
Will County Gazette

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Op-ed: Democrat policies are the real pandemic


Philip Nagel | Philip Nagel

Philip Nagel | Philip Nagel

While democratic policy reigns over the state of Illinois, the people of this state are buckling under the weight of the skyrocketing fuel prices and never-ending inflation. I am now paying double to fill my car at the pump and the price of groceries has risen to unsustainable levels and if you think it’s bad now, just wait.

Planting season is here, and farmers are facing diesel prices reaching $5 and above. With farmers costs increasing, so will the price tags for the consumer. However, the leftist leaders of the world have a solution, buy a Tesla. The elected officials responsible for the energy crisis and inflation are tone deaf regarding the reality of the average American.

Our elected leaders wait for, we the people, to run back to them begging for free handouts.  Throughout this crisis, these so-called leaders have never missed a paycheck or had to go to a food pantry to feed their family. Welcome to the sad realization that our elected leaders could care less about what happens to any of us or our kids. Do you know who does care, we care. I spent some time this weekend working at a food pantry with the real leaders and heroes of this state. I saw hundreds of families lined up in the rain with their young kids, waiting for their turn to get groceries. When I think about us and them, you know what, Springfield disgusts me. Their pure arrogance and ignorance to the crisis they created would rival even the greatest minds. Well, I’m 'done, that’s why I am running for State Senate. We need normal working-class people back in Springfield and with your support, we are going to do just that.

Please join the fight at www.nagelforsenate.com.