
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Plainfield President and the Board of Trustees met June 15

Village of Plainfield President and the Board of Trustees met June 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Board Present: K.Calkins (Electronic), P.Kalkanis (Electronic), C.Larson Electronic), B. Wojowski ( 7: 11 P. M. Electronic), H.Benton (Electronic), And M.Bonuchi (Electronic). Board Absent: M.Collins. Others Present: B.Murphy, Village Administrator; J.Harvey, Attorney; M.Gibas, Village Clerk; D.Wold, Engineer; A.Persons, Public Works Director; J.Proulx, Planning Director; J.Gal, Planner( Electronic); J.Melrose, Economic Development Manager( Electronic); L.Spires, Building Official; T.Pleckham, Management Services Director; R.Kaczanko, It Director; A.De Boni, Community Relations Director( Electronic), And J.Konopek, Chief Of Police (Electronic).


Trustee Bonuchi called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. Roll call was taken, Trustee Wojowski arrived at 7: 11 p.m, all other Trustees were present at the time ofroll call. Mayor Collins was absent. Trustee Bonuchi led the Pledge ofAllegiance.

Trustee Larson moved to appoint Trustee Bonuchi as this evening' s Chair. Second by Trustee Calkins. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


No Comments.


Trustee Calkins expressed concern that trucks are still to driving through the Dayfield Subdivision.

Chief Konopek gave a brief update on the steps taken and continued efforts by Village Staff to fix this problem.

Trustee Kalkanis expressed concern regarding the trucks driving through the Dayfield Subdivision.

Trustee Larson:

Expressed concern regarding the trucks driving through the Dayfield Subdivision.

Expressed concern regarding a Warehouse project in Romeoville and the potential for truck issues on Renwick Road.

Encouraged everyone to support local businesses.

Suggested closing Lockport Street for an extension of outdoor dining.

Thanked the Police Department for working long hours. Chief Konopek gave an update on K-9 Kody.

Trustee Wojowski:

Commented on outdoor dining downtown.

Expressed concern regarding trucks driving through the Dayfield Subdivision.

Expressed concern regarding a Warehouse project in Romeoville and the potential for truck issues on Renwick Road.

Encouraged the Police Officers to stay positive and let them know that people do support the Police.

Trustee Benton:

Suggested holding the businesses accountable for semi-trucks that are driving through the Dayfield Subdivision and potentially having a Workshop on the topic.

Commented about excessive jake breaking on 143rd Street and suggest a sign.

Commented on the parklets for downtown dining.

Thanked the Police Department.

Commented on the Romeoville Warehouse project.

Trustee Bonuchi:

Thanked the Village Staff for all of their hard work.

Suggested a large fine for trucks driving through Dayfield Subdivision.

Commented on the parklets for downtown dining.

Expressed concern regarding a Warehouse project in Romeoville and the potential for truck issues on Renwick Road.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (3- 5 minutes)

Courtney Cook submitted a public comment regarding Police Department Training.

Jonathan Gilmore submitted a public comment regarding Police Department Training.

Tiffany Cosby submitted a public comment regarding Police Department Training.

Ariel DeLaPaz submitted a public comment regarding how the School District should address name changes and pronouns for transgender and LGTBQ students.

Mike Ringa submitted a public comment stating that the Village should focus on fixing the problem of semi-trucks driving through the Dayfield Subdivision before adding infrastructure on attract more businesses on 143rd Street.

Sarah Formelli submitted a public comment expressing concern regarding the closure of playground equipment.



Trustee Larson moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Trustee Benton. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Trustee Benton moved to approve the Consent Agenda to include:

a) Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on June 1, 2020.

b) Bills Paid and Bills Payable Reports for June 15, 2020.

c) Cash & Investment, Revenue, and Expenditure Reports for May, 2020.

d) Ordinance No. 3465, increasing the Class E Liquor Licenses to 16 for Nueva Taqueria La Flor De Morelos, located at 13500 S. Route 59, and increasing the Class K" Liquor Licenses to four( 4) for Khaos Brewing, located at 12337 S. Route 59, Suite 147.

e) Authorize the Village President to execute a two-year contract extension with Waste Management expiring on December 31, 2022.

g) Approval of the Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition Membership Payment of 27,365. 00 in accordance with Village Resolution 1650. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Trustee Wojowski moved to open the Public Hearing for the 143rd Street West Water Main Extension project. Second by Trustee Benton. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Benton stated that a public comment from Mike Ringa that was referenced in the Public Comment portion ofthe meeting, may have been a public comment meant for the Public Hearing.

Trustee Wojowski moved to adopt Resolution No. 1787, Committing Funds as required by DCEO, prior to the submission of the ReBuild Illinois Grant application package related to the 143` d Street West Water Main Extension. Second by Trustee Kalkanis. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Trustee Calkins moved to approve the proposed River Tubing Permit Agreement with Plainfield River Tubing, LLC and authorize the Village President to execute the Permit Agreement. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Trustee Larson moved to continue the Public Hearing for a proposed annexation agreement for a development known as Ballard Farms at the northeast corner of 127th Street and Heggs Road to the July 6, 2020 meeting of the Board of Trustees. Second by Trustee Benton. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Trustee Larson moved to adopt the findings of fact of the Plan Commission as the findings of fact of the Board of Trustees and, furthermore, move to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance approving the requested map amendment( re- zoning) of the parcel commonly known as 14110 S. Route 59 (Parcel Identification Number 06- 03- 04-409- 003- 0000) from B- 3— Highway Business District to I- 2— General Industrial District. Second by Trustee Bonuchi.

Mr. Jon Proulx stated that the applicant is a contract purchaser and is seeking approval of a map amendment, rezoning, to 1- 2 for the property located at the northwest corner of 143`d Street and Route 59. A general discussion ensued. There was some concern expressed regarding rezoning. Trustee Bonuchi suggested tabling the item to allow some time to get more information.

Trustee Bonuchi moved to table the item. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, no; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 5 yes, 1 no. Motion carried.


No Report.


Trustee Calkins moved to direct the President to accept the quote from TKB Associates to upgrade the Laserfiche document management system to Laserfiche Cloud at a cost of$27,560.00. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


No Report.


Trustee Calkins moved to accept the 2019- 2020 Annual Report of the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Mr. Lonnie Spires presented the Building and Code Enforcement Report for May, 2020.


Trustee Benton moved to authorize the Village President to sign an Agreement with the Illinois Department ofTransportation, Agreement No. JN- 120- 018, regarding the installation of a traffic signal and related work at IL Route 59 and Champion Drive. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Benton moved to adopt Resolution No. 1785, " Exhibit B" Funding Resolution for IDOT Project C- 91- 112- 20, appropriating the sum of$51, 831. 00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay its share of the cost of the improvement. Second by Calkins. Trustee Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Larson moved to authorize the Village President to award the Plainfield Police Department Parking Lot Improvements contract to P. T. Ferro Construction Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in an amount not to exceed $451, 631. 34 plus a 5% contingency. Second by Trustee Kalkanis. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Bonuchi moved to authorize the Village President to short list SEECO Consultants Inc, Soil and Materials Consultants Inc. and Geo Services Inc. for Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Material Testing and Environmental Services on an as- needed basis. Second by Trustee Kalkanis. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Bonuchi moved to authorize the Village President to award the 2020 Pavement Marking Program Contract to Superior Road Striping Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in an amount not exceed$ 59, 921. 41. Second by Trustee Larson. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Trustee Benton moved to authorize the Village President to enter into an agreement with TRI-R Systems Incorporated for the completion of the 2020 Automation Improvements for the Village of Plainfield. Second by Trustee Wojowski. Vote by roll call. Calkins, yes; Kalkanis, yes; Larson, yes; Wojowski, yes; Benton, yes; Bonuchi, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.


Chief Konopek presented the Operations Report for May, 2020.


No Report.

Trustee Bonuchi read the reminders.

Trustee Larson moved to adjourn. Second by Trustee Benton. Voice Vote. All in favor, 0 opposed.

Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8: 35 p.m.
