
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Braidwood City Council met August 27

Webp meetingroom01

City of Braidwood City Council met Aug. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Braidwood City Council on August 27th, 2019 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jones in the Council Chambers of the Braidwood City Hall.

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”;

Elected Officials;

Present: Commissioner Saltzman, Commissioner Money, Commissioner Hart, Commissioner Smith, and Mayor Jones


Appointed Officials;

Present: City Attorney Wellner, City Administrator Altiery, Chief Lyons, City Engineer Weber and City Clerk Fisher


Quorum: There being sufficient members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jones requested all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment: Adam Beatey, of 260 Partridge Run Drive, thanked the Council for appointing him to the Planning and Zoning Board at the last meeting. He also advised that the street light, at the corner of Quail and Partridge Run Drive, is out and it is concerning with the increase of Burglary to Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Thefts in neighboring towns. Administrator Altiery and Commissioner Smith advised that they would address this immediately. Chief Lyons stated that he had patrol officers listing any lights that they noticed out while they were on patrol, so a full list of lights to be repaired should be coming soon.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Hart made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Saltzman, to approve meeting minutes from the August 13th, 2019 Regular Council Meeting. Motion carries with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith, and Jones)

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Jones commented on the how good the City looked with the mowing getting done and people working together.

Administrator Report: Administrator Altiery stated that he spoke with Mr. Foley, the owner of the alley, and he would be interested in selling the alley to the City for $7,000.00 and advised that he may block the alley off. Engineer Weber had previously inquired if MFT funds could be used for the purchase and was advised that it cannot. Administrator Altiery had met with multiple business this week including proprietors of a gas station/small truck stop, looking to build at Kennedy and Reed. They are seeking to purchase approximately 15 acres; they already own. He should be bringing in more information in 2-4 weeks. Administrator Altiery brought up the Waiver of Tap on fees that was tabled last meeting. There were only 3 permits issued for houses so far this year; he would like to see more and this would be incentive to bring homes in, and when you bring homes, businesses take note that town is growing creating the need for more business. Commissioner Saltzman asked if, the City should put a discount on tap-ons instead of a waiver in effort to recoup some of the cost of labor and if, at the end of 18 months, the original ordinance will automatically revert back to the original; Attorney Wellner advised that it would. Commissioner Money stated that approximately 93% of sites have taps, so the majority of builds would cost the City only labor and since nothing had been built in the last few months, this would be a good time for a trial. He further inquired if the temporary waiver ordinance could be repealed. Attorney Wellner advised that it could. Commissioner Smith stated he was not in favor. Commissioner Hart made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Money, to approve an Ordinance Waiving Capacity User Fees, as found in Section 86-216 of Braidwood’s Code of Ordinances, for a period of 18 months. Motion carried with 4 ayes; 1 nay. (Ayes; Hart, Saltzman, Money, Jones: Nays; Smith)

City Clerk Report: No report

Engineer Report: Engineer Weber reports he is prioritizing the draft list that was made at the water plant. And he should have a final at the next meeting. He is also checking to see what projects can be funded with MFT dollars.

Chief of Police:

City Attorney Report: Attorney Wellner brings for discussion/action the previously tabled Ordinance to Repeal/Amend Section 58-166 of the Braidwood Code of Ordinances; Soliciting Alms. Commissioner Saltzman had questions in reference to the registration/licensure process for soliciting. Attorney Wellner advised he will look into regulations for licensure. Commissioner Smith made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to Repeal Section 58-166 of the Braidwood Code of Ordinances; Soliciting alms. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Smith, Hart, Saltzman, Money and Jones)

Executive Session:

Accounts & Finance Report: Commissioner Saltzman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Accounts Payable Report in the amount of $122,155.05, dated 08/27/2019. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith, and Jones) Commissioner Saltzman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to approve the Payroll Report, in the amount of $112,955.68, dated 08/27/2019. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith, and Jones) Commissioner Saltzman states it will now be about another 6 weeks before he gets an accountant in.

Streets & Public Improvement Report: Commissioner Smith again stated that he was not in agreement with the waiver for Tap On fees. He states that he need a couple more part time workers because he should not have paid skilled workers cutting grass. He further stated that anytime he tries to do something, Administrator Altiery goes over his head. He would like to see the grass clippings and leaves collected and treated to provide free mulch to the citizens of Braidwood as an alternative for disposal.

Public Property Report: Commissioner Money reports that crews have repaired 2" piping, check valve, and shut off valve (was on chlorine booster #2 pressure pump piping; plastic was just fatigued and brittle), as well as replaced burnt out ballasts at the plant with new LED lights (replaced 10 so far on oxidation ditch and pump structures) at the plant, run the centrisys which is working nicely since it has been repaired ( the sludge feed almost doubled), worked on 12" check valves in inflow pit, vacuumed out a large ball of rags and debris that were causing valves not to close, sucked down the inflow pit and tried to suck up all the stone, rocks, and grit (2 vac-on loads), sucked out head-works trough twice (about 1 yard of grit and stones each time), and pulled 2 pumps (60 hp). Pump #2 was hardly pumping; it was thought to be plugged, but the impeller was found to be worn down to only about 40% left, which is not enough to create the force to pump anything and pump #3 was buried and plugged with grit, rock, and gravel. We swapped the impeller from 3 to 2 and put pump #2 back in service so we have 2 working pumps. A new impeller was ordered at a cost of $5605.75, plus shipping.

Public Health & Safety Report: Commissioner Hart reported that in the last 2 weeks, the Police Department handled 165 Calls for Service and made 2 arrests. He further stated that the City is seeking 2 substitute crossing guards. Commissioner Hart made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 58-169, of the Braidwood Code of Ordinances; Open Burning. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays. (Hart, Smith, Saltzman, Money and Jones)

Planning & Zoning Report: No report. Old Business: No report

New Business: No report


Commissioner Saltzman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Hart, Money, Saltzman, Smith, Jones) The August 27th, 2019 Regular Meeting, of the Braidwood City Council, adjourned at 7:58pm.
