
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met July 2

Webp meeting 07

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met July 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Chairman Kiefer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag.

ROLL CALL: Commissioners Minnis, Renzi (7:02 p.m.), Ruane, Seggebruch, Womack, and Chairman Kiefer were present. Commissioner Heinen was absent. Plainfield Fire Protection District was present. Plainfield Public Library District, Plainfield Township Park District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

OTHERS PRESENT: Jonathan Proulx, Planning Director; and Yuchen Ding, Associate Planner.


The minutes of the Plan Commission dated June 18, 2019 were approved as amended.

PUBLIC COMMENTS Chairman Kiefer asked for public comment and there was no response.


Mr. Proulx provided an update on the following cases: Wolf Creek Industry Parcels Annexation, Willow Tree Farm Development, Lansdowne Subdivision Annexation Amendment, Essington Sports Club Annexation Amendment, and Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Joliet for the Boulevard Development.



Case No. 1842-061119.SU.SPR.FP SWC of Route 30 & Renwick Rd. Naser Odeh Commissioner Renzi made a motion open the Public Hearing for the proposed special use permit for the multi-tenant commercial development with two drive-thrus at the southwest corner of Renwick Road and U.S. Route 30 and continue the Public Hearing to the July 16th, 2019 meeting of the Plan Commission.

Second by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Ruane, yes, Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Case No. 1844-062719.SPR 15610 S. Joliet Rd. Plainfield Lanes Mr. Proulx stated the applicant, Jon Dow, owner of Plainfield Lanes, is proposing to construct a 9,380 square foot addition to the existing Plainfield Lanes located at the northwest corner of Getson Ave. and U.S. Route 30. The subject site is a 6-acre parcel that currently accommodates a 25,230 SF bowling alley with ancillary uses such as escape rooms and a bar/restaurant area.

Mr. Proulx reviewed the staff report dated July 1, 2019. Mr. Proulx concluded the owners of Plainfield Lanes are looking to invest in their business and expand the operation that was previously proposed over 25 years ago. In prior to discussion by the Plan Commission, staff recommends approval of the proposed site plan.

Chairman Kiefer swore in John Dow, applicant; and Dan Delimata, architect.

Chairman Kiefer asked for public comment and there was no response.

Plan Commission Minutes July 2, 2019 Page 2 of 6

Commissioner Renzi asked if staff had correspondence with the Forest Preserve that could be shared with the Village Board. Mr. Proulx stated he has emails he can share with Village Board.

Commissioner Renzi and Mr. Dow discussed signage placement on the addition.

Commissioner Renzi asked what will the north elevation look like, since no drawing was provided. Mr. Delimata stated it will be sided like the existing wall, there will be a transition from vinyl to metal panels. Commissioner Renzi asked if looking from the north to the south will the building be the same color. Mr. Delimata confirmed.

Commissioner Ruane asked why there is only one civil page included with the plans and not all 8 pages. Mr. Proulx stated depending on the nature of the project there can be different plans and staff feels that some of those plans may not be pertain to the Village’s review. Mr. Proulx indicated in the future the title page can be included so the commission knows what is missing or all the plans will be included. Commissioner Ruane explained why having the all the plans is important.

Commissioner Ruane states he is concerned about stormwater detention. Commissioner Ruane asked if staff anything new would be applied to our code. Mr. Proulx confirmed.

Commissioner Ruane asked if there are any improvements planned for the existing building. Mr. Dow stated no. Commissioner Ruane asked why is there a drop in elevation between the existing and new buildings. Mr. Delimata stated it will continue at the same level as the existing building and there must be a bay for snow load because the new building will be higher then the existing building

Commissioner Seggebruch asked what activities will be in the new addition. Mr. Dow stated laser tag, larger arcade, two party rooms, bathrooms, and storage. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the access to the addition will be through the existing building. Mr. Dow confirmed. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the two doors on the west side of the facility will be exits from the addition. Mr. Delimata stated the rear door is a fire exit door. Commissioner Seggebruch stated the sidewalk will need to be extended to that door.

Commissioner Minnis asked the applicant to explain what improvements will be made to the existing entry way. Mr. Delimata stated the existing windows and doors will be used for a new structure and canopy. Commissioner Minnis asked staff to clarify in the staff report that there will be improvements made to the existing entry but will not be moved.

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to recommend approval of the requested Plainfield Lanes site plan review for the property located at 15610 S. Joliet Rd., subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Seconded by Commissioner Womack. Vote by roll call: Renzi, yes; Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Minnis, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Case No. 1843-061219.SU 24216 W. Lockport St. Sanctuary Plainfield Mr. Ding stated the applicant is requesting approval of a special use permit for approval of the west half of the historic Trolley Barn building as a special event/banquet facility. The Trolley Barn, also known as the Railoc Building, was renovated in 2017 and has been renamed as Sanctuary Plainfield. While there is no item on the permitted use list of the Zoning Code clearly defining banquet use, staff submits that the closest use categories include private recreation and lodge, fraternal/civic assembly. The Village’s Zoning Code requires these uses proposed in the B-5 zoning district be approved through the special use application process.

Mr. Ding reviewed the finds of fact in the staff report date June 28, 2019. Mr. Ding concluded, while the proposed private banquet event on the subject property might cause street parking space shortage in the downtown area to some extent due to the allowed number of occupants, staff finds that there are more public parking spaces available outside of the traditional downtown area and staff encourages the visitors to utilize the off-downtown public parking lots and walk to the subject property. Therefore, staff submits that the proposed use will not result in significant impacts to adjacent properties or uses in the area and will complement existing uses on the property and in the general area. In advance of any comments from the public hearing or input from the Plan Commission, staff recommends approval.

Chairman Kiefer swore in Dale Lewis, applicant; and John Argoudelis, attorney. Mr. Argoudelis added Mr. Lewis is working on securing valet parking, offsite parking and shuttle bus service.

Chairman Kiefer asked for public comment and there was no response.

Mr. Proulx read a fax received from Plainfield Family Dental indicating their concern is parking for the events.

Commissioner Ruane asked staff to explain the difference between parking requirements for restaurants verse banquet facility. Mr. Proulx explained the parking requirements and gave examples of other parking issues that have occurred and how they were resolved. Mr. Proulx explained what uses would be using the Sanctuary and read the parking ratios from the village code. Chairman Kiefer asked if the building was just a restaurant what would be the parking requirements. Mr. Proulx explained why the parking for this building is challenging, since the building was originally use as industrial space. Mr. Proulx stated staff supports this project because it will promote the downtown area. Mr. Proulx indicated that staff does not want to displace parking in the downtown area for one project. Commissioner Ruane asked how the village will enforce parking on residential streets. Mr. Proulx stated that staff is hoping there will be formalized agreements with the entities that are allowing parking for events at the Sanctuary. Chairman Kiefer stated his interpretation is the applicant will be able to accommodate his guests. Commissioner Ruane stated there is a time difference for people eating at a restaurant verses a person attending a wedding reception. Commissioner Ruane stated that the Sanctuary is also very difficult to get to. Commissioner Ruane suggested the intersection of James St. and Lockport St. to be a fully signalized pedestrian crossing. Commissioner Ruane asked if there is onsite parking agreement with the neighboring business. Mr. Lewis stated they have exclusive use of the parking lot after 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Ruane stated he lives downtown and he sees a lot of parking issues in the downtown area and there needs to be a solution. Mr. Lewis stated he is also working with Lyft and Uber. Commissioner Ruane stated he is in favor of this project.

Commissioner Womack asked the applicant to walk the commission through the floor plan. Mr. Lewis indicated there will be a phased approach and explained the timeline. Mr. Lewis stated the restaurant will be open on opening day and explained what uses will be in the building. Commissioner Womack stated that there could be a staff of 20 onsite as well as the guest. Mr. Lewis confirmed. Commissioner Womack asked if there is a reconciliation of the parking downtown. Mr. Proulx stated the village does periodically conduct an inventory of downtown parking and explained the most recent results. Mr. Proulx explained what the village has done to improve parking in the downtown area and stated the village will continue to work on parking solutions for the downtown area. Mr. Proulx explained how and why the downtown parking ratios are different then a business not in the downtown area. Commissioner Womack stated valet and shuttle bus services are a good solution but other stipulations to be considered are limiting occupancy and hours of operation.

Commissioner Womack asked if the back lot will be used for staging valet and Shuttle bus transportation. Mr. Lewis stated his intention is to cone off two parking spaces in front of the Sanctuary for valet, work with businesses in the area with empty lots after 5:00 p.m. to utilize for valet service, shuttle bus locations he is working on are the Riverfront, Plainfield Central High School, and the PACE Parking lot. Commissioner Ruane stated there are not that many parking spaces at the Riverfront and the Village Hall parking lot could be utilized.

Commissioner Ruane asked if the hours of operation for banquet events can be limited. Mr. Lewis stated the entire building will be closed at midnight seven days a week. Mr. Lewis stated the guest will be aware that the event will end at midnight.

Commissioner Minnis asked staff to add more detail in the staff report on how the parking calculations and occupancy was calculated. Commissioner Minnis stated he likes the conceptual idea of having an event space downtown. Commissioner Minnis expressed his concerns about pedestrians and valet employees adding more foot traffic crossing the streets downtown. Commissioner Minnis is concerned about parking limitation downtown.

Chairman Kiefer asked if the applicant would be receptive to limiting occupancy to 200 for the event space. Mr. Lewis statement he would be receptive. Mr. Argoudelis added if they can show the ability to handle the parking, he is hoping the occupancy number could be increased. Chairman Kiefer indicated he does not want to restrict the occupancy unless they have good reason.

Commissioner Renzi agreed with the Chairman regarding occupancy restrictions as long as the shuttle and valet are provided. Commissioner Renzi stated he would like to have stipulations for hours of operation and valet/shuttle services. Commissioner Renzi asked staff why there is nothing in the code for parking for banquet facilities. Chairman Kiefer added that parking requirements are different for downtown verses a traditional commercial area. Mr. Proulx stated staff intends to update the Zoning Code. Commissioner Renzi indicated that the employees for the business were not included in the count and suggested adding employees specifically to the parking code. Chairman Kiefer asked the applicant if staff parking was taken into consideration. Mr. Lewis stated he has not specifically addressed a staff parking area. Mr. Lewis stated he wants to minimize the effect on the residents of the downtown area. Commissioner Renzi stated he likes the idea of valet parking and adding signage for pedestrian crossing. Commissioner Renzi asked how the parking counts will change with the different businesses opening in the building. Mr. Proulx explained how staff handles multi-tenant buildings as businesses come in. Chairman Kiefer asked if the building will have a maximum occupancy regardless of the uses. Mr. Proulx confirmed.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked staff if the special use is only for the banquet use, the restaurant can open without the special use. Mr. Proulx confirmed. Commissioner Seggebruch stated the current parking in the area downtown area could accommodate a restaurant, since all the restaurants rely on the available parking downtown. Commissioner Seggebruch indicated for the banquet use as long as there is adequate parking for valet and a shuttle service this will work in the downtown area. Mr. Proulx stated is hoping to achieve a formal agreement with the applicant to notify the banquet facility guests to park in the shuttle lots and that valet parking is available. Commissioner Seggebruch stated the worst thing they could do is approve a special use without knowing there is the potential to have the parking arranged for.

Chairman Kiefer stated the applicant is on record stating they are working on a resolution for parking and there was a suggestion to add stipulations for valet/shuttle services and hours of operations. Chairman Kiefer stated he is not comfortable with stipulating valet/shuttle services because no other business has that stipulation downtown. Chairman Kiefer stated he would like to give the applicant flexibility for hours of operation and not restrict them. Commissioner Minnis stated he agrees with the Chairman on the valet/shuttle service but suggested a stipulation on occupancy based on the parking resolution by the applicant. Commissioner Womack asked staff if they are good with a stipulation for them to work with the applicant before this is presented to the Village Board. Commissioner Womack indicated he is struggling with not having a solution proving it will not be injurious to other businesses. Chairman Kiefer suggested a stipulation that the applicant will continue to work with staff to mitigate parking issues, which will not tie the applicant to any one solution just in case they are not able to secure parking lots or valet/shuttle services. Mr. Lewis stated he is also working with Lyft and Uber to try and will encourage the guests to use those services.

Commissioner Womack voiced his concerns about the queuing space for valet and drive share services on Lockport Street which needs to be addressed. Mr. Argoudelis stated the plan will be evolving and the applicant wants to make parking work because it will make his business work.

Chairman Kiefer asked the commission about an hours of operation stipulation. Chairman Kiefer stated he is comfortable with the applicant being on record stating businesses will close at midnight. Commissioner Ruane stated all large gathering are special uses and within the village all special uses need to be defined. Chairman Kiefer asked Commissioner Ruane if he is comfortable with midnight close of business. Commissioner Ruane confirmed. Commissioner Renzi stated 11:00 a.m. to midnight will define the special use and that will help with parking counts.

Commissioner Renzi explained why he does not want a stipulation for valet/shuttle services since it could affect the bids the applicant may receive. Chairman Kiefer suggested applicant will continue to work with staff to mitigate parking issues as a stipulation. Commissioner Womack asked staff if they are comfortable with the parking stipulation. Mr. Proulx stated it is the intention to much more detail before this is presented to Village Board, since the Village Board may have parking concerns, too.

Chairman Kiefer asked the commission about a stipulation for the hours of operation with a start and end time. Mr. Lewis stated there may be an early morning event requested by a business. Commissioner Seggebruch asked what are the hours of operation for a business with liquor license. Mr. Proulx stated it depends on the class of the liquor license but 2:00 a.m. is the latest, with exception to New Years Eve and the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Commissioner Ruane stated there should be a start time or they could be open 24 hours a day. Mr. Lewis stated may have something as early at 7:00 a.m. and midnight on average would be their closing time but wants to be afforded the same exceptions the rest of the business are given for special events. Chairman Kiefer stated he wants the applicant to be on an equal footing with the rest of the businesses downtown. Chairman Kiefer asked how the hours of operation would be enforced. Mr. Proulx stated it can be noted on the business license. Chairman Kiefer suggested a stipulation of typical hours of operation will be 7:00 a.m. to midnight (12:00 a.m.). Mr. Lewis stated he is comfortable with that if he is afforded the special expectation of New Years Eve and the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if people are out the door at midnight. Mr. Lewis stated last call is at 11:30 p.m. Commissioner Womack stated the willingness of staff to continue to work on this and with the four stipulation he can support the special use.

Commissioner Renzi made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission and, furthermore, move to recommend approval of the special use for a banquet facility/lodge, fraternal and civic assembly use for the business known as Sanctuary Plainfield, LLC at 24216 West Lockport Street, subject to the following four (4) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; 2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District; 3. Applicant will continue to work with staff to mitigate parking issues; and 4. Typical hours of operation will be 7:00 a.m. to midnight (12:00 a.m.).

Seconded by Commissioner Seggebruch. Vote by roll call: Minnis, no; Ruane, yes; Womack, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Renzi, yes; Kiefer, yes. Motion carried 5-1.


Chairman Kiefer thanked staff for getting the restriping completed on 119th Street, west of Route 59.

Commissioner Seggebruch stated former Plan Commissioner and Village Board Member Walter Manning passed way and he was sorry to hear he passed away. Chairman Kiefer stated we want to thank him for his service to the village.

Commissioner Renzi explained why the downtown parking assessment needs to be formalized. Commissioner Renzi suggested working with the school district, PACE, and the Riverfront now to use the parking, so when an applicant comes in we have as solution. Commissioner Renzi explained his issue with the parking for hotels per code. Commissioner Renzi stated he thinks it is time to have a banquet hall classification added to zoning code and should not be looking to private recreation and lodge, fraternal/civic assembly as a comparable to a banquet hall.

Chairman Kiefer wished everyone a safe and happy 4th of July.

Chairman Kiefer read the reminders.


Plan Commission meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
