
Will County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Joliet City Council met Dec. 3

Webp meeting 11

Joliet City Council met Dec. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Invocation: Rev. Vincent Shelby, St. John's Missionary Baptist Church, 104 Zarley Blvd.

Pledge to the Flag:

I. Roll Call:

Present: Mayor Robert O'Dekirk, Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Absent: None.

Also Present: Interim City Manager Steve Jones, Corporation Counsel Martin J. Shanahan, Jr.

II. Presentation:

A. City Manager’s Proposed 2020 Budget

1. Motion to Set a Public Hearing Date for Proposed 2020 Budget for Monday, December 16, 2019

The City Clerk stated there is no presentation and this item will be moved under Approval of the Agenda.

III. Mayor:

A. Mayor O’Dekirk – Appointments


IV. Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve the Agenda as written with the following change: 1) Remove Council Memo #635-19: Resolution Authorizing a Cost Sharing Service Agreement with Pace and CenterPoint for Bus Service on Pace Route 511, and 2) Set a Public Hearing Date for Proposed 2020 Budget for Monday, December 16, 2019 was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

V. Citizens to be Heard on Agenda Items:


VI. Council Committee Reports:

A. Public Safety

Councilwoman Quillman and Dave Braner gave an overview and explanation of the items discussed at the Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Public Safety Committee Meeting.

B. Public Service

Councilwoman Gavin gave an overview and explanation of the items discussed at the Monday, December 2, 2019 Public Service Committee Meeting.

C. Ad Hoc City Manager Search Committee

The City Clerk stated she did not believe an Ad Hoc Meeting was held; however, there are three upcoming Special Meetings scheduled for December 9, 10, and 11, 2019 at 4:45 p.m. for interviews of potential City Manager candidates.

A brief discussion was held concerning the meeting time of the three Special Meetings.

VII. Consent Agenda:

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Pre-Council Meeting – November 18, 2019

11-18-19 Minutes

2. Council Meeting – November 19, 2019

11-19-19 Minutes

Council Approved.

B. Council Memo #623-19: Position Vacancies

Council Memo #623-19

A communication from the City Manager contained his recommendation that he be authorized to: 1) Fill one Fire Battalion Chief position, 2) Fill one Firefighter/Paramedic position, and 3) Fill one Communication Shift Supervisor in the Police Department and any subsequent vacancies which may occur.

A brief discussion was held regarding the replace of a Deputy Fire Chief.

Motion to concur in the recommendations of the City Manager was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

VIII. Licenses and Permit Applications:


IX. Public Hearings:


X. Ordinances and Resolutions:

A. Ordinances:

1. Council Memo #625-19: Ordinances Associated with 310 N.Hammes Avenue

a. Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Massage Therapy Business within an Office Suite, Located at 310 N. Hammes Avenue, Suite 201K (PETITION 2019-34)

Ordinance No. 18015

b. Ordinance Approving a Variation of Use to Allow a Massage Therapy Practice in an R-B (Restricted Business) Zoning District, Located at 310 N. Hammes Avenue, Suite 201K

(PETITION 2019-35)

Ordinance No. 18016

Council Memo #625-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #625-19: Ordinances Associated with 310 N. Hammes Avenue was made by Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

2. Council Memo #626-19: Ordinance Declaring Certain Properties

Public Nuisances

Council Memo #626-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #626-19: Ordinance Declaring Certain Properties Public Nuisances was made by Councilman Larry E. Hug.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Ordinance No. 18017

3. Council Memo #627-19: Ordinance Amending Certain Development Application and Permit Fees

Council Memo #627-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #627-19: Ordinance Amending Certain Development Application and Permit Fees was made by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion seconded by Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin,Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Ordinance No. 18018

4. Council Memo #628-19: Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Property for the Expansion of the Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant

Council Memo #628-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #628-19: Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Property for the Expansion of the Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Ordinance No. 18019

B. Resolutions:

1. Council Memo #630-19: Resolution Authorizing Execution of Strategic Federal Advocacy Services Agreement with Tai Ginsberg & Associates, LLC

Council Memo #630-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #630-19: Resolution Authorizing Execution of Strategic Federal Advocacy Services Agreement with Tai Ginsberg & Associates, LLC was made by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion seconded by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Resolution No. 7467

2. Council Memo #631-19: Resolution Authorizing a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with Catholic Charities Daybreak Center Per Councilwoman Quillman's request, Kendall Jackson, Director of Community Development, explained what the CDBG funds are used for and how they are applied for.

Motion to adopt Council Memo #631-19: Resolution Authorizing a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with Catholic Charities Daybreak Center was made by Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman.

Motion seconded by Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Resolution No. 7468

3. Council Memo #632-19: Resolution Authorizing a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with Spanish Community Center

Council Memo #632-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #632-19: Resolution Authorizing a CDBG Subrecipient Agreement with Spanish Community Center was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Resolution No. 7469

4. Council Memo #633-19: Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Elwood and the City of Joliet for a Water System Interconnection

Council Memo #633-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #633-19: Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Elwood and the City of Joliet for a Water System Interconnection was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion seconded by Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

A brief discussion was held regarding clarification of the term "restated" as it refers to this Council Memo.

Resolution No. 7470

5. Council Memo #634-19: Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Para Transit Local Share Agreement with Pace and to Apply for Grant Funds Available Under Title XX of the Social Security Act

Council Memo #634-19

Motion to adopt Council Memo #634-19: Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Para Transit Local Share Agreement with Pace and to Apply for Grant Funds Available Under Title XX of the Social Security Act was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon.

Motion seconded by Councilman Larry E. Hug.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

Resolution No. 7471

6. Council Memo #635-19: Resolution Authorizing a Cost Sharing Service Agreement with Pace and CenterPoint for Bus Service on Pace Route 511

Council Memo #635-19

The City Clerk stated this item was previously removed from the Agenda.

XI. Bids and Contracts:

A. Award of Contracts:

1. Council Memo #637-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the 2020 Blended Phosphate Chemical

Council Memo #637-19

2. Council Memo #638-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the 2020 Drinking Water Sodium Hypochlorite

Council Memo #638-19

3. Council Memo #639-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the 2020 Aluminum Sulfate Solution Purchase

Council Memo #639-19

4. Council Memo #640-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the 2020 Wet Weather Treatment Plant Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Purchase

Council Memo #640-19

5. Council Memo #641-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the Manganese Sulfate Solution Purchase – 2020

Council Memo #641-19

6. Council Memo #642-19: Request for Authorization to Award Contracts for the 2020 Biosolids Disposal Program

Council Memo #642-19

7. Council Memo #643-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the Sodium Bi-Sulfite Purchase – 2020

Council Memo #643-19

8. Council Memo #644-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the Sodium Permanganate Purchase – 2020

Council Memo #644-19

9. Council Memo #645-19: Request for Authorization to Approve a Professional Services Agreement for Pre-Treatment Program Assistance

Council Memo #645-19

10. Council Memo #646-19: Request for Authorization to Award a Contract for the Rock Run Water Tower Reconditioning Project

Council Memo #646-19

11. Council Memo #647-19: Request for Authorization to Approve Public Utilities Electrical Maintenance Service Contract – 2020

Council Memo #647-19

Motion to approve Council Memos #637-19 through 647-19 was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion seconded by Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

B. Amendments, Change Orders and Payments:

1. Council Memo #649-19: Request for Authorization to Approve Annual Software Payment for Sensus Automatic Meter Reading System

Council Memo #649-19

2. Council Memo #650-19: Request for Authorization to Approve Change Order No. 1 for the 2019 Aluminum Sulfate Solution Purchase

Council Memo #650-19

3. Council Memo #651-19: Request for Authorization to Approve Change Order No. 1 and Final Payment for the West River Wall Sewer Cleaning Project

Council Memo #651-19

4. Council Memo #652-19: Request for Authorization to Approve Change Order No 7 for the Downtown Sanitary and Storm Sewer Improvement Project

Council Memo #652-19

Motion to approve Council Memos #649-19 through #652-19 was made by Councilwoman Sherri Reardon.

Motion seconded by Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

XII. City Manager:


XIII. New Business (Not for Final Action or Recommendation):

Per Councilwoman Quillman's request, Mr. Jackson explained the legal process for changing a street name due to a marijuana dispensary located on Colorado Street. The City has two streets with the name "Colorado" and Councilwoman Quillman does not want the private residence to be confused with the dispensary located near the Louis Joliet Mall.

Per Mayor O'Dekirk's request, Allison Swisher - Director of Public Utilities, discussed a letter received from the DuPage Water Commission and concerns they expressed with the City's water study process and cost estimates.

A brief discussion was held regarding the City's invitation for Request for Information (RFI) and the upcoming Public Form and the availability of the project team at the forum.

XIV. Public Comments:

John Hertko, City of Joliet Environmental Commission member, spoke in opposition of comments made under New Business by Allison Swisher concerning DuPage Water Commission and Aqua Illinois. Wayne Horne, City of Joliet Environmental Commission member, spoke regarding cost comparisons for water alternative sources.

XV. Mayor and Council Comments:

Councilman Dickinson highlighted Cornerstone's Annual Champaign Brunch.

Mayor O'Dekirk highlighted Friday's Light Up the Holiday's Parade. He also thanked the members of the Environmental Commission members for their hard work.

XVI. Closed Session to discuss the following subjects:

Motion to enter closed session to discuss personnel, collective bargaining, land acquisition or conveyance, pending or threatened litigation, and discussion of minutes of closed session meetings after which the meeting will be adjourned was made by Councilwoman Bettye Gavin.

Motion seconded by Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Councilman Don "Duck" Dickinson, Councilwoman Bettye Gavin, Councilman Larry E. Hug, Councilman Terry Morris, Councilman Pat Mudron, Councilwoman Jan Hallums Quillman, Councilwoman Sherri Reardon, Councilman Michael F. Turk.

Nays: None.

XVI. Adjournment:




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