
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Shorewood Planning and Zoning Commission met Nov. 6

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Village of Shorewood Planning and Zoning Commission met Nov. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call to Order – Chairman Brockman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

A. Pledge to the Flag

B. Roll Call

Present: Chairman Stevan Brockman, Vice Chairman Dan Warren, Brad Brooks, David Goodale, Ellen Kijowski, Deb Olson, Cheri Susner, Mike Kaminsky

Absent: Jim Relyea, Bruce Durham

Staff: Kelley Chrisse, Economic Development Director

Natalie Engel, Village Planner

Jim Culotta, Village Administrator

Others: Trustee Tony Luciano

Christopher Flores, Diesel Truck Repair

Jeff Shilkaitis, Patrick Commercial

Mike Peterson, Maciano’s Pizza and Pastaria

II. Order of Business

A. Approval of Minutes

1. October 2, 2019

Commissioner Kaminsky made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Susner. All in favor, none opposed, minutes approved.

B. Public Comment


C. Planning and Zoning

1. Petition #19-389 Filed by Christopher Flores for Diesel Truck Center 303 Amendodge Drive, Units C&D Request to consider a conditional use permit for a truck repair facility

Chairman Brockman opened the public hearing.

Natalie Engel, Village Planner, presented the staff report. Christopher Flores, the owner of Diesel Truck Center, has requested the approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a truck repair center at 303 Amendodge Dr., Units C&D. The property is located in the Amendodge Industrial Park and is zoned I-2, General Industrial District.

The business will focus on mechanical repairs. All repairs and storage will be done within the principal building. They will be open 6 days per week and will only accept trucks for repair when they are open.

Truck parking will be behind the building when the business first opens. There is an existing gravel parking area west of the building that was built without permits. The property owner is filing an application to address it. If the parking area is approved by the Village, Diesel Truck Center would like to park there as well.

Commissioner Brooks asked about fencing and lighting. Christopher Flores, the applicant, indicated that he was not planning to change either.

Commissioner Olson expressed concerns about oil and gas spills in proximity to the river. Mr. Flores indicated that trucks would be taken into the repair bays right away and that the facility would only be doing smaller repairs. Larger projects would be done at his Wilmington facility.

There was discussion about fencing and buffering the use from the riverfront.

Options are limited due to the presence of floodplain and floodway but the improvements made in addressing the non-conforming parking lot would improve the situation.

There would be approximately 5-6 trucks parked outside during the day; they would not stay overnight; and, there would be no trailers.

Motion by Kijowski, seconded by Goodale to close the public hearing. The motion carried. 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Susner, seconded by Kijowski as follows:

Based on the submitted petition and the testimony presented, the proposed Conditional Use to operate a Truck Repair Facility in the I-2 Zoning District meets the standards of approval and is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan; and, therefore, I move that the Planning and Zoning Commission adopt the findings of fact included within the staff memo dated October 30, 2019 as the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and recommend to the Village Board approval of Petition No. 19-389 subject to the following conditions.

1. The business may not utilize the parking gravel yard on the west side of the building unless approved by the Village Board.

2. The property shall be developed, utilized, and all businesses operated in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Village.

The motion carried. 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Susner, Kijowski, Brooks, Goodale, Olson, Kaminsky

Nays: None

2. Petition #19-390 Filed by Bill Rosati for Maciano’s Pizza and Pastaria 850 Brook Forest Avenue Request to consider a site plan amendment for the addition of a walk-in cooler Maciano’s Pizza and Pastaria, represented by owner Bill Rosati, has requested a Site Plan Review for the addition of a 160 SF walk-in cooler.

The addition is 8 feet deep and 20 feet wide and would be installed on a concrete slab. There is a door leading from the restaurant kitchen into a hallway that provides access to both the cooler and to the alley. The cooler would be located 41.67 feet from the curb. Autoturn exhibits have been provided to ensure that circulation will work.

Maciano’s has proposed to build the cooler and hallway with prefabricated modular panels. In order to blend the cooler in to the architecture of the site, they have agreed to clad the structure in panel brick and to place the mechanical equipment on the roof of the shopping center.

There was discussion about the roof of the cooler structure and how drainage would work. There will be a membrane cover to protect from rain and snow. There is a storm sewer in the parking lot. The unit will be similar to the one behind Chicken-&-Spice at Anderson’s Corner.

Motion by Kaminsky, seconded by Goodale as follows:

Based on the submitted petition and the testimony presented, the proposed Site Plan Amendment for the Maciano’s Pizza and Pastaria Cooler Addition in the B-3 Zoning District meets the standards of approval and is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan; and, therefore, I move that the Planning and Zoning Commission adopt the findings of fact included within the staff memo dated October 30, 2019 as the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and recommend to the Village Board approval of Petition No. 19-390

The motion carried. 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

Ayes: Susner, Kijowski, Brooks, Goodale, Olson, Kaminsky

Nays: None

3. Petition #19-391 Proposed by the Village of Shorewood Request to consider a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment regarding Portable Storage Containers Chairman Brockman opened the public hearing. He explained that staff would like the matter tabled until the next meeting.

Motion by Brooks, seconded by Olson to continue the public hearing until the December 4, 2019 meeting. The motion carried. 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

III. Other

A. Staff Updates

IV. Adjournment

Motion by Goodale, seconded by Susner to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. 6 votes in favor, none opposed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.

Natalie Engel Date

Village Planner

