
Will County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met July 16

Webp meeting 06

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met July 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag.

ROLL CALL: Commissioners Heinen, Minnis, Renzi, Ruane, Seggebruch, Womack, and Chairman Kiefer were present. Plainfield Fire Protection District was present. Plainfield Public Library District, Plainfield Township Park District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

OTHERS PRESENT: Jonathan Proulx, Planning Director; and Yuchen Ding, Associate Planner.


The minutes of the Plan Commission dated July 2, 2019 were approved as amended.


Chairman Kiefer asked for public comment and there was no response.


Mr. Proulx provided an update on the following cases: Willow Tree Farm and Plainfield Lanes expansion.


Case No. 1842-061119.SU.SPR.FP SWC of Route 30 & Renwick Rd. Naser Odeh Chairman Kiefer stated the commission has been provided emails from the public stating primary concern is the access points on Peerless Drive.

Mr. Ding stated the applicant is seeking a recommendation for approval of a special use permit for a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) and site plan review to develop the 2.8-acre vacant land parcels at the southwest corner of U.S. Route 30 and Renwick Road with three (3) commercial buildings designed for neighborhood-scale businesses, and a recommendation for approval of the final plat.

Mr. Ding reviewed the staff report July 12, 2019. Mr. Ding concluded prior to public hearing and discussion by the Plan Commission, staff recommends approval.

Chairman Kiefer stated per the staff report it does not appear that the applicant has provided all the information in order for the commission to make a decision.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Bill Zalewski, engineer; and Naser Odeh, applicant. Mr. Zalewski stated he has brought samples of the building materials with him this evening.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Stephen Klett, resident. Mr. Klett explained why he is opposed to the entrances on Peerless Dr. Mr. Kleet stated he started an online petition against the commercial entrance into a residential area.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Guy Manganese, resident. Mr. Manganese stated he agrees with Mr. Klett’s comments. Mr. Manganese asked what businesses will be going into the retail spaces. Chairman Kiefer explained why there could be a variety of tenants. Mr. Manganese suggested moving the access point to line up with Lynn Street.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Paula Fugett, resident. Ms. Fugett asked what will be adjacent to her property such as landscaping, fencing, and lighting. Ms. Fugett stated she would like a fence.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Randy Fugett, resident. Mr. Fugett voiced his concern regarding traffic safety.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Thomas Kelly, resident. Mr. Kelly voiced his concern about cut through traffic in the residential subdivision.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Jennie Wheeler, resident. Ms. Wheeler voiced her concerns for pedestrian safety on Peerless Rd., and lack of sidewalks on Peerless Rd.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Casey West, resident. Ms. West voiced her concerns about the entrance points on Peerless Rd. and existing traffic on Renwick Rd.

Chairman Kiefer closed public comments.

Commissioner Heinen asked if the applicant is going to use the existing access point on Renwick Rd. Mr. Zalewski confirmed. Commissioner Heinen asked if the applicant has had a discussion with IDOT regarding if the Renwick Rd. access point will be allowed. Mr. Zalewski stated he submitted to IDOT two months ago for comments and has not received any information from IDOT to date. Commissioner Heinen asked if the access point on Renwick Rd. was for an old development. Mr. Proulx stated it was for the former car wash. Mr. Proulx indicated that the Village Engineer is not comfortable with the Renwick Rd. access point and explained why. Mr. Proulx stated the Village Engineer may want the access point to be restricted and not a full access as well as shifted to the west. Commissioner Heinen stated he believes IDOT will not allow the Renwick Rd. access point as presented on the site plan. Commissioner Heinen stated he feels the Renwick Rd. access point is a very important element of this plan because it will control the layout of the buildings.

Commissioner Heinen stated he is confused about the traffic flow between lots 1 and 2, and south of lot 1. Mr. Zalewski explained the traffic flow with the drive-thru. Commissioner Heinen stated the traffic flow there needs to be redesigned. Chairman Kiefer indicated the queuing for the drive-thru will not flow as presented. Commissioner Heinen stated that the applicant needs to get information from IDOT and provide an example on how the traffic could flow better through the site with the Renwick Rd. access being moved west. Commissioner Heinen suggested the commission should continue the case.

Commissioner Renzi agreed with Commissioner Heinen’s comments. Commissioner Renzi explained his issues with the application which include: no access for vehicles to travel westward except through the subdivision, lack of sidewalks/bike paths on Peerless St., traffic on Peerless St., traffic flow through the site, and access points to the site.

Chairman Kiefer asked the commission how many of them where comfortable moving this case forward tonight by a show of hands. No commissioners raised their hand. Chairman Kiefer asked the commission how many of them would like to see more information by a show of hands. All present commissioners raised their hand. Chairman Kiefer stated there is a consensus that this case is not ready for action by the commission. Chairman Kiefer suggested that the commission provide feedback for the access points on Peerless St. and Renwick Rd.

Commissioner Minnis asked the applicant what items have been resolved that are not currently on the site plan. Mr. Zalewski stated trash enclosure locations, height of light poles, Renwick Rd. access potentially being a right in only, bike path on Route 30, discussion about a sidewalk on Renwick Rd., and south entrance drive on Peerless shifted to the north. Mr. Zalewski explained why access into the site for Route 30 is difficult and stated he believes IDOT will ask to have access on Peerless St. Mr. Zalewski indicated that they maybe able to have one access point on Peerless St. as far north as possible. Commissioner Heinen indicated that IDOT may control access onto Peerless St. as well because of the turning movements on Renwick Rd. and Route 30.

Commissioner Minnis stated he agrees with right in/right out on Renwick Rd. Commissioner Minnis explained his issues with the following: two access points on Peerless St. is extreme, drive-thru locations problematic, and traffic flow patterns through the site can be an issue.

Commissioner Seggebruch indicted that the Renwick Rd. access needs to be moved west and must be a right in/right out because of the turn lane on Route 30. Commissioner Seggebruch stated by default the full access will need to be Peerless St. because of the challenges on Renwick Rd. but there does not need to be two access points onto Peerless St. Commissioner Seggebruch provided suggestions on how the change in access points could rework the site plan. Chairman Kiefer stated the applicant should meet with the Fire District for emergency vehicle access.

Commissioner Womack asked staff if there were ever plans to demo the former Lube Pro shop for redevelopment. Mr. Proulx explained the history of the property and how the village was encouraging the owner at the time to redevelop and the current applicant has been interested in the property for some time. Commissioner Heinen asked if the applicant has recently reached out to the adjacent property owner to purchase the property. Mr. Odeh stated yes, about 6 months ago but the owner was asking to much for the property. Commissioner Heinen indicated it would be nice to redevelop the entire area and asked the applicant to keep revisiting purchasing the Lube Pro property. Commissioner Heinen asked if these properties are in a TIF District. Mr. Proulx stated no and explained why. Commissioner Womack stated he agrees with having one single development. Commissioner Womack stated he agrees with the commission on one access point on Peerless St. and he feels there is more work that is needed to the plan. Commissioner Womack indicated he feels it is worth another call to the Lube Pro property owner, so there can be one comprehensive development.

Commissioner Ruane stated he agrees with all the commissioner’s comments. Commissioner Ruane asked staff to investigate the acreage on the property. Commissioner Ruane suggested keeping the drive- thrus as close as possible to Route 30 and having a fence for the adjacent residential. Commissioner Ruane encourages a consolidated site but understands the other property owner does not want to sell. Commissioner Ruane asked if lots 2 and 4 are intended to be pads to be sold or building to be leased. Mr. Odeh stated leased buildings. Commissioner Ruane voiced his concern about only having 2 garbage enclosures for 3 buildings, lack of landscaping around the garbage enclosures, no road improvements to Peerless St. , it not being pedestrian friendly site, and the possibility of the architecture not being cohesive throughout the site. Commissioner Ruane suggested having an overview beyond the site plan so the commission can see how the plan interacts with the surrounding area.

Commissioner Heinen encouraged staff to have the applicant provide a site plan on how the site would look if they could develop all the parcels on the southwest corner of Renwick Rd. and Route 30, so there is vision on how this development will look in the future with the Lube Pro property redevelopment. Commissioner Heinen suggested a three-quarter access drive on Peerless St.

Commissioner Renzi agreed with Commissioner Ruane about the development not being pedestrian friendly and would like a full site plan with all the features. Commissioner Renzi explained his concerns regarding the following: parking layout, the access on Peerless St., and headlights into the neighbor’s properties.

Chairman Kiefer asked if the applicant is agreeable to having the case continued to a future date. Mr. Zalewski stated yes.

Commissioner Womack suggested the applicant add the drive-thru queuing to the site plan. Chairman Kiefer stated they need a bypass lane, too.

Commissioner Ruane asked staff if there should be a landscape island in the parking lot. Mr. Proulx stated for every 12 spaces there should be a landscape island. Commissioner Ruane asked if the foot candles along the residential on the lighting plan can be reduced to prevent light pollution into the neighborhood. Mr. Proulx stated there is no minimum requirements in the Zoning Code but wants to check with engineering that there is no recommendations or requirements. Chairman Kiefer stated that could be a security issue.

Chairman Kiefer asked the applicant if they would like to return to the Plan Commission on August 6th or August 20th meeting. Mr. Zalewski stated August 6th.

Commissioner Ruane made a motion to continue proposed site plan review and special use permit for the multi-tenant commercial development with two drive-thrus at the southwest corner of Renwick Road and U.S. Route 30 to the August 6, 2019 meeting of the Plan Commission.

Second by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Heinen, yes; Renzi, yes, Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Minnis, yes; Ruane, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 7-0.

NEW BUSINESS Will County Case Plainfield Township Mr. Ding stated the petitioner is seeking approval from Will County for a special use permit to replace the existing manually changeable copy sign with an illuminated vinyl sign and an LED message sign. According to the Will County Zoning Code, installing dynamic displays in agricultural zoning district (A- 1) would require a special use permit.

Mr. Ding review the staff report date July 12, 2019. Mr. Ding concluded staff submits that the proposed special use for a sign for 22525 West Lockport Street will not adversely affect the character of the site nor distract attention or obstruct vision. The location of the subject sign is also in keeping with the Village’s Sign Code. Therefore, staff does not recommend objecting to this case.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Chuck Willard, Township Administrator.

Commissioner Minnis stated his only concern is evening traffic being distracted by the sign with it being a busy street with the park across the road from the township. Commissioner Minnis asked staff to add to the staff report the information provided this evening from the sign company.

Commissioner Ruane asked staff to clarify the frequency changes listed in the staff report. Mr. Proulx explained that the staff report compares the frequency changes for different types of signs to demonstrate compliance.

Chairman Kiefer stated there is general support, so the Plan Commission will not take opposition.


Commissioner Ruane reminded everyone that this weekend is Plainfield Fest and explained how the proceeds are used by the Riverfront Foundation.

Commissioner Heinen stated St. Mary’s Parish is partnering with Nevin’s Brewing Company for a Queen of Hearts Raffle, which the proceeds will go to St. Mary’s Parish Capital Campaign Fund. Commissioner Heinen stated 50/50 raffle tickets go on sale August 1st and the first drawing will be August 22nd.

Commissioner Renzi voiced his concern about having detention considered open space/recreational facility. Mr. Ding explained how detention can be considered open space/recreational facility. Commissioner Renzi stated that detention is water management and is an opportunity to create something more like open space. Commissioner Heinen stated if there is a trail around detention maybe then it could be considered open space but typically in a commercial area there is detention and parking lots. Commissioner Renzi stated if there is a unique feature part of the detention area for a commercial property, it should be stated or include that commercial properties are exempt from the open space requirements in the staff report.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the Village Engineer is not available to be at the meetings, if a letter from them can be included explaining their findings and explained why. Chairman Kiefer agreed. Mr. Proulx stated that is a great idea and staff will request an engineer to be present for cases like they heard this evening.

Commissioner Ruane asked if staff has ever told an applicant that they will not present because a plan is too incomplete. Mr. Proulx stated yes but if there is a public hearing that the feedback from the public could be helpful. Commissioner Renzi suggested staff adding verbiage to the staff report stating there may be a need to continue the case because of concerns from staff or the commission. Chairman Kiefer stated not all applicants want their case continued, so the commission needs to take action on those cases.

Chairman Kiefer read the reminders.


Plan Commission meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
