
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Channahon Board of Trustees met Feb. 20

Village of Channahon Board of Trustees met Feb. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

VP Moorman Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:56 p.m. and the Board led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken with Trustees Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum present.

Also present were Village Administrator Thomas Durkin, Director of Community Development and Information Systems Mike Petrick, Finance Director Heather Wagonblott, Director of Public Works Ed Dolezal, Chief of Police Shane Casey, Village Attorney Jim Murphy and Village Clerk Kristin Hall.

VP Moorman Schumacher informed everyone present that the meeting was being recorded and anyone speaking at the meeting deems his/her consent to the recording of their likeness and speech.


A. Public Hearing – Annexation Agreement between the Village of Channahon, a Municipal Corporation of Will and Grundy Counties, Illinois and Equity Trust Company Custodian, F/B/O Paul Swanson IRA

Trustee Scaggs made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the Annexation Agreement between the Village of Channahon, a Municipal Corporation of Will and Grundy Counties, Illinois and Equity Trust Company Custodian, F/B/O Paul Swanson IRA at 6:57 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Slocum.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Durkin stated the attached ordinance authorizes the execution of an annexation agreement for 32.11 acres of property located at the northeast corner of US Route 6 and Sand Ridge Road. The developer, Equity Trust Company Custodian, F/B/O Paul Swanson, IRA, is seeking to annex the property to allow for the development of a cartage facility/truck terminal as a special use under the I-1 Limited Industrial Zoning District. The use is intended to include a fuel island and fuel storage tank and also include truck repair and maintenance ancillary to the principal use. The agreement provides the Village will annex, zone and grant a special use permit for the development as proposed which will occur after closing of the property purchase. The agreement also includes the following additional provisions from the typically standard provisions:

The developer will provide detailed final plans for landscaping, signage, engineering and file site layout with a final site plan submittal and approval prior to any building construction;

The agreement provides the developer connect to Village water facilities up to 5 years after notification of availability calculated as follows:

The total cost associated with the extension of a Potable Water commencing at the Village Water Tower located near the intersection of U.S. Rt. 6 and Ridge Rd west to the intersection of U.S. Rt. 6 and Brisbin Rd shall be calculated. The total costs shall include but not be limited to costs of materials, design, construction, engineering, legal, easement acquisition and all other costs reasonably necessary to complete the Potable Water Extension described above (the "Total Water Line Costs"). The amount to be paid upon connection shall be one and six tenths (1.6%) percent of the Total Water Line Costs but not in no event to exceed two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000) dollars.

The agreement provides the developer connect to Village sewer facilities up to 5 after notification of availability calculated as follows:

At the time of connection, the Owner will be liable for any recapture costs due for the installation of off-site sanitary sewer lines that are servicing the property. The amount due shall be four percent (4%) of the amount necessary to provide sanitary service to the sanitary subarea, as defined in Exhibit F of the agreement. The maximum amount of recapture due shall be $50,000. Should the subject property further subdivide and separate users connect to the sanitary system each property owner shall pay their pro-rata share to be calculated as a ratio formulated by the individual property area divided by the total sanitary subarea of 809 acres.

Sewer and water tap fees shall be paid in the amount currently set forth in code for a period of one (1) year after the Village provides notice that services are available. If these fees are not paid prior to the expiration of this one-year period, then in that event at the time of connection, the amount required shall be calculated using the then current Village Code. The agreement also provides for the pre-payment of tap on fees.

The developer will grant all necessary easements along US Route 6 for the extension of utilities.

The developer will comply with all IDOT requirements for improvements to Rt. 6 and provide all necessary ROW dedications at their cost.

Durkin asked Petrick to provide a synopsis of the Public Hearing held at the PZC meeting. Though the rezoning is not up tonight, the synopsis may provide additional information relevant to what we are presently discussing.

Petrick stated there was a hearing held at the PZC to discuss both the zoning, special use, as well as the site plan. The recommendation from PZC on the zoning and special use was positive with a vote of 5-0 and positive for the site plan by a vote of 4-1, with the dissenting commissioner voting now because there was too much parking. The comments from the public were related to, in their opinion, incompatible use with residential, concerns about flooding and, how that land development would impact the surrounding residences. There were concerns expressed about whether the trucks would produce a hazard with diesel fumes or spillage. There was a desire expressed to keep it farmland or to develop the property residentially. It was indicated to the public that the current zoning in Grundy County is industrial. Grundy County only has one industrial zone and that district allows for both light and heavy industrial. Adjacent zoning to the north is heavy industrial and the project proposed now would be a more restrictive I-1 Limited Industrial with a special use permit.

Trustee Host questioned the location of the property to the east and how the property will be buffered from the project.

Durkin indicated there is room around the proposed detention area directly to the west that will provide areas for landscape buffers to be included.

Trustee Perinar asked what type of project is this exactly.

Petrick responded that this is similar to D & J intermodal, another business in the community which is a transportation logistics business. No stacking of containers will be allowed on the property and no containers can be stored on site off chassis.

Trustee Scaggs asked how many trucks will be on and off the property per day.

Rush representatives indicated that 65 trucks per day would enter and exit the site.

Trustee Slocum questioned the size of the parking area and is the size related to the storage of trailers on the property.

Rod Tonelli, engineer for the developer, stated that Rush trucking currently has 65 trucks in their fleet with 20 employees. Trucks go in and out of site throughout the day and some of the trailers will remain on site until they are taken to their ultimate delivery. Rush is also consolidating multiple locations to this site.

Trustee Slocum asked about the future development area listed on the concept plan. Currently there are no plans for the development of that 10 or so acres.

Trustee Scaggs affirmed that if the Village does not approve this project the petitioner/business can develop this in Grundy County.

Trustee Slocum asked if Rush trucking was in agreement with the fees as outlined in the annexation agreement.

Ari Rosenthal, attorney for the project, indicated his client was not yet in agreement with the fee structure included in the agreement at present but they are hopeful. He referenced a few issues regarding utilities, fees and timing of improvements and fees to be paid. They also have interim costs on the development that must be incurred such as well and septic improvements and fire suppression system that they are not asking for in return. They want a cap on the fees associated from the Village on the project. He also indicated that his client, Rush, is not the petitioner on this project. They intended on purchasing this property from petitioner and thus their concern on the specifics of the agreement.

Durkin reiterated that this is what is making this effort more difficult. We have a petitioner who is in agreement with how the agreement is written and a potential end user that does not. As we move forward, we have published with specifics of the agreement and if we deviate we may have to re-publish the hearing.

Attorney Silverman stated that if we keep this hearing open, we may be able to complete the discussion and thus the hearing.

Trustee Host asked if a delay would jeopardize the purchase of the property.

Mr. Swanson, contract purchaser, stated that would be more difficult and he understands their point. These issues just came up recently.

The Public Hearing will be continued to the March 20, 2023 Board Meeting,



A. Consider Approval – Minutes - Committee - February 6, 2023

B. Consider Approval – Minutes - Board – February 6, 2023

C. Consider Approval – Minutes - Executive Session - February 6, 2023

D. Approve Payment of the Bills List of February 20, 2023 for $192,364.16

E. Approve Payment of Manual Checks of February 20, 2023 for $13,151,40

F. Approve Payment of Net Payroll Expenses for the period ending February 5, 2023 for $143,030.20

Trustee Scaggs made a motion to approve the consent agenda as read. Seconded by Trustee Perinar.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.





Reminder - State of the Village Address, Thursday, March 16, 2023 at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center

VP Moorman Schumacher stated Job Shadow Day with the Student government will be held at our next meeting, March 6th. The State of the Village address is coming up on Thursday, March 16th. It is a breakfast to be held at the Four Rivers Environmental Center. If any of the trustees would like to attend, please let Sydney know. The Statements of Economic Interest have been sent out by the County Clerk's Office, so if you have not completed your statement, please do so; if you did not get your email with your sign in code, please get a hold of Leti and/or the County Clerk's Office. Open Meetings Act Training is required for elected officials. If you have not done this, please go to the Attorney General's website where you can complete that. On Wednesday, she and Petrick are attending the kickoff of the Grundy County Transportation Plan and then back to Joliet for the Center of Economic Development event. On Thursday, she will be attending the dinner meeting with the Will County Governmental League and our DC lobbyists, so if anyone has any issues that they would like me to bring up please let me know prior to Thursday.


Consider Approval – An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of an Annexation

Agreement between the Village of Channahon, a Municipal Corporation of Will and Grundy Counties, Illinois and Equity Trust Company Custodian, F/B/O Paul Swanson IRA - 1st Read

This item will be placed on the March 20, 2023 agenda as a second read.

Consider Approval – A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Preliminary Agreement Regarding the Formation of a Regional Water Commission

Trustee Perinar made a motion to approve A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Preliminary Agreement Regarding the Formation of a Regional Water Commission. Seconded by Trustee Host.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Consider Approval – A Resolution Authorizing the Participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a Contract with the Lowest Cost Electricity Provider for 36 Months

Trustee Scaggs made a motion to approve A Resolution Authorizing the Participation in the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative (NIMEC) and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a Contract with the Lowest Cost Electricity Provider for 36 Months. Seconded by Trustee Perinar.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.


Consider Approval – Hiring Public Work's Clerk


Trustee Perinar made a motion to approve the Hiring of the Public Work's Clerk, Jennifer Sternal, in the amount of $46,158 with one week of vacation, contingent on background and drug screen. Seconded by Trustee Scaggs.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Consider Approval – Filling of Building Inspector Position

Consider Approval – Authority to Advertise for Position of Code Enforcement Officer These items will be tabled to a future date,

Discussion - Statistical Monthly Report – January 2023

Durkin stated that the monthly report was attached, if there were any questions.


Consider Approval – Channahon Park District - Tomahawk Aquatic Center Permit Fee Waiver Request

Trustee Scaggs made a motion to approve the Channahon Park District - Tomahawk Aquatic Center Permit Fee Waiver Request in the amount of $20,000. Seconded by Trustee Host. ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Discussion - Statistical Monthly Report - January 2023

Petrick stated that the monthly report was attached, if there were any questions.


Consider Approval – Monthly Investment Performance Report from Sawyer Falduto for December 2022.

Trustee Perinar made a motion to accept the Monthly Investment Performance Report from Sawyer Falduto for 2022. Seconded by Trustee Scaggs.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Discussion - Statistical Monthly Report – January 2023

Discussion - Finance Treasurer's Report – January 2023

Wagonblott stated that the monthly reports were attached, if there were any questions.


Consider Approval – To Request Village Board's Authorization to place to Purchase one 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe to replace an Existing Investigation Squad

Trustee Host made a motion to approve the purchase one 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe to replace an Existing Investigation Squad. Seconded by Trustee Perinar.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar and Scaggs.



Discussion - Statistical Monthly Report - January 2023


Casey stated the monthly report was attached, if there were any questions.


Consider Approval – A Resolution Regarding the Lake Michigan Water Allocation Application (Regulatory and Cost Issues)

Trustee Perinar made a motion to approve A Resolution Regarding the Lake Michigan Water Allocation Application (Regulatory and Cost Issues). Seconded by Trustee Slocum. ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Consider Approval – Acceptance of Storm Water Management Easement - Lot 30 Channahon Industrial Park, Unit 2

Consider Approval – Acceptance of Municipal Detention and Drainage Easement

Trustee Host made a motion to approve the Acceptance of Storm Water Management Easement -- Lot 30 Channahon Industrial Park, Unit 2 and Acceptance of Municipal Detention and Drainage Easement. Seconded by Trustee Perinar.

ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Discussion - Statistical Monthly Report – January 2023

Dolezal stated that the monthly report was attached, if there were any questions.


Village Attorney David Silverman stated that he had no report.


Trustee Sam Greco - Finance/Human Resources - Absent.

Trustee Patricia Perinar - Community & Legislative Affairs - No Report.

Trustee Chantal Host - Public Safety/Emergency Support - No Report.

Trustee Scott McMillin - Natural Resources and Open Spaces - No Report.

Trustee Mark Scaggs - Public Works and Facility - No Report.

Trustee Scott Slocum - Community Development - No Report.



1. Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon

2. Purchase or Lease of Real Estate

Trustee Perinar made a motion to open Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. for Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon and Purchase or Lease of Real Estate. Seconded by Trustee Slocum. ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.



Trustee Host made a motion to close Executive Session at 7:39 p.m. for Appointment, Employment, Dismissal, Compensation, Discipline and Performance of an Employee of the Village of Channahon and Purchase or Lease of Real Estate. Seconded by Trustee Slocum. ROLL CALL AYES: Host, McMillin, Perinar, Scaggs and Slocum.




Trustee Perinar made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Slocum. VERBAL ROLL CALL: ALL AYES

