
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Joliet Land Use & Legislative Committee met December 11

Webp meeting8213

City of Joliet Land Use & Legislative Committee met Dec. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

PRESENT: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

ABSENT : None.

2. Approval of Minutes November 18, 2019 111819

Motion to approve the minutes from the November 18, 2019 meeting was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman. Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

3. Citizens to Be Heard on Agenda Items

Mr. Gideon Blustein, Illinois Realtors representing 3 Rivers Association of Realtors, appeared regarding the agenda item pertaining to abandoned residential property registration. Mr. Blustein made some comments pertaining to the proposed $250 bi-annual vacant property registration fee being added.

Ms. Emily Tracy, realtor with Spring Realty in Shorewood, made a few comments pertaining to the proposed $250 bi-annual vacant property registration fee being added.

4. Ad Hoc Committees Advisory Bodies

19-10-17 Ad Hoc Committees advisory bodies

150 W. Jefferson Street Joliet, IL 60432


Council Chambers, 2nd Floor


Mr. Jackson explained some additional language pertaining to Ad Hoc Committees Advisory Bodies.

Motion to approve the Ad Hoc Committees Advisory Bodies was made by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson. Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

5 City Land lease/SE Quadrant of I-55 & Caton Farm Rd.

Land Lease Memo

Mr. Jackson gave background information about the lease agreement at the southeast quadrant of I-55 and Caton Farm Road.

Mr. B.J. Udelhofen appeared on behalf of the lease agreement. He is also the farmer who farmed soybeans on the subject property this past season.

Councilwoman Quillman asked how long he plans on leasing the property. Mr. Udelhofen responded.

Mr. Jackson said the pending lease will go before the full City Council next week.

Motion to recommend the City Land lease/SE Quadrant of I-55 & Caton Farm Road go to the full City Council for approval was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman. 

NAYS: None.

6. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 8, Buildings, Construction and Property Maintenance, Article VII, Property Maintenance Code, Division Six, Abandoned Residential Property Registration, of the Code of Ordinances in the City of Joliet, Illinois


Mr. Jeff Sterr, Director of Neighborhood Services, gave the Committee background information about the proposed ordinance amendment.

Councilman Morris inquired what other municipalities are doing. Mr. Sterr responded.

Councilwoman Quillman inquired about the owner occupied homes that have the homeowners still in them that can't afford to stay there anymore, they are in foreclosure and meanwhile the house deteriorates. Mr. Sterr responded.

Councilman Morris had concerns about penalizing those that follow the ordinance.

There was further detailed discussion about the proposed amendment.

Mr. Sterr suggested this be tabled for 6 months and then come back to the Committee and he will have more details on problem properties that have registered or properties that have never registered.

Motion to table the Ordinance Amending Chapter 8, Buildings, Construction and Property Maintenance, Article VII, Property Maintenance Code, Division Six, Abandoned Residential Property Registration, of the Code of Ordinances in the City of Joliet, Illinois for six months was made by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson. Motion carried by the following vote:


AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

7. Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Properties from the Will County Delinquent Tax Auction

12-11-19 LAND USE Acquisition of property

Mr. Sterr said they identified 5 properties on the delinquent tax auction that they would like to purchase.

Motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Properties from the Will County Delinquent Tax Auction was made by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson. Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

8. Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the Department of Housing and Urban Development

12-11-19 LU CAPER FY2018 memo with changes

Mr. Sterr gave the Committee background information about the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report.

Motion to move the Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for approval was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman. Motion carried by the following vote:


AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

9. Updates to Cannabis Ordinance

Cannabis ordinance

Paraphernalia ordinance

Mr. Regis, Inspector General, gave background information about the updates to the cannabis ordinance to keep it consistent with state law.

There was further discussion regarding the state law.

Mr. Regis also explained a revision to the paraphernalia ordinance.

Motion to move the updates to Cannabis Ordinance to the full City Council for approval was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman. Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

10. Amendment to Certain Parking Restrictions busparking

150 W. Jefferson Street Joliet, IL 60432


Council Chambers, 2nd Floor


Mr. Regis gave background information about the amendments to parking restrictions pertaining to school buses.

There was minor discussion.

Motion to move the amendment to certain parking restrictions to the full City Council for approval was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman. Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.

Old/New Business—Not for Final Action or Recommendation

Councilwoman Quillman said she would like to talk about water conservation at an upcoming meeting.

12. Public Comments

Ms. Christina Johns, 3 Rivers Association of Realtors, made a few comments regarding the ordinance amending the Abandoned Residential Property Registration, Code of Ordinances.

13. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion carried by the following vote:

AYES: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilman Terry Morris, Chairman.

NAYS: None.
