
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lockport Committee of the Whole met April 8

Lockport Committee of the Whole met April 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Pursuant to Governor Pritzker Executive Order 2020-07 which suspends the requirement of the Illinois Open Meetings Act requiring in-person attendance by members of a public body during the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, the members of the City Council will be participating in the meeting through a video and audio access using the virtual meeting platform, Zoom. The Mayor, and essential members of the City staff, may be physically present in the Board Room, but pursuant to the Governor's Executive Order No. 2020-10 and CDC guidelines, no more than 10 people will be allowed in the Board Room at any one time. Anyone in excess of 10 people will be asked to wait in another room until the agenda item for which the person or persons would like to speak on is being discussed or until the open floor for public comments. Public comments can be emailed in advance of the meeting to bbenson@lockport.org.




1. Discussion on establishing a Small Business COVID-19 grant and loan program to permit the City to infuse money to local businesses so as to support them during this time of emergency and disaster, subject to application, specific guidelines, review, and accountability requirements.

CED-1. Local Business Grant and Loan Program to Help Offset the Anticipated Economic Hardships Caused by COVID-19 in the City of Lockport, IL


(Comments will be heard on items that do not appear on the Agenda. The Public Comment portion of the Agenda shall be subject to a twenty (20) minute limitation. A time limit of five (5) minutes shall be imposed on each Speaker. The purpose of having Public Comments as an Agenda item is to allow any person to make his/her views known to the City Council upon any subject of general or public interest.

Each person wishing to speak during the Public Comment portion of the Agenda must fill out a Public Comment Speaker Card stating name, and the topic about which he/she wishes to speak as well as a Sign-In Sheet, and give to the City Clerk at the Meeting itself. The purpose of the Cards is to obtain the spelling of the name of the Speaker, and provide for efficient meeting administration.

The order of speaking shall be based upon the order of Sign-In with first person signing-in speaking first and so forth. If the twenty (20) minutes has elapsed before all Speakers who have signed up are allowed to speak, the City Council may elect to continue the time period. However, if the City Council elects not to extend the time period those Speakers who signed up but did not speak may if they so choose to be placed on the next Agenda under the Public Comments Section and shall be placed at the top of the Sign-In Sheet in the same order they were in from the previous Sign-In Sheet. All Speakers shall comply with these rules which shall be posted at the Speaker Sign-in desk and rulings of the City Clerk.)

