members present were in agreement to execute a professional service agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering for an amount not to exceed $3,700.00.

Mayor Soliman asked if anyone disagreed with not including the welcome sign at our current location. All members present were in agreement to not include the welcome sign.

TOPIC: City Center Signage at Driveway Entrances

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman informed Council that Hitchcock Design Group has completed the final plans for the City Center driveway entrances. He also stated these signs will correspond to each driveway locations and will match the secondary signs that are being installed throughout the City. Engineer Wiedeman stated the only difference is there will be no lighting on these signs, the lighting from the roadway is anticipated to be enough. He also stated each sign will have landscaping matching throughout.

Engineer Wiedeman informed Council the estimated cost would be around $45,000.00 for current engineering which is $40,000.00 for construction cost and $5,000.00 for construction engineering in the year 2024 budget.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote on directing staff to move forward on a bidding project and bring back a recommendation of award for Council to consider and to direct staff to include construction cost and any remaining construction engineering expenses in the 2023/2024 City budget. All members present were in agreement to move forward with the bidding project and to include construction and any remaining construction engineering expenses in the 2023/2024 City budget.

City Engineer Ron Wiedeman informed Council on the March 13, 2023 Work Session meeting he will have a three (3) year capital program to review with Council before publishing on the website.

TOPIC: City Center Testing and Inspection Services

Administrator Marino previously contracted with Seeco Construction to perform testing and inspection services during the initial construction of the City Center building in July 2020. These services would have included testing and inspection of concrete, masonry, asphalt, earthwork compaction, and structural steel. Administrator Marion stated some of the testing was only partially done. He also stated Seeco Construction was never contacted to come back and conduct further testing. Administrator Marino stated it would make sense to have Seeco Construction come and complete the testing and inspection work. Administrator Marino stated we have the proposal from Seeco Construction and provide a report of their detailed findings.

Alderperson Oberlin asked was this not part of the original contract to perform these inspections? Building Commissioner Don Seeman stated it was a part on the original contract and the manager of the building was responsible to call and schedule the inspections which was not done. Alderperson Oberlin asked when we paid the contract was the inspections not paid for? Administrator Marino stated we only paid for inspections as they were done. Alderperson Oberlin stated she thinks it is odd that the inspection company did not ask about additional inspections.

Alderman Cipiti asked Building Commissioner Seeman how thorough of an inspection will be done since you can't see certain things. Commissioner Seeman stated you will be able to see in the basement of the building the connections of the columns to the beams but you will not be able to see every weld or base connection under the concrete. Further discussion was followed regarding what each testing and inspection would look at.

Alderman Cipiti asked would Seeco Construction guarantee their inspection? Commissioner Seeman stated they would guarantee what they inspect and if any issues are identified, they will not make any recommendations on what should be done. Commissioner Seeman stated any identified issues will have to go back to United, who is the architect of record, to direct any corrections, if any.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote for a recommendation to approve the contract with Seeco Construction Services in the amount of $9,660.00. All members present were in agreement to approve the contract with Seeco Construction Services in the amount of $9,660.00.

TOPIC: Purchase Computers and Monitors

Police Chief Ed Clark requested an authorization to purchase computers and monitors for the Police Department Security Room. Chief Clark stated the Police Station needs an additional Dell Tower Computer for the security room, which this equipment was not included in the original proposal with Techlife. Chief Clark also stated this computer is needed to complete the configuration of the design and functionality of our camera viewing capabilities. Chief Clark informed Council the estimated price to purchase this equipment is $2,429.99 and two (2) Dell monitors estimated at a cost of $219.98 for a total cost of $2,649.97.

Mayor Soliman asked for an informal vote to authorize the purchase of a Dell computer and monitors in the amount of $2,649.97. All members present were in agreement to authorize the purchase of a Dell computer and monitors in the amount of $2,649.97.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.


Mayor Soliman informed Council that he received a call from Cornerstone Stepping Stones Director, Larry Sorenson. Mayor Soliman stated he was wanting to know if anyone at the City Council of Crest Hill had any objections regarding building between the A frame and the Immediate Care Center. This is an eight (8) unit apartment building for woman and their children with addiction problems with a manager on site 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Treasurer Conklin stated this will be a great visual approval from our current location. This will house seven (7) women with up to two children under the age of five years during their recovery. Mayor Soliman stated this did pass Joliet's Plan Commission and will now go before the City of Joliet Council.

Mayor Soliman asked if any Council members have any objections? There were no objections.

Treasurer Conklin added he will be at the meeting and will inform City of Joliet that we approve and encourage this site.

COMMITTEE/LIAISON UPDATES: There were no committee updates.


Administrator Marino requested direction on what size sign will we be going with on the sign behind the dais at the new City Center, to be provided with a quote from Christy at Warehouse Direct.

Alderperson Oberlin stated Director of Public Works Mark Siefert was going to reach out to another company to compare costs.

Administrator Marino informed Council there is a call scheduled for Wednesday with Hudson Insurance Agency regarding the cancellation of Mechanical Concepts Contract and see how we can move forward. Attorney Mike Stiff informed Council the City did receive a Notice of Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors for Mechanical Concepts proving they are out of business.


Mayor Soliman announced that there is a need for an executive session on (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)).

(#1) Motion by Alderperson Oberlin second by Alderman Cipiti to go into executive sessions on (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)).

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay Jefferson, Gazal, Oberlin, Cipiti, Albert, Kubal.

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED

Executive Session 8:03p.m.

(#2) Motion by Alderman Jefferson seconded by Alderperson Oberlin to reconvene from the executive session on (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)).

On roll call, the vote was:

AYES: Ald. Dyke, Vershay, Gazal, Oberlin, Kubal, Ciptit, Albert, Jefferson

NAYES: None.


There being eight (8) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Reconvened at 10:21p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 p.m.
