
Will County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crete Township Board Of Trustees met October 9

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Crete Township Board Of Trustees met Oct. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular scheduled meeting of the Crete Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Liccar at 7:00 PM.

Board members present were Trustee Elton, Trustee Piacentini, Trustee Grady and Supervisor Liccar. Trustee Hodge was absent. Clerk Buiter was also present.

Pledge of Allegiance was given to the flag.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2019 Board of Trustees meeting was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Piacentini. All were in favor, minutes stand approved as written.



Supervisor Liccar updated the Will Ride Program which the Crete Township finances. We get a report from Will ride and Pam goes through the report to ensure that all the rides are used properly for medical purposes and no social events. Once last month a rider who used to live in Crete now lives in Dolton, IL, Supervisor Liccar attempted to get a refund for some of these situations and there was silence. Another problem is the bill comes two months later and it is hard to catch these overages. They will not give us a login to sign in so we are stuck with these charges. Also, there has been problems where we have had people stranded at doctor's office and the client tried calling the Pace bus telephone number and they were closed already. The Will Ride Board response was to call the complaint hotline. Supervisor Liccar is wondering if we should have setup our own ride system. In addition, we do have a grant rider that should be able to get some grants. If we do setup our own system, we will need to hire people to do the logistics of running the transport system. Supervisor Liccar is going to work with the finance chair, Trustee Grady to see the feasibility of the program. Trustee Elton believes we should investigate this and maybe put more limits on the ride three days a week. Trustee Elton made a motion to review this process with the Trustee Grady, Trustee Elton, and Supervisor Liccar to see the feasibility of doing the transportation program ourselves, Trustee Piacentini seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passes.

There was general discussion about a shooting incident guns were being shot and accidentally hit a nearby house. Supervisor Liccar informed the concerned citizen that he would be willing to setup a meeting. There is going to be a forum on firearm safety of the unincorporated area of Crete Township.

According to the actual ordinance does state that any residential area with 300 yards of any railroad corridor or residential area you cannot discharge any firearms. The forum will be on October 27,2019 PM. Supervisor Liccar invited two sergeants from Will County Sheriff department, Chief of Police of the Will County Forest Preserve, and the two elected Will County representatives. They all said they will attend. The objective is to gets some clarification on what the ordinance is saying and maybe strengthen the rules.

A motion was made to approve the resolution authorizing the expenditure of MET Funds in the amount of $342,000.00 or as much may be needed to match federal funds for the construction of the Danne Road Bridge over Plum Creek by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Grady. All were in favor. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Trustee Grady - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes.

General discussion led by Tim Miller about the general discharge of storm management to help reduce pollution of streams and waterways. EPA did an inspection and they require to publish our findings to public. We will do this by publishing on our website our information from our engineering firm and the same will be published in the next quarterly newsletter. Village of Crete is helping us by inspecting the creeks and streams of the township. Also mentioned was the fact that State of Illinois had the MS4 EPA Employee training session on October 4, 2019. The MS4 documents and information are on the website.

Clerk Motion was made to grant permission to approve the application for Holland, LP to use the conference room on October 22, 2019 by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Piacentini. All were in favor. Motion passes.

Motion was made to grant permission to approve the application for Crete Women's Club to use the conference room on March 30, April 20, May 18, June 8, July 13, Sept 14, Oct 19, 2020 Hours needed 12:45 – 3:00 PM by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Piacentini. All were in favor. Motion passes.

A letter was read about the annual Trick or Treat Trail to be held on October 26, 2019. Looking for volunteers to work the table.

Trustee Grady - Financial Reports-See attached. The audit report came back and it was unqualified opinion with several suggestions were noted so the books and records were clean and no audit adjustments.

Highway Commissioner-See Attached written report of activity.

Tony Recupito discussed the ongoing maintenance and branch pick up was done. Cold patching was done, and ditch work was completed on several lanes. We did branch pickup and tree trimming. The crew applied shoulder stone along new paved roads. Grinding and patching were done by culverts by several roads. Tree stumps were ground up. 2013 GMC Pickup was emission tested and passed. State of Illinois MS4 EPA training was done on October 4, 2019. We took in 6 old tires and sent them to Lockport Township who recycle them. During the recent storms several crews went out put out barricades to block some roads that were flooded.

Assessor - See Attached.

Plan Commission - No update on the solar farms.

Building and Grounds - General discussion was about the flooded basement. It was found out that our building was never hooked up with the main sewer. All the costs will be covered by TOMA sinced the contactor had to be insured. Lighting is being installed. Trustee Grady mentioned that we should put out to bid for landscaping and snow removal services. Trustee Grady will work with Patty to put out the bid in the newspaper.

Senior Transportation - Nothing

Youth - Nothing

Mosquito Abatement - Trustee Piacentini stated the spraying continues even into October. Spraying will continue till the frost comes.

Senior & Special Events - Planning the Christmas party goes on and will be taking reservations in November

OLD BUSINESS - Supervisor Liccar mentioned the grant writing response. She has suggested several items and he will reply back to her about the dollar amounts that might be available


CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD - Carl Baumback with the SBA Disaster Relief program for the storms in June 2019. He is helping people to get assistance from damage of the floods. These are low interest rates for homeowners and business owners. Applications can be filed till November 25, 2019.

CORRESPONDENCE - Clerk Buiter publish the Treasurers Report by September 30, 2019. A motion was made to be a sponsor for $1000 to become an Angel sponsor for the Crete Country Christmas festival by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Piacentini. All were in favor. Roll call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Piacentini-yes, Trustee Grady - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes.

A citizen sent an email to help establish children's events and clubs. The email was given to Trustee Piacentini to follow up with the resident.



Town Funds bills - Motion to approve the Town Fund bills for payment as presented was made by Trustee Piacentini, seconded by Trustee Elton. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Trustee Grady-yes, Supervisor Liccar-yes. Town Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.

Road and Bridge Fund Bills - Motion to approve the Road and Bridge Fund bills for payments as submitted was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Piacentini. Roll Call was taken as follows: Trustee Elton - yes, Trustee Piacentini - yes, Trustee Grady - yes, Supervisor Liccar - yes. Road and Bridge Fund Bills stand approved for payment as submitted.

Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Elton, seconded by Trustee Grady. All were in favor, meeting stands adjourned at 7:55 PM.
