Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U Board of Education Met Dec. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Wilmington Community Unit School District No. 209-U met in regular session on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 6:02 P.M. in the Wilmington School District Boardroom. President Pro-tem Southall called the meeting to order with the following members answering roll call: Anderson, Dziuban, Kunz, Moran, Southall, and Stickel. Cragg – Absent.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban at 6:03 P.M. to discuss in closed session and to take action in open session: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees/coaches, and The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body. Anderson- aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson to leave closed session at 6:14 P.M. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
Truth in Taxation hearing was conducted by Lisa Hipes from 6:15p.m. until 6:22 p.m. Pledge to the Flag 6:30 P.M.
0 guests were present.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Moran to approve the agenda and consent agenda for the Monday, December 14, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education as presented. All Aye. Motion carried.
Opportunity for Public Input:
Administrator Reports:
Mrs. Beth Norman, Bruning Principal reported:
Due to COVID restrictions there will be no Santa Secret Shop. The Kindergarten Christmas Program will be virtual this year. The video will be published on December 8that 6:00 pm. Second trimester progress reports will be available electronically on December 15th for parents The Christmas Parties will be held on 12/18 with an early dismissal of 1:35 PM. There will be no school from 12/21 – 1/4. School will resume on 1/5. Students will be benchmarked in Literacy and Math on January 11th. The final benchmark will be in May. RTI Intervention groups will be adjusted accordingly after the results are documented.
Mrs. Venita Dennis, Stevens Intermediate School reported:
Holiday programs will be on-line on You Tube on 12/17th at 5:30 & 7:00. Dress Up Days are with “The Night Before Christmas” theme. Holiday parties will be held on 12/18 with an early dismissal of 1:50 PM for winter break. Penny Wars took place and raised $888.52. The proceeds raised will go to Kuzma Cottage. All students will be benchmarked on January 19th. Chromebooks and supplies are being handed out this week to prepare for remote learning.
Mr. Adam Spicer, Wilmington Middle School Principal reported:
The winter concert will be held virtually on 12/15th at 3:30. The concert will be uploaded to the website. AIMS Web winter benchmark testing will run January 11 to January 22. Students will be tested in Reading and Math. Teachers will spend the afternoon on Dec. 9th and Dec. 16th preparing for remote learning the week of January 4th. Beta Club students purchased and donated a Wilmington banner to the Middle School. Beta Club is sponsoring a canned food drive for Kuzma Care. Winter sports are on hold per IESA guidelines. Congratulations to the 1st trimester students: 6th grade: Ryan Schraeger, Keeley Walsh, Lucas Galik; 7th grade: Delaney Redwitz, Ethan Pape, Reagan Jandura; 8th grade: Alex Hertz, Faith Mackenzie, and DJ Freeman.
Mr. Scott Maupin, Wilmington High School Principal reported:
Semester exams will be administered on 12/17 and 12/18. First semester incomplete grades are due in Guidance by 1/8. The 2020 Christmas Concert will be held virtually and posted on the WHS Website and Facebook during the week of 12/14th. WHS will offer the SAT prep class this year in mid-January. We are still waiting on the list of 2020 Illinois State Scholars. On behalf of the National Honor Society, Mrs. Maupin applied for the HOPE Fair Housing Center Service Grant and was awarded $400. The NHS plans to apply this grant to a Pediatric Wish List Project. Each month students are selected from each grade level to be students of the month. For the month of November Emily Cockream and Andrew Dedo were selected from the freshman class, Ryder Meents and Abby Pitts from the sophomore class, Anna Liaromatis and Madison Berman from the junior class, Ellen Dooley and Brandon Russell from the senior class. Winter athletics are paused at this time. We are limited to winter-sport individual workouts only (1 athlete and 1 coach). Auditions for the Spring Musical Cinderella are taking place this month.
Mr. Mike McCorminck, Technology Coordinator reported:
Everything is running smoothly. Chromebooks are out for the kids who need them for E- Learning. Working on some maintenance.
Mrs. Lisa Hipes, Finance Director reported:
n Mrs. Hipes stated that the State of Illinois is $181,043.98 behind in payments Last year they were behind $239,764.30.
n Mrs. Hipes reported that the District will ask for a Levy which exceeds the 1.05% and will require a public hearing. The hearing was held at 6:15 P.M. on 12/14/20. The District has been under tax caps for several years. Tax caps established that tax payers will not pay more in taxes than the prior year plus an inflation adjustment. This year the inflation adjustment is 2.3%. The levy will also include an amount of tax generated from new property that was not on the tax roll last year. The tax rate including Bonds is projected to increase by more than 5%.
n Mrs. Hipes reported that our FY21 Impact Aid application was completed and
filed on 12/9.
n Mrs. Hipes reported that we will receive our final distribution of 2019 real estate
taxes on 12/17. As of today, we have collected 95.81% of our total tax extension.
Mr. Kevin Feeney, Curriculum Director reported:
The special education teachers and paraprofessionals in grades K through 6th will be participating in the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention training during the teacher institute on January 4th. The SAT and PSAT scores have come back, and will be reviewed over the next several weeks in preparation for the April SAT test. We are continuing the review process for High School Math Textbooks. The high school math teachers have opportunity to review and pilot the Pearson Envision Math Series throughout the 2nd semester. A potential recommendation for adoption and purchase of these textbooks will be made at the April Board Meeting. We will be scheduling a TAB meeting in January to discuss the 2021/2022 calendar.
Dr. Matt Swick, Superintendent reported:
Dr. Swick provided Fund Balances as of November 30, 2020. Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report: None at this time.
December 2..............WHS Winter Concert – 7:00 pm – WHS (will be shared virtually mid-end of December)
December 8 ............Kindergarten Holiday Music Program – 6:00 pm - @ WMS (will be shared virtually mid-end of December)
December 9.............Grade 2 Holiday Music Program – 5:30 pm - @ WMS (will be shared virtually mid-end of December)
December 9.............Grade 3 Holiday Music Program – 6:30 pm - @ WMS (will be shared virtually mid-end of December)
December 14 .............Truth-In-Taxation Hearing 6:15 District Board Room
December 14 ............School Board Meeting – 6:00 Closed; 6:30 Open
December 15............WMS Holiday Concert – 7:00 pm – WMS (will be shared virtually mid-end of December)
December 21-Jan 4...Winter Break
January 4................Teacher Institute – No School
January 5.................School Resumes
January 11...............Board Meeting – 6:00 Closed Session; 6:30 Open Session
January 18................Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No School
As of November 30, 2019, we had received 96.70% of our 2018 levy. As of November 30, 2020, we have received 95.81% of our 2019 levy.
Area 5 Speech Competition results: Please see attachment.
We have been notified of the final 2021 IMRF Rate. The rate will increase from 15.61% to 16.21%.
SIS, and Bruning Principals all received letters of congratulations from the Will County Regional Office of Education for receiving Exemplary designation from ISBE.
SOWIC notes.
Recommended approval for the following consent agenda items as presented: Regular meeting minutes of November 9, 2020; Closed Meeting of November 9, 2020; Approve the Building Principal’s Reports; Curriculum Director’s Report; Technology Coordinator’s Report; Financial Director’s Report; Superintendent’s Report; Approve Treasurer’s Reports for November; Approve November 30, 2020 Payroll remittances, December bills, and December 15, 2020 payroll remittances in the amount of $679,567.92; Ratify payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $306,259.77 for the November 12, 2020 payroll; Ratify payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $300,283.92 for the November 30, 2020 payroll; Ratify payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $311,113.91 for the December 15, 2020 payroll; Authorize the December 18, 2020 payroll; Authorize the January bills to be ratified at the January 11, 2020 board meeting; Approve the Imprest Fund Report for the month of November reimbursed in the amount of $450.00; Approve the Monthly Financial Report for November; Approve the Student Activity Fund Reports for November and authorize the continuance of investments of unencumbered funds; Approve additions to the 2020- 2021 Support Staff Substitute List: Two Substitute Custodians; Approve the following fundraising requests: SIS: Penny Wars, December 7-11, 2020, WHS: Spiritline, Fan Shirts, January 11-21, 2021, BR: Candy Grams, February 4-11, 2021, DIST: Casual Monday, January 1, 25, February 1,8,22, March 8,15,22, April 12,19,26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2021, WMS: Beta Club, Winter Clothing Drive, December 14-18, 2020, WMS: Beta Club, Shriner T-Shirt Sale, January 11-15, 2021. Approve Facility Use Requests: None at this time; Approve the sale or disposal of equipment no longer needed for school purposes- Football Locker Room Lockers; Approve the following donations: None at this time; Approve the SAT Preparation Course 2021; Approve Board Policy Undergoing 5- Year Review: 1. 5:270 – Employment At-Will, Compensation, and Assignment;
Approve the First Reading and Adoption of Board Policies as Amended and Presented:
3:40 – Superintendent
4:80 – Accounting and Audits
4:90 – Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds
6:20 – School Year Calendar and Day
6:300 – Graduation Requirements
6:310 – High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions;
Re-Entering Students
6:320 – High School Credit for Proficiency
6:340 – Student Testing and Assessment Program
7:100 – Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of
7:140 – Search and Seizure
7:300 – Extracurricular Athletics
Act on the Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson to approve the Consent agenda items as amended for the Monday, December 14, 2020 meeting of the Wilmington Community Unit School District 209-U Board of Education. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Dziuban to approve the resignation from Kelli Kapchek as an 8-hour, 10-month Custodian for the 2020-2021 school year. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent, Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Moran to approve the FMLA Request from Casey Crawford from January 19-29, 2021. FMLA will be carried out in concurrence with her accumulated sick leave days and any days used beyond exhaustion of sick days will be without pay. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson to approve the FMLA request from Casey Crawford from February 1- March 22, 2021. FMLA will be carried out in concurrence with her accumulated sick leave days and any days used beyond exhaustion of sick days will be without pay. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dziuban and seconded by Stickel to approve Resolution 17-20 – Certification of 2020 Levy. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kunz and seconded by Anderson to ratify the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Wilmington for Crossing Guards and additional security services for the 2020-2021 school year, which was originally approved at the August 10, 2020 board meeting. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson to approve the revised Wilmington District 209-U 2020-2021 School Calendar. Anderson-aye, Dziuban-aye, Kunz-aye, Moran-aye, Southall-aye, Stickel-aye, and Cragg-absent. Motion carried.
Discussion Items:
Board Policy – Stephanie Southall and C.J. Dziuban: First reading tonight.
Facilities Update/Construction Committee – Terry Anderson & Ben Stickel - No report.
Foundation for Excellence – Tim Cragg: No report
Handbook Committee – Ben Stickel and Erin Moran: No report
IASB Delegate/Legislative Liaison – Peggy Kunz: There were 234 delegates present. Gun storage didn’t pass. Motion carried on teacher shortage.
Negotiations Committee – Terry Anderson and Peggy Kunz: No report
TAB/Leadership Committee – Tim Cragg: No report
Three Rivers Governing Board – Terry Anderson: Breakfast meeting scheduled for February 13, 2020.
WILCO Board of Control – Peggy Kunz: Meeting on December 15th. Student of the quarter was Zachary Bergman, Construction and Landscape.
One Thank you card was received from Megan Bugg for the donation of $500 for children’s cancer research, which was raised from the on-line spiritwear “More than 4” sales.
A motion was made by Stickel and seconded by Anderson at 7:02 P.M. to adjourn until the regular meeting on January 11, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Closed Session will be at 6:00 p.m. All Aye – Motion Carried.