
Will County Gazette

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met June 4

Webp meet

Village of Plainfield Plan Commission met June 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Pro Tem Chairman Renzi called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the pledge to the flag.

ROLL CALL: Commissioners Heinen, Minnis, Renzi, Ruane, Seggebruch, and Womack were present.

Chairman Kiefer was absent. Plainfield Fire Protection District was present. Plainfield Public Library District, Plainfield Township Park District and Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 were absent.

OTHERS PRESENT: Jake Melrose, Community Development Manager; and Jonathan Proulx, Planning Director.


The minutes of the Plan Commission dated May 21, 2019 were approved as amended.


Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked for public comment and there was no response.


Mr. Proulx provided an update on the following cases: Annexation of parcels in the Wolf Creek Industrial subdivision, redevelopment of NEC of Route 30 and Renwick Rd., Meijer reimaging, and the Axe Factor Special Use.



Case No. 1837-042519.SU.PP.FP NWC of Interstate 55 &

U.S. Route 30 Interchange

55/30Acquisition, LLC

Mr. Melrose stated the petitioner is requesting approval of a special use for planned development as well as preliminary/final plat of subdivision for a significant commercial development known as The Boulevard. The project is located north and east of US Route 30/Lincoln Highway and west of Interstate 55. The planned development for The Boulevard includes a conceptual site plan and design guidelines.

The conceptual site plan identifies a parcel of approximately 17 acres for an anticipated big box retail anchor, which will be considered as a future site plan review application.

Mr. Melrose stated plans for The Boulevard were originally approved by the Village of Plainfield in 2007.

The Village Board approved ordinances for execution of an annexation agreement, annexation, re-zoning, and approval of a special use for planned development. The overall project site is bisected by the municipal boundary between the Village of Plainfield and the City of Joliet, with approximately 150 acres in Plainfield’s jurisdiction and 21 acres within the City of Joliet’s corporate limits. Joliet also previously approved plans for the proposed commercial development within its portion of the site.

Mr. Melrose stated due to the economic downturn, the previously approved plans did not move forward.

The site is now proposed for a current development project. The economic and retail landscape has changed dramatically since original approvals. Therefore, the applicant is proposing a new planned development plan. The new planned development guidelines and conceptual site plan are being proposed to reflect the current economic market while still providing a quality development that helps to ensure a cohesive commercial center between the two municipalities. The applicant is processing applications with the City of Joliet for approval of the planned unit development and subdivision plats for the portion within Joliet’s jurisdiction. Mr. Melrose added The City of Joliet’s Plan Commission met on May 30, 2019 to review the subject PUD and plats and recommended approval.

Mr. Melrose stated the staff report indicates the zoning relief that would be provided from the Village

Zoning Code through these design guidelines and again staff is supportive of the proposed relief. Please note that the PUD motion for approval provided is contingent on Planning Director approval. This is to allow staff the ability to work with the City of Joliet’s Planning Department and the applicant on potential minor changes to the PUD as it moves forward to the Plainfield Village Board and City Council approvals.

Mr. Melrose reviewed the staff report dated June 4 , 2019. Mr. Melrose concluded staff believes that the findings of fact have been demonstrated to support a recommendation of approval for the proposed planned development. Likewise, the proposed preliminary/final plat of subdivision complies with the Subdivision Code. The proposed development is consistent with the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and strategic planning goals and staff is recommending approval.

Pro Tem Chairman Renzi stated staff answered all his questions from a previous email sent except the parking requirement. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi read the information provide to him an email, which stated “The report has the following examples also on page 4: For instance, general retail is required in the guidelines at 1 space/250 gross floor area but the Village zoning code requires 1/300 GFA – a theater would be required for 1 space per 4 seats in the guidelines, but the Village code requires 1/5 seats – or an entertainment/recreation facility is required at 1/250 GFA in the guidelines and the village code requires 1/600 GFA. Again, staff is comfortable with the below parking relief given that other uses of the parking table are more stringent than the Village code and the varying peak times of retail uses in the development.”

Pro Tem Chairman Renzi swore in Ross Whitaker, attorney of property owner; Luay Aboone, KLOA; Devin Lavigne, Housal Lavigne Associates; and Bard Moore, Manhard Consulting, Ltd. Mr. Whitaker highlighted the following: unique project because of the scale of the development, large box user driving development, infrastructure to be completed this year, so unit 1 can be turned over to large box user, IGA between City of Joliet and Village of Plainfield will keep the development seamless, Design Guidelines is a fair balance between the City of Joliet and Village of Plainfield Guidelines, and three (3) components to the plan, which include significant open space, commercial and residential. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if the focus this evening is the commercial component of the development and if the Boulevard Road will be constructed from Route 30 to Renwick Road. Mr. Whitaker explained what the commission is being asked to consider is the Special Use for the Planned Unit Development is for the entire site which includes: the commercial design guidelines, the Open Space plan that will be permitted through the Army Core of Engineers, and allow for residential and commercial development of the north parcel. Mr. Whitaker stated the subdivision plat will divide the property into large parcels. Mr. Whitaker stated the site infrastructure is the only aspect of the plan being approved right now. Mr. Whitaker stated all additional vertical construct will require a site plan approval by the Village. Mr. Whitaker indicated that the applicant is seeking approval for the entire Boulevard Road from Route 30 north to Renwick Road. He also stated the road south of the creek will be completed this year and the road north of the creek along with bridge connection will be completed next year. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi wanted to clarify the road construction because of information provided in the staff report and traffic study. Mr. Whitaker stated there has been extensive improvement already made to Route 30 and in the traffic study there are more recommended improvements Mr. Whitaker indicated per the contract with the Big Box Retailer the applicant is obligated to construct the Boulevard Road from Route 30 to Renwick Road and will need to be completed before the Big Box Retailer opens.

Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked for public comment and there was no response. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi closed public comment.

Commissioner Heinen stated this will be great for Plainfield and Joliet. Commissioner Heinen asked if the other phases will be coming before the Plan Commission. Mr. Melrose stated this not a final plan approval for the entire site, but the Guidelines presented tonight will guide the process for future developments. Mr. Melrose indicated that in two weeks the Plan Commission will be reviewing the site plan for the Big Box Retailer which will include Lot 2 Unit 1 and Lot 1 Unit 2. Commissioner Heinen stated he has concerns for Phase Two regarding traffic flow. Mr. Melrose stated Phase Two is in the City of Joliet and will be reviewed by Joliet’s Plan Commission.

Commissioner Heinen stated what is being approved tonight is the Boulevard Road and the access points from the Boulevard Road into the site which is the genesis of the development. Commissioner Heinen asked as the end users come in will there be an opportunity for the commission to review the plans. Mr. Melrose stated in respect to north development it will require a full review including a PUD review. Mr. Melrose added the applicant requesting residential in the north development, so the applicant can market the property as such.

Commissioner Heinen asked for a summary of the traffic study and parking. Mr. Aboone provided a summary of the traffic study which included dates/times the studied was conducted, current traffic conditions, exampled how the future commercial development could affect traffic, what improvements are needed to the intersection at Route 30 & Frontage Road, concerns the City of Joliet has for Frontage Road, Renwick Road will warrant an traffic light (no objection from Will County), working with Will County to finalize improvements to Renwick Road, and Boulevard Road may need a future traffic light.

Commissioner Heinen asked if Route 30 and Renwick Road have adequate capacity to handle the traffic if the bridge is not constructed. Mr. Aboone could not confirm. Commissioner Heinen asked how much of the traffic volume generated will be using Renwick Road. Mr. Aboone stated per the study 10% of commercial and 5% of residential, so a total of 15%. 

Commissioner Heinen asked if Renwick Road will be improved. Mr. Aboone stated Renwick Road will be widened to accommodate turn lanes and there will be a traffic light.

Commissioner Heinen asked at what point will it be mandated that the applicant will need to construct the entire road improvement from north to south of the Boulevard Road. Mr. Proulx stated the applicant is on record stating they are contractually obligated to construct the road. Mr. Proulx indicated that the applicant may already have the permit to construct the bridge and is working with Will County on Renwick Road improvements. Mr. Whitaker stated the intention is to construct the road south of the creek this year and the bridge & north road section next year. Mr. Whitaker confirmed the applicant is contractually obligated to construct the road.

Commissioner Heinen indicated he is in favor of variations in parking and suggested to have the parking revisited if there is a situation like Freedom Commons in Naperville that is a development that is mostly restaurants. Mr. Lavigne indicated a benefit to the proposed development is a large retailer, like Costco, for spill over parking and space for another large retailer at the entrance of the development. Commissioner Heinen asked if anyone knew the parking ratios for Freedom Commons. Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Lavigne could not provide the parking ratios. Commissioner Heine stated he is looking for a balance and just wants to ensure there is the right ratios for parking. Mr. Whitaker stated the parking ratios are listed on Page 13 in the Design Guidelines and the intent is for the parking is to be shared parking through the development. Mr. Whitaker added there was an extensive study of similar developments which assisted them in creating the parking ratio table in the Design Guidelines.

Commissioner Heinen stated his concern is Phase 2 because it is more of a restaurant type component.

Mr. Lavigne indicated a comparable development would be Springbrook Prairie.

Commissioner Heinen asked if someone could explain the stormwater management. Mr. Moore stated there is a 50-acre component which consists of open space, existing wetlands, stormwater management, and nature corridor. Mr. Moore showed the commissioners where the 50 acres is in the development.

Commissioner Heinen asked if it will be online detention. Mr. Moore stated it will be developmental, detention ponds, comp storage, and Mink Creek will be expanded to be 300 feet wide. Commissioner Heinen asked if Mink Creek will provide flood plain compensation. Mr. Moore explained how there will be no increase in water flow once the stormwater leaves the development. Commissioner Heinen asked if the retention ponds will be for bio filtration. Mr. Moore stated the ponds labeled BMP on the plan will be bio filtration. Commissioner Heinen asked if the stormwater management on the Illustrative Site Plan in the packet will be detention or bio filtration. Mr. Moore stated that plan only shows the two BMP ponds and does not show the detention to the northeast of the Big Box Retailer. Commissioner Heinen asked if there will be wetlands affect by this development. Mr. Moore stated there is an existing permit with the Army Core of Engineers, but the location of the Big Box Retailer has changes and the permit will need to be reworded to reflect that.

Commissioner Heinen asked if the Fire Department will be okay with one access point to the development. Mr. Melrose stated there will be two access points. Commissioner Heinen asked if the road will be completely built prior to a retail store opening. Mr. Whitaker confirmed there will be a south and north access point before a retail store opens and illustrated what is being permitted through the Army

Core of Engineers for stormwater detention. Mr. Proulx also added that there will three access points to the development which include; full access point on Route 30, a right in/right out on Route 30, and full access point on Renwick Road.

Commissioner Seggebruch asked if there will be a synchronization of traffic lights on Route 30 from Renwick Road in Plainfield to Essington in Joliet since this a retail corridor. Mr. Aboone stated there is an existing interconnected system from Renwick Rd. in Plainfield to Hennepin Dr. in Joliet. Mr. Aboone indicated that after the development is completed IDOT may reoptimize the system. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if Mr. Aboone can request IDOT consider reoptimizing the system. Mr. Aboone stated IDOT received a copy of the traffic study and a consultant for a developer would not be able to make that request to IDOT. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi suggested the applicant inform the City of Joliet that the light synchronization was discussed at the Plainfield Plan Commission Meeting. Mr. Aboone indicated that there could possibly be an interconnected system south of Hennepin Dr. and a discussion for one unified system on Route 30 with IDOT and the City of Joliet.

Commissioner Seggebruch stated between the civil plans and the site plan there seems to be difference on where the Boulevard Road is located. Commissioner Seggebruch suggested that the access point on for the Boulevard Road on Renwick Road be as far as possible away from the railroad crossing. Mr. Whitaker stated the Boulevard Road is set 200 feet off the west property line. Mr. Whitaker stated the Illustrative Plans do not show all the property so that is why they may not match. Commissioner Seggebruch asked what is the approximate distant to the railroad. Mr. Moore stated it is close to 800 or 900 feet from the center line. Mr. Whitaker stated the per the plat the length of the property on Renwick Road is 994 feet, the road is 200 feet from the west property line, and the cross section of Boulevard Road is 80 feet.

Commissioner Seggebruch commented that the Big Box in Phase 2 which is in Joliet shows the corner of the building crossing the municipal line. Mr. Whitaker state the intention is that the buildings will be in one municipality so there are no tax issues. Mr. Melrose stated the Intergovernmental Agreement with Joliet strongly prohibits building crossing the boundary line and if a building does there will be another Intergovernmental Agreement.

Commissioner Minnis thanked the applicant and their team for the all the information and stated this will be a great opportunity for Plainfield and Joliet. Commissioner Minnis asked if the intergovernmental agreement will address the speed limit for the Boulevard Road. Mr. Melrose stated speed limit is not specifically addressed but it can be worked through. Commissioner Minnis suggested adding some traffic calming measures due to the different access points of the development. Commissioner Minnis added making the Boulevard Road as safe as possible so it will not be used as a cut through.

Commissioner Womack asked if there were any comments or action items from the City of Joliet that had been addressed before tonight’s presentation. Mr. Whitaker stated no changes have been made and the intent is to collect all the feedback from Joliet, Plainfield, and IDOT then address all the comments/concerns. Mr. Whitaker indicated the City of Joliet comments were regarding signage and parking design issues. Commissioner Womack agreed with Commission Minnis regarding the safety of the Boulevard Road and asked if the commission will have the ability request a traffic study or site plan.

Mr. Melrose confirmed and stated the Village wants to the development to be walkable and safe.

Commissioner Womack inquired if Phase 1 is part of the standards being discussed tonight since he read Phase 1 was not bound by the conditions set forth this evening. Mr. Melrose stated Phase 1 site plan review is tentatively scheduled to be presented to the Plan Commission in 2 weeks. Commissioner

Womack asked if Phase 1 will be developed in harmony with what is being present this evening. Mr. Whitaker indicated yes that is the intent and Phase 1 is not subject to the Commercial Design Guidelines.

Commissioner Womack asked what will be the 4,000 sqft building in Phase 1. Mr. Whitaker stated a gas station. Commissioner Womack asked if gas stations have been precluded from the rest of the development. Mr. Melrose stated it has been prohibited. Mr. Whitaker stated there is set of restrictions with the Big Box Retailer. Pro Tem Chair Renzi asked where it states the exemption for Phase 1 in the Planned Development Design Guidelines. Mr. Melrose stated it is on page 1 under Applicability. Commissioner Womack asked what the concept or idea for the entry sign at Route 30 is. Mr. Melrose stated the Village encourages signage at the Boulevard entrance on Route 30 but that sign will be in Joliet’s jurisdiction. Mr. Whitaker stated there will be sign at the entrance at Route 30 but there will be a sign for each phase. Commissioner Womack stated it would be a nice touch to have a Boulevard sign along Route 30 to prompt a harmonious development.

Commissioner Womack asked if the open space amenities will be planned or be up to be end users to plan, such as outdoor seating. Mr. Whitaker stated the 50-acre open space will be the center point for that but encourage outdoor dining, benches, and uniform street lights. Mr. Whitaker stated the applicant will be managing the sites and reviewing sites plans before they are presented to the Village of Plainfield, so they can preserve the value of the development.

Commissioner Womack asked where the hotel maybe located in the development. Mr. Whitaker stated the north end of the commercial development. Commissioner Womack stated overall this a great development and looks forward to seeing what comes.

Commissioner Ruane thanked the applicant, applicant’s team, City of Joliet and staff for all their hard work. Commissioner Ruane stated he is concerned with the choke point in Phase 3 from the right in/right out off Route 30. Commissioner Ruane agreed that this needs to be a walkable development especially if there is future residential in the development. Commissioner Ruane asked if the center intersection of the development will have a traffic light. Mr. Melrose stated it will be a four-way stop. Commissioner Ruane suggested there be a bike/pedestrian signal at the intersection for safe crossing. Commissioner Ruane asked if the anchor tenant’s parking standards were used in their report. Mr. Whitaker confirmed. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if all the tenants will be allowed large wall signs like Ross. Mr. Melrose stated code allows for 1 lineal foot per square foot of signage and the applicant is requesting a maximum area of one and one-half (1.5) square feet for each linear foot of each façade. Commissioner Heinen asked staff what Ross’s ratio is. Mr. Melrose stated he is not sure the ratio, but Ross has a variance. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked what Joliet ratio is. Mr. Whitaker stated he believes it is 2. Mr. Melrose stated there is more stringent requirements for signs in the Boulevard devleopment. Commissioner Seggebruch asked if the old truck stop sign seen on I-55 will be refurbished. Mr. Melrose confirmed.

Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked what if IDOT says no to all improvements for Route 30 in the traffic study. Mr. Whitaker stated they have a meeting with IDOT next week and their goal is to get the traffic study approved by IDOT. Mr. Proulx stated it gives some comfort that when the Boulevard was originally approved in 2007 there were extensive improvements needed to Route 30 and the I-55 ramps, since then IDOT has made significant improvements to the roadway with this project in mind. Mr. Proulx indicated that staff is comfortable IDOT is on board with the general scope of traffic that will be generated, since the proposed development is 120,000 sqft less then what was approved in 2007. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if the commercial on Renwick Road will be built once the Boulevard road is constructed. Mr. Whitaker stated a marketing firm has been hired and is currently marketing the entire development. Mr. Whitaker stated in his opinion the commercial along Renwick Road will probably we the last to go. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if the commercial area along Renwick Road will be subject to the Commercial Guidelines and the contract for Phase 1. Mr. Whitaker stated currently commercial parcels on Renwick Road are subject to the Village’s B-3 requirements but can be added to the PUD ordinance. Mr. Whitaker stated that depending on the use they may need to get approval from the anchor tenant.

Commissioner Ruane asked if the only road that will be serviced by the Village is the Boulevard Road.

Mr. Melrose confirmed. Commissioner Ruane asked if the other roads will be maintained by an association. Mr. Whitaker confirmed. Commissioner Ruane asked if any of the lots will be privately owned. Mr. Whitaker stated the anchor tenant will own their lot and the other lots could be a combination of both. Commissioner Ruane stated his concern is the common drive aisle. Mr. Whitaker indicated the intent is all the common drive aisles in each pod would be commonly maintained. Mr. Whitaker stated there will be a commercial association that will be responsible for the parking lots and drive aisles. Commissioner Ruane asked if all this will be documented so the Village knows who will maintain what. Mr. Melrose stated the approvals will be subject to the association. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked how the Village would handle code enforcement violations. Mr. Proulx stated code enforcement will have the ability to contact the owners of code violations. Mr. Proulx stated staff will ask for association documents as part of the final plat process. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if the association bylaws will be presented to the commission. Mr. Proulx stated it can if requested. Mr. Whitaker stated the applicant has an obligation to have the covenants set before the applicant closes on the first property. Mr. Whitaker stated the covenants will be done as part of the initial process, but they will not have the opportunity to present them to the commission before the final plat presented tonight is approved. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if the covenants will be completed before they go to Village Board. Mr. Whitaker stated no because there is not enough detail at this point to be able to present the covenants. Mr. Whitaker stated there will be covenants that govern commercial phases 1-4, open space & north development, and Phase 2. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if the covenants can be part of the IGA or PUD. Mr. Whitaker indicated the applicant is looking to have the plans before the commission tonight approved by the Village Board in the next 30-60 days and he has been working with the Village Attorney to ensure the covenants will be reviewed by the Village before an occupancy permit is issued. Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked if staff is comfortable with what was discussed. Mr. Proulx confirmed.

Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked Mr. Whitaker if there is anything he would like to add. Mr. Whitaker said no and thanked everyone for their time.

Commissioner Heinen made a motion to adopt the findings of fact of staff as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission and, furthermore, recommend approval of the special use for planned development for the Boulevard property located at the northwest corner of Interstate 55 & U.S. Route 30, subject to the following three (3) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Planning Director; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

3. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Seconded by Commissioner Minnis. Vote by roll call: Womack, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Ruane, yes; Minnis, yes; Heinen, yes; Renzi, yes. Motion carried 6-0.

Commissioner Minnis made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of The Boulevard Subdivision, subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Seconded by Commissioner Heinen. Vote by roll call: Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Womack, yes; Heinen, yes; Minnis, yes; Renzi, yes. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioner Seggebruch made a motion to recommend approval of final plat of subdivision of The Boulevard Subdivision, subject to the following two (2) stipulations:

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Village Engineer; and

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Plainfield Fire Protection District.

Seconded by Commissioner Ruane. Vote by roll call: Heinen, yes; Minnis, yes; Womack, yes; Ruane, yes; Seggebruch, yes; Renzi, yes. Motion carried 6-0.


Pro Tem Chairman Renzi information staff the train blocked another intersection and asked staff to reach out the railroad to ask him to not block the intersections for an extended period.

Pro Tem Chairman Renzi asked staff if they should revisit regulations on medical marijuana since recreational marijuana was approved and sports betting.
