
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

ILLINOIS STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 37: How Childcare Providers Can Open for Emergency Care

Coronavirus photo 1

Illinois State House District 37 issued the following announcement on May 13.

State Representative Mcdermed is working with childcare providers in Will County to ensure that as the state opens up, more childcare providers are allowed to open to serve families that return to work.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, childcare centers have for the most part been closed, except those that have been allowed to open and serve essential workers. The Governor’s office claims that “less than 25% of licensed providers have reopened under the emergency care rules.” If you are a childcare providers that would like to offer emergency care to essential workers, the following information has been provided by the Governor’s Office:

For Child Care Providers Who Want to Offer Emergency Care to Essential Workers:

Emergency Child Care will follow newly developed guidelines developed by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), which were informed by CDC guidelines and best practices for caring for children. All persons providing care for children in an emergency setting are required to have a current background check.

Effective March 21, 2020 and for as long as the public health emergency continues, licensed and licensed-exempt child care homes may serve up to six children of essential workers as a legally license-exempt home. Click here for additional guidance. No application or registration is required to continue operation, but homes choosing to remain open to serve the children of essential workers must:

This way, they can connect essential worker families to available care.

IDHS through the CCR&R system is offering one-time stipends to help defray additional costs that may be incurred by child care programs that opt to open and provide child care for the children of essential workers. Emergency child care programs that are providing emergency child care through May 15, 2020 are eligible. The One-Time Emergency Child Care Stipend will end May 15, 2020. Stipend applications must be submitted to eccgrants@inccrra.org by Tuesday, May 19th. Applications received after May 19th will not be processed.

Emergency Child Care Stipend Program – FAQ, Application, and Attendance Sheets

Emergency Child Care Stipend Program – Attendance Form: Formerly Licensed Family Child Care

Programa de estipendios para el cuidado infantil de emergencia – Pautas y aplicación para programas de cuidado infantil

Programa de estipendios para el cuidado infantil de emergencia – Formulario de asistencia: Cuidado infantil familiar con licencia previa

Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, Governor Pritzker amended the Executive Order to allow certain license-exempt child care centers to provide care for the children of essential workers without needing to apply for an Emergency Child Care License during the COVID-19 State of Emergency. It is recommended that centers serve no more than 50 children per center with a maximum group size of 10 per classroom. Click here for additional guidance that includes examples of the types of programs that qualify for this option. No application or registration is required to continue operation, but license-exempt centers choosing to remain open to serve the children of essential workers must:

Click here to let the CCR&R system know that you are offering emergency child care. This way, they can connect essential worker families to available care.

IDHS through the CCR&R system is offering one-time stipends to help defray additional costs that may be incurred by child care programs that opt to open and provide child care for the children of essential workers. Emergency child care programs that are providing emergency child care through May 15, 2020 are eligible. The One-Time Emergency Child Care Stipend will end May 15, 2020. Stipend applications must be submitted to eccgrants@inccrra.org by Tuesday, May 19th. Applications received after May 19th will not be processed.

Emergency Child Care Stipend Program – FAQ, Application, and Attendance Sheets

Emergency Child Care Stipend Program – Attendance Form: Child Care Center

Programa de estipendios para el cuidado infantil de emergencia – Pautas y aplicación para programas de cuidado infantil

Programa de estipendios para el cuidado infantil de emergencia – Formulario de asistencia: Cuidado infantil familiar con licencia previa

License-exempt centers are allowed to apply for an Emergency Child Care License from DCFS if they so choose. See below for more information.

Effective March 21, 2020 child care centers can apply to become an Emergency Child Care Center to continue to serve the children of essential workers during the COVID-19 State of Emergency. It is recommended that centers serve no more than 50 children per center with a maximum group size of 10 per classroom. Click here for additional guidance. Centers that would like to apply to become an Emergency Child Care Center must:

Complete an IDCFS Application for Child Care Facility License and submit it to Emergency.Daycare@illinois.gov. You may need to submit updated IDCFS Authorization for Background Checks for Child Care.

Review the below:

Quick Reference of Rules for Emergency Child Care Centers

Rules 407: Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers

Rules 407: Policy Transmittal (3/20/2020)

Click here to let the CCR&R system know that you are offering emergency child care. This way, they can connect essential worker families to available care.

IDHS through the CCR&R System is offering one-time stipends to help defray additional costs that may be incurred by child care programs that opt to open and provide child care for the children of essential workers. Emergency child care programs that are providing emergency child care through May 15, 2020 are eligible. The One-Time Emergency Child Care Stipend will end May 15, 2020. Stipend applications must be submitted to eccgrants@inccrra.org by Tuesday, May 19th. Applications received after May 19th will not be processed.

Emergency Child Care Stipend Program – FAQ, Application, and Attendance Sheets

Emergency Child Care Stipend Program – Attendance Form: Child Care Center

Programa de estipendios para el cuidado infantil de emergencia – Pautas y aplicación para programas de cuidado infantil

Programa de estipendios para el cuidado infantil de emergencia – Formulario de asistencia: Cuidado infantil familiar con licencia previa

Resources to Support Child Care Providers During the Pandemic

Original source can be found here.