
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Braidwood City Council met August 13

City of Braidwood City Council met Aug. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: The Regular Meeting of the Braidwood City Council on August 13th, 2019 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jones in the Council Chambers of the Braidwood City Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call by the Clerk, the following members of the corporate authorities answered “Here” or “Present”;

Elected Officials;

Present: Commissioner Saltzman, Commissioner Money, Commissioner Hart, Commissioner Smith, and Mayor Jones


Appointed Officials;

Present: City Attorney Wellner, City Administrator Altiery, Chief Lyons, City Engineer Weber and City Clerk Fisher


Quorum: There being sufficient members of the corporate authorities in attendance to constitute a quorum, the meeting was declared in order.

Public Comment: Tammy Favero addressed the Council requesting Trick or Treat hours be on Sunday from 2pm to 5pm to allow for adults working and children in school to be able to partake in the full event without hindrance of weekly schedule. Favero also presented Mayor Jones with a list of 35 signatures supporting the requested change.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Smith made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Money, to approve meeting minutes from the July 23rd, 2019 Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith, and Jones)

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Jones commented on the success of National Night Out.

Commissioner Hart made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Money, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of George Kocek to the Plan Commission for a term that expires May 01, 2024. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones)

Commissioner Slatzman made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Greg Boyer to the Plan Commission for a term that expires May 01, 2024. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones)

Commissioner Saltzman, made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Mike Celvecci to the Plan Commission for a term that expires May 01, 2024. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones)

Commissioner Hart made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Money, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Adam Beatey to the Plan Commission for a term that expires May 01, 2024. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones)

Commissioner Hart made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Ray Dougan to the Plan Commission for a term that expires May 01, 2024. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones)

Commissioner Hart made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Joe Wood to the Plan Commission for a term that expires May 01, 2024. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones)

Administrator Report: Administrator Altiery presented granting waivers for sewer and water tap on fees, for new construction, for a period of 18 months to promote growth in the City. After discussion, Commissioner Saltzman wanted to review this further and it was questioned whether a shorter period of time would be more amicable to the Council. This will be revisited, with possible action, at the next meeting. Administrator Altiery reports it was found that the City did not cancel its contract with Call One when it switched to Comcast and two phone bills were being paid. The old contract has now been cancelled and this will save the City approximately $26,000.00 per year. Administrator Altiery has been discussing a mutual agreement between the City and the Braidwood Fire Department for a computer system which will generate and display the location and layout of schools, commercial buildings, hydrants, and other items in the event of fire, active shooter incident or other emergency at a cost of $5,000.00 per year; split between the City and the Braidwood Fire Department.

City Clerk Report: No report

Engineer Report: Engineer Weber reports being out at the waste water plant last week and there is a list of issues he will be prioritizing and drafting a report of said issues with figures. Weber further advised he had met with Mayor Jones, Administrator Altiery and Commissioner Smith reference Motor Fuel Tax funds and where they can be used.

Chief of Police: Chief Lyons advised of a call he received, and a Facebook post he read, from a citizen thanking Sgt. Goodwin and Ofc. Coronelli for their assistance and being kind and professional.

City Attorney Report: Attorney Wellner advised that there was progress being made on cleaning up/updating the Ordinances in City Code Municode and there are pending agreements to be presented at the next Council Meeting.

Executive Session:

Accounts & Finance Report: Commissioner Saltzman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Accounts Payable Report dated 08/13/2019 in the amount of in the amount of $120,109.39. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith, and Jones) Commissioner Saltzman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to approve the Payroll Report dated 08/07/2019 in the amount of $117,383.04. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith, and Jones) Commissioner Saltzman made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Money, to approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Lease/Purchase Agreement of Konica Minolta Color Printer not to exceed monthly payments of $291.63. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones) Commissioner Saltzman inquired about viewing detailed billing from Mahoney, Silverman and Cross. Attorney Wellner advised the statements the City received were itemized but he could get him copies.

Streets & Public Improvement Report: Commissioner Smith states everyone needs to do right and be responsible. Commissioner Smith was inquiring of gates that were taken down, without his knowledge, and why, when he feels this is a safety hazard. Commissioner Money advised that the gates were open throughout the day for residents to fish and were closed at night.

Public Property Report: Commissioner Money stated how impressed with, respectful of and thankful for the Braidwood Fire Department, Braidwood Police Department and all incoming Companies that responded to a structure fire on Wood and English and how they worked together flawlessly. He noted the same for the Multi- Agency Nuclear Drill that was held at the Braidwood Fire Department. Commissioner Money made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hart, to approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Personal Property owned by the City of Braidwood. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones. Commissioner Money made a Motion to approve and Ordinance providing Regulation of Donation/Collection Boxes in the Coty of Braidwood. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Saltzman, Money, Hart, Smith and Jones) Trimmed trees and sprayed weeds around City Hall, Food pantry and museum. He further reported that the technician from Centrysis was here, took the Scroll out of the Centrysis, packaged it up and had it transported to Kenosha Wisconsin where the factory took it apart and replaced bad tiles, bearings and seals and re-balanced the unit. The technician returned, installed the unit, ran, performed multiple tests and adjustments, and the unit is back in service. Geneva Tap and Valve Company came out an cut in two line stops at Eureka and English. Commissioner Money met with Call One representatives reference phone lines at the plants, met with engineers for the first time, and tended day to day items from City Hall. It is back to full swing working with sludge and Centrysis. Gary hauled everything from the waste bed that we dump the vac- con into and it was hauled away to Waste Management. The crew did 52 Locates, 2 Sewer Repairs, 2 Sewer Caps, 2 Water Repairs, 1 Hydrant Repair, 1 Water Tap, 2 New Meter Installs, 7 Meter Repairs, 34 Meter Reads, 9 Water Shut Offs, 1 Buffalo Box Repair, had Vac-Con Sewer service 952 Bergera & Sewer Main, repaired lights at City Hall parking lot, placed new hydrant & main valve at English and Eureka St., repaired Vac-Con top hose 8", mowed and weeded around town, fixed Police Department toilet, fixed valve at Main and English.

Public Health & Safety Report: Commissioner Hart reported that in the last 2 weeks, the Police Department handled 260 Calls for Service and made 6 arrests. He further stated that the City is seeking 2 substitute crossing guards. Commissioner Hart made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Saltzman to approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Braidwood and the Reed Custer School District 255 U for a Police Resource Officer. Motion passed with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Hart, Saltzman, Money, Smith and Jones) Commissioner Hart made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve a Resolution Authorizing an Indemnification Agreement with the Wilmington Police Department for use of its gun range. Motion passed with 5 ayes; no nays. (Hart, Saltzman, Money, Smith and Jones) A Motion was made by Commissioner Hart to Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 58-169, of the Braidwood Code of Ordinances; Open Burning. After discussion, this was tabled until next meeting; possible action to follow.

Planning & Zoning Report: No report.

Old Business: Mike Guinta re-addressed the Council reference re-zoning his property, 435 Enterprise Drive, to I-2, and requested expedition of the process as it was originally started under the last Administration.

New Business: No report


Commissioner Saltzman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Money, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried with 5 ayes; 0 nays. (Hart, Money, Saltzman, Smith, Jones) The August 13th, 2019 Regular Meeting, of the Braidwood City Council, adjourned at 8:21pm.
