
Will County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Village of Bolingbrook Mayor and Board of Trustees met June 9

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The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bolingbrook was called to order at the hour of 8:00 p.m., June 09, 2020, in Bolingbrook, Illinois, by Mayor Roger C. Claar.


Mayor Roger C. Claar requested, Ken Enda to lead the pledge to the Flag. Ken is a long time Bolingbrook resident and Superintendent of Facilities for the Village's Public Services



Village Clerk, Carol S. Penning, called the roll:

Present were: Mayor Roger C. Claar, Trustees Maria A. Zarate, Michael T. Lawler, Mary Alexander Basta, Michael J. Carpanzano, Sheldon L. Watts, and Robert M. Jaskiewicz

Also present were:

Village Clerk - Carol S. Penning, Village Attorney - Burt Odelson, Public Safety Director - Ken Teppel, Finance Director - Rosa Cojulun, Director of Public Services & Development - Lucas Rickelman, Deputy Police Chief - Michael Rampa, Superintendent of Facilities - Ken Enda and Chief Information Officer - James Farrell

Absent: None


Motion Basta, second Zarate to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 19, 2020 as submitted by the Village Clerk.

Voice vote. Motion carried.


Burt Odelson, Village Attorney indicated that he had no additions or deletions for the agenda.

Motion Lawler, second Carpanzano to approve the agenda as presented.

Voice vote. Motion carried.


Motion Lawler, second Basta to approve the new appointments to the following Commission:

Arts Council Commission:

• Mithra Zaucha - Chair

Voice vote. Motion carried.



Discussed the circumstances facing our country today. It has been difficult watching what has been going on in the last few weeks caused by an irresponsible, reckless, murdering police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. What has transpired since, throughout the entire United States and around the world, is so unfortunate. What is it going to take to bring this country back together? It will certainly take a lot of discussion and a lot of change. There are people calling for dismantling and/or the disbanding of police departments and defunding police departments. People in Washington and Congress are looking for legislation. People in Springfield are talking about it.

What happened to Mr. Floyd was hard to watch. A police officer can literally murder a man knowing he is being videotaped. It was hard to comprehend and/or believe. Mayor Claar asked Ken Teppel to say a few words the regarding the protesting. He will tell you what we are trying to do as a Village. He also asked him to give a brief update on COVID-19.

Ken Teppel, Director of Public Safety, for the Bolingbrook provided an update. There was a handful of demonstrations over the past week here in Bolingbrook. Every effort was made to work with the organizers. We worked to ensure that the demonstrations were as safe as possible as far as the locations and routes. We also tried strived to keep our businesses, residents and our traffic flow as safe as possible. He commended the organizers and those who attended for their positive behavior. He added that there were a couple of windows broken and some graffiti. A few arrests were made regarding those incidents.

Mayor Claar extended sympathy to Trustee Mike Lawler, whose brother passed away this past week. He will be returning to South Bend tonight for his brother's service. He came back specifically to attend the Village Board Meeting.

Provided information about the Village Picnic, concerts and 4th of July. The concerts are being broadcast live from the theater behind Village Hall as they always are, but not allowing people to attend. When we get to phase four, there is a capacity of 50 people outside. There is plenty of room for people to socially distance on the Hill and enjoy the music live. The fireworks display is going to occur. It will be called "a Drive In Fireworks Display. We are going to be very liberal on where you can park and it will be a one-night event. Additional details will be published soon. The Village Picnic is scheduled for the last Sunday of the month. People that attend will be able to social distance. There will be exhibits around the pond that will be separated and the path will be a one-way walkaway around the pond. We will be doing everything we can to keep people separated. Obviously, some activities cannot take place because of the compact nature of the gathering.

Mayor Claar provided information on the budget status. We are watching our numbers as they come in from Springfield. Typically, the biggest number is sales tax and is 40% of our budget.

Due to the closing of the stores, we are anticipating a shortfall in sales tax. We received some numbers today from March. In the month of March, the stores were only closed about 10 out of the 31 days. Over the next couple of days, we are going to be looking at those numbers along with hotel, motel tax and other revenue items, to see where the dips are and then we can do some projections. We are feeling better than we did a month ago, looking at the numbers we are seeing at this date, but it is going to impact the budget. I am sure you are seeing that Chicago has a $700 million shortfall. Joliet, which relies heavily upon gambling video poker riverboats, which had been closed now for three months is going to experience a big sharp fall in that area. The big revenue loss, sales tax, was from stores there were closed, but there were exceptions such as food stores, Costco, Walmart. Those exceptions have kept sales going.

Mayor Claar shared information regarding the Rocket Ice Arena. There was a posting on Facebook, which is incorrect. Rocket Ice Arena was a big target of the last election back in 2017 and 2019. There is a lot of misinformation out there. One of the finest things this Village Board did was putting together the Rocket Ice Arena to serve people that enjoy hockey and skating.

It has been very successful. Just to give you a little bit of history, for those of you that are new to the area. Back in 1982, the population of Bolingbrook was 30,000 people. The Bolingbrook Park District passed a referendum to build a swimming pool. It was an indoor swimming pool, which I believe was one of the first indoor wave swimming pools in the United States. It literally had a large machine in the deep end, which created waves. It ran for 15 years or so and it closed in 1996. When the pool closed, the land was returned to the Village of Bolingbrook.

The voters that approved it spent about $3 million on that pool. It sat empty after it closed for about three or four years. The board and I agree, at the time, it really did not like to see a $3 or $4 million building built by the taxpayers of Bolingbrook, turned into rubble, torn down, and hauled away. That was its fate at that time. Ed Schroeter became aware of the wave pools availability. He came to the Village and said that he would like to turn it into a hockey rink.

He took over the building, spent $3 million and put in a sheet of ice effectively gutting the building at his own expense, his own money, not taxpayer money.

He is paying a hefty amount to take care of his mortgage. He came to us a few weeks ago and he, like some of you, probably like the village, is refinancing some outstanding bonds, because interest rates are record low. Everybody likes to take advantage of refinancing their debts. You would like t6 take advantage of that as well. The bank wants him to have a 30- year mortgage. Right now, he has 20 years to go. So what have on the agenda tonight is to extend that 20 years back to 30 years, a 10-year extension. This is not a thirty-year extension, like some people out there have written to me today, because of bad information being put out on Facebook. It will be a good deal for him and it is a good deal for Bolingbrook to keep that major ice arena going. The area is the home of the Sabers, which is one of the top hockey leagues in the country. The Ice Arena has 40 full-time and part-time jobs.

Stores are reopening. Phase four is just a few weeks away and hopefully things will start to get back to normal, but it is important to be cognizant of COVID-19 and we hope it is gone. The one thing troubling me is that the governor wants to have a vaccine before he goes to phase five. Mayor Claar added that he hopes there will be a vaccine, but polling is showing that only 49% of American people have indicated they will take the vaccine once it is developed.



NATIONAL FLAG DAY, June 14, 2020: Mayor Claar proclaimed June 14th , 2020, NATIONAL FLAG DAY in the Village Bolingbrook, and urged citizens to pause on this day for the 41 st ANNUAL NATIONAL PAUSE FOR THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and recite with all Americans the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag and Nation. Roger C. Claar, Mayor, accepted the proclamation.

Mayor Claar shared the he has put up a number of flag poles around Bolingbrook. He has encouraged businesses to put up flagpoles. He has one at his home. Thortons is going to be built this summer and in November will be putting up a hundred foot flagpole, which will be highly visible. He added that he is a flag waver and he loves the flagpole behind village hall on the top of the hill. You can see it from 1-55 passing through Bolingbrook. He emphasized that he is a proud American. Flag Day is easy to remember, as it is also his wedding anniversary.



Arts Council Commission Member

New Appointment: Mithra Zaucha, Chair

Former Chair Phyllis Meyer Erickson and Vice Chair Hilary Rosenthal were in attendance to support Mithra Zaucha's appointment.

Hilary Rosenthal said a few words regarding Phyllis. Phyllis has been a mighty warrior for the arts in Bolingbrook. Her passion and her dedication helped make sure that the arts were available for everyone in town. Regardless of whether we were talking about children, adults, and/or teenagers. She really has that passion in her. Under her leadership, the Arts Council has been one of the most active commissions that we have in town. She is fortunately turning it over to someone who is equally passionate, equally talented and a visionary in terms of what she sees possible to accomplish. She added that she will miss Phyllis and the council will miss her too. She knows that Phyllis will still be around and be supporting the arts.




Motion Basta, second Lawler to approve expenditures submitted as Bill Listing A - Payables in the amount of $1,491,241.63, Bill Listing B - Pre-Paids in the amount of $1,083,322.51, totaling $2,574,564.14 (Copies were made available in the Finance Department and the Village Clerk's Office.)


Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.





Motion Carpanzano, second Watts to adopt a resolution approving an agreement with Knight E/A Inc. for phase two Engineering Services at Bolingbrook's Clow International Airport.

Knight E/A Inc. is the IDOT approved Village consultant for Bolingbrook Clow Airport. This agreement is for Phase II (construction drawings and bid documents). The contact covers plane parking areas and the adjacent aprons. The cost is $50,985.00. The construction cost estimate is $620,000.00. Funding for the project is 90% federal, 5% state and 5% local.


Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.



Motion Jaskiewicz, second Zarate to adopt a resolution approving renewal of contract between the Village of Bolingbrook and GAD Group Technology Inc. for consultant/contractor services.

This Resolution renews an annual contract with the GAD Group Technology Inc. for I.T. Services. The Gad group provides two full-time on-site consultants that provide "help desk" and software support services. The cost is $210,000.00, which is what was budgeted.

The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.


Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.



Motion Watts, second Zarate to adopt a resolution approving independent contractor agreement between the Village of Bolingbrook and Robert Lee.

This Resolution renews an IT contract with Robert Lee to provide application and software support for the Village's AS400 computer program for fiscal year 2020-2021. The annual cost is $25,000.00, which is the budgeted amount and half of last years' amount as the Village transitions away from the AS400. The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.


Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.



Motion Carpanzano, second Basta approving renewal of Cisco Smart Net Total Care Contracts - Mindsight.

This Resolution renews a three-year lease with Cisco and Mindsight Services through De Lage Landen Public Finance LLC to lease Cisco equipment and services. The contract is retroactive to January 1, 2020. The contract covers switching devices and routers for sixteen devices at fire stations, public works and Town Center. The cost is $59,938.06 per year (total $179,814.18). The Finance Committee has reviewed and recommends approval.


Yea 6 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano, Jaskiewicz

Nay 0 None

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.




Motion Basta, second Lawler to pass an ordinance approving 2020 amendment of lease - American Sports, LTD. (Rocket Ice Arena) - Subject to Attorney Approval.

This Ordinance amends a lease with American Sports, Ltd for the property at 180 Canterbury Lane (Rocket Ice Arena). The current lease expires in 2040. This amendment extends the lease for ten years until September 1, 2050. Under the current lease, the Village receives 1 % of gross revenue until June 1, 2024. The amendment increases that amount, after June 1, 2024 to 3% through the end of the lease. A breakdown of revenues provided by the owner of the ice arena is attached. Due to the COVID-19 facility closure and current low interest rates, the owner would like to reduce his mortgage payments by refinancing. This Ordinance approves the lease extension.

Trustee Jaskiewicz had financial questions as it relates to the amendment of the lease. Mayor Claar responded accordingly. Discussion ensued. Trustee Jaskiewicz agreed that this a great program.


Yea 5 Zarate, Lawler, Basta, Watts, Carpanzano,

Nay 1 Jaskiewicz

Absent 0 None

Motion carried.



This Ordinance would convert the Office of the Mayor from a full-time to a part-time position.

The change would be effective with the Consolidated Election in April of 2021. The salary for part-time Mayor would be $35,000.00 a year and would include the duties of the Alcohol and Tobacco Commissioner.

The Trustee and Clerk salaries would remain the same. Trustee salary would be $16,625.00 and the Clerk salary would be $23,969.00. All salaries would be adjustable annually based on the consumer price index (CPI).

Note: Terms and conditions of office cannot be changed during the current term of office and changes must be approved at least one hundred-eighty days (180) prior to an election.

Village Attorney Burt Odelson gave an overview regarding changes to the draft ordinance, which the Trustees have had for a number of months. He highlighted the changes and indicated that a new draft will be available in the next week or so. The new part-time Mayor will receive a flat $35,000 and a built in increase starting May 1st, 2022. They will formalized the office of Deputy Mayor, similar to a number of other municipalities. Incorporated in this ordinance is the Village Administrator position, which Jim Boan previously handled. Also tonight, you have the transition to Village Administrator summary, which has been updated.

It is an anticipated savings in the area of $40,000 a year, having a part-time Mayor and a fulltime Administrator. The Deputy Mayor position is probably the biggest change as it has been around since 1986. It has never been formally designated as to what the position entails. This would basically be the same process. The Mayor would appoint a Deputy Mayor and the Deputy Mayor would serve in the absence of the Mayor or if the Mayor' is unavailable.



Trustee Zarate

Extended condolences to Michael Lawler and his family. Expressed her appreciation that Michael came to the Village Board meeting even though he was grieving the loss of his brother. She added that it shows the type of person he is and how much he loves Bolingbrook.

Thanked Phyllis for all she did as chair of the Arts Council and wished Mirtha success as the new chair. Provided details for Spring Clean-up week, June 8th through June 12th and that is scheduled on your normal trash pickup day. Unlimited bulk items and an unlimited amount of refuge will be picked up. This does not include electronic waste, construction materials or demolition debris, which requires a special roll off container. Please call Groot at (888) 485- 0900 to schedule a pick up for electronics.

Trustee Lawler

Extended his appreciation from everyone that showed their support to him and his family with the recent passing of his older brother Russ. He was a great guy and will be missed.

Thanked Phyllis as she has done a great job. She has been dedicated and is an amazing person. We appreciate all her efforts over the years. He added that he has gotten to know Mithra over the last several years and she secured a couple of grants for the Valley View Educational Enrichment Foundation. The grants have positively impacted our schools in food science. Mithra is very dedicated to the community and she is going to be wonderful as Chair of the Arts Council. Congratulated Christie Sorenson with the Bolingbrook Park District and the entire team for putting on a great show for the summer concert. He added that he is looking forward to the next concert. We are following the guidelines in the interest of public safety as it relates to COVID 19. He thanked everyone for being able to produce the show and get it out to the public. There were over 5,000 people watching and that was all over the world. We have a good following now that we live stream the concerts.

Trustee Basta

Congratulated the youth in the community that participated in the demonstrations over this past week. They did an amazing job keeping the peace as well as promoting their message.

She thanked Public Services and Public Safety for their assistance and maintaining the safety of the Village. Shared positive news that Bolingbrook resident and St. Dominic Catholic School Alum Mia Farrell recently was named Female Athlete of the Year a the University of Chicago. Mia, while playing Basketball for University of Chicago has over a dozen spots in the record books including number two in free throws made, number four in three-point percentage, number ten in steals, number five in school history for points scored and number five for points in a single season. This past season she was also named First Team All-UM (conference award) and Co-Defensive Player of the year in addition to Second-Team AllRegion by D3Hoops.com.

The Chicago Maroon newspaper named Farrell, along with two fellow senior teammates "Female Athletes of the Year". These players left a mark on the program. During Mia's four years playing for the University of Chicago, the team made it to four straight NCAA Tournament appearances and won their conference title twice while going undefeated for one of their conference titles. Mia will graduate in June with an undergraduate degree in Public Policy and plans to go to DePaul University in the fall for Grad School to obtain her Master's in Public Administration. She congratulated Mia and the entire Farrell family. The Village looks forward to seeing Mia in the limelight for many years to come.

Trustee Watts

Bolingbrook has been going through a great deal over the past few months from the impact of COVID-19 to what could potentially be one of the most transformational moments that our nation has seen in a long time sparked by the horrific murder of George Floyd. He shared that he is extremely proud as a resident of Bolingbrook, how things have been handled as it relates to the circumstances, the marches and the protests. All have been handled very well and our tremendous diversity has been on great display during those events. He added that Bolingbrook is truly a model community. The village, as Mayor Claar previously mentioned, is in the process of establishing a forum that will focus on community, race relations and police interactions. He had the opportunity to begin dialogue with many of our residents and have discussions with some of our participants. While there has been some areas of concern mentioned, the feedback has been positive about our community and the policing in Bolingbrook. Congratulated Phyllis on her many years of dedicated service to the Village and being involved in the STEM organization. Phyllis has always been a forward thinker in her collaborations with the arts. She is an awesome lady to work with over the years. He wished Mithra well and congratulated her on her new role. Lastly, he provided information that Illinois American Water will be starting a flushing of the water system and fire hydrant program. They wanted residents to know that during this time you may see a slight drop in water pressure. If you have any questions, please call (800) 422-2782.

Trustee Carpanzano

Echoed some comments about Phyllis that everyone has touched on. She has clearly interacted with a lot of folks throughout her years. He added that he personally had the opportunity to work with Phyllis on many of projects. He thanked her for everything and looked forward to Mithra's passion. He encouraged everyone to look inside themselves. He believes as a community, we are better than this as a state, as a nation, as a world. If we all took a few seconds to look inside of our hearts and how we should strive to love our neighbors. If everyone did that, we would be in a much better place. Please continue to shop and eat local. Restaurants are open and their outdoor patios are open. Please get out there - if at all possible and support our local restaurants. There are ample flyers floating around social media to find what restaurants are open and available for outdoor dining.

Shared information that the Bolingbrook Park District has installed the STRIKE GUARD lightning detection systems at the following locations: Central Park (Annerino Community Center), Lily Cache Sports Fields-East, Pelican Harbor Outdoor Aquatic Park and Indian Boundary Park. Although each one of us is responsible for our own safety, the Park District is utilizing this sophisticated computer system to provide additional warning when dangerous conditions are detected. The system consists of sensors placed at the park site that measure lightning strikes in an 8-10 mile radius of the park. When conditions indicate that lightning has occurred, a signal is sent to an alarm horn. The signal provides an 8- to 12-minute warning that allows one to clear the area and seek shelter. Bolingbrook Park District has elected to only activate the strobe light during the COVID-19 Re-opening Process. This will allow the public to get used to the strobe light without the alarm, while organized play in these parks has been suspended. The alarm portion of the system will be activated when normal activity resumes at these locations. In the event you see these strobe lights, it is the new Strike Guard lightning detection system.

Trustee Jaskiewicz

Stressed the importance of Census 2020 and encouraged residents to take the time to fill out the online form or the mailing form. It impacts all of us, especially when we are concerned about our budget since having to face the challenges of COVID-19. He shared that food pantries are in high demand right now and they need your help. They need donations, they need food, they need diapers and they will take monetary donations, whatever you can do to help.

He indicated that the Mayor, Trustees and the Public Safety Director of the Police Department are being proactive and trying to bring our community together, answer your questions, answer your concerns, alleviate your fears and do whatever we can to help you out. If you have concerns, if you have issues, if you have questions, email any of your Trustees or give us a call. Ken Teppel has never turned down a phone call from any resident. Lastly, he mentioned that Gary Handwerg has been diagnosed with a tumor in the front of his brain and has gone through a variety of tests. Please keep him in your prayers. Gary is a long time member of the Bolingbrook Community Television Commission.



Motion Basta, second Lawler to adjourn the meeting.

Voice vote. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.




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